diff --git a/Pedo Sim 2024.csproj b/Pedo Sim 2024.csproj
index e5aa257..3f30b79 100644
--- a/Pedo Sim 2024.csproj
+++ b/Pedo Sim 2024.csproj
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
- net6.0
- net7.0
- net8.0
+ net9.0
+ net9.0
+ net9.0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/project.godot b/project.godot
index 1fcef94..2f5b90a 100644
--- a/project.godot
+++ b/project.godot
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ run/main_scene="res://scenes/main.tscn"
config/features=PackedStringArray("4.3", "C#", "Forward Plus")
project/assembly_name="Pedo Sim 2024"
diff --git a/scenes/Main.cs b/scenes/Main.cs
index 9d4c5e5..f4e6b5f 100644
--- a/scenes/Main.cs
+++ b/scenes/Main.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
using Godot;
using System;
-namespace Amy.Pedo;
+namespace Amy.Game;
#nullable enable
public partial class Main : Node
@@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ public partial class Main : Node
public override void _Ready()
+ this.Toast("main/_ready");
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyAudio.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyAudio.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d35bedf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyAudio.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public partial class AmyAudio : Resource
+ [Export]
+ public string Artist = "";
+ [Export]
+ public string ArtistUrl = "";
+ [Export]
+ public string Track = "";
+ [Export]
+ public string TrackUrl = "";
+ [Export]
+ public string FetchUrl = "";
+ [Export]
+ public AudioStream? Stream;
+ [Export]
+ public Vector2 PitchRange = Vector2.One;
+ public void Toast(Node self, double? duration = null)
+ {
+ StringBuilder msb = new();
+ StringBuilder rsb = new();
+ msb.Append("Now Playing: ");
+ rsb.Append("Now Playing: ");
+ msb.Append(Artist);
+ rsb.Append(Artist);
+ msb.Append(" - ");
+ rsb.Append("[color=#7f7f7f7f] - [/color]");
+ msb.Append(Track);
+ rsb.Append(Track);
+ _ = AmyCore.Toast(self, msb.ToString(), rsb.ToString(),
+ duration: duration, icon: "res://scripts/amy/assets/music_32x32.png");
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyAudioSet.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyAudioSet.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d36e1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyAudioSet.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+using Godot;
+using System;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public partial class AmyAudioSet : Resource
+ [Export]
+ public Godot.Collections.Array Audios = new();
+ [Export]
+ public string PlaylistUrl = "";
+ [Export]
+ public Vector2 PitchRange = Vector2.One;
+ [Export]
+ public Vector2 VolumeDBRange = Vector2.One;
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyAutoPlayAnimation.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyAutoPlayAnimation.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b7150f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyAutoPlayAnimation.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+using Amy;
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace Amy;
+public partial class AmyAutoPlayAnimation : AnimationPlayer
+ #nullable enable annotations
+ #nullable enable warnings
+ [Export]
+ public string Animation { get; private set; } = "";
+ [Export]
+ public bool FreeWhenFinished { get; private set; }
+ [Export]
+ public NodePath FreeTarget { get; private set; } = "";
+ [Export]
+ public ulong BonusLifetimeMsec = 10000uL;
+ public override void _Process(double delta)
+ {
+ if (Expiration > 0uL && Time.GetTicksMsec() >= Expiration) {
+ GetNode(FreeTarget)?.QueueFree();
+ }
+ }
+ public override void _Ready()
+ {
+ SetProcess(false);
+ if (FreeWhenFinished) {
+ AnimationFinished += OnFinished;
+ }
+ Play(Animation);
+ }
+ private ulong Expiration;
+ private void OnFinished(StringName animName)
+ {
+ Expiration = Time.GetTicksMsec() + BonusLifetimeMsec;
+ SetProcess(true);
+ }
+ #nullable restore warnings
+ #nullable restore annotations
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyBalloon.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyBalloon.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c77d7aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyBalloon.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#if false // Enable when using the dialogue addon
+using DialogueManagerRuntime;
+using Godot;
+using System;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public partial class AmyBalloon : CanvasLayer
+#if false // Enable when using the dialogue addon
+ public static bool Active => ActiveCount > 0;
+ public static bool HideUnrecognizedNames = true;
+ [Export] public string InteractAction = "interact";
+ [Export] public string NextAction = "ui_accept";
+ [Export] public string SkipAction = "ui_cancel";
+ public async void Next(string nextID)
+ {
+ DialogueLine = await DialogueManager.GetNextDialogueLine(Resource,
+ nextID, TemporaryGameStates);
+ }
+ public void RegisterDialogueEndedCallback(Node self, StringName callback)
+ {
+ Callback = new Callable(self, callback);
+ }
+ public async void Start(Resource dialogueResource, string title,
+ Godot.Collections.Array? extraGameStates = null)
+ {
+ TemporaryGameStates = extraGameStates
+ ?? new Godot.Collections.Array();
+ IsWaitingForInput = false;
+ Resource = dialogueResource;
+ DialogueLine = await DialogueManager.GetNextDialogueLine(Resource,
+ title, TemporaryGameStates);
+ }
+ public override void _ExitTree()
+ {
+ DialogueManager.Mutated -= OnMutated;
+ ActiveCount = Math.Max(0, ActiveCount - 1);
+ }
+ public override async void _Notification(int what)
+ {
+ // Detect a change of locale and update the current dialogue line to show the new language
+ if (what == NotificationTranslationChanged) {
+ if (DialogueLine is DialogueLine dlgLine) {
+ float visibleRatio = DialogueLabel?.VisibleRatio ?? 0f;
+ DialogueLine = await DialogueManager.GetNextDialogueLine(
+ Resource, dlgLine.Id, TemporaryGameStates);
+ if (visibleRatio < 1f) {
+ DialogueLabel?.Call("skip_typing");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override void _Ready()
+ {
+ ActiveCount++;
+ Balloon = GetNode("%Balloon");
+ CharacterLabel = GetNode("%CharacterLabel");
+ DialogueLabel = GetNode("%DialogueLabel");
+ ResponsesMenu = GetNode("%ResponsesMenu");
+ if (Balloon is not Control balloon) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException();
+ }
+ balloon.Hide();
+ balloon.GuiInput += (@event) => {
+ if ((bool) DialogueLabel.Get("is_typing")) {
+ bool mouseWasClicked = @event is InputEventMouseButton inputEventMouseButton1
+ && inputEventMouseButton1.ButtonIndex == MouseButton.Left
+ && @event.IsPressed();
+ bool skipButtonWasPressed = @event.IsActionPressed(SkipAction);
+ if (mouseWasClicked || skipButtonWasPressed) {
+ GetViewport().SetInputAsHandled();
+ DialogueLabel.Call("skip_typing");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!IsWaitingForInput) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Internal_DialogueLine.Responses.Count > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ GetViewport().SetInputAsHandled();
+ if (@event is InputEventMouseButton inputEventMouseButton2
+ && @event.IsPressed()
+ && inputEventMouseButton2.ButtonIndex == MouseButton.Left) {
+ Next(Internal_DialogueLine.NextId);
+ } else if ((@event.IsActionPressed(NextAction)
+ || @event.IsActionPressed(InteractAction))
+ && GetViewport().GuiGetFocusOwner() == Balloon) {
+ Next(Internal_DialogueLine.NextId);
+ }
+ };
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)ResponsesMenu.Get("next_action"))) {
+ ResponsesMenu.Set("next_action", NextAction);
+ }
+ ResponsesMenu.Connect("response_selected", Callable.From((DialogueResponse response) => {
+ Next(response.NextId);
+ }));
+ DialogueManager.Mutated += OnMutated;
+ }
+ public override void _UnhandledInput(InputEvent @event)
+ {
+ // Only the Balloon is allowed to handle input while it's showing
+ GetViewport().SetInputAsHandled();
+ }
+ private static int ActiveCount = 0;
+ private Control? Balloon;
+ Callable? Callback;
+ private RichTextLabel? CharacterLabel;
+ private RichTextLabel? DialogueLabel;
+ private VBoxContainer? ResponsesMenu;
+ private Resource? Resource;
+ private Godot.Collections.Array TemporaryGameStates = new Godot.Collections.Array();
+ private bool IsWaitingForInput = false;
+ private bool WillHideBalloon = false;
+ private DialogueLine? DialogueLine
+ {
+ get => Internal_DialogueLine;
+ set {
+ IsWaitingForInput = false;
+ if (Balloon is Control balloon) {
+ balloon.FocusMode = Control.FocusModeEnum.All;
+ balloon.GrabFocus();
+ }
+ if (value is null) {
+ QueueFree();
+ Callback?.CallDeferred();
+ return;
+ }
+ Internal_DialogueLine = value;
+ UpdateDialogue();
+ }
+ }
+ private DialogueLine? Internal_DialogueLine;
+ private void OnMutated(Godot.Collections.Dictionary _mutation)
+ {
+ IsWaitingForInput = false;
+ WillHideBalloon = true;
+ GetTree().CreateTimer(.1f).Timeout += () => {
+ if (WillHideBalloon) {
+ WillHideBalloon = false;
+ Balloon.Hide();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ private async void UpdateDialogue()
+ {
+ if (!IsNodeReady()) {
+ await ToSignal(this, SignalName.Ready);
+ }
+ // Set up the character name
+ CharacterLabel.Visible = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Internal_DialogueLine.Character);
+ var characterName = "???";
+ var nameKnown = !HideUnrecognizedNames;
+ if (!nameKnown) {
+ var slot = AmyCore.Config.Get("Common", "CurrentSaveSlot", 0);
+ if (slot < 1) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Set Config/Common/CurrentSaveSlot");
+ }
+ var save = AmyCore.Save(slot);
+ var key = "NameKnown_" + AmyCore.XxHash128OfAsString(Internal_DialogueLine.Character);
+ nameKnown = save.Get("Dialogue", key, false);
+ }
+ if (nameKnown) {
+ characterName = Tr(Internal_DialogueLine.Character, "dialogue");
+ }
+ CharacterLabel.Text = characterName;
+ // Set up the dialogue
+ DialogueLabel.Hide();
+ DialogueLabel.Set("dialogue_line", Internal_DialogueLine);
+ // Set up the responses
+ ResponsesMenu.Hide();
+ var responses = new Godot.Collections.Array();
+ foreach (var response in Internal_DialogueLine.Responses) {
+ DialogueResponse resp = new(response);
+ resp.Text = $"[center]{resp.Text}";
+ responses.Add(resp);
+ }
+ ResponsesMenu.Set("responses", responses);
+ // Type out the text
+ Balloon.Show();
+ WillHideBalloon = false;
+ DialogueLabel.Show();
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Internal_DialogueLine.Text)) {
+ DialogueLabel.Call("type_out");
+ await ToSignal(DialogueLabel, "finished_typing");
+ }
+ // Wait for input
+ if (Internal_DialogueLine.Responses.Count > 0) {
+ Balloon.FocusMode = Control.FocusModeEnum.None;
+ ResponsesMenu.Show();
+ } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Internal_DialogueLine.Time)) {
+ float time = 0f;
+ if (!float.TryParse(Internal_DialogueLine.Time, out time)) {
+ time = Internal_DialogueLine.Text.Length * .02f;
+ }
+ await ToSignal(GetTree().CreateTimer(time), "timeout");
+ Next(Internal_DialogueLine.NextId);
+ } else {
+ IsWaitingForInput = true;
+ Balloon.FocusMode = Control.FocusModeEnum.All;
+ Balloon.GrabFocus();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyControlMap.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyControlMap.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fff625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyControlMap.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public partial class AmyControlMap : Control
+ public const string SaveDir = "user://save_data";
+ public const string SavePath = "user://save_data/controls.tres";
+ public static bool Listening => ListeningTo is not null;
+ public static readonly HashSet Map = new();
+ public static void Demap(StringName actionName, bool alt, Node? self = null)
+ {
+ DemapImpl(actionName, alt);
+ RefreshAll(true, self);
+ }
+ public static void LoadControls(Node? self = null)
+ {
+ if (!ResourceLoader.Exists(SavePath)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ResourceLoader.Load(SavePath) is not AmyControlMapResource data) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!IsInstanceValid(data)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (var action in data.Controls.Keys) {
+ var name = action.As();
+ DemapImpl(name, false);
+ DemapImpl(name, true);
+ var alt = false;
+ foreach (var @event in data.Controls[name].As()) {
+ RemapImpl(name, alt, @event.As());
+ alt = true;
+ }
+ }
+ RefreshAll(false, self);
+ }
+ public static void RefreshAll(bool save, Node? self = null)
+ {
+ foreach (var map in Map) {
+ map.Refresh();
+ }
+ StopListening();
+ if (save) {
+ SaveControls(self);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void Remap(StringName actionName, bool alt, InputEvent @event, Node? self = null)
+ {
+ RemapImpl(actionName, alt, @event);
+ RefreshAll(true, self);
+ }
+ public static void SaveControls(Node? self)
+ {
+ var actions = InputMap.GetActions();
+ AmyControlMapResource data = new();
+ foreach (var action in actions) {
+ var name = action.ToString();
+ if (name.StartsWith("editor_") || name.StartsWith("ui_")
+ || name.StartsWith("amy_") || name.StartsWith("yat_")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ data.Controls[action] = InputMap.ActionGetEvents(action);
+ }
+ _ = DirAccess.MakeDirRecursiveAbsolute(SaveDir);
+ var err = ResourceSaver.Save(data, SavePath);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ GD.PushError("Failed to save controls!");
+ if (self is Node slf) {
+ _ = AmyCore.Toast(slf, "Failed to save controls!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void StopListening()
+ {
+ var listeningTo = ListeningTo;
+ ListeningTo = null;
+ if (listeningTo is (AmyControlMap, BaseButton, bool) lstn) {
+ lstn.Item1.Refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ [Export]
+ public bool Auto { get; private set; }
+ [Export]
+ public string ControlNameOverride { get; private set; } = "";
+ [Export]
+ public StringName ActionNameOverride { get; private set; } = "";
+ [Export]
+ public NodePath Label_ { get; private set; } = "MarginContainer/HBoxContainer/Label";
+ [Export]
+ public NodePath Binding1_ { get; private set; } = "MarginContainer/HBoxContainer/Binding1";
+ [Export]
+ public NodePath Binding2_ { get; private set; } = "MarginContainer/HBoxContainer/Binding2";
+ public StringName ActionName { get; private set; } = "";
+ public string ControlName { get; private set; } = "";
+ public void Refresh()
+ {
+ var events = InputMap.ActionGetEvents(ActionName);
+ if (GetNode(Binding1_) is BaseButton bb1) {
+ if (ListeningTo is (AmyControlMap, BaseButton, bool) lstn
+ && lstn.Item1 == this && !lstn.Item3) {
+ SetButtonText(bb1, "...");
+ } else if (events.Count >= 1) {
+ SetButtonTextEvent(bb1, events[0]);
+ } else {
+ SetButtonText(bb1, "-");
+ }
+ }
+ if (GetNode(Binding2_) is BaseButton bb2) {
+ if (ListeningTo is (AmyControlMap, BaseButton, bool) lstn
+ && lstn.Item1 == this && lstn.Item3) {
+ SetButtonText(bb2, "...");
+ } else if (events.Count >= 2) {
+ SetButtonTextEvent(bb2, events[1]);
+ } else {
+ SetButtonText(bb2, "-");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override void _Input(InputEvent @event)
+ {
+ if (ListeningTo is not (AmyControlMap, BaseButton, bool) lstn) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lstn.Item1 != this) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (@event.IsEcho()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (@event is InputEventKey key) {
+ if (!key.Pressed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (key.PhysicalKeycode != Key.Escape) {
+ Remap(lstn.Item1.ActionName, lstn.Item3, key, this);
+ } else {
+ Demap(lstn.Item1.ActionName, lstn.Item3, this);
+ }
+ lstn.Item2.Disabled = false;
+ ListeningTo = null;
+ GetViewport().SetInputAsHandled();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (@event is InputEventMouseButton mb) {
+ if (!mb.Pressed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Remap(lstn.Item1.ActionName, lstn.Item3, mb, this);
+ lstn.Item2.Disabled = false;
+ ListeningTo = null;
+ GetViewport().SetInputAsHandled();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (@event is InputEventJoypadButton jb) {
+ if (!jb.Pressed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (jb.ButtonIndex != JoyButton.Start) {
+ Remap(lstn.Item1.ActionName, lstn.Item3, jb, this);
+ } else {
+ Demap(lstn.Item1.ActionName, lstn.Item3, this);
+ }
+ lstn.Item2.Disabled = false;
+ ListeningTo = null;
+ GetViewport().SetInputAsHandled();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (@event is InputEventJoypadMotion jm) {
+ if (Math.Abs(jm.AxisValue) < .5d) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Remap(lstn.Item1.ActionName, lstn.Item3, jm, this);
+ lstn.Item2.Disabled = false;
+ ListeningTo = null;
+ GetViewport().SetInputAsHandled();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ public override async void _Ready()
+ {
+ if (Auto) {
+ // Finish setting up children so we can manipulate them:
+ await AmyCore.ProcessFrame(this);
+ var fnlft = FocusNeighborLeft;
+ var fntop = FocusNeighborTop;
+ var fnrgt = FocusNeighborRight;
+ var fnbot = FocusNeighborBottom;
+ var fnnxt = FocusNext;
+ var fnprv = FocusPrevious;
+ Node? above = HasNode(fntop) ? GetNode(fntop) : null;
+ Node? prev = HasNode(fnprv) ? GetNode(fnprv) : null;
+ foreach (var action in InputMap.GetActions()) {
+ var str = action.ToString();
+ if (str.StartsWith("ui_")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (str.StartsWith("yat_")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (str.StartsWith("amy_")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Duplicate() is AmyControlMap map) {
+ map.Auto = false;
+ map.ActionNameOverride = action;
+ if (GetParent() is Node parent) {
+ // This works without being deferred since we already
+ // waited a process frame. Having this work without
+ // deferring it lets us use the paths below, too.
+ parent.AddChild(map);
+ }
+ if (map.GetNode(Binding1_) is Control b1) {
+ if (above is AmyControlMap abovemap) {
+ if (abovemap.GetNode(Binding1_) is Control a1) {
+ a1.FocusNeighborBottom = b1.GetPath();
+ b1.FocusNeighborTop = a1.GetPath();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (above is Control abovectrl) {
+ abovectrl.FocusNeighborBottom = b1.GetPath();
+ }
+ b1.FocusNeighborTop = above?.GetPath();
+ }
+ }
+ if (map.GetNode(Binding2_) is Control b2) {
+ if (above is AmyControlMap abovemap) {
+ if (abovemap.GetNode(Binding2_) is Control a2) {
+ a2.FocusNeighborBottom = b2.GetPath();
+ b2.FocusNeighborTop = a2.GetPath();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Don't above.FocusNeighborBottom = b2 here.
+ b2.FocusNeighborTop = above?.GetPath();
+ }
+ if (map.GetNode(Binding1_) is Control xb1) {
+ xb1.FocusNeighborRight = b2.GetPath();
+ b2.FocusNeighborLeft = xb1.GetPath();
+ xb1.FocusNext = b2.GetPath();
+ b2.FocusPrevious = xb1.GetPath();
+ }
+ prev = b2;
+ }
+ if (map.GetNode(Binding1_) is Control yb1) {
+ above = yb1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QueueFree();
+ return;
+ }
+ ActionName = Name;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActionNameOverride.ToString())) {
+ ActionName = ActionNameOverride;
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ControlNameOverride)) {
+ ControlName = ControlNameOverride;
+ } else {
+ var lc = ActionName.ToString().Replace('_', ' ');
+ if (lc.Length > 1) {
+ ControlName = lc.Substring(0, 1).ToUpperInvariant() + lc.Substring(1);
+ } else {
+ ControlName = lc.ToUpperInvariant();
+ }
+ }
+ if (GetNode(Label_) is Node labelNode) {
+ if (labelNode is RichTextLabel rtl) {
+ rtl.Text = ControlName;
+ } else if (labelNode is Label label) {
+ label.Text = ControlName;
+ } else {
+ labelNode.Set("text", ControlName);
+ }
+ }
+ if (GetNode(Binding1_) is BaseButton bb1) {
+ if (bb1 is TextureButton tb) {
+ tb.Pressed += GetPressed(this, bb1, false);
+ } else if (bb1 is Button btn) {
+ btn.Pressed += GetPressed(this, bb1, false);
+ } else {
+ GD.PushError("Binding1 button not found.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (GetNode(Binding2_) is BaseButton bb2) {
+ if (bb2 is TextureButton tb) {
+ tb.Pressed += GetPressed(this, bb2, true);
+ } else if (bb2 is Button btn) {
+ btn.Pressed += GetPressed(this, bb2, true);
+ } else {
+ GD.PushError("Binding2 button not found.");
+ }
+ }
+ Map.Add(this);
+ Refresh();
+ }
+ private static (AmyControlMap, BaseButton, bool)? ListeningTo;
+ static AmyControlMap()
+ {
+ LoadControls();
+ }
+ private static void DemapImpl(StringName actionName, bool alt)
+ {
+ var events = InputMap.ActionGetEvents(actionName);
+ var index = 0;
+ foreach (var ev in events) {
+ if (index == 0 && !alt) {
+ InputMap.ActionEraseEvent(actionName, ev);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (index == 1 && alt) {
+ InputMap.ActionEraseEvent(actionName, ev);
+ break;
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ private static void RemapImpl(StringName actionName, bool alt, InputEvent @event)
+ {
+ var events = InputMap.ActionGetEvents(actionName);
+ InputMap.ActionEraseEvents(actionName);
+ var index = 0;
+ foreach (var ev in events) {
+ if (index == 0 && !alt) {
+ InputMap.ActionAddEvent(actionName, @event);
+ } else if (index == 1 && alt) {
+ InputMap.ActionAddEvent(actionName, @event);
+ } else {
+ InputMap.ActionAddEvent(actionName, ev);
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ if (index == 0 && !alt) {
+ InputMap.ActionAddEvent(actionName, @event);
+ } else if (index == 1 && alt) {
+ InputMap.ActionAddEvent(actionName, @event);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void SetButtonText(BaseButton button, string text)
+ {
+ var nchildren = button.GetChildCount();
+ if (nchildren > 0) {
+ var child = button.GetChild(0);
+ if (child is RichTextLabel rtl) {
+ rtl.Text = text;
+ return;
+ } else if (child is Label label) {
+ label.Text = text;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (button is Button btn) {
+ btn.Text = text;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (nchildren == 1) {
+ var child = button.GetChild(0);
+ if (child is Node node) {
+ node.Set("text", text);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ GD.PushError("Unable to set button text.");
+ }
+ private static void SetButtonTextEvent(BaseButton button, InputEvent @event)
+ {
+ if (@event is InputEventKey key) {
+ SetButtonText(button, key.PhysicalKeycode.ToString());
+ } else if (@event is InputEventJoypadButton jb) {
+ SetButtonText(button, "Gamepad " + jb.ButtonIndex.ToString());
+ } else if (@event is InputEventMouseButton mb) {
+ SetButtonText(button, "Mouse " + mb.ButtonIndex.ToString());
+ } else if (@event is InputEventJoypadMotion jm) {
+ SetButtonText(button, "Gamepad Axis " + jm.Axis.ToString()
+ + (jm.AxisValue >= 0d ? '+' : '-'));
+ } else {
+ SetButtonText(button, "???");
+ }
+ }
+ private Action GetPressed(AmyControlMap ctrl, BaseButton self, bool alt)
+ => () => {
+ if (ListeningTo is null) {
+ self.Disabled = true;
+ SetButtonText(self, "...");
+ ListeningTo = (ctrl, self, alt);
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyControlMapResource.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyControlMapResource.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae0b896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyControlMapResource.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using Godot;
+using System;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public partial class AmyControlMapResource : Resource
+ [Export] public Godot.Collections.Dictionary Controls = new();
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Colors.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Colors.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6626a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Colors.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+ * AmyCore
+ * Core functionality with zero hard dependencies (besides C# 8.0 and Godot).
+ *
+ * Strongly recommended to include:
+ * System.IO.Hashing
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+ * Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ *
+ * Stuff that is very commonly needed and very rarely changes should go here.
+ *
+ * Last update date: 2024-04-04
+ *
+using Logging = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+using System.IO.Hashing; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using Crypto = System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
+using System.Net.Sockets;
+using System.Net.Http;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public static partial class AmyCore
+ // STYLE:
+ // Class members should be sorted like on [https://materialui.co/colors/].
+ // Do NOT sort alphabetically!
+ public static partial class Colors
+ {
+ public enum FlatUIColor { // TODO: https://materialui.co/flatuicolors/
+ Turquoise,
+ Emerland,
+ Peterriver,
+ Amethyst,
+ Wetasphalt,
+ Greensea,
+ Nephritis,
+ Belizehole,
+ Wisteria,
+ Midnightblue,
+ Sunflower,
+ Carrot,
+ Alizarin,
+ Clouds,
+ Concrete,
+ Orange,
+ Pumpkin,
+ Pomegranate,
+ Silver,
+ Asbestos,
+ }
+ // Include the ID #500 or main color hex code in the name so that you can
+ // pick it from the option button and then use the code to manually set the
+ // preview color in places where this makes sense.
+ public enum ColorCategory {
+ // Material Design:
+ Reds_F44336,
+ Pinks_E91E63,
+ Purples_9C27B0,
+ DeepPurples_673AB7,
+ Indigos_3F51B5,
+ Blues_2196F3,
+ LightBlues_03A9F4,
+ Cyans_00BCD4,
+ Teals_009688,
+ Greens_4CAF50,
+ LightGreens_8BC34A,
+ Limes_CDDC39,
+ Yellows_FFEB3B,
+ Ambers_FFC107,
+ Oranges_FF9800,
+ DeepOranges_FF5722,
+ Browns_795548,
+ Greys_9E9E9E,
+ BlueGreys_607D8B,
+ // Auth providers:
+ Facebook_1877F2,
+ Google_FFFFFF,
+ Twitter_1DA1F2,
+ Yahoo_410093,
+ Discord_5865F2,
+ Itch_FA5C5C,
+ Line_00C300,
+ Steam_231f20,
+ VK_4C75A3,
+ }
+ #if false
+ public enum MaterialDesignColorCategory {
+ Reds_F44336,
+ Pinks_E91E63,
+ Purples_9C27B0,
+ DeepPurples_673AB7,
+ Indigos_3F51B5,
+ Blues_2196F3,
+ LightBlues_03A9F4,
+ Cyans_00BCD4,
+ Teals_009688,
+ Greens_4CAF50,
+ LightGreens_8BC34A,
+ Limes_CDDC39,
+ Yellows_FFEB3B,
+ Ambers_FFC107,
+ Oranges_FF9800,
+ DeepOranges_FF5722,
+ Browns_795548,
+ Greys_9E9E9E,
+ BlueGreys_607D8B,
+ }
+ #endif
+ public enum ColorID : byte {
+ White,
+ Color50,
+ Color100,
+ Color200,
+ Color300,
+ Color400,
+ Color500,
+ Color600,
+ Color700,
+ Color800,
+ Color900,
+ ColorA100,
+ ColorA200,
+ ColorA400,
+ ColorA700,
+ }
+ #if false
+ public enum MaterialDesignColorID : byte {
+ Color50,
+ Color100,
+ Color200,
+ Color300,
+ Color400,
+ Color500,
+ Color600,
+ Color700,
+ Color800,
+ Color900,
+ ColorA100,
+ ColorA200,
+ ColorA400,
+ ColorA700,
+ }
+ #endif
+ public const ColorCategory Reds = ColorCategory.Reds_F44336;
+ public const ColorCategory Pinks = ColorCategory.Pinks_E91E63;
+ public const ColorCategory Purples = ColorCategory.Purples_9C27B0;
+ public const ColorCategory DeepPurples = ColorCategory.DeepPurples_673AB7;
+ public const ColorCategory Indigos = ColorCategory.Indigos_3F51B5;
+ public const ColorCategory Blues = ColorCategory.Blues_2196F3;
+ public const ColorCategory LightBlues = ColorCategory.LightBlues_03A9F4;
+ public const ColorCategory Cyans = ColorCategory.Cyans_00BCD4;
+ public const ColorCategory Teals = ColorCategory.Teals_009688;
+ public const ColorCategory Greens = ColorCategory.Greens_4CAF50;
+ public const ColorCategory LightGreens = ColorCategory.LightGreens_8BC34A;
+ public const ColorCategory Limes = ColorCategory.Limes_CDDC39;
+ public const ColorCategory Yellows = ColorCategory.Yellows_FFEB3B;
+ public const ColorCategory Ambers = ColorCategory.Ambers_FFC107;
+ public const ColorCategory Oranges = ColorCategory.Oranges_FF9800;
+ public const ColorCategory DeepOranges = ColorCategory.DeepOranges_FF5722;
+ public const ColorCategory Browns = ColorCategory.Browns_795548;
+ public const ColorCategory Greys = ColorCategory.Greys_9E9E9E;
+ public const ColorCategory BlueGreys = ColorCategory.BlueGreys_607D8B;
+ public const ColorCategory Facebook = ColorCategory.Facebook_1877F2;
+ public const ColorCategory Twitter = ColorCategory.Twitter_1DA1F2;
+ public const ColorCategory Yahoo = ColorCategory.Yahoo_410093;
+ public const ColorCategory Discord = ColorCategory.Discord_5865F2;
+ public const ColorCategory Itch = ColorCategory.Itch_FA5C5C;
+ public const ColorCategory Line = ColorCategory.Line_00C300;
+ public const ColorCategory Steam = ColorCategory.Steam_231f20;
+ public const ColorCategory VK = ColorCategory.VK_4C75A3;
+ public static readonly Color DebugMagenta = new(0xFF00FFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DebugCyan = new(0x00FFFFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DebugRed = new(0xFF0000FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DebugGreen = new(0x00FF00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DebugBlue = new(0x0000FFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DebugYellow = new(0xFFFF00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Black = Godot.Colors.Black;
+ public static readonly Color White = Godot.Colors.White;
+ public static readonly Color SemiTransparentBlack = new(0x0000007Fu);
+ public static readonly Color SemiTransparentWhite = new(0xFFFFFF7Fu);
+ public static readonly Color TransparentBlack = new(0x00000000u);
+ public static readonly Color TransparentWhite = new(0xFFFFFF00u);
+ public static readonly Color PrideBrown = new(0x784F17FFu);
+ public static readonly Color PrideRed = new(0xE40303FFu);
+ public static readonly Color PrideOrange = new(0xFF8C00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color PrideYellow = new(0xFFED00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color PrideGreen = new(0x008026FFu);
+ public static readonly Color PrideBlue = new(0x004DFFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color PridePurple = new(0x750787FFu);
+ public static readonly Color PrideLightBlue = new(0x5BCEFAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color PridePink = new(0xF5A9B8FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Parchment = new(0xFCF5E5FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Red50 = new(0xFFEBEEFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Red100 = new(0xFFCDD2FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Red200 = new(0xEF9A9AFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Red300 = new(0xE57373FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Red400 = new(0xEF5350FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Red500 = new(0xF44336FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Red600 = new(0xE53935FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Red700 = new(0xD32F2FFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Red800 = new(0xC62828FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Red900 = new(0xB71C1CFFu);
+ public static readonly Color RedA100 = new(0xFF8A80FFu);
+ public static readonly Color RedA200 = new(0xFF5252FFu);
+ public static readonly Color RedA400 = new(0xFF1744FFu);
+ public static readonly Color RedA700 = new(0xD50000FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Pink50 = new(0xFCE4ECFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Pink100 = new(0xF8BBD0FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Pink200 = new(0xF48FB1FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Pink300 = new(0xF06292FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Pink400 = new(0xEC407AFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Pink500 = new(0xE91E63FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Pink600 = new(0xD81B60FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Pink700 = new(0xC2185BFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Pink800 = new(0xAD1457FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Pink900 = new(0x880E4FFFu);
+ public static readonly Color PinkA100 = new(0xFF80ABFFu);
+ public static readonly Color PinkA200 = new(0xFF4081FFu);
+ public static readonly Color PinkA400 = new(0xF50057FFu);
+ public static readonly Color PinkA700 = new(0xC51162FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Purple50 = new(0xF3E5F5FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Purple100 = new(0xE1BEE7FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Purple200 = new(0xCE93D8FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Purple300 = new(0xBA68C8FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Purple400 = new(0xAB47BCFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Purple500 = new(0x9C27B0FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Purple600 = new(0x8E24AAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Purple700 = new(0x7B1FA2FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Purple800 = new(0x6A1B9AFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Purple900 = new(0x4A148CFFu);
+ public static readonly Color PurpleA100 = new(0xEA80FCFFu);
+ public static readonly Color PurpleA200 = new(0xE040FBFFu);
+ public static readonly Color PurpleA400 = new(0xD500F9FFu);
+ public static readonly Color PurpleA700 = new(0xAA00FFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurple50 = new(0xEDE7F6FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurple100 = new(0xD1C4E9FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurple200 = new(0xB39DDBFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurple300 = new(0x9575CDFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurple400 = new(0x7E57C2FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurple500 = new(0x673AB7FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurple600 = new(0x5E35B1FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurple700 = new(0x512DA8FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurple800 = new(0x4527A0FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurple900 = new(0x311B92FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurpleA100 = new(0xB388FFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurpleA200 = new(0x7C4DFFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurpleA400 = new(0x651FFFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepPurpleA700 = new(0x6200EAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Indigo50 = new(0xE8EAF6FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Indigo100 = new(0xC5CAE9FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Indigo200 = new(0x9FA8DAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Indigo300 = new(0x7986CBFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Indigo400 = new(0x5C6BC0FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Indigo500 = new(0x3F51B5FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Indigo600 = new(0x3949ABFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Indigo700 = new(0x303F9FFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Indigo800 = new(0x283593FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Indigo900 = new(0x1A237EFFu);
+ public static readonly Color IndigoA100 = new(0x8C9EFFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color IndigoA200 = new(0x536DFEFFu);
+ public static readonly Color IndigoA400 = new(0x3D5AFEFFu);
+ public static readonly Color IndigoA700 = new(0x304FFEFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Blue50 = new(0xE3F2FDFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Blue100 = new(0xBBDEFBFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Blue200 = new(0x90CAF9FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Blue300 = new(0x64B5F6FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Blue400 = new(0x42A5F5FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Blue500 = new(0x2196F3FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Blue600 = new(0x1E88E5FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Blue700 = new(0x1976D2FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Blue800 = new(0x1565C0FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Blue900 = new(0x0D47A1FFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueA100 = new(0x82B1FFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueA200 = new(0x448AFFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueA400 = new(0x2979FFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueA700 = new(0x2962FFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlue50 = new(0xE1F5FEFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlue100 = new(0xB3E5FCFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlue200 = new(0x81D4FAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlue300 = new(0x4FC3F7FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlue400 = new(0x29B6F6FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlue500 = new(0x03A9F4FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlue600 = new(0x039BE5FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlue700 = new(0x0288D1FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlue800 = new(0x0277BDFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlue900 = new(0x01579BFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlueA100 = new(0x80D8FFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlueA200 = new(0x40C4FFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlueA400 = new(0x00B0FFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightBlueA700 = new(0x0091EAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Cyan50 = new(0xE0F7FAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Cyan100 = new(0xB2EBF2FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Cyan200 = new(0x80DEEAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Cyan300 = new(0x4DD0E1FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Cyan400 = new(0x26C6DAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Cyan500 = new(0x00BCD4FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Cyan600 = new(0x00ACC1FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Cyan700 = new(0x0097A7FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Cyan800 = new(0x00838FFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Cyan900 = new(0x006064FFu);
+ public static readonly Color CyanA100 = new(0x84FFFFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color CyanA200 = new(0x18FFFFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color CyanA400 = new(0x00E5FFFFu);
+ public static readonly Color CyanA700 = new(0x00B8D4FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Teal50 = new(0xE0F2F1FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Teal100 = new(0xB2DFDBFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Teal200 = new(0x80CBC4FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Teal300 = new(0x4DB6ACFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Teal400 = new(0x26A69AFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Teal500 = new(0x009688FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Teal600 = new(0x00897BFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Teal700 = new(0x00796BFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Teal800 = new(0x00695CFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Teal900 = new(0x004D40FFu);
+ public static readonly Color TealA100 = new(0xA7FFEBFFu);
+ public static readonly Color TealA200 = new(0x64FFDAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color TealA400 = new(0x1DE9B6FFu);
+ public static readonly Color TealA700 = new(0x00BFA5FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Green50 = new(0xE8F5E9FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Green100 = new(0xC8E6C9FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Green200 = new(0xA5D6A7FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Green300 = new(0x81C784FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Green400 = new(0x66BB6AFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Green500 = new(0x4CAF50FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Green600 = new(0x43A047FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Green700 = new(0x388E3CFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Green800 = new(0x2E7D32FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Green900 = new(0x1B5E20FFu);
+ public static readonly Color GreenA100 = new(0xB9F6CAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color GreenA200 = new(0x69F0AEFFu);
+ public static readonly Color GreenA400 = new(0x00E676FFu);
+ public static readonly Color GreenA700 = new(0x00C853FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreen50 = new(0xF1F8E9FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreen100 = new(0xDCEDC8FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreen200 = new(0xC5E1A5FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreen300 = new(0xAED581FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreen400 = new(0x9CCC65FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreen500 = new(0x8BC34AFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreen600 = new(0x7CB342FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreen700 = new(0x689F38FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreen800 = new(0x558B2FFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreen900 = new(0x33691EFFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreenA100 = new(0xCCFF90FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreenA200 = new(0xB2FF59FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreenA400 = new(0x76FF03FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LightGreenA700 = new(0x64DD17FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Lime50 = new(0xF9FBE7FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Lime100 = new(0xF0F4C3FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Lime200 = new(0xE6EE9CFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Lime300 = new(0xDCE775FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Lime400 = new(0xD4E157FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Lime500 = new(0xCDDC39FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Lime600 = new(0xC0CA33FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Lime700 = new(0xAFB42BFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Lime800 = new(0x9E9D24FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Lime900 = new(0x827717FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LimeA100 = new(0xF4FF81FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LimeA200 = new(0xEEFF41FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LimeA400 = new(0xC6FF00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color LimeA700 = new(0xAEEA00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Yellow50 = new(0xFFFDE7FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Yellow100 = new(0xFFF9C4FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Yellow200 = new(0xFFF59DFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Yellow300 = new(0xFFF176FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Yellow400 = new(0xFFEE58FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Yellow500 = new(0xFFEB3BFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Yellow600 = new(0xFDD835FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Yellow700 = new(0xFBC02DFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Yellow800 = new(0xF9A825FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Yellow900 = new(0xF57F17FFu);
+ public static readonly Color YellowA100 = new(0xFFFF8DFFu);
+ public static readonly Color YellowA200 = new(0xFFFF00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color YellowA400 = new(0xFFEA00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color YellowA700 = new(0xFFD600FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Amber50 = new(0xFFF8E1FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Amber100 = new(0xFFECB3FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Amber200 = new(0xFFE082FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Amber300 = new(0xFFD54FFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Amber400 = new(0xFFCA28FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Amber500 = new(0xFFC107FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Amber600 = new(0xFFB300FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Amber700 = new(0xFFA000FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Amber800 = new(0xFF8F00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Amber900 = new(0xFF6F00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color AmberA100 = new(0xFFE57FFFu);
+ public static readonly Color AmberA200 = new(0xFFD740FFu);
+ public static readonly Color AmberA400 = new(0xFFC400FFu);
+ public static readonly Color AmberA700 = new(0xFFAB00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Orange50 = new(0xFFF3E0FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Orange100 = new(0xFFE0B2FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Orange200 = new(0xFFCC80FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Orange300 = new(0xFFB74DFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Orange400 = new(0xFFA726FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Orange500 = new(0xFF9800FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Orange600 = new(0xFB8C00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Orange700 = new(0xF57C00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Orange800 = new(0xEF6C00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Orange900 = new(0xE65100FFu);
+ public static readonly Color OrangeA100 = new(0xFFD180FFu);
+ public static readonly Color OrangeA200 = new(0xFFAB40FFu);
+ public static readonly Color OrangeA400 = new(0xFF9100FFu);
+ public static readonly Color OrangeA700 = new(0xFF6D00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrange50 = new(0xFBE9E7FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrange100 = new(0xFFCCBCFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrange200 = new(0xFFAB91FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrange300 = new(0xFF8A65FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrange400 = new(0xFF7043FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrange500 = new(0xFF5722FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrange600 = new(0xF4511EFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrange700 = new(0xE64A19FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrange800 = new(0xD84315FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrange900 = new(0xBF360CFFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrangeA100 = new(0xFF9E80FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrangeA200 = new(0xFF6E40FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrangeA400 = new(0xFF3D00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color DeepOrangeA700 = new(0xDD2C00FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Brown50 = new(0xEFEBE9FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Brown100 = new(0xD7CCC8FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Brown200 = new(0xBCAAA4FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Brown300 = new(0xA1887FFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Brown400 = new(0x8D6E63FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Brown500 = new(0x795548FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Brown600 = new(0x6D4C41FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Brown700 = new(0x5D4037FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Brown800 = new(0x4E342EFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Brown900 = new(0x3E2723FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Grey50 = new(0xFAFAFAFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Grey100 = new(0xF5F5F5FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Grey200 = new(0xEEEEEEFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Grey300 = new(0xE0E0E0FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Grey400 = new(0xBDBDBDFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Grey500 = new(0x9E9E9EFFu);
+ public static readonly Color Grey600 = new(0x757575FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Grey700 = new(0x616161FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Grey800 = new(0x424242FFu);
+ public static readonly Color Grey900 = new(0x212121FFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueGrey50 = new(0xECEFF1FFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueGrey100 = new(0xCFD8DCFFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueGrey200 = new(0xB0BEC5FFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueGrey300 = new(0x90A4AEFFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueGrey400 = new(0x78909CFFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueGrey500 = new(0x607D8BFFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueGrey600 = new(0x546E7AFFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueGrey700 = new(0x455A64FFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueGrey800 = new(0x37474FFFu);
+ public static readonly Color BlueGrey900 = new(0x263238FFu);
+ // Firebase federated identities:
+ // public static readonly Color AuthProviderApple = new(0xFFu);
+ public static readonly Color AuthProviderFacebook = new(0x1877F2FFu); // From materialui.co
+ // public static readonly Color AuthProviderGameCenter = new(0xFFu);
+ // public static readonly Color AuthProviderGitHub = new(0xFFu);
+ public static readonly string AuthProviderGoogle = "Read the docs!";
+ // ^ Note that, not surprisingly, Google is the strictest of all of the
+ // providers in terms of brand requirements. They also seem to pursue
+ // legal action when their brand requirements are not met. They even
+ // require a specific font (Roboto) for their sign-in button, as well as
+ // specific images for all of the various button states! For this
+ // reason, no color is provided as the automatic color conversion for the
+ // alternate button states would violate their terms!
+ // Read the docs before use!
+ // public static readonly Color AuthProviderMicrosoft = new(0xFFu);
+ // public static readonly Color AuthProviderPlayGames = new(0xFFu);
+ public static readonly Color AuthProviderTwitter = new(0x1DA1F2FFu); // From materialui.co
+ public static readonly Color AuthProviderYahoo = new(0x410093FFu); // From materialui.co
+ // Miscellaneous services able to be used to log in:
+ public static readonly Color AuthProviderDiscord = new(0x5865F2FFu); // From press kit 2023-02-20
+ // ^ Note that Discord, like Steam, has a lot of details about how they
+ // want their marks used. Discord is so much friendlier than Steam!
+ public static readonly Color AuthProviderItch = new(0xFA5C5CFFu); // From press kit 2023-02-20
+ public static readonly Color AuthProviderLine = new(0x00C300FFu); // From materialui.co
+ public static readonly Color AuthProviderSteam = new(0x231f20FFu); // Picked from Steam_Guidelines_060222.pdf from press kit 2023-02-20
+ // ^ Note that Steam doesn't seem to care about the background, as long as
+ // it's in high contrast to the foreground, which must be black or white.
+ // ^ Note also that Steam has absurdly strict branding requirements, and
+ // they seem to enforce them legally! Read the docs before use!
+ public static readonly Color AuthProviderVK = new(0x4C75A3FFu); // From materialui.co
+ public static Color Get(in ColorCategory category, in ColorID id)
+ {
+ return category switch {
+ ColorCategory.Reds_F44336 => Red(id),
+ ColorCategory.Pinks_E91E63 => Pink(id),
+ ColorCategory.Purples_9C27B0 => Purple(id),
+ ColorCategory.DeepPurples_673AB7 => DeepPurple(id),
+ ColorCategory.Indigos_3F51B5 => Indigo(id),
+ ColorCategory.Blues_2196F3 => Blue(id),
+ ColorCategory.LightBlues_03A9F4 => LightBlue(id),
+ ColorCategory.Cyans_00BCD4 => Cyan(id),
+ ColorCategory.Teals_009688 => Teal(id),
+ ColorCategory.Greens_4CAF50 => Green(id),
+ ColorCategory.LightGreens_8BC34A => LightGreen(id),
+ ColorCategory.Limes_CDDC39 => Lime(id),
+ ColorCategory.Yellows_FFEB3B => Yellow(id),
+ ColorCategory.Ambers_FFC107 => Amber(id),
+ ColorCategory.Oranges_FF9800 => Orange(id),
+ ColorCategory.DeepOranges_FF5722 => DeepOrange(id),
+ ColorCategory.Browns_795548 => Brown(id),
+ ColorCategory.Greys_9E9E9E => Grey(id),
+ ColorCategory.BlueGreys_607D8B => BlueGrey(id),
+ ColorCategory.Facebook_1877F2 => Get(AuthProviderFacebook, id),
+ ColorCategory.Google_FFFFFF => White, // Always. Read the docs!
+ ColorCategory.Twitter_1DA1F2 => Get(AuthProviderTwitter, id),
+ ColorCategory.Yahoo_410093 => Get(AuthProviderYahoo, id),
+ ColorCategory.Discord_5865F2 => Get(AuthProviderDiscord, id),
+ ColorCategory.Itch_FA5C5C => Get(AuthProviderItch, id),
+ ColorCategory.Line_00C300 => Get(AuthProviderLine, id),
+ ColorCategory.Steam_231f20 => Get(AuthProviderSteam, id),
+ ColorCategory.VK_4C75A3 => Get(AuthProviderVK, id),
+ _ => TransparentBlack,
+ };
+ }
+ public static Color Get(in Color baseColor500, in ColorID id)
+ {
+ var weight = id switch {
+ ColorID.White => MaterialDesignLerpWeightWhite,
+ ColorID.Color50 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight50,
+ ColorID.Color100 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight100,
+ ColorID.Color200 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight200,
+ ColorID.Color300 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight300,
+ ColorID.Color400 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight400,
+ ColorID.Color500 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight500,
+ ColorID.Color600 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight600,
+ ColorID.Color700 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight700,
+ ColorID.Color800 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight800,
+ ColorID.Color900 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight900,
+ ColorID.ColorA100 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight100,
+ ColorID.ColorA200 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight200,
+ ColorID.ColorA400 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight400,
+ ColorID.ColorA700 => MaterialDesignLerpWeight700,
+ _ => double.NaN,
+ };
+ if (!double.IsNaN(weight)) {
+ if (weight == 0d) {
+ return baseColor500;
+ } else if (weight > 0d) {
+ return baseColor500.Lerp(White, (float) weight);
+ } else {
+ return baseColor500.Lerp(Black, (float) -weight);
+ }
+ }
+ return TransparentBlack;
+ }
+ public static Color Red(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrReds, id);
+ public static Color Pink(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrPinks, id);
+ public static Color Purple(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrPurples, id);
+ public static Color DeepPurple(in ColorID id)
+ => ArrGet(ArrDeepPurples, id);
+ public static Color Indigo(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrIndigos, id);
+ public static Color Blue(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrBlues, id);
+ public static Color LightBlue(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrLightBlues, id);
+ public static Color Cyan(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrCyans, id);
+ public static Color Teal(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrTeals, id);
+ public static Color Green(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrGreens, id);
+ public static Color LightGreen(in ColorID id)
+ => ArrGet(ArrLightGreens, id);
+ public static Color Lime(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrLimes, id);
+ public static Color Yellow(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrYellows, id);
+ public static Color Amber(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrAmbers, id);
+ public static Color Orange(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrOranges, id);
+ public static Color DeepOrange(in ColorID id)
+ => ArrGet(ArrDeepOranges, id);
+ public static Color Brown(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrBrowns, id);
+ public static Color Grey(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrGreys, id);
+ public static Color BlueGrey(in ColorID id) => ArrGet(ArrBlueGreys, id);
+ public static Color RandomHue(in ColorID id = ColorID.Color500)
+ => Get((ColorCategory) Rng.RandiRange((int) ColorCategory.Reds_F44336,
+ (int) ColorCategory.DeepOranges_FF5722), id);
+ private static readonly RandomNumberGenerator Rng = new();
+ private const int MaterialDesignIDs = 14;
+ private const double MaterialDesignLerpWeightWhite = 1d;
+ private const double MaterialDesignLerpWeight50
+ = 2d * (0xFA / 255d - MaterialDesignLum500);
+ private const double MaterialDesignLerpWeight100
+ = 2d * (0xF5 / 255d - MaterialDesignLum500);
+ private const double MaterialDesignLerpWeight200
+ = 2d * (0xEE / 255d - MaterialDesignLum500);
+ private const double MaterialDesignLerpWeight300
+ = 2d * (0xE0 / 255d - MaterialDesignLum500);
+ private const double MaterialDesignLerpWeight400
+ = 2d * (0xBD / 255d - MaterialDesignLum500);
+ private const double MaterialDesignLerpWeight500 = 0d;
+ private const double MaterialDesignLerpWeight600
+ = 2d * (0x75 / 255d - MaterialDesignLum500);
+ private const double MaterialDesignLerpWeight700
+ = 2d * (0x61 / 255d - MaterialDesignLum500);
+ private const double MaterialDesignLerpWeight800
+ = 2d * (0x42 / 255d - MaterialDesignLum500);
+ private const double MaterialDesignLerpWeight900
+ = 2d * (0x21 / 255d - MaterialDesignLum500);
+ private const double MaterialDesignLum500 = 0x9E / 255d;
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrReds
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Red50,
+ Red100,
+ Red200,
+ Red300,
+ Red400,
+ Red500,
+ Red600,
+ Red700,
+ Red800,
+ Red900,
+ RedA100,
+ RedA200,
+ RedA400,
+ RedA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrPinks
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Pink50,
+ Pink100,
+ Pink200,
+ Pink300,
+ Pink400,
+ Pink500,
+ Pink600,
+ Pink700,
+ Pink800,
+ Pink900,
+ PinkA100,
+ PinkA200,
+ PinkA400,
+ PinkA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrPurples
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Purple50,
+ Purple100,
+ Purple200,
+ Purple300,
+ Purple400,
+ Purple500,
+ Purple600,
+ Purple700,
+ Purple800,
+ Purple900,
+ PurpleA100,
+ PurpleA200,
+ PurpleA400,
+ PurpleA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrDeepPurples
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ DeepPurple50,
+ DeepPurple100,
+ DeepPurple200,
+ DeepPurple300,
+ DeepPurple400,
+ DeepPurple500,
+ DeepPurple600,
+ DeepPurple700,
+ DeepPurple800,
+ DeepPurple900,
+ DeepPurpleA100,
+ DeepPurpleA200,
+ DeepPurpleA400,
+ DeepPurpleA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrIndigos
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Indigo50,
+ Indigo100,
+ Indigo200,
+ Indigo300,
+ Indigo400,
+ Indigo500,
+ Indigo600,
+ Indigo700,
+ Indigo800,
+ Indigo900,
+ IndigoA100,
+ IndigoA200,
+ IndigoA400,
+ IndigoA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrBlues
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Blue50,
+ Blue100,
+ Blue200,
+ Blue300,
+ Blue400,
+ Blue500,
+ Blue600,
+ Blue700,
+ Blue800,
+ Blue900,
+ BlueA100,
+ BlueA200,
+ BlueA400,
+ BlueA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrLightBlues
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ LightBlue50,
+ LightBlue100,
+ LightBlue200,
+ LightBlue300,
+ LightBlue400,
+ LightBlue500,
+ LightBlue600,
+ LightBlue700,
+ LightBlue800,
+ LightBlue900,
+ LightBlueA100,
+ LightBlueA200,
+ LightBlueA400,
+ LightBlueA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrCyans
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Cyan50,
+ Cyan100,
+ Cyan200,
+ Cyan300,
+ Cyan400,
+ Cyan500,
+ Cyan600,
+ Cyan700,
+ Cyan800,
+ Cyan900,
+ CyanA100,
+ CyanA200,
+ CyanA400,
+ CyanA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrTeals
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Teal50,
+ Teal100,
+ Teal200,
+ Teal300,
+ Teal400,
+ Teal500,
+ Teal600,
+ Teal700,
+ Teal800,
+ Teal900,
+ TealA100,
+ TealA200,
+ TealA400,
+ TealA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrGreens
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Green50,
+ Green100,
+ Green200,
+ Green300,
+ Green400,
+ Green500,
+ Green600,
+ Green700,
+ Green800,
+ Green900,
+ GreenA100,
+ GreenA200,
+ GreenA400,
+ GreenA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrLightGreens
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ LightGreen50,
+ LightGreen100,
+ LightGreen200,
+ LightGreen300,
+ LightGreen400,
+ LightGreen500,
+ LightGreen600,
+ LightGreen700,
+ LightGreen800,
+ LightGreen900,
+ LightGreenA100,
+ LightGreenA200,
+ LightGreenA400,
+ LightGreenA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrLimes
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Lime50,
+ Lime100,
+ Lime200,
+ Lime300,
+ Lime400,
+ Lime500,
+ Lime600,
+ Lime700,
+ Lime800,
+ Lime900,
+ LimeA100,
+ LimeA200,
+ LimeA400,
+ LimeA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrYellows
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Yellow50,
+ Yellow100,
+ Yellow200,
+ Yellow300,
+ Yellow400,
+ Yellow500,
+ Yellow600,
+ Yellow700,
+ Yellow800,
+ Yellow900,
+ YellowA100,
+ YellowA200,
+ YellowA400,
+ YellowA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrAmbers
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Amber50,
+ Amber100,
+ Amber200,
+ Amber300,
+ Amber400,
+ Amber500,
+ Amber600,
+ Amber700,
+ Amber800,
+ Amber900,
+ AmberA100,
+ AmberA200,
+ AmberA400,
+ AmberA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrOranges
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Orange50,
+ Orange100,
+ Orange200,
+ Orange300,
+ Orange400,
+ Orange500,
+ Orange600,
+ Orange700,
+ Orange800,
+ Orange900,
+ OrangeA100,
+ OrangeA200,
+ OrangeA400,
+ OrangeA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrDeepOranges
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ DeepOrange50,
+ DeepOrange100,
+ DeepOrange200,
+ DeepOrange300,
+ DeepOrange400,
+ DeepOrange500,
+ DeepOrange600,
+ DeepOrange700,
+ DeepOrange800,
+ DeepOrange900,
+ DeepOrangeA100,
+ DeepOrangeA200,
+ DeepOrangeA400,
+ DeepOrangeA700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrBrowns
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Brown50,
+ Brown100,
+ Brown200,
+ Brown300,
+ Brown400,
+ Brown500,
+ Brown600,
+ Brown700,
+ Brown800,
+ Brown900,
+ Brown100,
+ Brown200,
+ Brown400,
+ Brown700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrGreys
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ Grey50,
+ Grey100,
+ Grey200,
+ Grey300,
+ Grey400,
+ Grey500,
+ Grey600,
+ Grey700,
+ Grey800,
+ Grey900,
+ Grey100,
+ Grey200,
+ Grey400,
+ Grey700,
+ };
+ private static readonly Color[] ArrBlueGreys
+ = new Color[MaterialDesignIDs] {
+ BlueGrey50,
+ BlueGrey100,
+ BlueGrey200,
+ BlueGrey300,
+ BlueGrey400,
+ BlueGrey500,
+ BlueGrey600,
+ BlueGrey700,
+ BlueGrey800,
+ BlueGrey900,
+ BlueGrey100,
+ BlueGrey200,
+ BlueGrey400,
+ BlueGrey700,
+ };
+ private static Color ArrGet(in Color[] arr, in ColorID id)
+ {
+ if (id == ColorID.White) {
+ return White;
+ }
+ var idx = (int) id - 1;
+ if (idx >= 0 && idx < arr.Length) {
+ return arr[idx];
+ }
+ return TransparentBlack;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Debug.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Debug.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ba5888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Debug.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * AmyCore
+ * Core functionality with zero hard dependencies (besides C# 8.0 and Godot).
+ *
+ * Strongly recommended to include:
+ * System.IO.Hashing
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+ * Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ *
+ * Stuff that is very commonly needed and very rarely changes should go here.
+ *
+ * Last update date: 2024-09-05
+ *
+using Logging = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+using System.IO.Hashing; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using Crypto = System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
+using System.Net.Sockets;
+using System.Net.Http;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public static partial class AmyCore
+ internal static void Assert(bool condition, params object[] message)
+ {
+#if DEBUG
+ if (condition) {
+ return;
+ }
+ StringBuilder sb = new(message.Length > 0 ? "Assertion failed: " : "Assertion failed.");
+ foreach (var component in message) {
+ sb.Append("``");
+ sb.Append(component.ToString());
+ sb.Append("''");
+ }
+ var msg = sb.ToString();
+ GD.PushError(msg);
+ throw new ApplicationException(msg);
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Logging.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Logging.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9c1bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Logging.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+ * AmyCore
+ * Core functionality with zero hard dependencies (besides C# 8.0 and Godot).
+ *
+ * Strongly recommended to include:
+ * System.IO.Hashing
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+ * Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ *
+ * Stuff that is very commonly needed and very rarely changes should go here.
+ *
+ * Last update date: 2024-05-03
+ *
+using Logging = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+using System.IO.Hashing; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using Crypto = System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
+using System.Net.Sockets;
+using System.Net.Http;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public static partial class AmyCore
+ public partial class Logger
+ : Logging.ILogger
+ {
+ public enum Severity : byte
+ {
+ Trace,
+ Debug,
+ Verbose,
+ Info,
+ Warning,
+ Error,
+ Critical,
+ None,
+ }
+ public readonly record struct LogEntry(in Severity Severity,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in DateTime TimeStamp,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string Message);
+ public static Severity LogLevel
+ {
+ get => Internal_LogLevel;
+ set {
+ if (!Enum.IsDefined(value)) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException(Logger_.Error(
+ "LogLevel was set to unsupported Severity ", value, "."));
+ }
+ Internal_LogLevel = value;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Severity Internal_LogLevel = Severity.Info;
+ public static event Action? OnLogLine;
+ public readonly List LogEntries = new();
+ public readonly string SubModule;
+ public Logger([NotNullWhen(true)] in string subModule)
+ {
+ if (subModule is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(subModule));
+ }
+ SubModule = subModule;
+ }
+ #region API
+ public string Critical(params object?[] args)
+ => Print(Severity.Critical, args);
+ public string CriticalC(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintC(Severity.Critical, args);
+#pragma warning disable IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter 'dummy' if it is not part of a shipped public API Roslyn(IDE0060)
+ public string CriticalEx(in string? sep, in bool dummy,
+ params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(Severity.Critical, sep, false, args);
+#pragma warning restore IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter 'dummy' if it is not part of a shipped public API Roslyn(IDE0060)
+ public string CriticalS(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintS(Severity.Critical, args);
+ public string CriticalT(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintT(Severity.Critical, args);
+ public string Debug(params object?[] args)
+ => Print(Severity.Debug, args);
+ public string DebugC(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintC(Severity.Debug, args);
+ public string DebugEx(in string? sep, in bool rich, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(Severity.Debug, sep, rich, args);
+ public string DebugRich(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRich(Severity.Debug, args);
+ public string DebugRichC(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichC(Severity.Debug, args);
+ public string DebugRichS(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichS(Severity.Debug, args);
+ public string DebugRichT(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichT(Severity.Debug, args);
+ public string DebugS(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintS(Severity.Debug, args);
+ public string DebugT(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintT(Severity.Debug, args);
+ public string Error(params object?[] args)
+ => Print(Severity.Error, args);
+ public string ErrorC(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintC(Severity.Error, args);
+#pragma warning disable IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter 'dummy' if it is not part of a shipped public API Roslyn(IDE0060)
+ public string ErrorEx(in string? sep, in bool dummy, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(Severity.Error, sep, false, args);
+#pragma warning restore IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter 'dummy' if it is not part of a shipped public API Roslyn(IDE0060)
+ public string ErrorS(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintS(Severity.Error, args);
+ public string ErrorT(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintT(Severity.Error, args);
+ public string Info(params object?[] args)
+ => Print(Severity.Info, args);
+ public string InfoC(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintC(Severity.Info, args);
+ public string InfoEx(in string? sep, in bool rich, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(Severity.Info, sep, rich, args);
+ public string InfoRich(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRich(Severity.Info, args);
+ public string InfoRichC(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichC(Severity.Info, args);
+ public string InfoRichS(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichS(Severity.Info, args);
+ public string InfoRichT(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichT(Severity.Info, args);
+ public string InfoS(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintS(Severity.Info, args);
+ public string InfoT(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintT(Severity.Info, args);
+ public string Print(in Severity severity, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(severity, null, false, args);
+ public string PrintC(in Severity severity, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(severity, ", ", false, args);
+ public string PrintEx(in Severity severity, in string? sep, in bool rich,
+ params object?[] args)
+ => PrintLogEntry(severity, rich, PrepareLogEntry(severity, sep, args));
+ public string PrintLogEntry(in Severity severity, in bool rich,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in LogEntry logEntry)
+ {
+ var msg = logEntry.Message;
+ var ts = logEntry.TimeStamp;
+ OnLogLine?.Invoke(msg);
+ if (severity >= LogLevel && severity != Severity.None) {
+ if (severity >= Severity.Error) {
+ GD.PushError(msg);
+ GD.PrintErr(msg);
+ } else if (severity >= Severity.Warning) {
+ GD.PushWarning(msg);
+ GD.PrintErr(msg);
+ } else if (rich) {
+ GD.PrintRich(msg);
+ } else {
+ GD.Print(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ LogEntries.Add(logEntry);
+ return msg; // Return the message for convienience, e.g. to throw an exception
+ }
+ public string PrintRich(in Severity severity, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(severity, string.Empty, true, args);
+ public string PrintRichC(in Severity severity, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(severity, ", ", true, args);
+ public string PrintRichS(in Severity severity, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(severity, " ", true, args);
+ public string PrintRichT(in Severity severity, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(severity, "\t", true, args);
+ public string PrintS(in Severity severity, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(severity, " ", false, args);
+ public string PrintT(in Severity severity, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(severity, "\t", false, args);
+ public string Trace(params object?[] args)
+ => Print(Severity.Trace, args);
+ public string TraceC(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintC(Severity.Trace, args);
+ public string TraceEx(in string? sep, in bool rich, params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(Severity.Trace, sep, rich, args);
+ public string TraceRich(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRich(Severity.Trace, args);
+ public string TraceRichC(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichC(Severity.Trace, args);
+ public string TraceRichS(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichS(Severity.Trace, args);
+ public string TraceRichT(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichT(Severity.Trace, args);
+ public string TraceS(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintS(Severity.Trace, args);
+ public string TraceT(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintT(Severity.Trace, args);
+ public string Verbose(params object?[] args)
+ => Print(Severity.Verbose, args);
+ public string VerboseC(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintC(Severity.Verbose, args);
+ public string VerboseEx(in string? sep, in bool rich,
+ params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(Severity.Verbose, sep, rich, args);
+ public string VerboseRich(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRich(Severity.Verbose, args);
+ public string VerboseRichC(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichC(Severity.Verbose, args);
+ public string VerboseRichS(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichS(Severity.Verbose, args);
+ public string VerboseRichT(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintRichT(Severity.Verbose, args);
+ public string VerboseS(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintS(Severity.Verbose, args);
+ public string VerboseT(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintT(Severity.Verbose, args);
+ public string Warning(params object?[] args)
+ => Print(Severity.Warning, args);
+ public string WarningC(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintC(Severity.Warning, args);
+#pragma warning disable IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter 'dummy' if it is not part of a shipped public API Roslyn(IDE0060)
+ public string WarningEx(in string? sep, in bool dummy,
+ params object?[] args)
+ => PrintEx(Severity.Warning, sep, false, args);
+#pragma warning restore IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter 'dummy' if it is not part of a shipped public API Roslyn(IDE0060)
+ public string WarningS(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintS(Severity.Warning, args);
+ public string WarningT(params object?[] args)
+ => PrintT(Severity.Warning, args);
+ #endregion API
+ #region Interface Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger
+ // TODO: For what is this method used?
+ IDisposable? Logging.ILogger.BeginScope(TState state)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ public bool IsEnabled(Logging.LogLevel logLevel)
+ {
+ var severity = MapLogLevelToSeverity(logLevel);
+ return severity >= LogLevel && severity != Severity.None;
+ }
+ public void Log(Logging.LogLevel logLevel, Logging.EventId eventId,
+ TState state, Exception? exception,
+ Func formatter)
+ {
+ var severity = MapLogLevelToSeverity(logLevel);
+ if (severity == Severity.None) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var sb = new StringBuilder();
+ sb.Append('{');
+ sb.Append(eventId.Id);
+ sb.Append(':');
+ sb.Append(eventId.Name);
+ sb.Append('}');
+ var msg = formatter?.Invoke(state, exception) ?? string.Empty;
+ _ = PrintS(severity, sb.ToString(), msg);
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endregion Interface Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger
+ #region Protected Implementation
+ protected static readonly Logger Logger_ = new("AmyCore.Logger");
+ protected static Severity MapLogLevelToSeverity(
+ in Logging.LogLevel logLevel)
+ {
+ if (logLevel == Logging.LogLevel.None) {
+ return Severity.None;
+ } if (logLevel >= Logging.LogLevel.Critical) {
+ return Severity.Critical;
+ } else if (logLevel >= Logging.LogLevel.Error) {
+ return Severity.Error;
+ } else if (logLevel >= Logging.LogLevel.Warning) {
+ return Severity.Warning;
+ } else if (logLevel >= Logging.LogLevel.Information) {
+ return Severity.Info;
+ } else if (logLevel >= Logging.LogLevel.Debug) {
+ return Severity.Debug;
+ } else if (logLevel >= Logging.LogLevel.Trace) {
+ return Severity.Trace;
+ }
+ return Severity.Trace;
+ }
+ #endif
+ protected LogEntry PrepareLogEntry(in Severity severity, in string? sep,
+ in object?[]? args)
+ {
+ var sb = new StringBuilder("[");
+ var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ sb.Append(now.Year.ToString("D4"));
+ sb.Append('-');
+ sb.Append(now.Month.ToString("D2"));
+ sb.Append('-');
+ sb.Append(now.Day.ToString("D2"));
+ sb.Append('T');
+ sb.Append(now.Hour.ToString("D2"));
+ sb.Append(':');
+ sb.Append(now.Minute.ToString("D2"));
+ sb.Append(':');
+ sb.Append(now.Second.ToString("D2"));
+ sb.Append('.');
+ sb.Append(now.Millisecond.ToString("D3"));
+ sb.Append(now.Microsecond.ToString("D3"));
+ sb.Append("Z] [Amy");
+ var submod = SubModule; // This definitely won't be null...
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(submod)) { // ...But it doesn't hurt to do it this way anyway...
+ sb.Append('/');
+ sb.Append(submod);
+ }
+ sb.Append(':');
+ sb.Append(severity.ToString());
+ sb.Append("] ");
+ if (args is not null) {
+ foreach (var arg in args) {
+ if (sep is not null) {
+ sb.Append(sep);
+ }
+ sb.Append(arg?.ToString() ?? "(null)");
+ }
+ }
+ return new LogEntry(Severity: severity, TimeStamp: now,
+ Message: sb.ToString());
+ }
+ #endregion Protected Implementation
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Misc.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Misc.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ecd162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Misc.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,1617 @@
+ * AmyCore
+ * Core functionality with zero hard dependencies (besides C# 8.0 and Godot).
+ *
+ * Strongly recommended to include:
+ * System.IO.Hashing
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+ * Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ *
+ * Stuff that is very commonly needed and very rarely changes should go here.
+ *
+ * Last update date: 2024-07-19
+ *
+using Logging = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+using System.IO.Hashing; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using Crypto = System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
+using System.Net.Sockets;
+using System.Net.Http;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public static partial class AmyCore
+ #region Access Safety Checks
+ public static bool IsSafeToAccess(object? obj)
+ {
+ if (obj is null || obj == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (obj is GodotObject godotObject) {
+ if (!GodotObject.IsInstanceValid(godotObject)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (godotObject?.IsQueuedForDeletion() ?? true) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static bool IsSafeToAccessAndInTree(object? obj)
+ {
+ if (!IsSafeToAccess(obj)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (obj is Node node) {
+ if (!node.IsInsideTree()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ try {
+ if (!IsSafeToAccess(node.GetTree())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch (Exception) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static bool IsSafeToAccessAndInTreeAndMultiplayerAuthority(Node? node)
+ => IsSafeToAccessAndInTree(node) && (node?.IsMultiplayerAuthority() ?? false);
+ public static bool IsSafeToAccessAndMultiplayerAuthority(Node? node)
+ => IsSafeToAccess(node) && (node?.IsMultiplayerAuthority() ?? false);
+ #endregion Access Safety Checks
+ #region Compression
+ public static byte[] GZip(in string text)
+ => GZip(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));
+ public static byte[] GZip(in byte[] data)
+ {
+ using var outStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
+ using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(outStream, CompressionLevel.Optimal)) {
+ gzipStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
+ }
+ return outStream.ToArray();
+ }
+ private static bool TryGUnZip(in byte[] bytes, out string? text)
+ {
+ try {
+ if (TryGUnZip(bytes, out byte[]? data)) {
+ text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data!);
+ return true;
+ }
+ } catch (Exception) { }
+ text = default;
+ return false;
+ }
+ private static bool TryGUnZip(in byte[] bytes, out byte[]? data)
+ {
+ try {
+ using var inStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(bytes);
+ using var outStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
+ using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(inStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) {
+ gzipStream.CopyTo(outStream);
+ }
+ data = outStream.ToArray();
+ return true;
+ } catch (Exception) {
+ data = default;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion Compression
+ #region Enumerations
+ public static T[] GetEnumValues() => (T[]) Enum.GetValues(typeof(T));
+ #endregion Enumerations
+ #region Extension Methods
+ public static string GetSelectedText_AmyExt(this OptionButton optionButton)
+ {
+ var sel = optionButton.Selected;
+ return sel >= 0 ? optionButton.GetItemText(sel) : string.Empty;
+ }
+ public static V GetValue_AmyExt<[MustBeVariant] K, [MustBeVariant] V>(
+ this Godot.Collections.Dictionary dictionary, K key, Variant.Type check, V fallback)
+ {
+ if (dictionary.TryGetValue(Variant.From(key), out var valueVariant)) {
+ if (valueVariant.VariantType == check) {
+ return valueVariant.As();
+ }
+ }
+ return fallback;
+ }
+ public static V GetValue_AmyExt<[MustBeVariant] K, [MustBeVariant] V>(
+ this Godot.Collections.Dictionary dictionary, K key, Variant.Type check, Exception exception)
+ {
+ if (dictionary.TryGetValue(Variant.From(key), out var valueVariant)) {
+ if (valueVariant.VariantType == check) {
+ return valueVariant.As();
+ }
+ }
+ throw exception;
+ }
+ public static bool Play_AmyExt(this AudioStreamPlayer player, in AudioStream stream)
+ {
+ var wasPlaying = player.Playing;
+ player.Stop();
+ player.Stream = stream;
+ player.Play();
+ return wasPlaying;
+ }
+ public static bool Play_AmyExt(this AudioStreamPlayer2D player, in AudioStream stream)
+ {
+ var wasPlaying = player.Playing;
+ player.Stop();
+ player.Stream = stream;
+ player.Play();
+ return wasPlaying;
+ }
+ public static bool Play_AmyExt(this AudioStreamPlayer3D player, in AudioStream stream)
+ {
+ var wasPlaying = player.Playing;
+ player.Stop();
+ player.Stream = stream;
+ player.Play();
+ return wasPlaying;
+ }
+ public static bool SetSelectedText_AmyExt(this OptionButton optionButton, string text)
+ {
+ for (int index = 0; index < optionButton.ItemCount; index++) {
+ if (optionButton.GetItemText(index) == text) {
+ optionButton.Select(index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ optionButton.Select(-1);
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static string StripBbCode_AmyExt(this string richText)
+ {
+ return RegexBbCodeStripperRegex.Replace(richText, string.Empty);
+ }
+ [GeneratedRegex(@"\[[^][]*\]",
+ RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant)]
+ private static partial Regex RegexBbCodeStripperGenerator();
+ private static readonly Regex RegexBbCodeStripperRegex = RegexBbCodeStripperGenerator();
+ public static bool TryGetValue_AmyExt<[MustBeVariant] K, [MustBeVariant] V>(
+ this Godot.Collections.Dictionary dictionary, K key, Variant.Type check, out V value)
+ {
+ if (dictionary.TryGetValue(Variant.From(key), out var valueVariant)) {
+ if (valueVariant.VariantType == check) {
+ value = valueVariant.As();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ value = default;
+ return false;
+ }
+ #endregion Extension Methods
+ #region FileSystem Access
+ public static FileAccess? CreateAndOpenTemporaryDisposableFile(
+ out string? path, in string? password = null,
+ in Logger? logger = null)
+ {
+ const string temp = "user://Temp";
+ var lgr = logger ?? Logger_;
+ if (!DirAccess.DirExistsAbsolute(temp)) {
+ var err = DirAccess.MakeDirRecursiveAbsolute(temp);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ lgr.Error(nameof(CreateAndOpenTemporaryDisposableFile),
+ ": Unable to create temporary path ``", temp, "''. Error=", err);
+ path = null;
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ var fn = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".tmp";
+ var fp = System.IO.Path.Join(temp, fn);
+ var file = OpenDisposableFile(fp, createIfDidNotExist: true,
+ FileAccess.ModeFlags.WriteRead, password: password, logger: lgr);
+ path = file is not null ? fp : null;
+ return file;
+ }
+ public static FileAccess? CreateOrOpenDisposableFileForAppend(
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string path,
+ in string? password = null,
+ in Logger? logger = null,
+ in bool suppressDecryptionErrorLogs = false,
+ in bool suppressFileDoesNotExistErrorLogs = false)
+ {
+ if (FileAccess.FileExists(path)) {
+ if (OpenDisposableFile(path, false,
+ FileAccess.ModeFlags.ReadWrite, password, logger,
+ suppressDecryptionErrorLogs,
+ suppressFileDoesNotExistErrorLogs) is FileAccess file) {
+ file.SeekEnd();
+ return file;
+ }
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ return OpenDisposableFile(path, true,
+ FileAccess.ModeFlags.WriteRead, password, logger,
+ suppressDecryptionErrorLogs, suppressFileDoesNotExistErrorLogs);
+ }
+ }
+ // Thoroughly checks for any errors and logs them without throwing.
+ // It can't use the Try... pattern because using is required.
+ public static FileAccess? OpenDisposableFile(
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string path, in bool createIfDidNotExist,
+ in FileAccess.ModeFlags modeFlags, in string? password = null,
+ in Logger? logger = null,
+ in bool suppressDecryptionErrorLogs = false,
+ in bool suppressFileDoesNotExistErrorLogs = false)
+ {
+ if (path is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
+ }
+ var lgr = logger ?? Logger_;
+ try {
+ FileAccess? result = null;
+ var modeFlagsCanCreate = modeFlags switch {
+ FileAccess.ModeFlags.Read => false,
+ FileAccess.ModeFlags.Write => true,
+ FileAccess.ModeFlags.ReadWrite => true, // TODO: Verify ReadWrite can create one.
+ FileAccess.ModeFlags.WriteRead => true,
+ _ => false,
+ };
+ if (createIfDidNotExist && modeFlagsCanCreate
+ || FileAccess.FileExists(path)) {
+ var filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path);
+ if (path.EndsWith("/" + filename) || path.EndsWith("\\" + filename)) {
+ var parentDir = path[..(path.Length - filename.Length)]; // Yes, keep the slash, otherwise it screws up on user://, etc
+ if (!DirAccess.DirExistsAbsolute(parentDir)) {
+ lgr.Info($"Creating missing parent directory: ``{parentDir}''");
+ DirAccess.MakeDirRecursiveAbsolute(parentDir);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _ = lgr.Error($"Unable to create parent directory at ``{path}'' (path error).");
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (password is null) {
+ result = FileAccess.Open(path, modeFlags);
+ } else {
+ result = FileAccess.OpenEncryptedWithPass(path, modeFlags,
+ password);
+ }
+ if (result is FileAccess file) {
+ var err = file.GetError();
+ if (err == Error.Ok) {
+ if (!file.IsOpen()) {
+ _ = lgr.Error($"Unable to open file at ``{path}'' (result was not open).",
+ FileAccess.GetOpenError());
+ file.Dispose();
+ result = null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _ = lgr.Error($"Unable to open file at ``{path}'' (GetError revealed an error).",
+ err, FileAccess.GetOpenError());
+ file.Dispose();
+ result = null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var openError = FileAccess.GetOpenError();
+ if (openError == Error.Unauthorized) { // TODO:!
+ if (!suppressDecryptionErrorLogs) {
+ _ = lgr.Error($"Unable to open file at ``{path}'' (could not decrypt).",
+ openError);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _ = lgr.Error($"Unable to open file at ``{path}'' (result was null).",
+ openError);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!suppressFileDoesNotExistErrorLogs) {
+ _ = lgr.Error($"Unable to open file at ``{path}'' (file did not exist).");
+ }
+ return result;
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ _ = lgr.Error($"Unable to open file at ``{path}'': ", ex);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Returns false if it fails, true if it didn't exist or successfully removes it
+ public static bool RemoveDirectoryRecursive([NotNullWhen(true)] in string path)
+ {
+ if (path is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
+ }
+ if (FileAccess.FileExists(path)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!DirAccess.DirExistsAbsolute(path)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ {
+ using var dir = DirAccess.Open(path);
+ if (dir is null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ dir.IncludeHidden = true;
+ dir.ListDirBegin();
+ string fn = dir.GetNext();
+ while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fn)) {
+ if (dir.CurrentIsDir()) {
+ if (!RemoveDirectoryRecursive(path + '/' + fn)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (dir.Remove(fn) != Error.Ok) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ fn = dir.GetNext();
+ }
+ }
+ if (DirAccess.RemoveAbsolute(path) != Error.Ok) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Returns false if it fails, true if it didn't exist or successfully removes it
+ public static async Task RemoveDirectoryRecursiveAsync(Node self,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] string path)
+ {
+ if (path is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
+ }
+ if (FileAccess.FileExists(path)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!DirAccess.DirExistsAbsolute(path)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ await ProcessFrame(self);
+ {
+ using var dir = DirAccess.Open(path);
+ if (dir is null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ dir.IncludeHidden = true;
+ dir.ListDirBegin();
+ string fn = dir.GetNext();
+ while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fn)) {
+ if (dir.CurrentIsDir()) {
+ if (!await RemoveDirectoryRecursiveAsync(self, path + '/' + fn)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (dir.Remove(fn) != Error.Ok) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ fn = dir.GetNext();
+ }
+ }
+ if (DirAccess.RemoveAbsolute(path) != Error.Ok) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Thoroughly checks for any errors and logs them without throwing (except if path is null).
+ public static bool TryOpenFileAndReadAsText(
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string path,
+ in bool unzip, out string? text, in string? password = null,
+ in Logger? logger = null, in bool skipCr = true,
+ in bool suppressDecryptionErrorLogs = false,
+ in bool suppressFileDoesNotExistErrorLogs = false)
+ {
+ if (path is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
+ }
+ var lgr = logger ?? Logger_;
+ using var file = OpenDisposableFile(path, false,
+ FileAccess.ModeFlags.Read, password: password, logger: lgr,
+ suppressDecryptionErrorLogs: suppressDecryptionErrorLogs,
+ suppressFileDoesNotExistErrorLogs:
+ suppressFileDoesNotExistErrorLogs);
+ if (file is FileAccess fileAccess) {
+ return TryReadOpenFileAsText(fileAccess, unzip, out text,
+ logger: lgr, skipCr: skipCr);
+ }
+ text = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Thoroughly checks for any errors and logs them without throwing (except if file is null).
+ public static bool TryReadOpenFileAsText(
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in FileAccess file, in bool unzip,
+ out string? text, in Logger? logger = null, in bool skipCr = true)
+ {
+ if (file is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));
+ }
+ var lgr = logger ?? Logger_;
+ try {
+ var ok = false;
+ if (IsSafeToAccess(file)) {
+ var err = file.GetError();
+ if (err == Error.Ok) {
+ if (file.IsOpen()) {
+ ok = true;
+ } else {
+ _ = lgr.Error("Unable to open file (file was not open).");
+ }
+ } else {
+ _ = lgr.Error("Unable to open file (GetError revealed an error): ", err);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _ = lgr.Error("Unable to read file (file was not safe to access).");
+ }
+ string? txt = null;
+ if (ok) {
+ if (!unzip) {
+ txt = file.GetAsText(skipCr: skipCr);
+ if (txt is null) {
+ _ = lgr.Error("Unable to read file (GetAsText returned a null string).");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Unzip the text:
+ var ulen = file.GetLength();
+ if (ulen <= long.MaxValue) {
+ var slen = (long) ulen;
+ var compressedBytes = file.GetBuffer(slen);
+ if (compressedBytes is not null) {
+ if (TryGUnZip(compressedBytes, out string? unzipped)) {
+ if (skipCr) {
+ txt = unzipped!.Replace("\r", null);
+ } else {
+ txt = unzipped;
+ }
+ } // Otherwise, definitely already logged by UnzipText.
+ } else {
+ _ = lgr.Error("Unable to read file (GetBuffer returned a null buffer).");
+ }
+ } else if (ulen == ulong.MaxValue) {
+ _ = lgr.Error("Unable to read file (file was null after all).");
+ } else {
+ _ = lgr.Error("Unable to read file (file appeared to be way too large).");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ text = txt;
+ return txt is not null;
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ _ = lgr.Error("Unable to read file: ", ex);
+ text = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion FileSystem Access
+ #region Hashing
+ public static ulong BuildUInt64(byte[] bytes, int offset = 0) // Since BitConverter depends on computer's endianness.
+ {
+ if (bytes.Length < offset + 8) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException(); // TODO: FIXME: Actually out of range
+ }
+ return (ulong) bytes[offset ] << 56
+ | (ulong) bytes[offset + 1] << 48
+ | (ulong) bytes[offset + 2] << 40
+ | (ulong) bytes[offset + 3] << 32
+ | (ulong) bytes[offset + 4] << 24
+ | (ulong) bytes[offset + 5] << 16
+ | (ulong) bytes[offset + 6] << 8
+ | (ulong) bytes[offset + 7];
+ }
+ public static Crc32 Crc32 = new();
+ public static Crc64 Crc64 = new();
+ public static XxHash128 XxHash128 = new();
+ public static XxHash3 XxHash3 = new();
+ public static XxHash32 XxHash32 = new();
+ public static XxHash64 XxHash64 = new();
+ public static ulong XxHash3Of(byte[] data) => BuildUInt64(XxHash3.Hash(data));
+ public static ulong XxHash3Of(string text) => XxHash3Of(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));
+ public static string XxHash3OfAsString(byte[] data) => ByteArrayToHexString(XxHash3.Hash(data));
+ public static string XxHash3OfAsString(string text) => XxHash3OfAsString(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));
+ public static (ulong, ulong) XxHash128Of(byte[] data)
+ {
+ var bytes = XxHash128.Hash(data);
+ var a = BuildUInt64(bytes);
+ var b = BuildUInt64(bytes, 8);
+ return (a, b);
+ }
+ public static (ulong, ulong) XxHash128Of(string text) => XxHash128Of(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));
+ public static string XxHash128OfAsString(byte[] data) => ByteArrayToHexString(XxHash128.Hash(data));
+ public static string XxHash128OfAsString(string text) => XxHash128OfAsString(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));
+ #endif
+ #endregion
+ #region IP Address Querying
+ public static bool CheckPortOpen(int port)
+ {
+ if (GetDefaultGatewayIPv4Address() is not IPAddress gateway) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ using TcpClient tcpClient = new();
+ try {
+ tcpClient.Connect(gateway, port);
+ return true;
+ } catch {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public static IPAddress? GetDefaultGatewayIPv4Address()
+ {
+ try {
+ return NetworkInterface
+ .GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
+ .Where(n => n.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up)
+ .Where(n => n.NetworkInterfaceType != NetworkInterfaceType.Loopback)
+ .SelectMany(n => n.GetIPProperties()?.GatewayAddresses ?? throw new Exception())
+ .Select(g => g?.Address)
+ .Where(a => a != null)
+ .Where(a => a!.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
+ .Where(a => Array.FindIndex(a!.GetAddressBytes(), b => b != 0) >= 0)
+ .FirstOrDefault();
+ } catch { }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static void GetExternalIPAddress(Action? callback)
+ {
+ Task.Run(async () => await GetExternalIPAddressImpl(callback));
+ }
+ private static async Task GetExternalIPAddressImpl(Action? callback)
+ {
+ // The multiple layers of wrapping are completely required (sometimes and not other times).
+ // This is because it has to be called from the main thread, hence CallDeferred, but
+ // Callable can't take an async because of illegal conversion of Task to Variant.
+ Callable.From(() => {
+ var a = async () => {
+ callback?.Invoke(await GetExternalIPAddress());
+ };
+ a();
+ }).CallDeferred();
+ }
+ public static async Task GetExternalIPAddress()
+ {
+ var task = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient().GetStringAsync("http://icanhazip.com");
+ if (!IPAddress.TryParse(RegexWhiteSpace.Replace(await task, string.Empty), out var result)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static void GetExternalIPv4Address(Action? callback)
+ {
+ Task.Run(async () => await GetExternalIPv4AddressImpl(callback));
+ }
+ private static async Task GetExternalIPv4AddressImpl(Action? callback)
+ {
+ // The multiple layers of wrapping are completely required (sometimes and not other times).
+ // This is because it has to be called from the main thread, hence CallDeferred, but
+ // Callable can't take an async because of illegal conversion of Task to Variant.
+ Callable.From(() => {
+ var a = async () => {
+ callback?.Invoke(await GetExternalIPv4Address());
+ };
+ a();
+ }).CallDeferred();
+ }
+ public static async Task GetExternalIPv4Address()
+ {
+ var task = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient().GetStringAsync("http://ipv4.icanhazip.com");
+ if (!IPAddress.TryParse(RegexWhiteSpace.Replace(await task, string.Empty), out var result)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static void GetExternalIPv6Address(Action? callback)
+ {
+ Task.Run(async () => await GetExternalIPv6AddressImpl(callback));
+ }
+ private static async Task GetExternalIPv6AddressImpl(Action? callback)
+ {
+ // The multiple layers of wrapping are completely required (sometimes and not other times).
+ // This is because it has to be called from the main thread, hence CallDeferred, but
+ // Callable can't take an async because of illegal conversion of Task to Variant.
+ Callable.From(() => {
+ var a = async () => {
+ callback?.Invoke(await GetExternalIPv6Address());
+ };
+ a();
+ }).CallDeferred();
+ }
+ public static async Task GetExternalIPv6Address()
+ {
+ var task = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient().GetStringAsync("http://ipv6.icanhazip.com");
+ if (!IPAddress.TryParse(RegexWhiteSpace.Replace(await task, string.Empty), out var result)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static IPAddress? GetInternalIPv4Address()
+ {
+ var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
+ foreach (var ip in host.AddressList) {
+ if (ip.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork) {
+ return ip;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static IPAddress? GetInternalIPv6Address()
+ {
+ var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
+ foreach (var ip in host.AddressList) {
+ if (ip.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) {
+ return ip;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ #endregion IP Address Querying
+ #region Math
+ // Shortest distance between two angles
+ public static double DeltaAngle(double current, double target)
+ {
+ var delta = Repeat(target - current, Math.Tau);
+ if (delta > Math.PI) {
+ delta -= Math.Tau;
+ }
+ return delta;
+ }
+ public static double LerpAngle(ref double a, double b, double t)
+ {
+ var result = LerpAngle(a, b, t);
+ a = result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static double LerpAngle(double a, double b, double t)
+ {
+ var delta = Repeat(b - a, Math.Tau);
+ if (delta > Math.PI) {
+ delta -= Math.Tau;
+ }
+ return a + delta * Math.Clamp(t, 0d, 1d);
+ }
+ public static T MoveToward_Amy(this T current, T target, T maxDelta) where T : System.Numerics.INumber
+ => MoveToward(current, target, maxDelta);
+ public static T MoveToward(ref T current, T target, T maxDelta) where T : System.Numerics.INumber
+ {
+ var result = MoveToward(current, target, maxDelta);
+ current = result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static T MoveToward(T current, T target, T maxDelta) where T : System.Numerics.INumber
+ {
+ if (current < target) {
+ var maybeOver = current + maxDelta;
+ return maybeOver < target ? maybeOver : target;
+ } else if (current > target) {
+ var maybeUnder = current - maxDelta;
+ return maybeUnder > target ? maybeUnder : target;
+ } else {
+ return target;
+ }
+ }
+ public static double MoveTowardAngle(ref double current, double target, double maxDelta)
+ {
+ var result = MoveTowardAngle(current, target, maxDelta);
+ current = result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static double MoveTowardAngle(double current, double target, double maxDelta)
+ {
+ var deltaAngle = DeltaAngle(current, target);
+ if (-maxDelta < deltaAngle && deltaAngle < maxDelta) {
+ return target;
+ }
+ target = current + deltaAngle;
+ return MoveToward(current, target, maxDelta);
+ }
+ public static double Repeat(double t, double length)
+ {
+ return Math.Clamp(t - Math.Floor(t / length) * length, 0d, length);
+ }
+ #endregion Math
+ #region Pairing Functions
+ // Signed Szudzik pairing function
+ public static uint SzudzikPairSigned(int x, int y)
+ {
+ var a = (x >= 0 ? 2 * x : -2 * x - 1);
+ var b = (y >= 0 ? 2 * y : -2 * y - 1);
+ return SzudzikPairUnsigned((uint) a, (uint) b);
+ }
+ public static ulong SzudzikPairSigned(long x, long y)
+ {
+ var a = (x >= 0L ? 2L * x : -2L * x - 1L);
+ var b = (y >= 0L ? 2L * y : -2L * y - 1L);
+ return SzudzikPairUnsigned((ulong) a, (ulong) b);
+ }
+ // Szudzik pairing function
+ public static ulong SzudzikPairUnsigned(ulong x, ulong y)
+ => x >= y ? (x * x) + x + y : (y * y) + x;
+ public static uint SzudzikPairUnsigned(uint x, uint y)
+ => x >= y ? (x * x) + x + y : (y * y) + x;
+ #endregion Pairing Functions
+ #region Passphrase Generation
+ // This is NOT cryptographically secure. It is simply for convenience.
+ // Generates a passphrase like "correct-battery-staple" ("horse" only had 5 characters, this filters words by 6-12 characters each.)
+ public static string GeneratePassphrase()
+ {
+ StringBuilder sb = new(FastRandom.Select(WordListForPassphraseGeneration));
+ sb.Append('-');
+ sb.Append(FastRandom.Select(WordListForPassphraseGeneration));
+ sb.Append('-');
+ sb.Append(FastRandom.Select(WordListForPassphraseGeneration));
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ #endregion Passphrase Generation
+ #region Regular Expressions
+ public static Regex RegexWhiteSpace = new(@"\s", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Compiled);
+ #endregion Regular Expressions
+ #region REST Client
+ public enum HttpVerb
+ {
+ Get,
+ Post,
+ Put,
+ Delete,
+ }
+ public partial class RestClient
+ {
+ public string ContentType { get; set; } = "text/xml";
+ public string EndPoint { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ public HttpVerb Method { get; set; } = HttpVerb.Get;
+ public string PostData { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ public RestClient() { }
+ public RestClient(string endPoint) : this()
+ {
+ EndPoint = endPoint;
+ }
+ public RestClient(string endPoint, HttpVerb method)
+ : this(endPoint)
+ {
+ Method = method;
+ }
+ public RestClient(string endPoint, HttpVerb method, string postData)
+ : this(endPoint, method)
+ {
+ PostData = postData;
+ }
+ public async Task MakeRequestAsync(string parameters = "")
+ {
+ using var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();
+ HttpResponseMessage? response;
+ StringContent? content;
+ switch (Method) {
+ case HttpVerb.Get:
+ response = await client.GetAsync(EndPoint + parameters);
+ break;
+ case HttpVerb.Post:
+ content = new StringContent(PostData, Encoding.UTF8, ContentType);
+ response = await client.PostAsync(EndPoint + parameters, content);
+ break;
+ case HttpVerb.Put:
+ content = new StringContent(PostData, Encoding.UTF8, ContentType);
+ response = await client.PutAsync(EndPoint + parameters, content);
+ break;
+ case HttpVerb.Delete:
+ response = await client.DeleteAsync(EndPoint + parameters);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Method must be a valid HttpVerb.");
+ }
+ if (response is not null && response.IsSuccessStatusCode) {
+ return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
+ } else {
+ if (response is not null) {
+ var message = $"Request failed. Received HTPP {(int) response.StatusCode}.";
+ throw new ApplicationException(message);
+ } else {
+ throw new ApplicationException("No response received.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion REST Client
+ #region Roman Numerals
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/a/22039673
+ public static class Roman
+ {
+ public static readonly Dictionary RomanNumberDictionary;
+ public static readonly Dictionary NumberRomanDictionary;
+ static Roman()
+ {
+ RomanNumberDictionary = new Dictionary
+ {
+ { 'I', 1 },
+ { 'V', 5 },
+ { 'X', 10 },
+ { 'L', 50 },
+ { 'C', 100 },
+ { 'D', 500 },
+ { 'M', 1000 },
+ };
+ NumberRomanDictionary = new Dictionary
+ {
+ { 1000, "M" },
+ { 900, "CM" },
+ { 500, "D" },
+ { 400, "CD" },
+ { 100, "C" },
+ { 90, "XC" },
+ { 50, "L" },
+ { 40, "XL" },
+ { 10, "X" },
+ { 9, "IX" },
+ { 5, "V" },
+ { 4, "IV" },
+ { 1, "I" },
+ };
+ }
+ public static string To(int number)
+ {
+ var roman = new StringBuilder();
+ foreach (var item in NumberRomanDictionary)
+ {
+ while (number >= item.Key)
+ {
+ roman.Append(item.Value);
+ number -= item.Key;
+ }
+ }
+ return roman.ToString();
+ }
+ public static int From(string roman)
+ {
+ int total = 0;
+ int current, previous = 0;
+ char currentRoman, previousRoman = '\0';
+ for (int i = 0; i < roman.Length; i++)
+ {
+ currentRoman = roman[i];
+ previous = previousRoman != '\0' ? RomanNumberDictionary[previousRoman] : '\0';
+ current = RomanNumberDictionary[currentRoman];
+ if (previous != 0 && current > previous)
+ {
+ total = total - (2 * previous) + current;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ total += current;
+ }
+ previousRoman = currentRoman;
+ }
+ return total;
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion Roman Numerals
+ #region Security
+ #region Algorithms
+ public static Crypto.Aes Aes
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = Internal_Aes;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ Internal_Aes = cache = Crypto.Aes.Create();
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Crypto.Aes? Internal_Aes;
+ public static Crypto.MD5 MD5
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = Internal_MD5;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ Internal_MD5 = cache = Crypto.MD5.Create();
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Crypto.MD5? Internal_MD5;
+ public static Crypto.SHA1 SHA1
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = Internal_SHA1;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ Internal_SHA1 = cache = Crypto.SHA1.Create();
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Crypto.SHA1? Internal_SHA1;
+ public static Crypto.SHA256 SHA256
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = Internal_SHA256;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ Internal_SHA256 = cache = Crypto.SHA256.Create();
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Crypto.SHA256? Internal_SHA256;
+ public static Crypto.SHA384 SHA384
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = Internal_SHA384;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ Internal_SHA384 = cache = Crypto.SHA384.Create();
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Crypto.SHA384? Internal_SHA384;
+ public static Crypto.SHA512 SHA512
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = Internal_SHA512;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ Internal_SHA512 = cache = Crypto.SHA512.Create();
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Crypto.SHA512? Internal_SHA512;
+ #endregion Algorithms
+ public static byte[]? Base64Decode(string? base64, bool secure = false)
+ {
+ if (base64 is string b64) {
+ var bytes = new byte[b64.Length];
+ try {
+ if (Convert.TryFromBase64String(b64, bytes, out var bytesWritten)) {
+ return bytes[..bytesWritten];
+ }
+ } catch { }
+ if (secure) {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(bytes);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static string? Base64DecodeString(string? base64, bool secure = false)
+ {
+ if (base64 is string b64) {
+ var bytes = new byte[b64.Length];
+ try {
+ if (Convert.TryFromBase64String(b64, bytes, out var bytesWritten)) {
+ return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes[..bytesWritten]);
+ }
+ } catch { }
+ if (secure) {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(bytes);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static string? Base64Encode(byte[]? message)
+ {
+ if (message is byte[] msg) {
+ try {
+ return Convert.ToBase64String(msg);
+ } catch { }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static string? Base64Encode(string? message)
+ {
+ if (message is string msg) {
+ try {
+ return Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg));
+ } catch { }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static string ByteArrayToHexString(in byte[] bytes) // TODO: Move to AmyUtil
+ {
+ var sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length * 2);
+ foreach(byte bt in bytes) {
+ sb.Append(bt.ToString("x2"));
+ }
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ public static byte[]? Dec(in byte[] encBytes, in byte[] key)
+ {
+ int nonceLen = Crypto.AesGcm.NonceByteSizes.MaxSize;
+ int tagLen = Crypto.AesGcm.TagByteSizes.MaxSize;
+ int ciphertextLen = encBytes.Length - (nonceLen + tagLen);
+ if (ciphertextLen < 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var nonce = new byte[nonceLen]; // aka IV
+ var ciphertext = new byte[ciphertextLen];
+ var tag = new byte[tagLen]; // Authentication tag, aka MAC
+ var plaintextBytes = new byte[ciphertextLen];
+ try {
+ Array.Copy(encBytes, nonce, nonceLen);
+ Array.Copy(encBytes, nonceLen, ciphertext, 0, ciphertextLen);
+ Array.Copy(encBytes, nonceLen + ciphertextLen, tag, 0, tagLen);
+ var ok = false;
+ using var aes = new Crypto.AesGcm(key, 16);
+ try {
+ aes.Decrypt(nonce, ciphertext, tag, plaintextBytes);
+ ok = true;
+ return plaintextBytes;
+ } catch (Crypto.CryptographicException) { // Failed to authenticate
+ return null;
+ } finally {
+ if (!ok) {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(plaintextBytes);
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(nonce);
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(ciphertext);
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(tag);
+ }
+ }
+ public static string? Deobfuscate(in string obfuscated, in string password,
+ in string salt, in ushort randomSaltLength, in ushort iterations = 0)
+ {
+ int nonceLen = Crypto.AesGcm.NonceByteSizes.MaxSize;
+ int tagLen = Crypto.AesGcm.TagByteSizes.MaxSize;
+ var encBytesMinLen = nonceLen + 0 + tagLen;
+ var obfuscatedBytesMinLen = randomSaltLength + encBytesMinLen;
+ if (obfuscated.Length < obfuscatedBytesMinLen) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var obfuscatedBytes = new byte[obfuscated.Length];
+ if (!Convert.TryFromBase64String(obfuscated, obfuscatedBytes,
+ out var bytesWritten)
+ || bytesWritten < obfuscatedBytesMinLen) {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(obfuscatedBytes);
+ return null;
+ }
+ var randomSalt = new byte[randomSaltLength];
+ var encBytes = new byte[bytesWritten - randomSaltLength];
+ try {
+ Array.Copy(obfuscatedBytes, randomSalt, randomSaltLength);
+ Array.Copy(obfuscatedBytes, randomSaltLength, encBytes, 0,
+ encBytes.Length);
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(obfuscatedBytes);
+ }
+ var key = new byte[256 / 8];
+ byte[]? plaintextBytes;
+ try {
+ try {
+ DeriveKey(password, salt, randomSalt, key, iterations);
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(randomSalt);
+ }
+ plaintextBytes = Dec(encBytes, key);
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(encBytes);
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(key);
+ }
+ if (plaintextBytes is null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ try {
+ return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(plaintextBytes);
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(plaintextBytes);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void DeriveKey(in string password, in string salt,
+ in byte[] randomSalt, byte[] key, in ushort iterations = 0)
+ {
+ var iters = iterations;
+ if (iters < 1) {
+ iters = 5122;
+ }
+ var pwBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
+ try {
+ var saltBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(salt);
+ try {
+ var hashedSalt = SHA512.ComputeHash(saltBytes);
+ try {
+ var fullSalt
+ = new byte[hashedSalt.Length + randomSalt.Length];
+ try {
+ Array.Copy(hashedSalt, fullSalt, hashedSalt.Length);
+ Array.Copy(randomSalt, 0, fullSalt, hashedSalt.Length,
+ randomSalt.Length);
+ using var pbkdf2 = new Crypto.Rfc2898DeriveBytes(pwBytes,
+ fullSalt, iterations: iters,
+ Crypto.HashAlgorithmName.SHA512);
+ var keyBytes = pbkdf2.GetBytes(key.Length);
+ try {
+ Array.Copy(keyBytes, key, key.Length);
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(keyBytes);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(fullSalt);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(hashedSalt);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(saltBytes);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(pwBytes);
+ }
+ }
+ public static byte[] Enc(in byte[] plaintextBytes, in byte[] key)
+ {
+ int nonceLen = Crypto.AesGcm.NonceByteSizes.MaxSize;
+ int tagLen = Crypto.AesGcm.TagByteSizes.MaxSize;
+ int ciphertextLen = plaintextBytes.Length;
+ var nonce = new byte[nonceLen]; // aka IV
+ var ciphertext = new byte[ciphertextLen];
+ var tag = new byte[tagLen]; // Authentication tag, aka MAC
+ var encBytes = new byte[nonceLen + ciphertextLen + tagLen];
+ try {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(nonce);
+ using var aes = new Crypto.AesGcm(key, 16);
+ aes.Encrypt(nonce, plaintextBytes, ciphertext, tag);
+ var ok = false;
+ try {
+ Array.Copy(nonce, encBytes, nonceLen);
+ Array.Copy(ciphertext, 0, encBytes, nonceLen, ciphertextLen);
+ Array.Copy(tag, 0, encBytes, nonceLen + ciphertextLen, tagLen);
+ ok = true;
+ return encBytes;
+ } finally {
+ if (!ok) {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(encBytes);
+ }
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(ciphertext);
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(tag);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(nonce);
+ }
+ }
+ public static string HashPassword(in string password, in string salt,
+ in ushort bytesBeforeBase64Encoding = 0, in ushort iterations = 0)
+ {
+ var keyLen = bytesBeforeBase64Encoding;
+ if (keyLen < 1) {
+ keyLen = 512 / 8;
+ }
+ var key = new byte[keyLen];
+ try {
+ DeriveKey(password, salt, Array.Empty(), key, iterations);
+ return Convert.ToBase64String(key);
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(key);
+ }
+ }
+ public static string Obfuscate(in string plaintext, in string password,
+ in string salt, in ushort randomSaltLength, in ushort iterations = 0)
+ {
+ var plaintextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plaintext);
+ int nonceLen = Crypto.AesGcm.NonceByteSizes.MaxSize;
+ int tagLen = Crypto.AesGcm.TagByteSizes.MaxSize;
+ int ciphertextLen = plaintextBytes.Length;
+ var encBytesLen = nonceLen + ciphertextLen + tagLen;
+ var obfuscatedBytes = new byte[randomSaltLength + encBytesLen];
+ var randomSalt = new byte[randomSaltLength];
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(randomSalt);
+ try {
+ var key = new byte[256 / 8];
+ byte[] encBytes;
+ try {
+ try {
+ DeriveKey(password, salt, randomSalt, key, iterations);
+ encBytes = Enc(plaintextBytes, key);
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(key);
+ }
+ try {
+ Array.Copy(randomSalt, obfuscatedBytes, randomSaltLength);
+ Array.Copy(encBytes, 0, obfuscatedBytes, randomSaltLength,
+ encBytesLen);
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(encBytes);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(randomSalt);
+ }
+ return Convert.ToBase64String(obfuscatedBytes);
+ } finally {
+ Crypto.RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(obfuscatedBytes);
+ }
+ }
+ public static bool TryDeobfuscate(in string obfuscated,
+ out string? plaintext, in string password, in string salt,
+ in ushort randomSaltLength, in ushort iterations = 0)
+ {
+ var result = Deobfuscate(obfuscated, password, salt, randomSaltLength,
+ iterations);
+ plaintext = result;
+ return result is not null;
+ }
+ public static byte[] UnsaltedMD5(string message)
+ => UnsaltedMD5(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
+ public static byte[] UnsaltedMD5(byte[] message)
+ => MD5.ComputeHash(message);
+ public static string UnsaltedMD5ToHexString(string message)
+ => ByteArrayToHexString(UnsaltedMD5(message));
+ public static byte[] UnsaltedSHA1(string message)
+ => UnsaltedSHA1(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
+ public static byte[] UnsaltedSHA1(byte[] message)
+ => SHA1.ComputeHash(message);
+ public static string UnsaltedSHA1ToHexString(string message)
+ => ByteArrayToHexString(UnsaltedSHA1(message));
+ public static byte[] UnsaltedSHA256(string message)
+ => UnsaltedSHA256(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
+ public static byte[] UnsaltedSHA256(byte[] message)
+ => SHA256.ComputeHash(message);
+ public static string UnsaltedSHA256ToHexString(string message)
+ => ByteArrayToHexString(UnsaltedSHA256(message));
+ public static byte[] UnsaltedSHA512(string message)
+ => UnsaltedSHA512(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
+ public static byte[] UnsaltedSHA512(byte[] message)
+ => SHA512.ComputeHash(message);
+ public static string UnsaltedSHA512ToHexString(string message)
+ => ByteArrayToHexString(UnsaltedSHA512(message));
+ #endregion Security
+ #region Serialization
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/a/65205835
+ // Requires https://github.com/protobuf-net/protobuf-net
+ // To do this in Visual Studio Code:
+ // Use the NuGet Package Manager extension
+ // Open the command palette with Ctrl+Shift+P
+ // Type "nuget" and choose "NuGet Package Manager: Add Package"
+ // Type "protobuf" and choose "protobuf-net"
+ // Choose the latest version
+ // If prompted to restore, click "Restore"
+ // Decorate your class like this:
+ //
+ // [ProtoContract]
+ // class Example
+ // {
+ // [ProtoMember(1)]
+ // public int ID = 0;
+ // [ProtoMember(2)]
+ // public string Name = "Example";
+ // }
+ public static T Deserialize(byte[] bytes)
+ {
+ using var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
+ stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
+ stream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
+ return Serializer.Deserialize(stream);
+ }
+ public static byte[] Serialize(object obj)
+ {
+ using var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
+ Serializer.Serialize(stream, obj);
+ return stream.ToArray();
+ }
+ #endif // AMY_PROTOBUF_NET
+ #endregion Serialization
+ #region Signals
+ public static async Task ProcessFrame(Node self)
+ {
+ await self.ToSignal(self.GetTree(), SceneTree.SignalName.ProcessFrame);
+ }
+ #endregion Signals
+ #region String Manipulation
+ public static string LongestCommonPrefix(IEnumerable inputs) {
+ if (!inputs.Any()) {
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ var unsorted = new string[inputs.Count()];
+ var index = -1;
+ foreach (var input in inputs) {
+ index++;
+ unsorted[index] = input;
+ }
+ return LongestCommonPrefixSortsInputs(unsorted);
+ }
+ public static string LongestCommonPrefixSortsInputs(string[] inputs) {
+ if (inputs.Length < 1) {
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ Array.Sort(inputs);
+ StringBuilder sb = new();
+ for (int i = 0; i < inputs[0].Length; i++) {
+ char c = inputs[0][i];
+ for (int j = 1; j < inputs.Length; j++) {
+ if (i >= inputs[j].Length || inputs[j][i] != c) {
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ sb.Append(c);
+ }
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ public static List SplitArgs([NotNullWhen(true)] string commandline, bool dquotes = true, bool squotes = true, char desc = '\0', char sesc = '\0', bool ddbl = true, bool sdbl = true)
+ {
+ if (commandline is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandline));
+ }
+ StringBuilder tok = new();
+ var delim = '\0';
+ var esc = false;
+ var dbl = false;
+ var any = false;
+ List result = new();
+ foreach (char ch in commandline) {
+ if (delim == '\0') {
+ if (dquotes && ch == '"') {
+ delim = '"';
+ if (dbl && ddbl) {
+ tok.Append('"');
+ }
+ any = true;
+ } else if (squotes && ch == '\'') {
+ delim = '\'';
+ if (dbl && sdbl) {
+ tok.Append('\'');
+ }
+ any = true;
+ } else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) {
+ if (any) {
+ result.Add(tok.ToString());
+ }
+ tok.Clear();
+ any = false;
+ } else {
+ tok.Append(ch);
+ any = true;
+ }
+ } else if (esc) {
+ tok.Append(ch);
+ any = true;
+ } else if (ch == delim) {
+ delim = '\0';
+ dbl = true;
+ continue;
+ } else if (delim == '"' && ch == desc || delim == '\'' && ch == sesc) {
+ esc = true;
+ } else {
+ tok.Append(ch);
+ any = true;
+ }
+ dbl = false;
+ }
+ if (any) {
+ result.Add(tok.ToString());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/a/46095771/24204249
+ public static string ToPascalCase(string original, string? separator = null)
+ {
+ Regex invalidCharsRgx = new Regex("[^_a-zA-Z0-9]");
+ Regex whiteSpace = new Regex(@"(?<=\s)");
+ Regex startsWithLowerCaseChar = new Regex("^[a-z]");
+ Regex firstCharFollowedByUpperCasesOnly = new Regex("(?<=[A-Z])[A-Z0-9]+$");
+ Regex lowerCaseNextToNumber = new Regex("(?<=[0-9])[a-z]");
+ Regex upperCaseInside = new Regex("(?<=[A-Z])[A-Z]+?((?=[A-Z][a-z])|(?=[0-9]))");
+ // replace white spaces with undescore, then replace all invalid chars with empty string
+ var pascalCase = invalidCharsRgx.Replace(whiteSpace.Replace(original, "_"), string.Empty)
+ // split by underscores
+ .Split(new char[] { '_' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
+ // set first letter to uppercase
+ .Select(w => startsWithLowerCaseChar.Replace(w, m => m.Value.ToUpper()))
+ // replace second and all following upper case letters to lower if there is no next lower (ABC -> Abc)
+ .Select(w => firstCharFollowedByUpperCasesOnly.Replace(w, m => m.Value.ToLower()))
+ // set upper case the first lower case following a number (Ab9cd -> Ab9Cd)
+ .Select(w => lowerCaseNextToNumber.Replace(w, m => m.Value.ToUpper()))
+ // lower second and next upper case letters except the last if it follows by any lower (ABcDEf -> AbcDef)
+ .Select(w => upperCaseInside.Replace(w, m => m.Value.ToLower()));
+ return string.IsNullOrEmpty(separator)
+ ? string.Concat(pascalCase)
+ : string.Join(separator!, pascalCase);
+ }
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/a/18627277/24204249
+ public static string ToPascalCaseSimpleInvariant(string original)
+ {
+ var str = original.ToLowerInvariant().Replace('_', ' ');
+ var info = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo;
+ return info.ToTitleCase(str).Replace(" ", string.Empty);
+ }
+ #endregion String Manipulation
+ #region Toasts
+ public static IAmyToast? Toast(this Node self, string message, double? duration = null,
+ bool? right = null, bool? top = null, string? icon = null, string? iconRight = null)
+ => Toast(self, message: message, rich: string.Empty, duration: duration, right: right, top: top,
+ icon: icon, iconRight: iconRight);
+ public static IAmyToast? Toast(this Node self, string message, string rich, double? duration = null,
+ bool? right = null, bool? top = null, string? icon = null, string? iconRight = null)
+ {
+ if (AmyCore.IsSafeToAccessAndInTree(self)) {
+ if (self.HasNode("/root/AmySingleton")
+ && self.GetNode("/root/AmySingleton") is AmySingleton amy) {
+ return amy.Toast(message, rich: rich, duration: duration, right: right, top: top,
+ icon: icon, iconRight: iconRight);
+ }
+ GD.PushError("Please add AmySingleton to the Globals/Autoload config to use AmyToast.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static void ToastAll(this Node self, string message, double? duration = null,
+ bool? right = null, bool? top = null, string? icon = null, string? iconRight = null)
+ => ToastAll(self, message: message, rich: string.Empty, duration: duration, right: right, top: top,
+ icon: icon, iconRight: iconRight);
+ public static void ToastAll(this Node self, string message, string rich, double? duration = null,
+ bool? right = null, bool? top = null, string? icon = null, string? iconRight = null)
+ {
+ if (AmyCore.IsSafeToAccessAndInTree(self)) {
+ if (self.HasNode("/root/AmySingleton")
+ && self.GetNode("/root/AmySingleton") is AmySingleton amy) {
+ amy.ToastAll(message, rich: rich, duration: duration, right: right, top: top,
+ icon: icon, iconRight: iconRight, callLocal: true);
+ return;
+ }
+ GD.PushError("Please add AmySingleton to the Globals/Autoload config to use AmyToast.");
+ }
+ }
+ public static void ToastAllRich(this Node self, string message, double? duration = null,
+ bool? right = null, bool? top = null, string? icon = null, string? iconRight = null)
+ => ToastAll(self, message: message, rich: message, duration: duration, right: right, top: top,
+ icon: icon, iconRight: iconRight);
+ public static IAmyToast? ToastRich(this Node self, string message, double? duration = null,
+ bool? right = null, bool? top = null, string? icon = null, string? iconRight = null)
+ => Toast(self, message: message, rich: message, duration: duration, right: right, top: top,
+ icon: icon, iconRight: iconRight);
+ public static void ToastSettings(this Node self, double? duration = null,
+ bool? right = null, bool? top = null,
+ int? startBottomLeft = null, int? startBottomRight = null,
+ int? startTopLeft = null, int? startTopRight = null)
+ {
+ if (AmyCore.IsSafeToAccessAndInTree(self)) {
+ if (self.HasNode("/root/AmySingleton")
+ && self.GetNode("/root/AmySingleton") is AmySingleton amy) {
+ amy.ToastSettings(duration: duration, right: right, top: top,
+ startBottomLeft: startBottomLeft, startBottomRight: startBottomRight,
+ startTopLeft: startTopLeft, startTopRight: startTopRight);
+ return;
+ }
+ GD.PushError("Please add AmySingleton to the Globals/Autoload config to use AmyToast.");
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion Toasts
+ #region Unchanging
+ // Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes.
+ public static readonly float Gravity2D
+ = ProjectSettings.GetSetting("physics/2d/default_gravity").AsSingle();
+ // Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes.
+ public static readonly float Gravity3D
+ = ProjectSettings.GetSetting("physics/3d/default_gravity").AsSingle();
+ #endregion Unchanging
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Pool.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Pool.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d929a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Pool.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ * AmyCore
+ * Core functionality with zero hard dependencies (besides C# 8.0 and Godot).
+ *
+ * Strongly recommended to include:
+ * System.IO.Hashing
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+ * Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ *
+ * Stuff that is very commonly needed and very rarely changes should go here.
+ *
+ * Last update date: 2024-04-04
+ *
+using Logging = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+using System.IO.Hashing; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using Crypto = System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
+using System.Net.Sockets;
+using System.Net.Http;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public static partial class AmyCore
+ public static async Task FillPoolAsync(Node self, Pool pool, int initialCapacity)
+ {
+ for (int times = 0; times < initialCapacity; times++) {
+ await ProcessFrame(self);
+ if (pool.Available.Count >= initialCapacity) {
+ break; // You're already spawning them!
+ }
+ if (pool.PackedScene.Instantiate() is Node node) {
+ pool.Available.Enqueue(node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class Pool
+ {
+ public readonly Queue Available = new();
+ public readonly PackedScene PackedScene;
+ public Pool(PackedScene packedScene)
+ {
+ PackedScene = packedScene;
+ }
+ public bool FreeToPool(Node? node)
+ {
+ if (node is not Node nd) {
+ GD.PushWarning("Cannot free to Pool a null Node.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!IsSafeToAccess(nd)) {
+ GD.PushWarning("Node already freed not to Pool.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (nd.GetParent() is Node parent) {
+ parent.RemoveChild(nd);
+ } else {
+ GD.PushWarning("Node has no parent.");
+ }
+ Available.Enqueue(nd);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public Node Instantiate()
+ {
+ if (!Available.TryDequeue(out var node)) {
+ node = PackedScene.Instantiate();
+ }
+ if (!IsSafeToAccess(node)) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Pool objects should not be freed except to the Pool!");
+ }
+ if (node is Node2D n2d) {
+ n2d.Position = Vector2.Zero;
+ n2d.Rotation = 0f;
+ n2d.Scale = Vector2.One;
+ }
+ if (node is Node3D n3d) {
+ n3d.Position = Vector3.Zero;
+ n3d.Rotation = Vector3.Zero;
+ n3d.Scale = Vector3.One;
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ public Node2D Instantiate(Vector2 position)
+ {
+ if (!Available.TryDequeue(out var node)) {
+ node = PackedScene.Instantiate();
+ }
+ if (!IsSafeToAccess(node)) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Pool objects should not be freed except to the Pool!");
+ }
+ if (node is Node2D n2d) {
+ n2d.Position = position;
+ n2d.Rotation = 0f;
+ n2d.Scale = Vector2.One;
+ return n2d;
+ }
+ Available.Enqueue(node);
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Pool was not a Node2D Pool.");
+ }
+ public Node3D Instantiate(Vector3 position)
+ {
+ if (!Available.TryDequeue(out var node)) {
+ node = PackedScene.Instantiate();
+ }
+ if (!IsSafeToAccess(node)) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Pool objects should not be freed except to the Pool!");
+ }
+ if (node is Node3D n3d) {
+ n3d.Position = position;
+ n3d.Rotation = Vector3.Zero;
+ n3d.Scale = Vector3.One;
+ return n3d;
+ }
+ Available.Enqueue(node);
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Pool was not a Node3D Pool.");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Random.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Random.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dfb6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Random.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+ * AmyCore
+ * Core functionality with zero hard dependencies (besides C# 8.0 and Godot).
+ *
+ * Strongly recommended to include:
+ * System.IO.Hashing
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+ * Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ *
+ * Stuff that is very commonly needed and very rarely changes should go here.
+ *
+ * Last update date: 2024-06-13
+ *
+using Logging = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+using System.IO.Hashing; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using Crypto = System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
+using System.Net.Sockets;
+using System.Net.Http;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public static partial class AmyCore
+ /// AmyCore's default fast but insecure Randomizer
+ public static Randomizer FastRandom
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = Internal_FastRandom;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ var rand = new Randomizer(false);
+ rand.Prime(false);
+ Internal_FastRandom = cache = rand;
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Randomizer? Internal_FastRandom;
+ /// AmyCore's default secure Randomizer
+ public static Randomizer SecureRandom
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = Internal_SecureRandom;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ var rand = new Randomizer(true);
+ rand.Prime(false);
+ Internal_SecureRandom = cache = rand;
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Randomizer? Internal_SecureRandom;
+ public partial class Randomizer
+ {
+ public IRandomizerEngine Engine { get; private init; }
+ public bool Secure => Engine is RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine;
+ public Randomizer(bool secure)
+ {
+ Engine = secure
+ ? new RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine()
+ : new XoShiRo256ssRandomizerEngine();
+ Seed();
+ }
+ public Randomizer(bool secure, DateTime seed0, long seed1)
+ {
+ Engine = secure
+ ? new RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine()
+ : new XoShiRo256ssRandomizerEngine();
+ Seed(seed0, seed1);
+ }
+ public Randomizer(bool secure, DateTime seed)
+ {
+ Engine = secure
+ ? new RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine()
+ : new XoShiRo256ssRandomizerEngine();
+ Seed(seed);
+ }
+ public Randomizer(bool secure, string seed)
+ {
+ Engine = secure
+ ? new RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine()
+ : new XoShiRo256ssRandomizerEngine();
+ Seed(seed);
+ }
+ public Randomizer(bool secure, long seed0, long seed1)
+ {
+ Engine = secure
+ ? new RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine()
+ : new XoShiRo256ssRandomizerEngine();
+ Seed(seed0, seed1);
+ }
+ public Randomizer(bool secure, ulong seed0, ulong seed1)
+ {
+ Engine = secure
+ ? new RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine()
+ : new XoShiRo256ssRandomizerEngine();
+ Seed(seed0, seed1);
+ }
+ public Randomizer(bool secure, long seed)
+ {
+ Engine = secure
+ ? new RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine()
+ : new XoShiRo256ssRandomizerEngine();
+ Seed(seed);
+ }
+ public Randomizer(bool secure, ulong seed)
+ {
+ Engine = secure
+ ? new RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine()
+ : new XoShiRo256ssRandomizerEngine();
+ Seed(seed);
+ }
+ public Randomizer(bool secure, ulong seed0, ulong seed1, ulong seed2, ulong seed3)
+ {
+ Engine = secure
+ ? new RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine()
+ : new XoShiRo256ssRandomizerEngine();
+ Seed(seed0, seed1, seed2, seed3);
+ }
+ public bool ChanceIn(ulong chance, ulong possibilities)
+ => Range(possibilities) < chance;
+ public string GenerateNounPhrase(
+ int adjectives = 2,
+ string? separator = null, // null means use a random one out of " ", "-", or "_"
+ bool useBlocklist = true)
+ {
+ var sep = separator ?? string.Empty;
+ if (separator is null) {
+ sep = Select(new string[] {
+ " ",
+ "-",
+ "_",
+ });
+ }
+ var noun = Select(MonolexemicNouns);
+ var danger = useBlocklist && MonolexemicDangerousNouns.Contains(noun);
+ var gerund = MonolexemicGerunds.Contains(noun);
+ List result = new();
+ for (int no = 0; no < adjectives; no++) {
+ string adj;
+ for ( ; ; ) {
+ adj = Select(MonolexemicAdjectives);
+ if (danger) {
+ if (MonolexemicDangerousAdjectives.Contains(adj)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gerund) {
+ if (MonolexemicGerunds.Contains(adj)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ result.Add(adj);
+ }
+ result.Add(noun);
+ return string.Join(sep, result);
+ }
+ public string Hash()
+ {
+ StringBuilder sb = new();
+ for (int no = 0; no < 4; no++) {
+ var word = Next();
+ sb.Append(word.ToString("x16"));
+ }
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ public ulong Next() => Engine.Next();
+ public double NextDouble()
+ => (unchecked((long) Next()) & ((1L << 53) - 1)) * (1d / (1L << 53));
+ public float NextFloat()
+ => (unchecked((long) Next()) & ((1L << 24) - 1)) * (1f / (1L << 24));
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/a/218600/24204249
+ public double NextGaussian(double mean = 0d, double stdDev = 1d)
+ {
+ var u1 = 1d - NextDouble(); //uniform(0,1] random doubles
+ var u2 = 1d - NextDouble();
+ var randStdNormal = Math.Sqrt(-2d * Math.Log(u1)) * Math.Sin(2d * Math.PI * u2); //random normal(0,1)
+ return mean + stdDev * randStdNormal; //random normal(mean,stdDev^2)
+ }
+ public bool OneIn(ulong possibilities) => Range(possibilities) == 0uL;
+ public System.Drawing.Point Point(System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds)
+ => new System.Drawing.Point(Range(bounds.X, bounds.X + bounds.Width),
+ Range(bounds.Y, bounds.Y + bounds.Height));
+ public Randomizer Prime(bool alt = false)
+ {
+ Engine.Prime(alt);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public int Range(int lowerBoundInclusive, int upperBoundExclusive)
+ {
+ if (lowerBoundInclusive >= upperBoundExclusive) {
+ throw new ArgumentException("Upper bound must be strictly greater than lower bound",
+ nameof(upperBoundExclusive));
+ }
+ return unchecked((int) Range(unchecked((ulong) (upperBoundExclusive - lowerBoundInclusive)))) + lowerBoundInclusive;
+ }
+ public long Range(long lowerBoundInclusive, long upperBoundExclusive)
+ {
+ if (lowerBoundInclusive >= upperBoundExclusive) {
+ throw new ArgumentException("Upper bound must be strictly greater than lower bound",
+ nameof(upperBoundExclusive));
+ }
+ return unchecked((long) Range(unchecked((ulong) (upperBoundExclusive - lowerBoundInclusive)))) + lowerBoundInclusive;
+ }
+ public ulong Range(ulong lowerBoundInclusive, ulong upperBoundExclusive)
+ {
+ if (lowerBoundInclusive >= upperBoundExclusive) {
+ throw new ArgumentException("Upper bound must be strictly greater than lower bound",
+ nameof(upperBoundExclusive));
+ }
+ return Range(upperBoundExclusive - lowerBoundInclusive) + lowerBoundInclusive;
+ }
+ public int Range(int upperBoundExclusive)
+ {
+ if (upperBoundExclusive < 1) {
+ throw new ArgumentException("Upper bound must be greater than 0",
+ nameof(upperBoundExclusive));
+ }
+ return unchecked((int) Range(unchecked((ulong) upperBoundExclusive)));
+ }
+ public long Range(long upperBoundExclusive)
+ {
+ if (upperBoundExclusive < 1L) {
+ throw new ArgumentException("Upper bound must be greater than 0",
+ nameof(upperBoundExclusive));
+ }
+ return unchecked((long) Range(unchecked((ulong) upperBoundExclusive)));
+ }
+ public ulong Range(ulong upperBoundExclusive)
+ {
+ if (upperBoundExclusive < 1uL) {
+ throw new ArgumentException("Upper bound must be greater than 0",
+ nameof(upperBoundExclusive));
+ }
+ if (upperBoundExclusive == 1uL) {
+ return 0uL;
+ }
+ ulong randMax = ulong.MaxValue;
+ // Calculate the largest multiple of upperBound less than or equal to ulong.MaxValue
+ ulong largestMultiple = randMax - (randMax % upperBoundExclusive);
+ ulong randNum;
+ do {
+ randNum = Next();
+ } while (randNum >= largestMultiple);
+ return randNum % upperBoundExclusive;
+ }
+ public int RangeInclusive(int minInclusive, int maxInclusive)
+ {
+ if (minInclusive > maxInclusive) {
+ throw new ArgumentException("Maximum must be greater than or equal to minimum",
+ nameof(maxInclusive));
+ }
+ return unchecked((int) RangeInclusive(unchecked((ulong) (maxInclusive - minInclusive)))) + minInclusive;
+ }
+ public long RangeInclusive(long minInclusive, long maxInclusive)
+ {
+ if (minInclusive > maxInclusive) {
+ throw new ArgumentException("Maximum must be greater than or equal to minimum",
+ nameof(maxInclusive));
+ }
+ return unchecked((long) RangeInclusive(unchecked((ulong) (maxInclusive - minInclusive)))) + minInclusive;
+ }
+ public ulong RangeInclusive(ulong minInclusive, ulong maxInclusive)
+ {
+ if (minInclusive > maxInclusive) {
+ throw new ArgumentException("Maximum must be greater than or equal to minimum",
+ nameof(maxInclusive));
+ }
+ return RangeInclusive(maxInclusive - minInclusive) + minInclusive;
+ }
+ public ulong RangeInclusive(ulong maxInclusive)
+ => maxInclusive < ulong.MaxValue ? Range(maxInclusive + 1uL) : Next();
+ public void Seed()
+ => Seed(DateTime.Now, System.Environment.ProcessId);
+ public void Seed(DateTime seed0, long seed1) => Seed(seed0.Ticks, seed1);
+ public void Seed(DateTime seed) => Seed(seed.Ticks);
+ public void Seed(string seed)
+ {
+ var seeds = XxHash128Of(seed);
+ Seed(seeds.Item1, seeds.Item2, seed);
+ #else
+ throw new NotImplementedException("Requires System.IO.Hashing for string hashing.");
+ #endif
+ }
+ public void Seed(long seed0, long seed1)
+ => Seed(unchecked((ulong) seed0), unchecked((ulong) seed1));
+ public void Seed(ulong seed0, ulong seed1)
+ {
+ var seeder = new SplitMix64(seed0);
+ var s0 = seeder.Next();
+ var s1 = seeder.Next();
+ seeder.Seed(seed1);
+ Seed(s0, s1, seeder.Next(), seeder.Next());
+ }
+ public void Seed(long seed) => Seed(unchecked((ulong) seed));
+ public void Seed(ulong seed)
+ {
+ var seeder = new SplitMix64(seed);
+ Seed(seeder.Next(), seeder.Next(), seeder.Next(), seeder.Next());
+ }
+ public void Seed(ulong seed0, ulong seed1, ulong seed2, ulong seed3)
+ => Engine.Seed(seed0, seed1, seed2, seed3, null);
+ public T Select() where T : Enum => Select(GetEnumValues());
+ public T Select(IList haystack) => Select(haystack, out _);
+ public T Select(IList haystack, out int index)
+ {
+ if (haystack is null) {
+ throw new Exception("Haystack was null");
+ }
+ var count = haystack.Count;
+ if (count < 1) {
+ throw new Exception("Haystack was empty");
+ }
+ var idx = unchecked((int) Range(unchecked((ulong) count)));
+ index = idx;
+ return haystack[idx];
+ }
+ private void Seed(ulong seed0, ulong seed1, string seedstr)
+ {
+ var seeder = new SplitMix64(seed0);
+ var s0 = seeder.Next();
+ var s1 = seeder.Next();
+ seeder.Seed(seed1);
+ Engine.Seed(s0, s1, seeder.Next(), seeder.Next(), seedstr);
+ }
+ }
+ public interface IRandomizerEngine
+ {
+ ulong Next();
+ void Prime(bool alt);
+ void Seed(ulong seed0, ulong seed1, ulong seed2, ulong seed3, string? seedstr);
+ }
+ /// RadioGatún[64] implementation
+ public partial class RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine : IRandomizerEngine
+ {
+ public RadioGatun64RandomizerEngine()
+ {
+ Seeded = false;
+ }
+ public void BeltMill()
+ {
+ int rotate = 0;
+ int index = 0;
+ ulong[] millcopy = new ulong[19];
+ ulong temp = 0uL;
+ for (int no = 0; no < 12; no++) {
+ Belt[no + no % 3 * 13] ^= Mill[no + 1];
+ }
+ for (int no = 0; no < 19; no++) {
+ rotate = (rotate + no) % 64;
+ index = no * 7 % 19;
+ temp = Mill[index];
+ temp ^= Mill[(index + 1) % 19] | ~Mill[(index + 2) % 19];
+ millcopy[no] = (temp >> rotate) | (temp << (64 - rotate));
+ }
+ for (int no = 38; no >= 0; no--) {
+ Belt[no + 1] = Belt[no];
+ }
+ for (int no = 0; no < 19; no++) {
+ Mill[no]
+ = millcopy[no]
+ ^ millcopy[(no + 1) % 19]
+ ^ millcopy[(no + 4) % 19]
+ ;
+ }
+ Mill[0] ^= 1uL;
+ for (int no = 0; no < 3; no++) {
+ var val = Belt[no * 13 + 13];
+ Belt[no * 13] = val;
+ Mill[no + 13] ^= val;
+ }
+ }
+ public ulong Next()
+ {
+ if (!Seeded) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Unseeded.");
+ }
+ Phase ^= 3;
+ if (Phase == 1) {
+ BeltMill();
+ }
+ ulong endianSwap = Mill[Phase];
+ return endianSwap >> 56 & 0x00000000000000ffuL
+ | endianSwap >> 40 & 0x000000000000ff00uL
+ | endianSwap >> 24 & 0x0000000000ff0000uL
+ | endianSwap >> 8 & 0x00000000ff000000uL
+ | endianSwap << 8 & 0x000000ff00000000uL
+ | endianSwap << 24 & 0x0000ff0000000000uL
+ | endianSwap << 40 & 0x00ff000000000000uL
+ | endianSwap << 56 & 0xff00000000000000uL
+ ;
+ }
+ public void Prime(bool alt)
+ {
+ if (!Seeded) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Unseeded.");
+ }
+ if (!alt) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ void IRandomizerEngine.Seed(ulong seed0, ulong seed1, ulong seed2, ulong seed3, string? seedstr)
+ {
+ Seeded = false;
+ Phase = 2;
+ Array.Fill(Belt, 0uL);
+ Array.Fill(Mill, 0uL);
+ if (seedstr is string input) {
+ foreach (byte bt in input) {
+ InputMap(bt);
+ }
+ } else {
+ InputMap((byte) (seed0 >> 56 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed0 >> 48 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed0 >> 40 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed0 >> 32 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed0 >> 24 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed0 >> 16 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed0 >> 8 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed0 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed1 >> 56 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed1 >> 48 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed1 >> 40 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed1 >> 32 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed1 >> 24 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed1 >> 16 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed1 >> 8 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed1 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed2 >> 56 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed2 >> 48 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed2 >> 40 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed2 >> 32 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed2 >> 24 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed2 >> 16 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed2 >> 8 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed2 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed3 >> 56 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed3 >> 48 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed3 >> 40 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed3 >> 32 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed3 >> 24 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed3 >> 16 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed3 >> 8 & 0xff));
+ InputMap((byte) (seed3 & 0xff));
+ }
+ InputMap(1);
+ PostInputMap();
+ Seeded = true;
+ }
+ private readonly ulong[] Belt = new ulong[40];
+ private ulong Iword;
+ private readonly ulong[] Mill = new ulong[19];
+ private int Phase;
+ private int Place;
+ private bool Seeded;
+ private int Shift;
+ private void InputMap(byte bt)
+ {
+ Iword |= (ulong) bt << Shift;
+ Shift += 8;
+ if (Shift > 56) {
+ Shift = 0;
+ Belt[Place * 13] ^= Iword;
+ Mill[Place + 16] ^= Iword;
+ Iword = 0;
+ Place++;
+ if (Place > 2) {
+ Place = 0;
+ BeltMill();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void PostInputMap()
+ {
+ if (Shift > 0) {
+ Belt[Place * 13] ^= Iword;
+ Mill[Place + 16] ^= Iword;
+ }
+ if (Place != 0 || Shift != 0) {
+ BeltMill();
+ }
+ for (int no = 0; no < 16; no++) {
+ BeltMill();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class SplitMix64
+ {
+ public SplitMix64(ulong seed)
+ {
+ State = seed;
+ }
+ public ulong Next()
+ {
+ State += 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15uL;
+ ulong z = State;
+ z = (z ^ (z >> 30)) * 0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9uL;
+ z = (z ^ (z >> 27)) * 0x94D049BB133111EBuL;
+ return z ^ (z >> 31);
+ }
+ public void Seed(ulong seed)
+ {
+ State = seed;
+ }
+ private ulong State;
+ }
+ // XoShiRo256** implementation
+ public partial class XoShiRo256ssRandomizerEngine : IRandomizerEngine
+ {
+ public XoShiRo256ssRandomizerEngine()
+ {
+ Seeded = false;
+ }
+ public void Jump()
+ {
+ if (!Seeded) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Unseeded.");
+ }
+ ulong s0 = 0uL;
+ ulong s1 = 0uL;
+ ulong s2 = 0uL;
+ ulong s3 = 0uL;
+ for(int i = 0; i < JumpConstants.Length; i++) {
+ for(int b = 0; b < 64; b++) {
+ if ((JumpConstants[i] & 1uL << b) != 0uL) {
+ s0 ^= State[0];
+ s1 ^= State[1];
+ s2 ^= State[2];
+ s3 ^= State[3];
+ }
+ Next();
+ }
+ }
+ State[0] = s0;
+ State[1] = s1;
+ State[2] = s2;
+ State[3] = s3;
+ }
+ public void LongJump()
+ {
+ if (!Seeded) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Unseeded.");
+ }
+ ulong s0 = 0uL;
+ ulong s1 = 0uL;
+ ulong s2 = 0uL;
+ ulong s3 = 0uL;
+ for(int i = 0; i < LongJumpConstants.Length; i++) {
+ for(int b = 0; b < 64; b++) {
+ if ((LongJumpConstants[i] & 1uL << b) != 0uL) {
+ s0 ^= State[0];
+ s1 ^= State[1];
+ s2 ^= State[2];
+ s3 ^= State[3];
+ }
+ Next();
+ }
+ }
+ State[0] = s0;
+ State[1] = s1;
+ State[2] = s2;
+ State[3] = s3;
+ }
+ public ulong Next()
+ {
+ if (!Seeded) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Unseeded.");
+ }
+ ulong result = RotateLeft(State[1] * 5, 7) * 9;
+ ulong t = State[1] << 17;
+ State[2] ^= State[0];
+ State[3] ^= State[1];
+ State[1] ^= State[2];
+ State[0] ^= State[3];
+ State[2] ^= t;
+ State[3] = RotateLeft(State[3], 45);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public void Prime(bool alt)
+ {
+ if (!alt) {
+ Jump();
+ } else {
+ LongJump();
+ }
+ }
+ void IRandomizerEngine.Seed(ulong seed0, ulong seed1, ulong seed2, ulong seed3, string? seedstr)
+ {
+ Seeded = false;
+ if (seed0 == 0uL && seed1 == 0uL && seed2 == 0uL && seed3 == 0uL) {
+ seed0 = 1uL;
+ }
+ State[0] = seed0;
+ State[1] = seed1;
+ State[2] = seed2;
+ State[3] = seed3;
+ Seeded = true;
+ }
+ private static readonly ulong[] JumpConstants = {
+ 0x180ec6d33cfd0abauL, 0xd5a61266f0c9392cuL,
+ 0xa9582618e03fc9aauL, 0x39abdc4529b1661cuL,
+ };
+ private static readonly ulong[] LongJumpConstants = {
+ 0x76e15d3efefdcbbfuL, 0xc5004e441c522fb3uL,
+ 0x77710069854ee241uL, 0x39109bb02acbe635uL,
+ };
+ private static ulong RotateLeft(ulong x, int k)
+ {
+ return (x << k) | (x >> (64 - k));
+ }
+ private bool Seeded;
+ private readonly ulong[] State = { 1uL, 0uL, 0uL, 0uL, };
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Registry.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Registry.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c34f4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.Registry.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+ * AmyCore
+ * Core functionality with zero hard dependencies (besides C# 8.0 and Godot).
+ *
+ * Strongly recommended to include:
+ * System.IO.Hashing
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+ * Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ *
+ * Stuff that is very commonly needed and very rarely changes should go here.
+ *
+ * Last update date: 2024-04-04
+ *
+using Logging = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+using System.IO.Hashing; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using Crypto = System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
+using System.Net.Sockets;
+using System.Net.Http;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public static partial class AmyCore
+ public partial class Registry
+ {
+ public bool BlobSubDirectory { get; private init; }
+ public string Filename { get; private init; }
+ public string? ObfuscationPassword { get; private init; }
+ public string? PathOverride { get; private init; }
+ public Registry(in bool dataDirectory,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string filename, in string? obfuscationPassword)
+ {
+ BlobSubDirectory = dataDirectory;
+ Filename = filename;
+ ObfuscationPassword = obfuscationPassword;
+ PathOverride = null;
+ }
+ public Registry(in string pathOverride, in bool dataDirectory,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string filename, in string? obfuscationPassword)
+ {
+ BlobSubDirectory = dataDirectory;
+ Filename = filename;
+ ObfuscationPassword = obfuscationPassword;
+ if (pathOverride.EndsWith('/')) {
+ PathOverride = pathOverride;
+ } else {
+ PathOverride = pathOverride + '/';
+ }
+ }
+ public string EncodeToText() => Reg!.EncodeToText();
+ public void EraseSection(in string? section, in bool writeRegistry = true)
+ {
+ if (Reg!.HasSection(section)) {
+ Reg!.EraseSection(section);
+ }
+ if (writeRegistry) {
+ WriteRegistry();
+ }
+ }
+ public T? Get<[MustBeVariant] T>(in string? section,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, in T? fallback,
+ in bool strict = false)
+ {
+ if (key is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
+ }
+ if (TryGet(section, key, out T? value, strict)) {
+ return value;
+ }
+ return fallback;
+ }
+ public string[] GetSectionKeys(in string? section)
+ {
+ if (Reg is null) {
+ LoadRegistry();
+ }
+ var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
+ : DefaultSection;
+ if (Reg!.HasSection(sxn)) {
+ return Reg.GetSectionKeys(sxn);
+ }
+ return Array.Empty();
+ }
+ public Dictionary GetSectionObjects(in string? section)
+ {
+ if (Reg is null) {
+ LoadRegistry();
+ }
+ var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
+ : DefaultSection;
+ Dictionary objects = new();
+ if (Reg!.HasSection(sxn)) {
+ foreach (var key in Reg.GetSectionKeys(sxn)) {
+ objects.Add(key, Reg.GetValue(sxn, key).Obj);
+ }
+ }
+ return objects;
+ }
+ public Dictionary GetSectionVariants(in string? section)
+ {
+ if (Reg is null) {
+ LoadRegistry();
+ }
+ var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
+ : DefaultSection;
+ Dictionary variants = new();
+ if (Reg!.HasSection(sxn)) {
+ foreach (var key in Reg.GetSectionKeys(sxn)) {
+ variants.Add(key, Reg.GetValue(sxn, key));
+ }
+ }
+ return variants;
+ }
+ public string GetString(in string? section,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, string? fallback = null,
+ in bool strict = false)
+ {
+ return Get(section, key, null, strict) ?? fallback ?? string.Empty;
+ }
+ public Variant GetVariant(in string? section,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, Variant fallback)
+ {
+ if (key is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
+ }
+ if (TryGetVariant(section, key, out var value)) {
+ return value;
+ }
+ return fallback;
+ }
+ public Error Parse(bool clearFirst, string data, bool writeRegistry = true, bool nothrow = false)
+ {
+ if (Reg is null) {
+ LoadRegistry();
+ }
+ if (clearFirst) {
+ Reg!.Clear();
+ }
+ var err = Reg!.Parse(data);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ if (!nothrow) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not parse data, error code=``"+err.ToString()+"''");
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+ if (writeRegistry) {
+ WriteRegistry();
+ }
+ return Error.Ok;
+ }
+ public void Reset() => ClearRegistry();
+ public void Set<[MustBeVariant] T>(in string? section,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, in T? value,
+ in bool writeRegistry = true)
+ => SetVariant(section, key, Variant.From(value), writeRegistry);
+ public void SetVariant(in string? section,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, in Variant value,
+ in bool writeRegistry = true)
+ {
+ if (key is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
+ }
+ if (Reg is null) {
+ LoadRegistry();
+ }
+ var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
+ : DefaultSection;
+ Reg!.SetValue(sxn, key, value);
+ Dirty = true;
+ if (writeRegistry) {
+ WriteRegistry();
+ }
+ }
+ public bool TryAdd<[MustBeVariant] T>(in string? section,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, in T? value,
+ in bool writeRegistry = true)
+ => TryAddVariant(section, key, Variant.From(value),
+ writeRegistry);
+ public bool TryAddVariant(in string? section,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, in Variant value,
+ in bool writeRegistry = true)
+ {
+ if (key is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
+ }
+ if (Reg is null) {
+ LoadRegistry();
+ }
+ var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
+ : DefaultSection;
+ if (!Reg!.HasSectionKey(sxn, key)) {
+ Reg.SetValue(sxn, key, value);
+ Dirty = true;
+ if (writeRegistry) {
+ WriteRegistry();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public bool TryGet<[MustBeVariant] T>(in string? section,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, out T? value,
+ in bool strict = false)
+ {
+ if (key is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
+ }
+ if (TryGetVariant(section, key, out var variant)) {
+ var ok = true;
+ if (strict) {
+ var expectedVariantType = Variant.From(default).VariantType;
+ if (variant.VariantType != expectedVariantType) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Variant type mismatch: ", variant.VariantType,
+ " did not match the expected type ", expectedVariantType);
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ok) {
+ value = variant.As();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ value = default;
+ return false;
+ }
+ public bool TryGetVariant(in string? section,
+ [NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, out Variant value)
+ {
+ if (key is null) {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
+ }
+ if (Reg is null) {
+ LoadRegistry();
+ }
+ var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
+ : DefaultSection;
+ if (Reg!.HasSectionKey(sxn, key)) {
+ var sentinelString = $"__Sentinel=``{Guid.NewGuid()}''";
+ var sentinelVariant = Variant.CreateFrom(sentinelString);
+ var uncheckedValue = Reg.GetValue(sxn, key, sentinelVariant);
+ if (uncheckedValue.VariantType != Variant.Type.String
+ || uncheckedValue.AsString() != sentinelString) {
+ value = uncheckedValue;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ value = default;
+ return false;
+ }
+ public void WriteRegistry()
+ {
+ if (!Dirty) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Reg is null) { // This should never happen since Dirty was true.
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("WriteRegistry but Reg was null.");
+ }
+ var currentPath = CurrentPath;
+ var tempPath = TempPath;
+ // Scope for newtemp (so it calls Dispose to release the handle)
+ {
+ using var newtemp = OpenDisposableFile(tempPath, true,
+ FileAccess.ModeFlags.Write, password: ObfuscationPassword);
+ if (newtemp is null) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Error writing config.");
+ return;
+ }
+ var data = Reg.EncodeToText();
+ if (ObfuscationPassword is null) {
+ newtemp.StoreString(data);
+ } else {
+ newtemp.StoreBuffer(GZip(data));
+ }
+ }
+ if (FileAccess.FileExists(currentPath)) {
+ var prevPath = PrevPath;
+ if (FileAccess.FileExists(prevPath)) {
+ var err = DirAccess.RemoveAbsolute(prevPath);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Error removing old backup while writing config.", err);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ { // Scope for err
+ var err = DirAccess.RenameAbsolute(currentPath, prevPath);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Error moving old config to backup while writing config. From=``",
+ currentPath, "'', To=``", prevPath, "'', Error=", err);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ { // Scope for err
+ var err = DirAccess.RenameAbsolute(tempPath, currentPath);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Error moving new config to current while writing config. From=``",
+ tempPath, "'', To=``", currentPath, "'', Error=", err);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Dirty = false;
+ }
+ protected static readonly Logger Logger = new("AmyCore.Registry");
+ protected string BackupPath
+ {
+ get {
+ if (PathOverride is not string pfx) {
+ pfx = "user://save_data/";
+ }
+ return (!BlobSubDirectory ? pfx : pfx + "blob/") + Filename + ConfigBackupExt;
+ }
+ }
+ protected string CurrentPath
+ {
+ get {
+ if (PathOverride is not string pfx) {
+ pfx = "user://save_data/";
+ }
+ return (!BlobSubDirectory ? pfx : pfx + "blob/") + Filename
+ + (ObfuscationPassword is null ? ConfigFileExtPlaintext : ConfigFileExtObfuscated);
+ }
+ }
+ protected string PrevPath
+ {
+ get {
+ if (PathOverride is not string pfx) {
+ pfx = "user://save_data/";
+ }
+ return (!BlobSubDirectory ? pfx : pfx + "blob/") + Filename + ConfigPrevExt;
+ }
+ }
+ protected string TempPath
+ {
+ get {
+ if (PathOverride is not string pfx) {
+ pfx = "user://save_data/";
+ }
+ return (!BlobSubDirectory ? pfx : pfx + "blob/") + Filename + ConfigTempExt;
+ }
+ }
+ protected bool Dirty;
+ protected ConfigFile? Reg;
+ protected void ClearRegistry()
+ {
+ var prevPath = PrevPath;
+ var currentPath = CurrentPath;
+ if (FileAccess.FileExists(prevPath)) {
+ var err = DirAccess.RemoveAbsolute(prevPath);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Unable to clear backup config.", err);
+ }
+ }
+ if (FileAccess.FileExists(currentPath)) {
+ var err = DirAccess.RemoveAbsolute(currentPath);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Unable to clear current config.", err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected void LoadRegistry()
+ {
+ var prevPath = PrevPath;
+ var currentPath = CurrentPath;
+ string? data = null;
+ var bakPathPrefix = BackupPath;
+ var bak9Path = bakPathPrefix + '9';
+ if (FileAccess.FileExists(bak9Path)) {
+ var err = DirAccess.RemoveAbsolute(bak9Path);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Unable to clear bak9 config.", err);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int bakN = 8; bakN >= 1; bakN--) {
+ var bakNPath = bakPathPrefix + bakN.ToString();
+ if (FileAccess.FileExists(bakNPath)) {
+ var olderBakNPath = bakPathPrefix + (bakN + 1).ToString();
+ if (!FileAccess.FileExists(olderBakNPath)) {
+ var err = DirAccess.RenameAbsolute(bakNPath, olderBakNPath);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Error archiving backup config. From=``",
+ bakNPath, "'', To=``", olderBakNPath, "'', Error=", err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var bak1Path = bakPathPrefix + '1';
+ if (!FileAccess.FileExists(bak1Path)) {
+ if (FileAccess.FileExists(currentPath)) { // Yes, currentPath not prevPath -- backup only working data.
+ var err = DirAccess.CopyAbsolute(currentPath, bak1Path);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Error archiving backup config. From=``",
+ currentPath, "'', To=``", bak1Path, "'', Error=", err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (FileAccess.FileExists(currentPath)) {
+ if (!TryOpenFileAndReadAsText(currentPath,
+ unzip: ObfuscationPassword is not null,
+ out data, password: ObfuscationPassword,
+ skipCr: true)) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Unable to read current config.");
+ }
+ } else if (FileAccess.FileExists(prevPath)) {
+ if (TryOpenFileAndReadAsText(prevPath,
+ unzip: ObfuscationPassword is not null,
+ out var backup, password: ObfuscationPassword,
+ skipCr: true)) {
+ data = backup!;
+ _ = Logger.Info("Restoring config from backup.");
+ using var current = OpenDisposableFile(currentPath,
+ true, FileAccess.ModeFlags.Write,
+ password: ObfuscationPassword);
+ if (current is not null) {
+ if (ObfuscationPassword is null) {
+ current.StoreString(data);
+ } else {
+ current.StoreBuffer(GZip(data));
+ }
+ } else {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Error writing backup config to current.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Unable to read backup config.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ _ = Logger.Info("Initializing the registry.");
+ data = string.Empty;
+ }
+ ConfigFile tempreg = new();
+ if (data is not null) {
+ var err = tempreg.Parse(data);
+ if (err != Error.Ok) {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Error loading config: unable to parse config file.", err);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _ = Logger.Error("Error loading config: data was null.");
+ }
+ Reg = tempreg;
+ }
+ private const string ConfigFileExtObfuscated = ".bin";
+ private const string ConfigFileExtPlaintext = ".cfg";
+ private const string ConfigPrevExt = ".old";
+ private const string ConfigBackupExt = ".bak";
+ private const string ConfigTempExt = ".new";
+ private const string DefaultSection = "General";
+ }
+ public static Registry Accounts
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = _Accounts;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ _Accounts = cache = new Registry(true, "accounts",
+ "{Amy.AmyReg.ObfuscationPassword.Accounts}");
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Registry? _Accounts;
+ public static Registry Config
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = _Config;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ _Config = cache = new Registry(false, "config", null);
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Registry? _Config;
+ public static Registry Progress
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = _Progress;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ _Progress = cache = new Registry(false, "progress", null);
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Registry? _Progress;
+ public static Registry SecretConfig
+ {
+ get {
+ var cache = _SecretConfig;
+ if (cache is null) {
+ _SecretConfig = cache = new Registry(true, "registry",
+ "{Amy.AmyReg.ObfuscationPassword.Config}");
+ }
+ return cache;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Registry? _SecretConfig;
+ public static Registry Save(in int id)
+ {
+ if (id < 0) {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(id), id,
+ "SaveData id must be nonnegative.");
+ }
+ if (_Save.TryGetValue(id, out var cache) && cache is not null) {
+ return cache!;
+ }
+ cache = new Registry(false, $"save-{id}", null);
+ _Save[id] = cache;
+ return cache;
+ }
+ private static readonly SortedList _Save = new();
+ public static Registry SecretSave(in int id)
+ {
+ if (id < 0) {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(id), id,
+ "SecretSave id must be nonnegative.");
+ }
+ if (_SecretSave.TryGetValue(id, out var cache) && cache is not null) {
+ return cache!;
+ }
+ cache = new Registry(true, $"save-{id}",
+ "{" + $"Amy.AmyReg.ObfuscationPassword.SecretSave-{id}" + "}");
+ _SecretSave[id] = cache;
+ return cache;
+ }
+ private static readonly SortedList _SecretSave = new();
diff --git a/scripts/amy/AmyCore.ThirdParty.cs b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.ThirdParty.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7df6b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/amy/AmyCore.ThirdParty.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+ * AmyCore
+ * Core functionality with zero hard dependencies (besides C# 8.0 and Godot).
+ *
+ * Strongly recommended to include:
+ * System.IO.Hashing
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+ * Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ * https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ *
+ * Stuff that is very commonly needed and very rarely changes should go here.
+ *
+ * Last update date: 2024-04-28
+ *
+using Logging = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+using System.IO.Hashing; // https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Hashing
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using Crypto = System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
+using System.Net.Sockets;
+using System.Net.Http;
+namespace Amy;
+#nullable enable
+public static partial class AmyCore
+ #nullable disable warnings
+ #nullable enable annotations
+ #region zanders3/json
+ /*
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 Alex Parker
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+ * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+ * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+ * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+ * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+ * subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ // Really simple JSON parser in ~300 lines
+ // - Attempts to parse JSON files with minimal GC allocation
+ // - Nice and simple "[1,2,3]".FromJson>() API
+ // - Classes and structs can be parsed too!
+ // class Foo { public int Value; }
+ // "{\"Value\":10}".FromJson()
+ // - Can parse JSON without type information into Dictionary and List