2024-12-20 17:29:53 +00:00
using Godot;
using System;
namespace Amy.Game;
#nullable enable
public partial class CharacterResource : Resource
2024-12-24 21:51:46 +00:00
public const double GameHoursPerIrlMinute = 1d / 60d;
2024-12-23 09:14:57 +00:00
[Export] public string Guid = string.Empty;
[Export] public long TimeStamp;
[Export] public bool TimeStampEverRecorded;
2024-12-27 03:42:58 +00:00
[Export] public bool Girl;
[Export] public string CurrentName = string.Empty;
[Export] public string OriginalName = string.Empty;
[Export] public int Age;
[Export] public int GradeLevel;
2024-12-30 04:05:45 +00:00
[Export] public double Height; // in meters
2024-12-23 09:14:57 +00:00
#region Appearance
2024-12-20 17:29:53 +00:00
[Export] public Godot.Collections.Dictionary Morphs = new();
[Export] public Color FairSkinColor = new Color(0xb7/255f, 0x98/255f, 0x78/255f); // new Color(0xde/255f, 0xb8/255f, 0xa3/255f);
[Export] public Color SkinColor = new Color(0xb7/255f, 0x98/255f, 0x78/255f); // new Color(0xde/255f, 0xb8/255f, 0xa3/255f);
[Export] public float TanLines = .5f;
[Export] public HairEnum Hair;
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
[Export] public ShizukaHairCapEnum ShizukaHairCap;
[Export] public ShizukaHairEnum ShizukaHairLeft;
[Export] public ShizukaHairEnum ShizukaHairRight;
[Export] public ShizukaHairEnum ShizukaHairFringe;
[Export] public ShizukaHairEnum ShizukaHairWisps;
[Export] public ShizukaHairBraid? ShizukaHairBraidLeft;
[Export] public ShizukaHairBraid? ShizukaHairBraidRight;
2024-12-30 06:38:27 +00:00
[Export] public int SUCuteDoublePonytailCapColor;
[Export] public int SUCuteDoublePonytailInnerColor;
[Export] public int SUCuteDoublePonytailOuterColor;
[Export] public Color SUCuteDoublePonytailTieColor = new Color(0xbf/255f, 0x1f/255f, 0x1f/255f);
2024-12-30 11:15:16 +00:00
[Export] public int SULongStraightHairCapColor;
[Export] public int SULongStraightHairInnerColor;
[Export] public int SULongStraightHairOuterColor;
[Export] public int SUMediumLengthHairCapColor;
[Export] public int SUMediumLengthHairInnerColor;
[Export] public int SUMediumLengthHairOuterColor;
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[Export] public Color EyesColorBase = new Color(0x1d/255f, 0x4a/255f, 0xca/255f); // alpha doesn't matter
[Export] public Color EyesColorMix = new Color(0x1e/255f, 0x79/255f, 0xd4/255f); // alpha matters
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[Export] public HoseEnum Hose;
[Export] public PantiesEnum Panties;
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
[Export] public WardrobeLeggingsHoseSegment? WardrobePantiesSegment;
[Export] public WardrobePantiesEnum WardrobePanties;
[Export] public Color WardrobePantiesWaistbandColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobePantiesMainColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobePantiesCuffsColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobePantiesSleevesColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public SocksEnum Socks;
[Export] public WardrobeLeggingsHoseSegment? WardrobeSocksSegment;
[Export] public WardrobeSocksEnum WardrobeSocks;
[Export] public bool WardrobeSocksDontCoverFeet; // leggings; turn off 16(main), 15(heel), 17(toe)
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksHeelColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksToeColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksNoShowColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksAnkleColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksQuarterColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksCrewLowColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksCrewHighColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksTrouserLowColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksTrouserHighColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksTrouserCapColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksKneeHighColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksKneeCapColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksOverTheKneeColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksThighHighLowColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksThighHighMiddleColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksThighHighHighColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
[Export] public Color WardrobeSocksStockingsColor = AmyCore.Colors.White;
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[Export] public UndershirtEnum Undershirt;
[Export] public ShirtEnum Shirt;
[Export] public SkirtEnum Skirt;
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#endregion Appearance
#region Stats
2024-12-30 04:05:45 +00:00
[Export] public double LastSavedFood;
[Export] public double LastSavedWater;
[Export] public double LastSavedRest;
[Export] public double LastSavedHygine;
[Export] public double LastSavedSocial;
[Export] public double LastSavedEnrichment;
[Export] public double LastSavedSelfEsteem;
[Export] public double SecondsPerFood;
[Export] public double SecondsPerWater;
[Export] public double SecondsPerRest;
[Export] public double SecondsPerHygine;
[Export] public double SecondsPerSocial;
[Export] public double SecondsPerEnrichment;
[Export] public double SecondsPerSelfEsteem;
2024-12-23 09:14:57 +00:00
public double FoodAt(DateTime timeStamp)
=> StatAt(LastSavedFood, SecondsPerFood, timeStamp);
public double WaterAt(DateTime timeStamp)
=> StatAt(LastSavedWater, SecondsPerWater, timeStamp);
public double RestAt(DateTime timeStamp)
=> StatAt(LastSavedRest, SecondsPerRest, timeStamp);
public double HygineAt(DateTime timeStamp)
=> StatAt(LastSavedHygine, SecondsPerHygine, timeStamp);
public double SocialAt(DateTime timeStamp)
=> StatAt(LastSavedSocial, SecondsPerSocial, timeStamp);
public double EnrichmentAt(DateTime timeStamp)
=> StatAt(LastSavedEnrichment, SecondsPerEnrichment, timeStamp);
public double SelfEsteemAt(DateTime timeStamp)
=> StatAt(LastSavedSelfEsteem, SecondsPerSelfEsteem, timeStamp);
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public double StressClampedAt(DateTime timeStamp)
var hunger = Math.Clamp(1d - FoodAt(timeStamp), 0d, 1d);
var thirst = Math.Clamp(1d - WaterAt(timeStamp), 0d, 1d);
var fatigue = Math.Clamp(1d - RestAt(timeStamp), 0d, 1d);
var filth = Math.Clamp(1d - HygineAt(timeStamp), 0d, 1d);
var lonliness = Math.Clamp(1d - HygineAt(timeStamp), 0d, 1d);
var boredom = Math.Clamp(1d - EnrichmentAt(timeStamp), 0d, 1d);
var depression = Math.Clamp(1d - SelfEsteemAt(timeStamp), 0d, 1d);
return (hunger + thirst + fatigue + filth + lonliness + boredom + depression) / 7d;
public double StressUnclampedAt(DateTime timeStamp)
var hunger = Math.Max(0d, 1d - FoodAt(timeStamp));
var thirst = Math.Max(0d, 1d - WaterAt(timeStamp));
var fatigue = Math.Max(0d, 1d - RestAt(timeStamp));
var filth = Math.Max(0d, 1d - HygineAt(timeStamp));
var lonliness = Math.Max(0d, 1d - HygineAt(timeStamp));
var boredom = Math.Max(0d, 1d - EnrichmentAt(timeStamp));
var depression = Math.Max(0d, 1d - SelfEsteemAt(timeStamp));
return (hunger + thirst + fatigue + filth + lonliness + boredom + depression) / 7d;
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private double StatAt(double lastSaved, double secondsPerStat, DateTime timeStamp)
if (TimeStampEverRecorded) {
var ts = DateTime.FromBinary(TimeStamp);
var elapsed = timeStamp - ts;
var seconds = elapsed.TotalSeconds;
return lastSaved - seconds * 60d * GameHoursPerIrlMinute / secondsPerStat;
return lastSaved;
#endregion Stats
2024-12-26 11:30:39 +00:00
#region Spelling
[Export] public int TimesPracticedSpelling;
[Export] public Godot.Collections.Dictionary WordConfidence = new();
public void SpellConfidence(string word, double modification, bool save)
var confidenceDouble = 0d;
if (WordConfidence.TryGetValue(word, out var confidenceVariant)) {
if (confidenceVariant.VariantType == Variant.Type.Float) {
confidenceDouble = confidenceVariant.AsDouble();
WordConfidence[word] = Math.Max(0d, confidenceDouble + modification);
if (save) {
Save(new StatModification { });
public bool SpellCorrectlyAt(string word, DateTime timeStamp, double stressFactor, bool save)
var confidenceDouble = 0d;
if (WordConfidence.TryGetValue(word, out var confidenceVariant)) {
if (confidenceVariant.VariantType == Variant.Type.Float) {
confidenceDouble = confidenceVariant.AsDouble();
var stress8 = Math.Max(1d, StressClampedAt(timeStamp) * 8d * stressFactor);
WordConfidence[word] = confidenceDouble + 1d / stress8;
var practice = TimesPracticedSpelling;
// daily streak
// daily anti-streak
var error = 256d * stress8 / (practice + confidenceDouble * 8d + 1d);
var correct = (error * AmyCore.FastRandom.NextDouble()) < 1d;
if (save) {
Save(new StatModification { });
return correct;
#endregion Spelling
2024-12-24 14:11:14 +00:00
public void Save(StatModification statmod)
2024-12-23 09:14:57 +00:00
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
var ts = now;
if (TimeStampEverRecorded) {
ts = DateTime.FromBinary(TimeStamp);
var guid = Guid;
if (guid.Length < 1) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("No guid.");
var path9 = $"user://save_data/characters/{guid}.bak9";
if (FileAccess.FileExists(path9)) {
var err = DirAccess.RemoveAbsolute(path9);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
throw new Exception(err.ToString());
for (var index = 8; index >= 1; index--) {
var pathn = $"user://save_data/characters/{guid}.bak{index}";
var pathn1 = $"user://save_data/characters/{guid}.bak{index + 1}";
if (FileAccess.FileExists(pathn)) {
var err = DirAccess.RenameAbsolute(pathn, pathn1);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
throw new Exception(err.ToString());
var path0 = $"user://save_data/characters/{guid}.tres";
var path1 = $"user://save_data/characters/{guid}.bak1";
if (FileAccess.FileExists(path0)) {
var err = DirAccess.RenameAbsolute(path0, path1);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
throw new Exception(err.ToString());
2024-12-24 14:11:14 +00:00
LastSavedFood = Math.Clamp(Math.Clamp(FoodAt(now), 0f, 1f) + statmod.Food, 0f, 1f);
LastSavedWater = Math.Clamp(Math.Clamp(WaterAt(now), 0f, 1f) + statmod.Water, 0f, 1f);
LastSavedRest = Math.Clamp(Math.Clamp(RestAt(now), 0f, 1f) + statmod.Rest, 0f, 1f);
LastSavedHygine = Math.Clamp(Math.Clamp(HygineAt(now), 0f, 1f) + statmod.Hygine, 0f, 1f);
LastSavedSocial = Math.Clamp(Math.Clamp(SocialAt(now), 0f, 1f) + statmod.Social, 0f, 1f);
LastSavedEnrichment = Math.Clamp(Math.Clamp(EnrichmentAt(now), 0f, 1f) + statmod.Enrichment, 0f, 1f);
LastSavedSelfEsteem = Math.Clamp(Math.Clamp(SelfEsteemAt(now), 0f, 1f) + statmod.SelfEsteem, 0f, 1f);
2024-12-23 09:14:57 +00:00
TimeStamp = now.ToBinary();
TimeStampEverRecorded = true;
var err1 = ResourceSaver.Save(this, path0);
if (err1 != Error.Ok) {
throw new Exception(err1.ToString()); // TODO: let's probably don't crash.
2024-12-20 17:29:53 +00:00
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
public Color SegmentColor(int segment)
switch (segment) {
case 0:
return WardrobeSocksAnkleColor;
case 1:
return WardrobeSocksQuarterColor;
case 2:
return WardrobeSocksCrewLowColor;
case 3:
return WardrobeSocksCrewHighColor;
case 4:
return WardrobeSocksTrouserLowColor;
case 5:
return WardrobeSocksTrouserHighColor;
case 6:
return WardrobeSocksKneeHighColor;
case 7:
return WardrobeSocksOverTheKneeColor;
case 8:
return WardrobeSocksKneeCapColor;
case 9:
return WardrobeSocksThighHighLowColor;
case 10:
return WardrobeSocksThighHighHighColor;
case 11:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.Stockings
? WardrobeSocksStockingsColor : WardrobePantiesSleevesColor;
case 12:
return WardrobePantiesWaistbandColor;
case 13:
return WardrobePantiesCuffsColor;
case 14:
return WardrobePantiesMainColor;
case 15:
return WardrobeSocksHeelColor;
case 16:
return WardrobeSocksNoShowColor;
case 17:
return WardrobeSocksToeColor;
case 18:
return WardrobeSocksTrouserCapColor;
case 19:
return WardrobeSocksThighHighMiddleColor;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Segment index out of bounds.");
2024-12-20 17:29:53 +00:00
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
public bool SegmentIsSocks(int segment)
switch (segment) {
case 0:
return true;
case 1:
return true;
case 2:
return true;
case 3:
return true;
case 4:
return true;
case 5:
return true;
case 6:
return true;
case 7:
return true;
case 8:
return true;
case 9:
return true;
case 10:
return true;
case 11:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.Stockings;
case 12:
return false;
case 13:
return false;
case 14:
return false;
case 15:
return true;
case 16:
return true;
case 17:
return true;
case 18:
return true;
case 19:
return true;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Segment index out of bounds.");
2024-12-20 17:29:53 +00:00
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
public bool SegmentOn(int segment)
switch (segment) {
case 0:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.Ankle;
case 1:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.Quarter;
case 2:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.CrewLow;
case 3:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.CrewHigh;
case 4:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.TrouserLow;
case 5:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.TrouserHigh;
case 6:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.KneeHigh;
case 7:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.OverTheKnee;
case 8:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.KneeHigh;
case 9:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.ThighHighLow;
case 10:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.ThighHighHigh;
2024-12-30 04:05:45 +00:00
case 11: // sleeves
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
return WardrobePanties == WardrobePantiesEnum.BoyshortsLowRise
|| WardrobePanties == WardrobePantiesEnum.Boyshorts
|| WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.Stockings;
2024-12-30 04:05:45 +00:00
case 12: // waistband
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
return WardrobePanties == WardrobePantiesEnum.Hipster
|| WardrobePanties == WardrobePantiesEnum.Briefs
|| WardrobePanties == WardrobePantiesEnum.Boyshorts;
2024-12-30 04:05:45 +00:00
case 13: // cuffs
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
return WardrobePanties == WardrobePantiesEnum.Brazilian
|| WardrobePanties == WardrobePantiesEnum.Briefs
2024-12-30 04:05:45 +00:00
|| WardrobePanties == WardrobePantiesEnum.BoyshortsLowRise
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
|| WardrobePanties == WardrobePantiesEnum.Boyshorts;
2024-12-30 04:05:45 +00:00
case 14: // main
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
return WardrobePanties > WardrobePantiesEnum.None;
case 15:
return !WardrobeSocksDontCoverFeet;
case 16:
return !WardrobeSocksDontCoverFeet;
case 17:
return !WardrobeSocksDontCoverFeet;
case 18:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.TrouserHigh;
case 19:
return WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.ThighHighMiddle;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Segment index out of bounds.");
2024-12-20 17:29:53 +00:00
public bool Validate(out string message)
if (Hose.ToString().StartsWith('_') || (int) Hose < 0) {
message = $"{Hose} is not a valid hose.";
return false;
if (Socks.ToString().StartsWith('_') || (int) Socks < 0) {
message = $"{Socks} is not a valid socks.";
return false;
if (Panties.ToString().StartsWith('_') || (int) Panties < 0) {
message = $"{Panties} is not a valid panties.";
return false;
if (Undershirt.ToString().StartsWith('_') || (int) Undershirt < 0) {
message = $"{Undershirt} is not a valid undershirt.";
return false;
if (Shirt.ToString().StartsWith('_') || (int) Shirt < 0) {
message = $"{Shirt} is not a valid shirt.";
return false;
if (Skirt.ToString().StartsWith('_') || (int) Skirt < 0) {
message = $"{Skirt} is not a valid skirt.";
return false;
if (Hose == HoseEnum.WardrobeHose) {
if (Socks == SocksEnum.WardrobeSocks) {
message = $"{Hose} is incompatible with {Socks}.";
return false;
if (Panties == PantiesEnum.WardrobePanties) {
message = $"{Hose} is incompatible with {Panties}.";
return false;
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
if (Socks == SocksEnum.WardrobeSocks
&& Panties == PantiesEnum.WardrobePanties
&& WardrobeSocks >= WardrobeSocksEnum.Stockings
&& (WardrobePanties == WardrobePantiesEnum.BoyshortsLowRise
|| WardrobePanties == WardrobePantiesEnum.Boyshorts)) {
message = $"{WardrobeSocks} is incompatible with {WardrobePanties}.";
return false;
2024-12-20 17:29:53 +00:00
if (Undershirt == UndershirtEnum.WardrobeStrapVest
&& Shirt == ShirtEnum.WardrobeStrapVest) {
message = $"{Undershirt} (undershirt) is incompatible with {Shirt} (shirt).";
return false;
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
#if false
2024-12-20 17:29:53 +00:00
if (WardrobeLeggingsHose.Count != 0 && WardrobeLeggingsHose.Count != 20) {
message = $"Invalid WardrobeLeggingsHose array.";
return false;
if (WardrobeLeggingsHose.Count > 0) {
for (var index = 0; index < WardrobeLeggingsHose.Count; index++) {
var segment = WardrobeLeggingsHose[index].Obj;
if (segment is not WardrobeLeggingsHoseSegment seg) {
message = $"Invalid WardrobeLeggingsHose array (index {index}).";
return false;
} else if (!seg.Validate(out var msg)) {
message = $"Invalid WardrobeLeggingsHose array (index {index}): {msg}";
return false;
2024-12-23 01:50:59 +00:00
2024-12-20 17:29:53 +00:00
message = "Valid.";
return true;