From 3c4bae763fba61b05e1410aad61be120b19807cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: syuilo <>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2020 20:56:28 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Korean, English Nyaziation and special case exclusion

This reverts commit c110f0860e2ae7bc378c36f8eb6048956ebc3a28.
 src/misc/nyaize.ts | 50 ++--------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/misc/nyaize.ts b/src/misc/nyaize.ts
index 0b9b83d9af..38c7101766 100644
--- a/src/misc/nyaize.ts
+++ b/src/misc/nyaize.ts
@@ -1,57 +1,11 @@
-import rndstr from 'rndstr';
 export function nyaize(text: string): string {
-	const [toNyaize, exclusionMap] = exclude(text);
-	const nyaized = toNyaize
+	return text
 		// ja-JP
 		.replace(/な/g, 'にゃ').replace(/ナ/g, 'ニャ').replace(/ナ/g, 'ニャ')
 		// en-US
 		.replace(/morning/gi, 'mornyan').replace(/everyone/gi, 'everynyan')
-		.replace(/o/g, 'owo').replace(/u/g, 'uwu')
 		// ko-KR
 		.replace(/[나-낳]/g, match => String.fromCharCode(
-			match.charCodeAt(0)! + '냐'.charCodeAt(0) - '나'.charCodeAt(0)
-		)).replace(/(다$)|(다(?=\.))|(다(?= ))|(다(?=!))|(다(?=\?))/gm, '다냥')
-		.replace(/(야(?=\?))|(야$)|(야(?= ))/gm, '냥');
-	return replaceExceptions(nyaized, exclusionMap);
-export function denyaize(text: string): string {
-	return text
-		.replace(/にゃ/g, 'な').replace(/ニャ/g, 'ナ').replace(/ニャ/g, 'ナ')
-		.replace(/owo/g, 'o').replace(/uwu/g, 'u')
-		.replace(/mornyan/gi, 'morning').replace(/everynyan/gi, 'everyone') // this will result in case related bug
-		.replace(/(다냥$)|(다냥(?=\.))|(다냥(?= ))|(다냥(?=!))|(다냥(?=\?))/gm, '다')
-		.replace(/(냥(?=\?))|(냥$)|(냥(?= ))/gm, '야')
-		.replace(/[냐-냫]/g, match => String.fromCharCode(
-			match.charCodeAt(0)! + '나'.charCodeAt(0) - '냐'.charCodeAt(0)
+			match.codePointAt(0)! + '냐'.charCodeAt(0) - '나'.charCodeAt(0)
-function exclude(text: string): [string, Record<string, string>] {
-	const map: Record<string, string> = {};
-	function substitute(match: string): string {
-		let randomstr: string;
-		do {
-			randomstr = rndstr({ length: 16, chars: '🀀-🀫' });
-		} while(, randomstr));
-		map[randomstr] = match;
-		return randomstr;
-	}
-	const replaced = text
-		.replace(/(https?:\/\/.*?)(?= |$)/gm, match => substitute(match)) // URL
-		.replace(/:([a-z0-9_+-]+):/gim, match => substitute(match)) // emoji
-		.replace(/#([^\s.,!?'"#:\/\[\]【】]+)/gm, match => substitute(match)) // hashtag
-		.replace(/@\w([\w-]*\w)?(?:@[\w.\-]+\w)?/gm, match => substitute(match)) // mention
-		.replace(/<\/?[a-zA-Z]*?>/g, match => substitute(match)) // <jump>, <motion>, etc.
-		.replace(/`([^`\n]+?)`/g, match => substitute(match)) // inline code
-		.replace(/```(.+?)?\n([\s\S]+?)```(\n|$)/gm, match => substitute(match)); // code block
-	return [replaced, map];
-function replaceExceptions(text: string, map: Record<string, string>): string {	
-	for(const rule in map)
-		if(, rule))
-			text = text.replace(rule, map[rule]);
-	return text;
\ No newline at end of file