416 lines
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416 lines
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using Godot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Amy;
#nullable enable
public partial class AmyRadial : Control
public static bool Enabled = true;
public static readonly HashSet<AmyRadial> Instances = new();
public static bool Locked = false;
public static Input.MouseModeEnum MouseMode = Input.MouseModeEnum.Visible;
public static void DisableChildrenByName(StringName name)
EnableChildrenByName(name, false);
public static void DisableSubChildrenByName(StringName name)
EnableSubChildrenByName(name, false);
public static void EnableChildrenByName(StringName name, bool enable = true)
if (enable) {
foreach (var inst in Instances) {
if (AmyCore.IsSafeToAccessAndInTree(inst)) {
} else {
foreach (var inst in Instances) {
if (AmyCore.IsSafeToAccessAndInTree(inst)) {
public static void EnableSubChildrenByName(StringName name, bool enable = true)
if (enable) {
foreach (var inst in Instances) {
if (AmyCore.IsSafeToAccessAndInTree(inst)) {
} else {
foreach (var inst in Instances) {
if (AmyCore.IsSafeToAccessAndInTree(inst)) {
[Export] public string ActionName = "radial";
[Export] public Color BaseCircleColor = new Color(AmyCore.Colors.Grey800, 0f);
[Export] public Color BaseRingColor = new Color(AmyCore.Colors.Grey800, .5f);
[Export] public float InnerRadiusFraction = .5f;
[Export] public float CancelRadiusFraction = .125f;
[Export] public Resource? Cursor { get; private set; }
/// Recommended to leave this as "Arrow" or it might not retain the shape.
[Export] public new Input.CursorShape CursorShape { get; private set; } = Input.CursorShape.Arrow;
[Export] public Vector2 CursorHotspot = Vector2.Zero;
[Export] public Resource? DefaultCursor { get; private set; }
[Export] public Input.CursorShape DefaultCursorShape { get; private set; } = Input.CursorShape.Arrow;
[Export] public Vector2 DefaultCursorHotspot = Vector2.Zero;
[Export] public Color SpokeColor = new Color(AmyCore.Colors.Grey100, .75f);
[Export] public float SpokeWidth = 6f;
[Export] public bool SpokeAntiAliased = true;
[Export] public Color HoverColor = new Color(AmyCore.Colors.Grey300, .75f);
[Export] public int HoverPoints = 16;
[Export] public bool EnableSubSelection = false;
[Export] public string NextSubSelectionActionName = "radial_next";
[Export] public string PreviousSubSelectionActionName = "radial_previous";
[Signal] public delegate void RadialCanceledEventHandler();
[Signal] public delegate void RadialSelectedEventHandler(int index,
Control control, int subindex, Control? subcontrolOrNull);
[Signal] public delegate void RadialSubSelectionChangedEventHandler(int index,
Control control, int subindex, Control subcontrol);
public int Selection = -1;
public readonly Dictionary<int, int> SubSelections = new();
public int VisibleChildCount
get {
var count = 0;
foreach (var child in GetChildren()) {
if (child is Control control && control.Visible) {
return count;
public int GetUnprefixedSubChildCount(Control child)
var count = 0;
foreach (var subchild in child.GetChildren()) {
if (subchild is Control control && !control.Name.ToString().StartsWith('_')) {
return count;
public Control? GetUnprefixedSubChildOrNull(Control child, int index)
var count = 0;
foreach (var subchild in child.GetChildren()) {
if (subchild is Control control && !control.Name.ToString().StartsWith('_')) {
if (count == index) {
return control;
return null;
public Control GetVisibleChild(int index)
var count = 0;
foreach (var child in GetChildren()) {
if (child is Control control && control.Visible) {
if (count == index) {
return control;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public void HideChildrenNamed(StringName name)
foreach (var child in GetChildren()) {
if (child is Control control && control.Visible && control.Name == name) {
public void OnVisibilityChanged()
if (Cursor is Resource cursor) {
if (Visible) {
Input.SetCustomMouseCursor(image: cursor,
shape: CursorShape, hotspot: CursorHotspot);
} else {
Input.SetCustomMouseCursor(image: DefaultCursor,
shape: DefaultCursorShape, hotspot: DefaultCursorHotspot);
public void PrefixSubChildrenNamed(StringName name)
if (name.ToString().StartsWith('_')) {
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(name));
var newName = $"_{name}";
foreach (var child in GetChildren()) {
foreach (var subchild in child.GetChildren()) {
if (subchild is Control control && control.Name == name) {
control.Name = newName;
public void PutChild(int index, Vector2 textureOffset, int idfl = 0)
Vector2 offset = new(Size.X * .5f, Size.Y * .5f);
List<Control> children = new();
foreach (var chld in GetChildren()) {
if (chld is Control ci && ci.Visible) {
if (index >= 0 && index < children.Count) {
var child = children[index];
child.Position = (offset - child.Size * .5f) + textureOffset;
child.PivotOffset = child.Size * .5f;
public void ShowChildrenNamed(StringName name)
foreach (var child in GetChildren()) {
if (child is Control control && !control.Visible && control.Name == name) {
public void UnprefixSubChildrenToName(StringName name)
if (name.ToString().StartsWith('_')) {
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(name));
StringName oldName = new($"_{name}");
foreach (var child in GetChildren()) {
foreach (var subchild in child.GetChildren()) {
if (subchild is Control control && control.Name == oldName) {
control.Name = name;
public override void _Draw()
var childCount = VisibleChildCount;
if (childCount < 1) {
Vector2 offset = new(Size.X * .5f, Size.Y * .5f);
var smallest = Math.Min(Size.X, Size.Y) * .5d;
var oRad = (int) Math.Round(smallest); // radius
var mRad = (int) Math.Round((InnerRadiusFraction + 1d) * .5d * smallest); // radius_mid
var iRad = (int) Math.Round(InnerRadiusFraction * smallest); // inner_radius
DrawCircle(offset, oRad, BaseCircleColor);
var baseColor = new Color[] { BaseRingColor, };
var hoverColor = new Color[] { HoverColor, };
if (childCount >= 1) {
for (int index = 0; index < childCount; index++) {
var rads = (Math.Tau * (index + .5d) / childCount);
var jndex = index + 1;
var startsRads = Math.Tau * jndex / childCount;
var endsRads = Math.Tau * index / childCount;
var midRads = (startsRads + endsRads) * -.5d;
var drawAngle = Math.PI * .5d - midRads + Math.PI - Math.PI / childCount;
var drawPos = Vector2.FromAngle((float) drawAngle) * mRad;
jndex %= childCount;
var pointsPerArc = HoverPoints;
List<Vector2> points = new();
List<Vector2> pOuter = new();
for (int kndex = 0; kndex <= pointsPerArc; kndex++) {
var ang0 = startsRads + kndex * (endsRads - startsRads) / pointsPerArc;
var angle = Math.PI * .5d + Math.PI / childCount - ang0;
var tauMinusAngle = (float) (Math.Tau - angle);
points.Add(offset + iRad * Vector2.FromAngle(tauMinusAngle));
pOuter.Add(offset + oRad * Vector2.FromAngle(tauMinusAngle));
for (int kndex = pOuter.Count - 1; kndex >= 0; kndex--) {
var pts = points.ToArray();
if (index != Selection) {
DrawPolygon(pts, baseColor);
} else {
DrawPolygon(pts, hoverColor);
var point = Vector2.FromAngle((float) (rads - Math.PI * .5d));
offset + point * iRad,
offset + point * oRad,
PutChild(index, drawPos, index + 1);
public override void _EnterTree()
public override void _ExitTree()
public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta)
if (JoyDevice < 0) {
if (!Visible) {
var vp = GetViewport();
var jx = Input.GetJoyAxis(JoyDevice, JoyAxis.RightX);
var jy = Input.GetJoyAxis(JoyDevice, JoyAxis.RightY);
Vector2 jxy = new(jx, jy);
if (jxy.LengthSquared() >= .25f) {
vp.WarpMouse(GlobalPosition + Size * .5f + Size * .375f * jxy.Normalized());
public override void _Process(double delta)
if (!Visible) {
if (!Enabled) {
var childCount = VisibleChildCount;
if (childCount < 1) {
Vector2 offset = new(Size.X * .5f, Size.Y * .5f);
var smallest = Math.Min(Size.X, Size.Y) * .5d;
var oRad = (int) Math.Round(smallest); // radius
var mRad = (int) Math.Round((InnerRadiusFraction + 1d) * .5d * smallest); // radius_mid
var iRad = (int) Math.Round(InnerRadiusFraction * smallest); // inner_radius
var cRad = (int) Math.Round(CancelRadiusFraction * smallest); // center_radius
var vpSize = GetViewport().GetVisibleRect().Size;
var posOffset = vpSize - (Size + Position);
var sizeOffset = vpSize * .5f - offset;
var gmpos = GetGlobalMousePosition() - vpSize * .5f;
var mpos = gmpos - sizeOffset + posOffset;
var mlen = mpos.Length();
if (mlen < cRad) {
Selection = -1;
} else {
var angle = Math.Tau + Math.PI * .5d + mpos.Angle();
Selection = (int) Math.Round(angle * childCount / Math.Tau) % childCount;
public override void _Ready()
if (!Engine.IsEditorHint()) {
VisibilityChanged += OnVisibilityChanged;
public override void _UnhandledInput(InputEvent @event)
var childCount = VisibleChildCount;
if (Enabled && !Locked && !Visible && @event.IsActionPressed(ActionName) && childCount >= 1) {
Locked = true;
MouseMode = Input.MouseMode;
Input.MouseMode = Input.MouseModeEnum.Visible;
var vp = GetViewport();
vp.WarpMouse(GlobalPosition + Size * .5f);
} else if (Visible && (@event.IsActionReleased(ActionName) || childCount < 1)) {
var sel = Selection;
if (sel >= 0 && sel < childCount) {
var child = GetVisibleChild(sel);
if (!SubSelections.TryGetValue(sel, out var subsel)) {
subsel = 0;
Control? subchild = null;
if (EnableSubSelection) {
subchild = GetUnprefixedSubChildOrNull(child, subsel);
EmitSignal(SignalName.RadialSelected, sel, child, subsel, subchild);
} else {
Input.MouseMode = MouseMode;
Locked = false;
} else if (EnableSubSelection && Visible &&
|| @event.IsActionPressed(PreviousSubSelectionActionName))) {
var sel = Selection;
if (sel >= 0 && sel < childCount) {
var child = GetVisibleChild(sel);
var subChildCount = GetUnprefixedSubChildCount(child);
if (!SubSelections.TryGetValue(sel, out var subsel)) {
subsel = 0;
var add = @event.IsActionPressed(NextSubSelectionActionName)
? 1 : subChildCount - 1;
subsel = (subsel + add) % subChildCount;
SubSelections[sel] = subsel;
for (int childNumber = 0; childNumber < subChildCount; childNumber++) {
if (GetUnprefixedSubChildOrNull(child, childNumber) is Control ctrl) {
ctrl.Visible = childNumber == subsel;
EmitSignal(SignalName.RadialSubSelectionChanged, sel, child,
subsel, GetUnprefixedSubChildOrNull(child, subsel)
?? throw new InvalidOperationException());
} else if (Visible && @event is InputEventJoypadMotion jm) {
JoyDevice = jm.Device;
private int JoyDevice = -1;