using Godot; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Amy.Game; #nullable enable public partial class World : Node3D { public const int AdoptionCenterCharacterCount = 5; public static World? Instance { get; private set; } [Export] public PackedScene? CharacterScene { get; private set; } [Export] public Label? PlayerInfoCredits { get; private set; } [Export] public Label? PlayerInfoMoney { get; private set; } [Export] public Label? CharacterInfoName { get; private set; } [Export] public Label? CharacterInfoAge { get; private set; } [Export] public Label? CharacterInfoStatus { get; private set; } [Export] public TextureRect? SpellingWordCard { get; private set; } [Export] public Button? SpellingWordCardButton { get; private set; } [Export] public Label? SpellingWordCardLabel { get; private set; } [Export] public Button? ReadSpellingPracticeCardButton { get; private set; } [Export] public Button? RewardSpellingPracticeCardButton { get; private set; } [Export] public SpellingWords? SpellingWords { get; private set; } = new(); public readonly List AdoptableCharacters = new(); public bool AdoptionCenter { get; private set; } public readonly Dictionary AudioClips = new(); public CharacterActivityEnum CharacterActivity { get; private set; } = CharacterActivityEnum.None; public readonly List Characters = new(); public string SaveFileName { get; private set; } = string.Empty; public SaveSlotResource? Save { get; private set; } public int SelectedCharacterIndex { get; private set; } = -1; public Tween? SpellingWordCardTween { get; private set; } public string SpellingWordCorrect { get; private set; } = string.Empty; public string SpellingWordMisspelled { get; private set; } = string.Empty; public string SpellingWordReading { get; private set; } = string.Empty; public bool StartedGame { get; private set; } public Character? SelectedCharacter { get { if (!AdoptionCenter) { if (SelectedCharacterIndex < 0 || SelectedCharacterIndex >= Characters.Count) { return null; } return Characters[SelectedCharacterIndex]; } else { if (SelectedCharacterIndex < 0 || SelectedCharacterIndex >= AdoptableCharacters.Count) { return null; } return AdoptableCharacters[SelectedCharacterIndex]; } } } public World() { Instance = this; } public void AdoptSelectedCharacter() { if (!AdoptionCenter || SelectedCharacter is not Character character) { return; } var sfn = SaveFileName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sfn) || Save is not SaveSlotResource save) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (character.Resource is not CharacterResource cres) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (save.Characters.Count > 0) { // Your first character is free if (save.Credits < save.NextCharacterCost) { this.Toast("Insufficient funds."); return; } save.Credits -= save.NextCharacterCost; save.NextCharacterCost += save.NextCharacterCost; } var guid = cres.Guid; save.AdoptableCharacters.Remove(guid); save.Characters.Add(guid); DeselectCharacter(); save.Save($"user://save_data/slots/{sfn}.tres"); this.Toast("Saved."); LoadGame(false); } public void BackFromCharacterCommon() { if (CharacterActivity != CharacterActivityEnum.None) { CharacterActivity = CharacterActivityEnum.None; } else { DeselectCharacter(); } } public void CharacterUIOverviewHide(bool showRoomUI, bool showAdoptionCenterUI) { Main.Instance?.GetNode("CharacterUIAdoptable")?.Hide(); Main.Instance?.GetNode("CharacterUIOverview")?.Hide(); if (showRoomUI && StartedGame) { Main.Instance?.GetNode("RoomUI")?.Show(); } else { Main.Instance?.GetNode("RoomUI")?.Hide(); } if (showAdoptionCenterUI && StartedGame) { Main.Instance?.GetNode("AdoptionCenterUI")?.Show(); } else { Main.Instance?.GetNode("AdoptionCenterUI")?.Hide(); } } public void CharacterUIOverviewShow(Character character) { Main.Instance?.GetNode("AdoptionCenterUI")?.Hide(); Main.Instance?.GetNode("RoomUI")?.Hide(); if (!AdoptionCenter) { Main.Instance?.GetNode("CharacterUIAdoptable")?.Hide(); Main.Instance?.GetNode("CharacterUIOverview")?.Show(); } else { Main.Instance?.GetNode("CharacterUIAdoptable")?.Show(); Main.Instance?.GetNode("CharacterUIOverview")?.Hide(); } Main.Instance?.GetNode("SpellingPracticeUI")?.Hide(); if (CharacterStatsUI.Instance is not CharacterStatsUI stats) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } foreach (var child in stats.GetChildren()) { if (child is not CharacterStatUI stat) { continue; } var pb = stat.GetNode("ProgressBar"); pb.MaxValue = 1f; var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var rawValue = stat.Name.ToString() switch { "Food" => character.Resource?.FoodAt(now), "Water" => character.Resource?.WaterAt(now), "Rest" => character.Resource?.RestAt(now), "Hygine" => character.Resource?.HygineAt(now), "Social" => character.Resource?.SocialAt(now), "Enrichment" => character.Resource?.EnrichmentAt(now), "Self-Esteem" => character.Resource?.SelfEsteemAt(now), _ => throw new InvalidOperationException(), }; pb.Value = (float) Math.Clamp(rawValue ?? 0d, 0d, pb.MaxValue); } } public void CraftGenericMeal() { if (Save is not SaveSlotResource save) { return; } var sfn = SaveFileName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sfn)) { return; } var template = ResourceLoader.Load($"res://assets/resources/meal_generic.tres"); if (template is not MealResource tmpl) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var meal = new MealResource(); meal.CopyEx(tmpl, quality: 1f); save.Meals.Add(meal); save.Save($"user://save_data/slots/{sfn}.tres"); this.Toast("Saved."); } public void DeselectCharacter() { CharacterActivity = CharacterActivityEnum.None; SelectedCharacterIndex = -1; GetViewport().GetCamera3D().Current = false; if (GetNode("Player/Camera3D") is Camera3D cam) { // TODO: make this less clunky cam.Current = true; } } public void GiveRewardDuringSpellingPractice() { if (SelectedCharacter is not Character character) { return; } if (character.Resource is not CharacterResource cres) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (RewardSpellingPracticeCardButton is not Button btnReward) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (SpellingWordReading == SpellingWordCorrect) { // reward right cres.SpellConfidence(SpellingWordCorrect, 8d, true); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SpellingWordReading)) { // reward wrong cres.SpellConfidence(SpellingWordCorrect, -8d, true); } SpellingWordReading = string.Empty; // flag already rewarded btnReward.Disabled = true; } public void LeaveAdoptionCenter() { LoadGame(false); } public void LoadAndInstantiateCharacter(string guid, bool adoptionCenter) { var path = $"user://save_data/characters/{guid}.tres"; var resource = ResourceLoader.Load(path, cacheMode: ResourceLoader.CacheMode.IgnoreDeep); if (resource is CharacterResource res && CharacterScene?.Instantiate() is Character character) { character.Resource = res; if (!adoptionCenter) { character.Position = new Vector3(AmyCore.FastRandom.NextFloat() * 6f - 3f, 0f, 0f); // TODO Characters.Add(character); GetNode("Characters").AddChild(character); } else { character.Position = new Vector3(AmyCore.FastRandom.NextFloat() * 6f - 3f, 0f, 0f); // TODO AdoptableCharacters.Add(character); GetNode("AdoptableCharacters").AddChild(character); } var scale = (float) (res.Height / 1.35d); character.Scale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale); } } public async void LoadGame(bool forceAdoptionCenter) { UnloadGame(); for ( ; ; ) { await AmyCore.ProcessFrame(this); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SaveFileName)) { SaveFileName = "1"; } if (Save is not SaveSlotResource save) { var savePath = $"user://save_data/slots/{SaveFileName}.tres"; if (ResourceLoader.Exists(savePath)) { save = ResourceLoader.Load(savePath, cacheMode: ResourceLoader.CacheMode.IgnoreDeep) as SaveSlotResource; if (save is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrong resource type for save file."); } } else { save = new SaveSlotResource(); var err = ResourceSaver.Save(save, savePath); if (err != Error.Ok) { throw new Exception(err.ToString()); } } Save = save; } var characterGuids = save.Characters; var adoptionCenter = forceAdoptionCenter || characterGuids.Count < 1; AdoptionCenter = adoptionCenter; if (adoptionCenter) { characterGuids = save.AdoptableCharacters; if (characterGuids.Count < AdoptionCenterCharacterCount) { var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var count = 1; while (ResourceLoader.Exists($"res://assets/resources/character{count}.tres")) { count++; } count--; var nr = 1 + AmyCore.FastRandom.Range(count); var resource = ResourceLoader.Load($"res://assets/resources/character{nr}.tres"); if (resource is not CharacterResource res) { res = new CharacterResource(); } res.Guid = guid; res.TimeStampEverRecorded = false; var girl = true; // TODO res.Girl = girl; var name = DefaultCharacterNames.CreateFromDefaults().Select(boy: !girl); var grade = AmyCore.FastRandom.RangeInclusive(1, 6); var age = 5 + grade + AmyCore.FastRandom.Select(new int[] { -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, }); var heights = GetHeightsForAge(age, !girl); var heightLerp = AmyCore.FastRandom.NextDouble(); heightLerp *= heightLerp; if (AmyCore.FastRandom.OneIn(2)) { heightLerp = -heightLerp; } heightLerp = heightLerp * .5d + .5d; var height = (float) Mathf.Lerp(heights.X, heights.Y, heightLerp); res.OriginalName = name; res.CurrentName = name; res.Age = age; res.GradeLevel = grade; res.Height = height; res.LastSavedFood = .5f; res.LastSavedWater = .5f; res.LastSavedRest = .5f; res.LastSavedHygine = .5f; res.LastSavedSocial = 0f; res.LastSavedEnrichment = 0f; res.LastSavedSelfEsteem = 0f; res.SecondsPerFood = 60d * 60d * 8d; res.SecondsPerWater = 60d * 60d * 4d; res.SecondsPerRest = 60d * 60d * 24d; res.SecondsPerHygine = 60d * 60d * 24d * 3d; res.SecondsPerSocial = 60d * 60d * 6d; res.SecondsPerEnrichment = 60d * 60d; res.SecondsPerSelfEsteem = 60d * 60d * 24d * 7d; res.TimesPracticedSpelling = 0; res.WordConfidence = new(); res.Save(new StatModification { }); save.AdoptableCharacters.Add(guid); save.Save($"user://save_data/slots/{SaveFileName}.tres"); this.Toast("Saved."); continue; } } foreach (var characterGuid in characterGuids) { if (characterGuid.VariantType == Variant.Type.String) { LoadAndInstantiateCharacter(characterGuid.AsString(), adoptionCenter); } } break; } } public void NextSpellingCard() { if (SpellingWordCardTween is Tween oldTween) { oldTween.Kill(); } if (SpellingWordCard is not TextureRect tr) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (SpellingWordCardButton is not Button btn) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } tr.PivotOffset = new Vector2(192f, 128f); var tween = GetTree().CreateTween(); tween .TweenProperty(tr, "scale", Vector2.Right, .25f); //tween .TweenProperty(tr, "offset_top", -192f, .25f); //tween.Parallel().TweenProperty(tr, "offset_bottom", -192f, .25f); tween .TweenCallback(Callable.From(NextSpellingCardImmediate)); tween .TweenProperty(tr, "scale", Vector2.One, .25f); //tween .TweenProperty(tr, "offset_top", -320f, .25f); //tween.Parallel().TweenProperty(tr, "offset_bottom", -64f, .25f); SpellingWordCardTween = tween; //btn.ReleaseFocus(); btn.Disabled = true; } public void NextSpellingCardImmediate() { if (SelectedCharacter is not Character character) { return; } if (character.Resource is not CharacterResource cres) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (SpellingWordCardLabel is not Label label) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (SpellingWordCardButton is not Button btn) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (RewardSpellingPracticeCardButton is not Button btnReward) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var fields = (SpellingWords?.Select(cres.GradeLevel, false) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException()).Split('|'); var word = fields[0]; var misspelled = fields[^1]; SpellingWordCorrect = word; SpellingWordMisspelled = misspelled; SpellingWordReading = string.Empty; label.Text = word; btn.Disabled = false; btnReward.Disabled = true; } public void PickCharacter(Character character) { if (Main.Instance?.GetNode("Options")?.Visible ?? false) { return; } if (!AdoptionCenter) { for (var index = 0; index < Characters.Count; index++) { if (Characters[index] == character) { SelectedCharacterIndex = index; break; } } } else { for (var index = 0; index < AdoptableCharacters.Count; index++) { if (AdoptableCharacters[index] == character) { SelectedCharacterIndex = index; break; } } } if (character.Resource is not CharacterResource cres) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (CharacterInfoName is Label nameLabel) { nameLabel.Text = cres.CurrentName; } if (CharacterInfoAge is Label ageLabel) { ageLabel.Text = $"Age {cres.Age} (grade {cres.GradeLevel})"; } if (CharacterInfoStatus is Label statusLabel) { if (!AdoptionCenter) { statusLabel.Text = $"Chatting"; } else { statusLabel.Text = $"Waiting to be adopted"; } } NextSpellingCardImmediate(); } public void PracticeSpelling() { CharacterActivity = CharacterActivityEnum.SpellingPractice; } public void ReadSpellingPracticeCard() { if (SpellingWordCardButton is not Button btn1) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (ReadSpellingPracticeCardButton is not Button btn2) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (RewardSpellingPracticeCardButton is not Button btnReward) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (GetNode("AmyAudioQueue") is not AmyAudioQueue queue) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (SelectedCharacter is not Character character) { return; } if (character.Resource is not CharacterResource cres) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } btn1.Disabled = true; btn2.Disabled = true; btnReward.Disabled = true; var correct = cres.SpellCorrectlyAt(SpellingWordCorrect, DateTime.UtcNow, 1d, true); var reading = correct ? SpellingWordCorrect : SpellingWordMisspelled; SpellingWordReading = reading; foreach (char ch in reading) { if (AudioClips.TryGetValue($"lt_girl_{ch}", out var stream)) { queue.Queue.Enqueue(stream); } } queue.PlayAllThenCall(Callable.From(ReadSpellingPracticeCardFinished)); } public void ReadSpellingPracticeCardFinished() { if (SpellingWordCardButton is not Button btn1) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (ReadSpellingPracticeCardButton is not Button btn2) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (RewardSpellingPracticeCardButton is not Button btnReward) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } btn1.Disabled = false; btn2.Disabled = false; btnReward.Disabled = false; } public void SaveManually() { if (Save is not SaveSlotResource save) { return; } var sfn = SaveFileName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sfn)) { return; } foreach (var character in Characters) { if (character.Resource is not CharacterResource cres) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } cres.Save(new StatModification { }); } save.Save($"user://save_data/slots/{sfn}.tres"); this.Toast("Saved."); } public void ServeRandomMeal() { if (Save is not SaveSlotResource save) { return; } var sfn = SaveFileName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sfn)) { return; } if (save.Meals.Count < 1) { return; } if (SelectedCharacter is not Character character) { return; } if (character.Resource is not CharacterResource cres) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var idx = AmyCore.FastRandom.Range(save.Meals.Count); var variant = save.Meals[idx]; if (variant.VariantType != Variant.Type.Object) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var resource = variant.Obj; if (resource is not MealResource mres) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } save.Meals.RemoveAt(idx); save.Save($"user://save_data/slots/{sfn}.tres"); cres.Save(new StatModification { Food = .25d, }); this.Toast("Saved."); } public void StartGame() { if (StartedGame) { return; } StartedGame = true; LoadGame(false); } public void StopGame() { if (!StartedGame) { return; } StartedGame = false; UnloadGame(); Main.Instance?.ReturnToMainMenu(); } public void UnloadGame() { AdoptableCharacters.Clear(); var characters = GetNode("AdoptableCharacters"); foreach (var child in characters.GetChildren()) { characters.RemoveChild(child); child.QueueFree(); } Characters.Clear(); characters = GetNode("Characters"); foreach (var child in characters.GetChildren()) { characters.RemoveChild(child); child.QueueFree(); } } public void VisitAdoptionCenter() { DeselectCharacter(); LoadGame(true); } public override void _Input(InputEvent @event) { if (!StartedGame) { return; } if (@event is InputEventKey key && key.Pressed && key.PhysicalKeycode == Key.Escape) { if (SelectedCharacterIndex >= 0) { BackFromCharacterCommon(); } else { Main.Instance?.ToggleOptionsMenu(); } } } public override void _Process(double delta) { if (StartedGame) { var sfn = SaveFileName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sfn) && Save is SaveSlotResource save) { var dirtyCredits = false; var dirtyMoney = false; if (displayedCredits < 0) { dirtyCredits = true; displayedCredits = save.Credits; } else if (displayedCredits != save.Credits) { dirtyCredits = true; displayedCredits += save.Credits > displayedCredits ? 1 : -1; } if (displayedMoney < 0) { dirtyMoney = true; displayedMoney = save.Money; } else if (displayedMoney != save.Money) { dirtyMoney = true; displayedMoney += save.Money > displayedMoney ? 1 : -1; } if (dirtyCredits) { if (PlayerInfoCredits is Label label) { label.Text = $"{displayedCredits} credits"; } } if (dirtyMoney) { if (PlayerInfoMoney is Label label) { label.Text = $"{displayedMoney} money"; } } } } var countOfCharactersInScope = !AdoptionCenter ? Characters.Count : AdoptableCharacters.Count; if (SelectedCharacterIndex >= 0 && SelectedCharacterIndex < countOfCharactersInScope) { if (SelectedCharacter is not Character character) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } Main.Instance?.GetNode("CharacterUICommon")?.Show(); switch (CharacterActivity) { case CharacterActivityEnum.None: Main.Instance?.GetNode("PlayerUI")?.Show(); CharacterUIOverviewShow(character); break; case CharacterActivityEnum.SpellingPractice: Main.Instance?.GetNode("PlayerUI")?.Hide(); CharacterUIOverviewHide(false, false); Main.Instance?.GetNode("SpellingPracticeUI")?.Show(); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } else { if (StartedGame) { Main.Instance?.GetNode("PlayerUI")?.Show(); } else { Main.Instance?.GetNode("PlayerUI")?.Hide(); } Main.Instance?.GetNode("CharacterUICommon")?.Hide(); CharacterUIOverviewHide(!AdoptionCenter, AdoptionCenter); Main.Instance?.GetNode("SpellingPracticeUI")?.Hide(); } } public override void _Ready() { NextSpellingCardImmediate(); for (var ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) { var path = $"res://assets/audio/clips/LT/lt_girl_{ch}.ogg"; AudioClips[$"lt_girl_{ch}"] = GD.Load(path); } } private static Vector2 GetHeightsForAge(int age, bool boy) { if (!boy) { return age switch { // 0mo:15th%, 0mo:85th% 5 => new Vector2(104.2f, 120.4f), 6 => new Vector2(109.8f, 126.5f), 7 => new Vector2(115.1f, 132.6f), 8 => new Vector2(120.5f, 138.8f), 9 => new Vector2(126.2f, 145.3f), 10 => new Vector2(132.0f, 151.9f), 11 => new Vector2(138.1f, 158.3f), 12 => new Vector2(144.1f, 163.6f), _ => throw new InvalidOperationException(), } * .01f; } else { return age switch { // 0mo:15th%, 0mo:85th% 5 => new Vector2(105.0f, 121.1f), 6 => new Vector2(110.8f, 127.2f), 7 => new Vector2(116.3f, 133.1f), 8 => new Vector2(121.4f, 138.8f), 9 => new Vector2(126.3f, 144.4f), 10 => new Vector2(131.2f, 150.1f), 11 => new Vector2(136.1f, 156.4f), 12 => new Vector2(141.7f, 163.7f), _ => throw new InvalidOperationException(), } * .01f; } } private int displayedCredits = -1; private int displayedMoney = -1; }