
589 lines
16 KiB

* AmyCore
* Core functionality with zero hard dependencies (besides C# 8.0 and Godot).
* Strongly recommended to include:
* System.IO.Hashing
* Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
* Stuff that is very commonly needed and very rarely changes should go here.
* Last update date: 2024-04-04
using Logging = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; //
using System.IO.Hashing; //
using Godot;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Crypto = System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net.Http;
namespace Amy;
#nullable enable
public static partial class AmyCore
public partial class Registry
public bool BlobSubDirectory { get; private init; }
public string Filename { get; private init; }
public string? ObfuscationPassword { get; private init; }
public string? PathOverride { get; private init; }
public Registry(in bool dataDirectory,
[NotNullWhen(true)] in string filename, in string? obfuscationPassword)
BlobSubDirectory = dataDirectory;
Filename = filename;
ObfuscationPassword = obfuscationPassword;
PathOverride = null;
public Registry(in string pathOverride, in bool dataDirectory,
[NotNullWhen(true)] in string filename, in string? obfuscationPassword)
BlobSubDirectory = dataDirectory;
Filename = filename;
ObfuscationPassword = obfuscationPassword;
if (pathOverride.EndsWith('/')) {
PathOverride = pathOverride;
} else {
PathOverride = pathOverride + '/';
public string EncodeToText() => Reg!.EncodeToText();
public void EraseSection(in string? section, in bool writeRegistry = true)
if (Reg!.HasSection(section)) {
if (writeRegistry) {
public T? Get<[MustBeVariant] T>(in string? section,
[NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, in T? fallback,
in bool strict = false)
if (key is null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
if (TryGet(section, key, out T? value, strict)) {
return value;
return fallback;
public string[] GetSectionKeys(in string? section)
if (Reg is null) {
var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
: DefaultSection;
if (Reg!.HasSection(sxn)) {
return Reg.GetSectionKeys(sxn);
return Array.Empty<string>();
public Dictionary<string, object?> GetSectionObjects(in string? section)
if (Reg is null) {
var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
: DefaultSection;
Dictionary<string, object?> objects = new();
if (Reg!.HasSection(sxn)) {
foreach (var key in Reg.GetSectionKeys(sxn)) {
objects.Add(key, Reg.GetValue(sxn, key).Obj);
return objects;
public Dictionary<string, Variant> GetSectionVariants(in string? section)
if (Reg is null) {
var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
: DefaultSection;
Dictionary<string, Variant> variants = new();
if (Reg!.HasSection(sxn)) {
foreach (var key in Reg.GetSectionKeys(sxn)) {
variants.Add(key, Reg.GetValue(sxn, key));
return variants;
public string GetString(in string? section,
[NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, string? fallback = null,
in bool strict = false)
return Get<string>(section, key, null, strict) ?? fallback ?? string.Empty;
public Variant GetVariant(in string? section,
[NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, Variant fallback)
if (key is null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
if (TryGetVariant(section, key, out var value)) {
return value;
return fallback;
public Error Parse(bool clearFirst, string data, bool writeRegistry = true, bool nothrow = false)
if (Reg is null) {
if (clearFirst) {
var err = Reg!.Parse(data);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
if (!nothrow) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not parse data, error code=``"+err.ToString()+"''");
return err;
if (writeRegistry) {
return Error.Ok;
public void Reset() => ClearRegistry();
public void Set<[MustBeVariant] T>(in string? section,
[NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, in T? value,
in bool writeRegistry = true)
=> SetVariant(section, key, Variant.From(value), writeRegistry);
public void SetVariant(in string? section,
[NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, in Variant value,
in bool writeRegistry = true)
if (key is null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
if (Reg is null) {
var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
: DefaultSection;
Reg!.SetValue(sxn, key, value);
Dirty = true;
if (writeRegistry) {
public bool TryAdd<[MustBeVariant] T>(in string? section,
[NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, in T? value,
in bool writeRegistry = true)
=> TryAddVariant(section, key, Variant.From(value),
public bool TryAddVariant(in string? section,
[NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, in Variant value,
in bool writeRegistry = true)
if (key is null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
if (Reg is null) {
var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
: DefaultSection;
if (!Reg!.HasSectionKey(sxn, key)) {
Reg.SetValue(sxn, key, value);
Dirty = true;
if (writeRegistry) {
return true;
return false;
public bool TryGet<[MustBeVariant] T>(in string? section,
[NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, out T? value,
in bool strict = false)
if (key is null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
if (TryGetVariant(section, key, out var variant)) {
var ok = true;
if (strict) {
var expectedVariantType = Variant.From<T?>(default).VariantType;
if (variant.VariantType != expectedVariantType) {
_ = Logger.Error("Variant type mismatch: ", variant.VariantType,
" did not match the expected type ", expectedVariantType);
ok = false;
if (ok) {
value = variant.As<T>();
return true;
value = default;
return false;
public bool TryGetVariant(in string? section,
[NotNullWhen(true)] in string key, out Variant value)
if (key is null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
if (Reg is null) {
var sxn = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section
: DefaultSection;
if (Reg!.HasSectionKey(sxn, key)) {
var sentinelString = $"__Sentinel=``{Guid.NewGuid()}''";
var sentinelVariant = Variant.CreateFrom(sentinelString);
var uncheckedValue = Reg.GetValue(sxn, key, sentinelVariant);
if (uncheckedValue.VariantType != Variant.Type.String
|| uncheckedValue.AsString() != sentinelString) {
value = uncheckedValue;
return true;
value = default;
return false;
public void WriteRegistry()
if (!Dirty) {
if (Reg is null) { // This should never happen since Dirty was true.
throw new InvalidOperationException("WriteRegistry but Reg was null.");
var currentPath = CurrentPath;
var tempPath = TempPath;
// Scope for newtemp (so it calls Dispose to release the handle)
using var newtemp = OpenDisposableFile(tempPath, true,
FileAccess.ModeFlags.Write, password: ObfuscationPassword);
if (newtemp is null) {
_ = Logger.Error("Error writing config.");
var data = Reg.EncodeToText();
if (ObfuscationPassword is null) {
} else {
if (FileAccess.FileExists(currentPath)) {
var prevPath = PrevPath;
if (FileAccess.FileExists(prevPath)) {
var err = DirAccess.RemoveAbsolute(prevPath);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
_ = Logger.Error("Error removing old backup while writing config.", err);
{ // Scope for err
var err = DirAccess.RenameAbsolute(currentPath, prevPath);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
_ = Logger.Error("Error moving old config to backup while writing config. From=``",
currentPath, "'', To=``", prevPath, "'', Error=", err);
{ // Scope for err
var err = DirAccess.RenameAbsolute(tempPath, currentPath);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
_ = Logger.Error("Error moving new config to current while writing config. From=``",
tempPath, "'', To=``", currentPath, "'', Error=", err);
Dirty = false;
protected static readonly Logger Logger = new("AmyCore.Registry");
protected string BackupPath
get {
if (PathOverride is not string pfx) {
pfx = "user://save_data/";
return (!BlobSubDirectory ? pfx : pfx + "blob/") + Filename + ConfigBackupExt;
protected string CurrentPath
get {
if (PathOverride is not string pfx) {
pfx = "user://save_data/";
return (!BlobSubDirectory ? pfx : pfx + "blob/") + Filename
+ (ObfuscationPassword is null ? ConfigFileExtPlaintext : ConfigFileExtObfuscated);
protected string PrevPath
get {
if (PathOverride is not string pfx) {
pfx = "user://save_data/";
return (!BlobSubDirectory ? pfx : pfx + "blob/") + Filename + ConfigPrevExt;
protected string TempPath
get {
if (PathOverride is not string pfx) {
pfx = "user://save_data/";
return (!BlobSubDirectory ? pfx : pfx + "blob/") + Filename + ConfigTempExt;
protected bool Dirty;
protected ConfigFile? Reg;
protected void ClearRegistry()
var prevPath = PrevPath;
var currentPath = CurrentPath;
if (FileAccess.FileExists(prevPath)) {
var err = DirAccess.RemoveAbsolute(prevPath);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
_ = Logger.Error("Unable to clear backup config.", err);
if (FileAccess.FileExists(currentPath)) {
var err = DirAccess.RemoveAbsolute(currentPath);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
_ = Logger.Error("Unable to clear current config.", err);
protected void LoadRegistry()
var prevPath = PrevPath;
var currentPath = CurrentPath;
string? data = null;
var bakPathPrefix = BackupPath;
var bak9Path = bakPathPrefix + '9';
if (FileAccess.FileExists(bak9Path)) {
var err = DirAccess.RemoveAbsolute(bak9Path);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
_ = Logger.Error("Unable to clear bak9 config.", err);
for (int bakN = 8; bakN >= 1; bakN--) {
var bakNPath = bakPathPrefix + bakN.ToString();
if (FileAccess.FileExists(bakNPath)) {
var olderBakNPath = bakPathPrefix + (bakN + 1).ToString();
if (!FileAccess.FileExists(olderBakNPath)) {
var err = DirAccess.RenameAbsolute(bakNPath, olderBakNPath);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
_ = Logger.Error("Error archiving backup config. From=``",
bakNPath, "'', To=``", olderBakNPath, "'', Error=", err);
var bak1Path = bakPathPrefix + '1';
if (!FileAccess.FileExists(bak1Path)) {
if (FileAccess.FileExists(currentPath)) { // Yes, currentPath not prevPath -- backup only working data.
var err = DirAccess.CopyAbsolute(currentPath, bak1Path);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
_ = Logger.Error("Error archiving backup config. From=``",
currentPath, "'', To=``", bak1Path, "'', Error=", err);
if (FileAccess.FileExists(currentPath)) {
if (!TryOpenFileAndReadAsText(currentPath,
unzip: ObfuscationPassword is not null,
out data, password: ObfuscationPassword,
skipCr: true)) {
_ = Logger.Error("Unable to read current config.");
} else if (FileAccess.FileExists(prevPath)) {
if (TryOpenFileAndReadAsText(prevPath,
unzip: ObfuscationPassword is not null,
out var backup, password: ObfuscationPassword,
skipCr: true)) {
data = backup!;
_ = Logger.Info("Restoring config from backup.");
using var current = OpenDisposableFile(currentPath,
true, FileAccess.ModeFlags.Write,
password: ObfuscationPassword);
if (current is not null) {
if (ObfuscationPassword is null) {
} else {
} else {
_ = Logger.Error("Error writing backup config to current.");
} else {
_ = Logger.Error("Unable to read backup config.");
} else {
_ = Logger.Info("Initializing the registry.");
data = string.Empty;
ConfigFile tempreg = new();
if (data is not null) {
var err = tempreg.Parse(data);
if (err != Error.Ok) {
_ = Logger.Error("Error loading config: unable to parse config file.", err);
} else {
_ = Logger.Error("Error loading config: data was null.");
Reg = tempreg;
private const string ConfigFileExtObfuscated = ".bin";
private const string ConfigFileExtPlaintext = ".cfg";
private const string ConfigPrevExt = ".old";
private const string ConfigBackupExt = ".bak";
private const string ConfigTempExt = ".new";
private const string DefaultSection = "General";
public static Registry Accounts
get {
var cache = _Accounts;
if (cache is null) {
_Accounts = cache = new Registry(true, "accounts",
return cache;
private static Registry? _Accounts;
public static Registry Config
get {
var cache = _Config;
if (cache is null) {
_Config = cache = new Registry(false, "config", null);
return cache;
private static Registry? _Config;
public static Registry Progress
get {
var cache = _Progress;
if (cache is null) {
_Progress = cache = new Registry(false, "progress", null);
return cache;
private static Registry? _Progress;
public static Registry SecretConfig
get {
var cache = _SecretConfig;
if (cache is null) {
_SecretConfig = cache = new Registry(true, "registry",
return cache;
private static Registry? _SecretConfig;
public static Registry Save(in int id)
if (id < 0) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(id), id,
"SaveData id must be nonnegative.");
if (_Save.TryGetValue(id, out var cache) && cache is not null) {
return cache!;
cache = new Registry(false, $"save-{id}", null);
_Save[id] = cache;
return cache;
private static readonly SortedList<int, Registry?> _Save = new();
public static Registry SecretSave(in int id)
if (id < 0) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(id), id,
"SecretSave id must be nonnegative.");
if (_SecretSave.TryGetValue(id, out var cache) && cache is not null) {
return cache!;
cache = new Registry(true, $"save-{id}",
"{" + $"Amy.AmyReg.ObfuscationPassword.SecretSave-{id}" + "}");
_SecretSave[id] = cache;
return cache;
private static readonly SortedList<int, Registry?> _SecretSave = new();