2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2021-02-15 17:17:19 +09:00
class="tkcbzcuz _panel"
2020-07-27 13:34:20 +09:00
2020-07-27 08:46:21 +09:00
2020-02-06 09:09:24 +09:00
:tabindex="!isDeleted ? '-1' : null"
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
:class="{ renote: isRenote }"
2020-08-09 15:51:02 +09:00
v-size="{ max: [500, 450, 350, 300] }"
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<XSub :note="appearNote.reply" class="reply-to" v-if="appearNote.reply"/>
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
<div class="info" v-if="pinned"><Fa :icon="faThumbtack"/> {{ $ts.pinnedNote }}</div>
<div class="info" v-if="appearNote._prId_"><Fa :icon="faBullhorn"/> {{ $ts.promotion }}<button class="_textButton hide" @click="readPromo()">{{ $ts.hideThisNote }} <Fa :icon="faTimes"/></button></div>
<div class="info" v-if="appearNote._featuredId_"><Fa :icon="faBolt"/> {{ $ts.featured }}</div>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
<div class="renote" v-if="isRenote">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<MkAvatar class="avatar" :user="note.user"/>
<Fa :icon="faRetweet"/>
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
<I18n :src="$ts.renotedBy" tag="span">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<template #user>
2020-10-25 01:21:41 +09:00
<MkA class="name" :to="userPage(note.user)" v-user-preview="note.userId">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<MkUserName :user="note.user"/>
2020-10-25 01:21:41 +09:00
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-12-26 10:01:32 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
<div class="info">
2020-05-15 07:39:11 -04:00
<button class="_button time" @click="showRenoteMenu()" ref="renoteTime">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<Fa class="dropdownIcon" v-if="isMyRenote" :icon="faEllipsisH"/>
<MkTime :time="note.createdAt"/>
2020-05-15 07:39:11 -04:00
2020-05-10 15:36:42 +09:00
<span class="visibility" v-if="note.visibility !== 'public'">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<Fa v-if="note.visibility === 'home'" :icon="faHome"/>
<Fa v-if="note.visibility === 'followers'" :icon="faUnlock"/>
<Fa v-if="note.visibility === 'specified'" :icon="faEnvelope"/>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<span class="localOnly" v-if="note.localOnly"><Fa :icon="faBiohazard"/></span>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-12-29 21:08:08 +09:00
<article class="article" @contextmenu.stop="onContextmenu">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<MkAvatar class="avatar" :user="appearNote.user"/>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
<div class="main">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<XNoteHeader class="header" :note="appearNote" :mini="true"/>
2020-10-27 16:16:59 +09:00
<MkInstanceTicker v-if="showTicker" class="ticker" :instance="appearNote.user.instance"/>
2020-11-01 15:04:46 +09:00
<div class="body">
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
<p v-if="appearNote.cw != null" class="cw">
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
<Mfm v-if="appearNote.cw != ''" class="text" :text="appearNote.cw" :author="appearNote.user" :i="$i" :custom-emojis="appearNote.emojis"/>
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<XCwButton v-model:value="showContent" :note="appearNote"/>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-12-30 09:58:57 +09:00
<div class="content" :class="{ collapsed }" v-show="appearNote.cw == null || showContent">
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
<div class="text">
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
<span v-if="appearNote.isHidden" style="opacity: 0.5">({{ $ts.private }})</span>
2020-10-25 01:21:41 +09:00
<MkA class="reply" v-if="appearNote.replyId" :to="`/notes/${appearNote.replyId}`"><Fa :icon="faReply"/></MkA>
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
<Mfm v-if="appearNote.text" :text="appearNote.text" :author="appearNote.user" :i="$i" :custom-emojis="appearNote.emojis"/>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
<a class="rp" v-if="appearNote.renote != null">RN:</a>
<div class="files" v-if="appearNote.files.length > 0">
2020-11-01 15:04:46 +09:00
<XMediaList :media-list="appearNote.files"/>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<XPoll v-if="appearNote.poll" :note="appearNote" ref="pollViewer" class="poll"/>
2021-01-01 22:41:20 +09:00
<MkUrlPreview v-for="url in urls" :url="url" :key="url" :compact="true" :detail="false" class="url-preview"/>
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<div class="renote" v-if="appearNote.renote"><XNotePreview :note="appearNote.renote"/></div>
2020-12-30 09:58:57 +09:00
<button v-if="collapsed" class="fade _button" @click="collapsed = false">
<span>{{ $ts.showMore }}</span>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-10-25 01:21:41 +09:00
<MkA v-if="appearNote.channel && !inChannel" class="channel" :to="`/channels/${appearNote.channel.id}`"><Fa :icon="faSatelliteDish"/> {{ appearNote.channel.name }}</MkA>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-07-27 08:46:21 +09:00
<footer class="footer">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<XReactionsViewer :note="appearNote" ref="reactionsViewer"/>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
<button @click="reply()" class="button _button">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<template v-if="appearNote.reply"><Fa :icon="faReplyAll"/></template>
<template v-else><Fa :icon="faReply"/></template>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
<p class="count" v-if="appearNote.repliesCount > 0">{{ appearNote.repliesCount }}</p>
2020-02-16 21:10:52 +09:00
<button v-if="canRenote" @click="renote()" class="button _button" ref="renoteButton">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<Fa :icon="faRetweet"/><p class="count" v-if="appearNote.renoteCount > 0">{{ appearNote.renoteCount }}</p>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
<button v-else class="button _button">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<Fa :icon="faBan"/>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-07-30 20:28:35 +09:00
<button v-if="appearNote.myReaction == null" class="button _button" @click="react()" ref="reactButton">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<Fa :icon="faPlus"/>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-07-30 20:28:35 +09:00
<button v-if="appearNote.myReaction != null" class="button _button reacted" @click="undoReact(appearNote)" ref="reactButton">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<Fa :icon="faMinus"/>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
<button class="button _button" @click="menu()" ref="menuButton">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<Fa :icon="faEllipsisH"/>
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-07-27 13:34:20 +09:00
<div v-else class="_panel muted" @click="muted = false">
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
<I18n :src="$ts.userSaysSomething" tag="small">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<template #name>
2020-10-25 01:21:41 +09:00
<MkA class="name" :to="userPage(appearNote.user)" v-user-preview="appearNote.userId">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
<MkUserName :user="appearNote.user"/>
2020-10-25 01:21:41 +09:00
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-12-26 10:01:32 +09:00
2020-07-27 13:34:20 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
<script lang="ts">
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
import { computed, defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, markRaw, ref } from 'vue';
2020-11-15 12:04:54 +09:00
import { faSatelliteDish, faBolt, faTimes, faBullhorn, faStar, faLink, faExternalLinkSquareAlt, faPlus, faMinus, faRetweet, faReply, faReplyAll, faEllipsisH, faHome, faUnlock, faEnvelope, faThumbtack, faBan, faQuoteRight, faInfoCircle, faBiohazard, faPlug, faExclamationCircle, faPaperclip } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
2020-03-21 18:58:05 +09:00
import { faCopy, faTrashAlt, faEdit, faEye, faEyeSlash } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
import { parse } from '../../mfm/parse';
import { sum, unique } from '../../prelude/array';
import XSub from './note.sub.vue';
import XNoteHeader from './note-header.vue';
import XNotePreview from './note-preview.vue';
import XReactionsViewer from './reactions-viewer.vue';
import XMediaList from './media-list.vue';
import XCwButton from './cw-button.vue';
import XPoll from './poll.vue';
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
import { pleaseLogin } from '@/scripts/please-login';
import { focusPrev, focusNext } from '@/scripts/focus';
import { url } from '@/config';
import copyToClipboard from '@/scripts/copy-to-clipboard';
import { checkWordMute } from '@/scripts/check-word-mute';
import { userPage } from '@/filters/user';
import * as os from '@/os';
import { noteActions, noteViewInterruptors } from '@/store';
2021-03-05 13:49:46 +09:00
import { reactionPicker } from '@/scripts/reaction-picker';
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
function markRawAll(...xs) {
for (const x of xs) {
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
markRawAll(faEdit, faBolt, faTimes, faBullhorn, faPlus, faMinus, faRetweet, faReply, faReplyAll, faEllipsisH, faHome, faUnlock, faEnvelope, faThumbtack, faBan, faBiohazard, faPlug, faSatelliteDish);
export default defineComponent({
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
components: {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
MkUrlPreview: defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/components/url-preview.vue')),
2020-10-27 16:16:59 +09:00
MkInstanceTicker: defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/components/instance-ticker.vue')),
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-08-18 22:44:21 +09:00
inject: {
inChannel: {
default: null
2020-10-25 01:21:41 +09:00
2020-08-18 22:44:21 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
props: {
note: {
type: Object,
required: true
pinned: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
emits: ['update:note'],
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
data() {
return {
connection: null,
replies: [],
showContent: false,
2020-12-30 09:58:57 +09:00
collapsed: false,
2020-07-27 08:46:21 +09:00
isDeleted: false,
2020-07-27 13:34:20 +09:00
muted: false,
2020-08-18 22:44:21 +09:00
faEdit, faBolt, faTimes, faBullhorn, faPlus, faMinus, faRetweet, faReply, faReplyAll, faEllipsisH, faHome, faUnlock, faEnvelope, faThumbtack, faBan, faBiohazard, faPlug, faSatelliteDish
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
computed: {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
rs() {
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
return this.$store.state.reactions;
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
keymap(): any {
return {
'r': () => this.reply(true),
'e|a|plus': () => this.react(true),
'q': () => this.renote(true),
'f|b': this.favorite,
'delete|ctrl+d': this.del,
'ctrl+q': this.renoteDirectly,
'up|k|shift+tab': this.focusBefore,
'down|j|tab': this.focusAfter,
'esc': this.blur,
'm|o': () => this.menu(true),
's': this.toggleShowContent,
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
'1': () => this.reactDirectly(this.rs[0]),
'2': () => this.reactDirectly(this.rs[1]),
'3': () => this.reactDirectly(this.rs[2]),
'4': () => this.reactDirectly(this.rs[3]),
'5': () => this.reactDirectly(this.rs[4]),
'6': () => this.reactDirectly(this.rs[5]),
'7': () => this.reactDirectly(this.rs[6]),
'8': () => this.reactDirectly(this.rs[7]),
'9': () => this.reactDirectly(this.rs[8]),
'0': () => this.reactDirectly(this.rs[9]),
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
isRenote(): boolean {
return (this.note.renote &&
this.note.text == null &&
this.note.fileIds.length == 0 &&
this.note.poll == null);
appearNote(): any {
return this.isRenote ? this.note.renote : this.note;
isMyNote(): boolean {
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
return this.$i && (this.$i.id === this.appearNote.userId);
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-05-15 23:15:59 -04:00
isMyRenote(): boolean {
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
return this.$i && (this.$i.id === this.note.userId);
2020-05-15 23:15:59 -04:00
2020-02-16 21:10:52 +09:00
canRenote(): boolean {
return ['public', 'home'].includes(this.appearNote.visibility) || this.isMyNote;
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
reactionsCount(): number {
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
return this.appearNote.reactions
? sum(Object.values(this.appearNote.reactions))
: 0;
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
urls(): string[] {
if (this.appearNote.text) {
const ast = parse(this.appearNote.text);
// TODO: 再帰的にURL要素がないか調べる
const urls = unique(ast
.filter(t => ((t.node.type == 'url' || t.node.type == 'link') && t.node.props.url && !t.node.props.silent))
.map(t => t.node.props.url));
// unique without hash
// [ http://a/#1, http://a/#2, http://b/#3 ] => [ http://a/#1, http://b/#3 ]
const removeHash = x => x.replace(/#[^#]*$/, '');
return urls.reduce((array, url) => {
const removed = removeHash(url);
if (!array.map(x => removeHash(x)).includes(removed)) array.push(url);
return array;
}, []);
} else {
return null;
2020-10-27 16:16:59 +09:00
showTicker() {
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
if (this.$store.state.instanceTicker === 'always') return true;
if (this.$store.state.instanceTicker === 'remote' && this.appearNote.user.instance) return true;
2020-10-27 16:16:59 +09:00
return false;
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-07-27 13:34:20 +09:00
async created() {
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
if (this.$i) {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
this.connection = os.stream;
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2021-01-01 22:41:20 +09:00
this.collapsed = this.appearNote.cw == null && this.appearNote.text && (
2020-12-30 10:03:57 +09:00
(this.appearNote.text.split('\n').length > 9) ||
(this.appearNote.text.length > 500)
2020-12-30 09:58:57 +09:00
this.muted = await checkWordMute(this.appearNote, this.$i, this.$store.state.mutedWords);
2020-07-29 01:15:02 +09:00
// plugin
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
if (noteViewInterruptors.length > 0) {
2020-07-29 01:15:02 +09:00
let result = this.note;
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
for (const interruptor of noteViewInterruptors) {
result = await interruptor.handler(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)));
2020-07-29 01:15:02 +09:00
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
this.$emit('update:note', Object.freeze(result));
2020-07-29 01:15:02 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
mounted() {
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
if (this.$i) {
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
this.connection.on('_connected_', this.onStreamConnected);
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
beforeUnmount() {
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
if (this.$i) {
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
this.connection.off('_connected_', this.onStreamConnected);
methods: {
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
updateAppearNote(v) {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
this.$emit('update:note', Object.freeze(this.isRenote ? {
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
renote: {
} : {
2020-02-18 18:14:38 +09:00
readPromo() {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
os.api('promo/read', {
2020-02-18 18:14:38 +09:00
noteId: this.appearNote.id
2020-07-27 08:46:21 +09:00
this.isDeleted = true;
2020-02-18 18:14:38 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
capture(withHandler = false) {
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
if (this.$i) {
2020-02-09 03:49:18 +09:00
this.connection.send(document.body.contains(this.$el) ? 'sn' : 's', { id: this.appearNote.id });
if (withHandler) this.connection.on('noteUpdated', this.onStreamNoteUpdated);
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
decapture(withHandler = false) {
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
if (this.$i) {
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
this.connection.send('un', {
id: this.appearNote.id
if (withHandler) this.connection.off('noteUpdated', this.onStreamNoteUpdated);
onStreamConnected() {
onStreamNoteUpdated(data) {
const { type, id, body } = data;
if (id !== this.appearNote.id) return;
switch (type) {
case 'reacted': {
const reaction = body.reaction;
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
// DeepではなくShallowコピーであることに注意。n.reactions[reaction] = hogeとかしないように(親からもらったデータをミューテートすることになるので)
let n = {
2020-04-14 00:42:59 +09:00
if (body.emoji) {
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
const emojis = this.appearNote.emojis || [];
if (!emojis.includes(body.emoji)) {
n.emojis = [...emojis, body.emoji];
2020-04-14 00:42:59 +09:00
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
// TODO: reactionsプロパティがない場合ってあったっけ? なければ || {} は消せる
const currentCount = (this.appearNote.reactions || {})[reaction] || 0;
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
// Increment the count
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
n.reactions = {
[reaction]: currentCount + 1
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
if (body.userId === this.$i.id) {
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
n.myReaction = reaction;
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
case 'unreacted': {
const reaction = body.reaction;
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
// DeepではなくShallowコピーであることに注意。n.reactions[reaction] = hogeとかしないように(親からもらったデータをミューテートすることになるので)
let n = {
// TODO: reactionsプロパティがない場合ってあったっけ? なければ || {} は消せる
const currentCount = (this.appearNote.reactions || {})[reaction] || 0;
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
// Decrement the count
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
n.reactions = {
[reaction]: Math.max(0, currentCount - 1)
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
if (body.userId === this.$i.id) {
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
n.myReaction = null;
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
case 'pollVoted': {
const choice = body.choice;
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
// DeepではなくShallowコピーであることに注意。n.reactions[reaction] = hogeとかしないように(親からもらったデータをミューテートすることになるので)
let n = {
2020-07-31 19:09:38 +09:00
const choices = [...this.appearNote.poll.choices];
choices[choice] = {
votes: choices[choice].votes + 1,
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
...(body.userId === this.$i.id ? {
2020-07-31 19:09:38 +09:00
isVoted: true
} : {})
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
n.poll = {
2020-07-31 19:09:38 +09:00
choices: choices
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
case 'deleted': {
2020-07-27 08:46:21 +09:00
this.isDeleted = true;
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
reply(viaKeyboard = false) {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
reply: this.appearNote,
animation: !viaKeyboard,
}, () => {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
renote(viaKeyboard = false) {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.renote,
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
icon: faRetweet,
action: () => {
os.api('notes/create', {
renoteId: this.appearNote.id
}, {
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.quote,
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
icon: faQuoteRight,
action: () => {
renote: this.appearNote,
}], this.$refs.renoteButton, {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
2020-02-23 02:34:54 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
renoteDirectly() {
2020-12-11 21:22:41 +09:00
os.apiWithDialog('notes/create', {
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
renoteId: this.appearNote.id
2020-12-11 21:22:41 +09:00
}, undefined, (res: any) => {
type: 'success',
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.renoted,
2020-12-11 21:22:41 +09:00
}, (e: Error) => {
if (e.id === 'b5c90186-4ab0-49c8-9bba-a1f76c282ba4') {
type: 'error',
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.cantRenote,
2020-12-11 21:22:41 +09:00
} else if (e.id === 'fd4cc33e-2a37-48dd-99cc-9b806eb2031a') {
type: 'error',
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.cantReRenote,
2020-12-11 21:22:41 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
react(viaKeyboard = false) {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2021-03-05 13:49:46 +09:00
reactionPicker.show(this.$refs.reactButton, reaction => {
2021-02-28 01:09:59 +09:00
os.api('notes/reactions/create', {
noteId: this.appearNote.id,
reaction: reaction
}, () => {
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
reactDirectly(reaction) {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
os.api('notes/reactions/create', {
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
noteId: this.appearNote.id,
reaction: reaction
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
undoReact(note) {
const oldReaction = note.myReaction;
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
if (!oldReaction) return;
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
os.api('notes/reactions/delete', {
2020-07-27 23:25:37 +09:00
noteId: note.id
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
favorite() {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
os.apiWithDialog('notes/favorites/create', {
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
noteId: this.appearNote.id
2020-12-11 21:22:41 +09:00
}, undefined, (res: any) => {
type: 'success',
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.favorited,
2020-12-11 21:22:41 +09:00
}, (e: Error) => {
if (e.id === 'a402c12b-34dd-41d2-97d8-4d2ffd96a1a6') {
type: 'error',
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.alreadyFavorited,
2020-12-11 21:22:41 +09:00
} else if (e.id === '6dd26674-e060-4816-909a-45ba3f4da458') {
type: 'error',
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.cantFavorite,
2020-12-11 21:22:41 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
del() {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
type: 'warning',
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.noteDeleteConfirm,
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
showCancelButton: true
}).then(({ canceled }) => {
if (canceled) return;
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
os.api('notes/delete', {
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
noteId: this.appearNote.id
2020-03-21 18:58:05 +09:00
delEdit() {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-03-21 18:58:05 +09:00
type: 'warning',
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.deleteAndEditConfirm,
2020-03-21 18:58:05 +09:00
showCancelButton: true
}).then(({ canceled }) => {
if (canceled) return;
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
os.api('notes/delete', {
2020-03-21 18:58:05 +09:00
noteId: this.appearNote.id
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
os.post({ initialNote: this.appearNote, renote: this.appearNote.renote, reply: this.appearNote.reply, channel: this.appearNote.channel });
2020-03-21 18:58:05 +09:00
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
toggleFavorite(favorite: boolean) {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
os.apiWithDialog(favorite ? 'notes/favorites/create' : 'notes/favorites/delete', {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
noteId: this.appearNote.id
toggleWatch(watch: boolean) {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
os.apiWithDialog(watch ? 'notes/watching/create' : 'notes/watching/delete', {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
noteId: this.appearNote.id
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
getMenu() {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
let menu;
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
if (this.$i) {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
const statePromise = os.api('notes/state', {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
noteId: this.appearNote.id
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
menu = [{
icon: faCopy,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.copyContent,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: this.copyContent
}, {
icon: faLink,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.copyLink,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: this.copyLink
2020-04-02 21:59:14 +09:00
}, (this.appearNote.url || this.appearNote.uri) ? {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
icon: faExternalLinkSquareAlt,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.showOnRemote,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: () => {
2020-04-02 21:59:14 +09:00
window.open(this.appearNote.url || this.appearNote.uri, '_blank');
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
} : undefined,
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
statePromise.then(state => state.isFavorited ? {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
icon: faStar,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.unfavorite,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: () => this.toggleFavorite(false)
} : {
icon: faStar,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.favorite,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: () => this.toggleFavorite(true)
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-11-15 12:04:54 +09:00
icon: faPaperclip,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.clip,
2020-11-15 12:04:54 +09:00
action: () => this.clip()
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
(this.appearNote.userId != this.$i.id) ? statePromise.then(state => state.isWatching ? {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
icon: faEyeSlash,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.unwatch,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: () => this.toggleWatch(false)
} : {
icon: faEye,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.watch,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: () => this.toggleWatch(true)
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
}) : undefined,
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
this.appearNote.userId == this.$i.id ? (this.$i.pinnedNoteIds || []).includes(this.appearNote.id) ? {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
icon: faThumbtack,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.unpin,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: () => this.togglePin(false)
} : {
icon: faThumbtack,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.pin,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: () => this.togglePin(true)
} : undefined,
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
...(this.$i.isModerator || this.$i.isAdmin ? [
2020-02-18 08:41:32 +09:00
icon: faBullhorn,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.promote,
2020-02-18 08:41:32 +09:00
action: this.promote
: []
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
...(this.appearNote.userId != this.$i.id ? [
2020-10-19 19:29:04 +09:00
icon: faExclamationCircle,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.reportAbuse,
2020-10-19 19:29:04 +09:00
action: () => {
const u = `${url}/notes/${this.appearNote.id}`;
2020-11-03 15:22:55 +09:00
os.popup(import('@/components/abuse-report-window.vue'), {
2020-10-19 19:29:04 +09:00
user: this.appearNote.user,
initialComment: `Note: ${u}\n-----\n`
}, {}, 'closed');
: []
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
...(this.appearNote.userId == this.$i.id || this.$i.isModerator || this.$i.isAdmin ? [
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
2020-12-19 10:55:52 +09:00
this.appearNote.userId == this.$i.id ? {
2020-03-21 18:58:05 +09:00
icon: faEdit,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.deleteAndEdit,
2020-03-21 18:58:05 +09:00
action: this.delEdit
2020-04-13 23:27:12 +09:00
} : undefined,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
icon: faTrashAlt,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.delete,
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
danger: true,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: this.del
: []
.filter(x => x !== undefined);
} else {
menu = [{
icon: faCopy,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.copyContent,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: this.copyContent
}, {
icon: faLink,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.copyLink,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: this.copyLink
2020-04-02 21:59:14 +09:00
}, (this.appearNote.url || this.appearNote.uri) ? {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
icon: faExternalLinkSquareAlt,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.showOnRemote,
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
action: () => {
2020-04-02 21:59:14 +09:00
window.open(this.appearNote.url || this.appearNote.uri, '_blank');
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
} : undefined]
.filter(x => x !== undefined);
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
if (noteActions.length > 0) {
menu = menu.concat([null, ...noteActions.map(action => ({
2020-07-12 00:38:55 +09:00
icon: faPlug,
text: action.title,
action: () => {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
return menu;
onContextmenu(e) {
const isLink = (el: HTMLElement) => {
if (el.tagName === 'A') return true;
if (el.parentElement) {
return isLink(el.parentElement);
if (isLink(e.target)) return;
if (window.getSelection().toString() !== '') return;
2021-02-20 16:16:19 +09:00
if (this.$store.state.useReactionPickerForContextMenu) {
} else {
os.contextMenu(this.getMenu(), e).then(this.focus);
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
menu(viaKeyboard = false) {
os.modalMenu(this.getMenu(), this.$refs.menuButton, {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
2020-02-09 18:52:53 +09:00
showRenoteMenu(viaKeyboard = false) {
2020-05-15 23:15:59 -04:00
if (!this.isMyRenote) return;
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.unrenote,
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
icon: faTrashAlt,
2020-10-18 10:38:35 +09:00
danger: true,
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
action: () => {
os.api('notes/delete', {
noteId: this.note.id
this.isDeleted = true;
}], this.$refs.renoteTime, {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
viaKeyboard: viaKeyboard
2020-02-06 09:09:24 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
toggleShowContent() {
this.showContent = !this.showContent;
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
copyContent() {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
copyLink() {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
togglePin(pin: boolean) {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
os.apiWithDialog(pin ? 'i/pin' : 'i/unpin', {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
noteId: this.appearNote.id
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
}, undefined, null, e => {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
if (e.id === '72dab508-c64d-498f-8740-a8eec1ba385a') {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
type: 'error',
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.pinLimitExceeded
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
2020-11-15 12:04:54 +09:00
async clip() {
const clips = await os.api('clips/list');
icon: faPlus,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
text: this.$ts.createNew,
2020-11-15 12:04:54 +09:00
action: async () => {
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
const { canceled, result } = await os.form(this.$ts.createNewClip, {
2020-11-15 12:04:54 +09:00
name: {
type: 'string',
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
label: this.$ts.name
2020-11-15 12:04:54 +09:00
description: {
type: 'string',
required: false,
multiline: true,
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
label: this.$ts.description
2020-11-15 12:04:54 +09:00
isPublic: {
type: 'boolean',
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
label: this.$ts.public,
2020-11-15 14:18:25 +09:00
default: false
2020-11-15 12:04:54 +09:00
if (canceled) return;
const clip = await os.apiWithDialog('clips/create', result);
os.apiWithDialog('clips/add-note', { clipId: clip.id, noteId: this.appearNote.id });
}, null, ...clips.map(clip => ({
text: clip.name,
action: () => {
os.apiWithDialog('clips/add-note', { clipId: clip.id, noteId: this.appearNote.id });
}))], this.$refs.menuButton, {
2020-02-18 08:41:32 +09:00
async promote() {
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
const { canceled, result: days } = await os.dialog({
2020-12-26 10:47:36 +09:00
title: this.$ts.numberOfDays,
2020-02-18 08:41:32 +09:00
input: { type: 'number' }
if (canceled) return;
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
os.apiWithDialog('admin/promo/create', {
2020-02-18 08:41:32 +09:00
noteId: this.appearNote.id,
expiresAt: Date.now() + (86400000 * days)
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
focus() {
blur() {
focusBefore() {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
focusAfter() {
2020-02-08 23:52:40 +09:00
2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2021-02-15 17:17:19 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2021-03-02 22:57:16 +09:00
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2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-12-26 22:56:01 +09:00
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// 下の方までスクロールすると上のノートの高さがここで決め打ちされたものに変化し、表示しているノートの位置が変わってしまう
// ノートがマウントされたときに自身の高さを取得し contain-intrinsic-size を設定しなおせばほぼ解決できそうだが、
// 今度はその処理自体がパフォーマンス低下の原因にならないか懸念される。また、被リアクションでも高さは変化するため、やはり多少のズレは生じる
// 一度レンダリングされた要素はブラウザがよしなにサイズを覚えておいてくれるような実装になるまで待った方が良さそう(なるのか?)
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-10-17 20:12:00 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-02-18 18:14:38 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-02-18 18:14:38 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-02-18 18:14:38 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-03-20 19:19:28 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2021-03-02 22:57:16 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-02-06 09:09:24 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-02-06 09:09:24 +09:00
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2020-05-15 07:39:11 -04:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-05-16 09:06:39 -04:00
2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-05-16 09:06:39 -04:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-12-30 09:58:57 +09:00
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2021-03-02 22:57:16 +09:00
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2020-12-30 09:58:57 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-05-10 17:06:20 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-08-18 22:44:21 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-02-15 01:18:48 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
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2020-03-21 12:32:40 +09:00
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2020-07-11 10:13:11 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00
2020-07-27 13:34:20 +09:00
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2020-01-30 04:37:25 +09:00