forked from fuyu/misskey
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 435 additions and 449 deletions
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import dateStringify from '../../common/scripts/date-stringify';
import dateStringify from '../../../common/scripts/date-stringify';
export default Vue.extend({
props: {
@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
<button class="read-more" v-if="p.reply && p.reply.reply_id && context == null" @click="loadContext" disabled={ loadingContext }>
<template v-if="!contextFetching">%fa:ellipsis-v%</template>
<template v-if="contextFetching">%fa:spinner .pulse%</template>
<div class="context">
<template each={ post in context }>
<mk-post-detail-sub post={ post }/>
<div class="reply-to" v-if="p.reply">
<mk-post-detail-sub post={ p.reply }/>
<div class="repost" v-if="isRepost">
<a class="avatar-anchor" href={ '/' + post.user.username }>
<img class="avatar" src={ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' } alt="avatar"/></a>
%fa:retweet%<a class="name" href={ '/' + post.user.username }>
{ }
<a class="avatar-anchor" href={ '/' + p.user.username }>
<img class="avatar" src={ p.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' } alt="avatar"/>
<a class="name" href={ '/' + p.user.username }>{ }</a>
<span class="username">@{ p.user.username }</span>
<div class="body">
<div class="text" ref="text"></div>
<div class="media" v-if="">
<mk-images images={ }/>
<mk-poll v-if="p.poll" post={ p }/>
<a class="time" href={ '/' + p.user.username + '/' + }>
<mk-time time={ p.created_at } mode="detail"/>
<mk-reactions-viewer post={ p }/>
<button @click="reply" title="">
%fa:reply%<p class="count" v-if="p.replies_count > 0">{ p.replies_count }</p>
<button @click="repost" title="Repost">
%fa:retweet%<p class="count" v-if="p.repost_count > 0">{ p.repost_count }</p>
<button :class="{ reacted: p.my_reaction != null }" @click="react" ref="reactButton" title="">
%fa:plus%<p class="count" v-if="p.reactions_count > 0">{ p.reactions_count }</p>
<button @click="menu" ref="menuButton">
<div class="replies" v-if="!compact">
<template each={ post in replies }>
<mk-post-detail-sub post={ post }/>
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display block
overflow hidden
margin 0 auto
padding 0
width 100%
text-align left
background #fff
border-radius 8px
box-shadow 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
> .fetching
padding 64px 0
> .read-more
display block
margin 0
padding 10px 0
width 100%
font-size 1em
text-align center
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cursor pointer
background #fafafa
outline none
border none
border-bottom solid 1px #eef0f2
border-radius 6px 6px 0 0
box-shadow none
background #f6f6f6
background #f0f0f0
color #ccc
> .context
> *
border-bottom 1px solid #eef0f2
> .repost
color #9dbb00
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #edfde2 0%, #fff 100%)
> p
margin 0
padding 16px 32px
display inline-block
vertical-align bottom
min-width 28px
min-height 28px
max-width 28px
max-height 28px
margin 0 8px 0 0
border-radius 6px
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font-weight bold
& + article
padding-top 8px
> .reply-to
border-bottom 1px solid #eef0f2
> article
padding 14px 16px 9px 16px
@media (min-width 500px)
padding 28px 32px 18px 32px
content ""
display block
clear both
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> header
display flex
line-height 1.1
> .avatar-anchor
display block
padding 0 .5em 0 0
> .avatar
display block
width 54px
height 54px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
@media (min-width 500px)
width 60px
height 60px
> div
> .name
display inline-block
margin .4em 0
color #777
font-size 16px
font-weight bold
text-align left
text-decoration none
text-decoration underline
> .username
display block
text-align left
margin 0
color #ccc
> .body
padding 8px 0
> .text
cursor default
display block
margin 0
padding 0
overflow-wrap break-word
font-size 16px
color #717171
@media (min-width 500px)
font-size 24px
> mk-url-preview
margin-top 8px
> .media
> img
display block
max-width 100%
> .time
font-size 16px
color #c0c0c0
> footer
font-size 1.2em
> button
margin 0
padding 8px
background transparent
border none
box-shadow none
font-size 1em
color #ddd
cursor pointer
margin-right 28px
color #666
> .count
display inline
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #999
color $theme-color
> .replies
> *
border-top 1px solid #eef0f2
<script lang="typescript">
import compile from '../../common/scripts/text-compiler';
import getPostSummary from '../../../../common/get-post-summary.ts';
import openPostForm from '../scripts/open-post-form';
this.compact = this.opts.compact;
|||| =;
this.isRepost = != null;
this.p = this.isRepost ? :;
this.p.reactions_count = this.p.reaction_counts ? Object.keys(this.p.reaction_counts).map(key => this.p.reaction_counts[key]).reduce((a, b) => a + b) : 0;
this.summary = getPostSummary(this.p);
this.loadingContext = false;
this.context = null;
this.on('mount', () => {
if (this.p.text) {
const tokens = this.p.ast;
this.$refs.text.innerHTML = compile(tokens);
Array.from(this.$refs.text.children).forEach(e => {
if (e.tagName == 'MK-URL') riot.mount(e);
// URLをプレビュー
.filter(t => (t.type == 'url' || t.type == 'link') && !t.silent)
.map(t => {
riot.mount(this.$refs.text.appendChild(document.createElement('mk-url-preview')), {
url: t.url
// Get replies
if (!this.compact) {
this.$root.$data.os.api('posts/replies', {
limit: 8
}).then(replies => {
replies: replies
this.reply = () => {
reply: this.p
this.repost = () => {
const text = window.prompt(`「${this.summary}」をRepost`);
if (text == null) return;
this.$root.$data.os.api('posts/create', {
text: text == '' ? undefined : text
this.react = () => {
riot.mount(document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('mk-reaction-picker')), {
source: this.$refs.reactButton,
post: this.p,
compact: true
|||| = () => {
riot.mount(document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('mk-post-menu')), {
source: this.$refs.menuButton,
post: this.p,
compact: true
this.loadContext = () => {
this.contextFetching = true;
// Fetch context
this.$root.$data.os.api('posts/context', {
post_id: this.p.reply_id
}).then(context => {
contextFetching: false,
context: context.reverse()
<a class="avatar-anchor" href={ '/' + post.user.username }>
<img class="avatar" src={ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' } alt="avatar"/>
<div class="main">
<a class="name" href={ '/' + post.user.username }>{ }</a>
<span class="username">@{ post.user.username }</span>
<a class="time" href={ '/' + post.user.username + '/' + }>
<mk-time time={ post.created_at }/>
<div class="body">
<mk-sub-post-content class="text" post={ post }/>
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
display block
margin 0
padding 8px
font-size 0.9em
background #fdfdfd
@media (min-width 500px)
padding 12px
> article
content ""
display block
clear both
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 12px 0 0
> .avatar
display block
width 48px
height 48px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 60px)
> header
display flex
margin-bottom 4px
white-space nowrap
> .name
display block
margin 0 .5em 0 0
padding 0
overflow hidden
color #607073
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
text-overflow ellipsis
text-decoration underline
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 .5em 0 0
color #d1d8da
> .time
margin-left auto
color #b2b8bb
> .body
> .text
cursor default
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.1em
color #717171
<script lang="typescript"> =</script>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
<div class="mk-post-detail-sub">
<a class="avatar-anchor" href={ '/' + post.user.username }>
<img class="avatar" src={ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' } alt="avatar"/>
<div class="main">
<a class="name" href={ '/' + post.user.username }>{ }</a>
<span class="username">@{ post.user.username }</span>
<a class="time" href={ '/' + post.user.username + '/' + }>
<mk-time time={ post.created_at }/>
<div class="body">
<mk-sub-post-content class="text" post={ post }/>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
export default Vue.extend({
props: ['post']
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
margin 0
padding 8px
font-size 0.9em
background #fdfdfd
@media (min-width 500px)
padding 12px
content ""
display block
clear both
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 12px 0 0
> .avatar
display block
width 48px
height 48px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 60px)
> header
display flex
margin-bottom 4px
white-space nowrap
> .name
display block
margin 0 .5em 0 0
padding 0
overflow hidden
color #607073
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
text-overflow ellipsis
text-decoration underline
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 .5em 0 0
color #d1d8da
> .time
margin-left auto
color #b2b8bb
> .body
> .text
cursor default
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.1em
color #717171
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
<div class="mk-post-detail">
<button class="read-more" v-if="p.reply && p.reply.reply_id && context == null" @click="loadContext" disabled={ loadingContext }>
<template v-if="!contextFetching">%fa:ellipsis-v%</template>
<template v-if="contextFetching">%fa:spinner .pulse%</template>
<div class="context">
<template each={ post in context }>
<mk-post-detail-sub post={ post }/>
<div class="reply-to" v-if="p.reply">
<mk-post-detail-sub post={ p.reply }/>
<div class="repost" v-if="isRepost">
<a class="avatar-anchor" href={ '/' + post.user.username }>
<img class="avatar" src={ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' } alt="avatar"/></a>
%fa:retweet%<a class="name" href={ '/' + post.user.username }>
{ }
<a class="avatar-anchor" href={ '/' + p.user.username }>
<img class="avatar" src={ p.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' } alt="avatar"/>
<a class="name" href={ '/' + p.user.username }>{ }</a>
<span class="username">@{ p.user.username }</span>
<div class="body">
<mk-post-html v-if="p.ast" :ast="p.ast" :i="$root.$data.os.i"/>
<mk-url-preview v-for="url in urls" :url="url" :key="url"/>
<div class="media" v-if="">
<mk-images images={ }/>
<mk-poll v-if="p.poll" post={ p }/>
<a class="time" href={ '/' + p.user.username + '/' + }>
<mk-time time={ p.created_at } mode="detail"/>
<mk-reactions-viewer post={ p }/>
<button @click="reply" title="">
%fa:reply%<p class="count" v-if="p.replies_count > 0">{ p.replies_count }</p>
<button @click="repost" title="Repost">
%fa:retweet%<p class="count" v-if="p.repost_count > 0">{ p.repost_count }</p>
<button :class="{ reacted: p.my_reaction != null }" @click="react" ref="reactButton" title="">
%fa:plus%<p class="count" v-if="p.reactions_count > 0">{ p.reactions_count }</p>
<button @click="menu" ref="menuButton">
<div class="replies" v-if="!compact">
<template each={ post in replies }>
<mk-post-detail-sub post={ post }/>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import getPostSummary from '../../../../common/get-post-summary.ts';
import openPostForm from '../scripts/open-post-form';
export default Vue.extend({
props: {
post: {
type: Object,
required: true
compact: {
default: false
data() {
return {
context: [],
contextFetching: false,
replies: [],
computed: {
isRepost(): boolean {
return != null;
p(): any {
return this.isRepost ? :;
reactionsCount(): number {
return this.p.reaction_counts
? Object.keys(this.p.reaction_counts)
.map(key => this.p.reaction_counts[key])
.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
: 0;
urls(): string[] {
if (this.p.ast) {
return this.p.ast
.filter(t => (t.type == 'url' || t.type == 'link') && !t.silent)
.map(t => t.url);
} else {
return null;
mounted() {
// Get replies
if (!this.compact) {
this.$root.$data.os.api('posts/replies', {
limit: 8
}).then(replies => {
this.replies = replies;
methods: {
fetchContext() {
this.contextFetching = true;
// Fetch context
this.$root.$data.os.api('posts/context', {
post_id: this.p.reply_id
}).then(context => {
this.contextFetching = false;
this.context = context.reverse();
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overflow hidden
margin 0 auto
padding 0
width 100%
text-align left
background #fff
border-radius 8px
box-shadow 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
> .fetching
padding 64px 0
> .read-more
display block
margin 0
padding 10px 0
width 100%
font-size 1em
text-align center
color #999
cursor pointer
background #fafafa
outline none
border none
border-bottom solid 1px #eef0f2
border-radius 6px 6px 0 0
box-shadow none
background #f6f6f6
background #f0f0f0
color #ccc
> .context
> *
border-bottom 1px solid #eef0f2
> .repost
color #9dbb00
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #edfde2 0%, #fff 100%)
> p
margin 0
padding 16px 32px
display inline-block
vertical-align bottom
min-width 28px
min-height 28px
max-width 28px
max-height 28px
margin 0 8px 0 0
border-radius 6px
margin-right 4px
font-weight bold
& + article
padding-top 8px
> .reply-to
border-bottom 1px solid #eef0f2
> article
padding 14px 16px 9px 16px
@media (min-width 500px)
padding 28px 32px 18px 32px
content ""
display block
clear both
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> header
display flex
line-height 1.1
> .avatar-anchor
display block
padding 0 .5em 0 0
> .avatar
display block
width 54px
height 54px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
@media (min-width 500px)
width 60px
height 60px
> div
> .name
display inline-block
margin .4em 0
color #777
font-size 16px
font-weight bold
text-align left
text-decoration none
text-decoration underline
> .username
display block
text-align left
margin 0
color #ccc
> .body
padding 8px 0
> .text
cursor default
display block
margin 0
padding 0
overflow-wrap break-word
font-size 16px
color #717171
@media (min-width 500px)
font-size 24px
> mk-url-preview
margin-top 8px
> .media
> img
display block
max-width 100%
> .time
font-size 16px
color #c0c0c0
> footer
font-size 1.2em
> button
margin 0
padding 8px
background transparent
border none
box-shadow none
font-size 1em
color #ddd
cursor pointer
margin-right 28px
color #666
> .count
display inline
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #999
color $theme-color
> .replies
> *
border-top 1px solid #eef0f2
Add table
Reference in a new issue