forked from fuyu/misskey
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 1236 additions and 353 deletions
@ -2631,7 +2631,7 @@ _mahjong:
"chinroto": "清老頭"
"sukantsu": "四槓子"
"churen": "九蓮宝燈"
"pure-churen": "純正九連宝灯"
"churen-9": "九連宝灯九面待"
"tenho": "天和"
"chiho": "地和"
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ export class MahjongService implements OnApplicationShutdown, OnModuleInit {
if (mj.riichis[house]) {
// リーチ時はアガリ牌でない限りツモ切り
if (!Mmj.canHora(mj.handTileTypes[house])) {
if (!Mmj.isAgarikei(mj.handTileTypes[house])) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.dahai(room, mj, house, mj.handTiles[house].at(-1));
}, 500);
@ -123,6 +123,33 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<div :class="$style.playersContainer">
<div :class="[$style.playerOfToimen, $style.player]">
<template v-if="users[Mmj.prevHouse(Mmj.prevHouse(mj.myHouse))] != null">
<MkAvatar :user="users[Mmj.prevHouse(Mmj.prevHouse(mj.myHouse))]" style="width: 30px; height: 30px;"/>
<template v-else>
<div :class="[$style.playerOfKamitya, $style.player]">
<template v-if="users[Mmj.prevHouse(mj.myHouse)] != null">
<MkAvatar :user="users[Mmj.prevHouse(mj.myHouse)]" style="width: 30px; height: 30px;"/>
<template v-else>
<div :class="[$style.playerOfSimotya, $style.player]">
<template v-if="users[Mmj.nextHouse(mj.myHouse)] != null">
<MkAvatar :user="users[Mmj.nextHouse(mj.myHouse)]" style="width: 30px; height: 30px;"/>
<template v-else>
<XHandTiles :class="$style.handTilesOfMe" :tiles="mj.myHandTiles" :doras="mj.doras" :selectableTiles="selectableTiles" :separateLast="isMyTurn && iTsumoed" @choose="chooseTile"/>
<div :class="$style.serifContainer">
@ -292,9 +319,16 @@ const isMyTurn = computed(() => {
const canHora = computed(() => {
return Mmj.canHora(mj.value.myHandTileTypes).length;
return Mmj.isAgarikei(mj.value.myHandTileTypes);
const users = computed(() => ({
e: houseToUser('e'),
s: houseToUser('s'),
w: houseToUser('w'),
n: houseToUser('n'),
const selectableTiles = ref<Mmj.TileType[] | null>(null);
const ronSerifHouses = reactive<Record<Mmj.House, boolean>>({ e: false, s: false, w: false, n: false });
const ciiSerifHouses = reactive<Record<Mmj.House, boolean>>({ e: false, s: false, w: false, n: false });
@ -801,7 +835,7 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
max-width: 800px;
max-width: 600px;
min-height: 600px;
margin: auto;
box-sizing: border-box;
@ -947,7 +981,7 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
.handTilesOfToimen {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 80px;
right: 40px;
.handTileImgOfToimen {
display: inline-block;
@ -963,14 +997,14 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
.handTilesOfSimotya {
position: absolute;
top: 80px;
bottom: 80px;
right: 0;
.handTilesOfMe {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 80px;
left: 0px;
.huroTilesOfMe {
@ -1066,6 +1100,43 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
.playersContainer {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
z-index: 100;
pointer-events: none;
.player {
position: absolute;
margin: auto;
width: 180px;
height: min-content;
padding: 10px;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: #0009;
color: #fff;
border-radius: 5px;
font-size: 90%;
.playerOfToimen {
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
.playerOfKamitya {
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
.playerOfSimotya {
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
.serifContainer {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
* For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property and type check, visit:
module.exports = {
// All imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically
// automock: false,
// Stop running tests after `n` failures
// bail: 0,
// The directory where Jest should store its cached dependency information
// cacheDirectory: "C:\\Users\\ai\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\jest",
// Automatically clear mock calls and instances between every test
// clearMocks: false,
// Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test
// collectCoverage: false,
// An array of glob patterns indicating a set of files for which coverage information should be collected
collectCoverageFrom: ['src/**/*.ts'],
// The directory where Jest should output its coverage files
coverageDirectory: "coverage",
// An array of regexp pattern strings used to skip coverage collection
// coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
// "\\\\node_modules\\\\"
// ],
// Indicates which provider should be used to instrument code for coverage
coverageProvider: "v8",
// A list of reporter names that Jest uses when writing coverage reports
// coverageReporters: [
// "json",
// "text",
// "lcov",
// "clover"
// ],
// An object that configures minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results
// coverageThreshold: undefined,
// A path to a custom dependency extractor
// dependencyExtractor: undefined,
// Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages
// errorOnDeprecated: false,
// Force coverage collection from ignored files using an array of glob patterns
// forceCoverageMatch: [],
// A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once before all test suites
// globalSetup: undefined,
// A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once after all test suites
// globalTeardown: undefined,
// A set of global variables that need to be available in all test environments
//globals: {
//"ts-jest": {
//"useESM": true,
//diagnostics: {
//exclude: ['!test/**/*.ts'],
// The maximum amount of workers used to run your tests. Can be specified as % or a number. E.g. maxWorkers: 10% will use 10% of your CPU amount + 1 as the maximum worker number. maxWorkers: 2 will use a maximum of 2 workers.
// maxWorkers: "50%",
// An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location
// moduleDirectories: [
// "node_modules"
// ],
// An array of file extensions your modules use
// moduleFileExtensions: [
// "js",
// "json",
// "jsx",
// "ts",
// "tsx",
// "node"
// ],
// A map from regular expressions to module names or to arrays of module names that allow to stub out resources with a single module
// moduleNameMapper: {},
// An array of regexp pattern strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader
// modulePathIgnorePatterns: [],
// Activates notifications for test results
// notify: false,
// An enum that specifies notification mode. Requires { notify: true }
// notifyMode: "failure-change",
// A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration
preset: "ts-jest/presets/js-with-ts-esm",
// Run tests from one or more projects
// projects: undefined,
// Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest
// reporters: undefined,
// Automatically reset mock state between every test
// resetMocks: false,
// Reset the module registry before running each individual test
// resetModules: false,
// A path to a custom resolver
resolver: "ts-jest-resolver",
// Automatically restore mock state between every test
// restoreMocks: false,
// The root directory that Jest should scan for tests and modules within
// rootDir: undefined,
// A list of paths to directories that Jest should use to search for files in
roots: [
// Allows you to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner
// runner: "jest-runner",
// The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test
// setupFiles: [],
// A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test
// setupFilesAfterEnv: [],
// The number of seconds after which a test is considered as slow and reported as such in the results.
// slowTestThreshold: 5,
// A list of paths to snapshot serializer modules Jest should use for snapshot testing
// snapshotSerializers: [],
// The test environment that will be used for testing
testEnvironment: "node",
// Options that will be passed to the testEnvironment
// testEnvironmentOptions: {},
// Adds a location field to test results
// testLocationInResults: false,
// The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files
testMatch: [
// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped
// testPathIgnorePatterns: [
// "\\\\node_modules\\\\"
// ],
// The regexp pattern or array of patterns that Jest uses to detect test files
// testRegex: [],
// This option allows the use of a custom results processor
// testResultsProcessor: undefined,
// This option allows use of a custom test runner
// testRunner: "jasmine2",
// This option sets the URL for the jsdom environment. It is reflected in properties such as location.href
// testURL: "http://localhost",
// Setting this value to "fake" allows the use of fake timers for functions such as "setTimeout"
// timers: "real",
// A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers
transform: {
"^.+\\.(ts|tsx)$": [
"useESM": true,
diagnostics: {
exclude: ['!test/**/*.ts'],
// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all source file paths, matched files will skip transformation
// transformIgnorePatterns: [
// "\\\\node_modules\\\\",
// "\\.pnp\\.[^\\\\]+$"
// ],
// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all modules before the module loader will automatically return a mock for them
// unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined,
// Indicates whether each individual test should be reported during the run
// verbose: undefined,
// An array of regexp patterns that are matched against all source file paths before re-running tests in watch mode
// watchPathIgnorePatterns: [],
// Whether to use watchman for file crawling
// watchman: true
@ -22,16 +22,22 @@
"watch": "nodemon -w src -e ts,js,cjs,mjs,json --exec \"pnpm run build:tsc\"",
"eslint": "eslint . --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx",
"typecheck": "tsc --noEmit",
"lint": "pnpm typecheck && pnpm eslint"
"lint": "pnpm typecheck && pnpm eslint",
"jest": "jest --coverage --detectOpenHandles",
"test": "npm run jest"
"devDependencies": {
"@misskey-dev/eslint-plugin": "1.0.0",
"@types/node": "20.11.5",
"@types/node": "20.11.17",
"@types/jest": "29.5.12",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "6.18.1",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "6.18.1",
"eslint": "8.56.0",
"nodemon": "3.0.2",
"typescript": "5.3.3"
"typescript": "5.3.3",
"jest": "29.7.0",
"ts-jest": "29.1.2",
"ts-jest-resolver": "2.0.1"
"files": [
@ -237,297 +237,68 @@ export const PREV_TILE_FOR_SHUNTSU: Record<TileType, TileType | null> = {
chun: null,
const KOKUSHI_TILES: TileType[] = ['m1', 'm9', 'p1', 'p9', 's1', 's9', 'e', 's', 'w', 'n', 'haku', 'hatsu', 'chun'];
type EnvForCalcYaku = {
house: House;
* 和了る人の手牌(副露牌および和了る際のツモ牌・ロン牌は含まない)
handTiles: TileType[];
* 河
hoTiles: TileType[];
* 副露
huros: Huro[];
* ツモ牌
tsumoTile: TileType | null;
* ロン牌
ronTile: TileType | null;
* ドラ表示牌
doraTiles: TileType[];
* 赤ドラ表示牌
redDoraTiles: TileType[];
* 場風
fieldWind: House;
* 自風
seatWind: House;
* リーチしたかどうか
riichi: boolean;
* 一巡目以内かどうか
ippatsu: boolean;
export const TILE_NUMBER_MAP: Record<TileType, number | null> = {
m1: 1,
m2: 2,
m3: 3,
m4: 4,
m5: 5,
m6: 6,
m7: 7,
m8: 8,
m9: 9,
p1: 1,
p2: 2,
p3: 3,
p4: 4,
p5: 5,
p6: 6,
p7: 7,
p8: 8,
p9: 9,
s1: 1,
s2: 2,
s3: 3,
s4: 4,
s5: 5,
s6: 6,
s7: 7,
s8: 8,
s9: 9,
e: null,
s: null,
w: null,
n: null,
haku: null,
hatsu: null,
chun: null,
export const YAKU_DEFINITIONS = [{
name: 'riichi',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return state.riichi;
}, {
name: 'tsumo',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return state.tsumoTile != null;
}, {
name: 'ippatsu',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return state.ippatsu;
}, {
name: 'red',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return (
(state.handTiles.filter(t => t === 'chun').length >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'chun' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'chun' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'chun' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'white',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return (
(state.handTiles.filter(t => t === 'haku').length >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'haku' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'haku' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'haku' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'green',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return (
(state.handTiles.filter(t => t === 'hatsu').length >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'hatsu' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'hatsu' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'hatsu' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'field-wind-e',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return state.fieldWind === 'e' && (
(state.handTiles.filter(t => t === 'e').length >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'field-wind-s',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return state.fieldWind === 's' && (
(state.handTiles.filter(t => t === 's').length >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 's' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 's' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 's' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'seat-wind-e',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return === 'e' && (
(state.handTiles.filter(t => t === 'e').length >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'seat-wind-s',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return === 's' && (
(state.handTiles.filter(t => t === 's').length >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 's' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 's' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 's' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'seat-wind-w',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return === 'w' && (
(state.handTiles.filter(t => t === 'w').length >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'w' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'w' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'w' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'seat-wind-n',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return === 'n' && (
(state.handTiles.filter(t => t === 'n').length >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'n' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'n' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'n' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'tanyao',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
const yaochuTiles: TileType[] = ['m1', 'm9', 'p1', 'p9', 's1', 's9', 'e', 's', 'w', 'n', 'haku', 'hatsu', 'chun'];
return (
(!state.handTiles.some(t => yaochuTiles.includes(t))) &&
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? yaochuTiles.includes(huro.tile) :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? yaochuTiles.includes(huro.tile) :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? yaochuTiles.includes(huro.tile) :
huro.type === 'cii' ? huro.tiles.some(t2 => yaochuTiles.includes(t2)) :
false).length === 0)
}, {
name: 'pinfu',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
// 面前じゃないとダメ
if (state.huros.some(huro => CALL_HURO_TYPES.includes(huro.type))) return false;
// 三元牌はダメ
if (state.handTiles.some(t => ['haku', 'hatsu', 'chun'].includes(t))) return false;
export const MANZU_TILES = ['m1', 'm2', 'm3', 'm4', 'm5', 'm6', 'm7', 'm8', 'm9'] as const satisfies TileType[];
export const PINZU_TILES = ['p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p5', 'p6', 'p7', 'p8', 'p9'] as const satisfies TileType[];
export const SOUZU_TILES = ['s1', 's2', 's3', 's4', 's5', 's6', 's7', 's8', 's9'] as const satisfies TileType[];
export const CHAR_TILES = ['e', 's', 'w', 'n', 'haku', 'hatsu', 'chun'] as const satisfies TileType[];
export const YAOCHU_TILES = ['m1', 'm9', 'p1', 'p9', 's1', 's9', 'e', 's', 'w', 'n', 'haku', 'hatsu', 'chun'] as const satisfies TileType[];
const KOKUSHI_TILES: TileType[] = ['m1', 'm9', 'p1', 'p9', 's1', 's9', 'e', 's', 'w', 'n', 'haku', 'hatsu', 'chun'];
// TODO: 両面待ちかどうか
export function isManzu<T extends TileType>(tile: T): tile is typeof MANZU_TILES[number] {
return MANZU_TILES.includes(tile);
const horaSets = analyze1head3mentsuSets(state.handTiles.concat(state.tsumoTile ?? state.ronTile));
return horaSets.some(horaSet => {
// 風牌判定(役牌でなければOK)
if (horaSet.head === state.seatWind) return false;
if (horaSet.head === state.fieldWind) return false;
export function isPinzu<T extends TileType>(tile: T): tile is typeof PINZU_TILES[number] {
return PINZU_TILES.includes(tile);
// 全て順子か?
if (horaSet.mentsus.some((mentsu) => mentsu[0] === mentsu[1])) return false;
}, {
name: 'iipeko',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
// 面前じゃないとダメ
if (state.huros.some(huro => CALL_HURO_TYPES.includes(huro.type))) return false;
export function isSouzu<T extends TileType>(tile: T): tile is typeof SOUZU_TILES[number] {
return SOUZU_TILES.includes(tile);
const horaSets = analyze1head3mentsuSets(state.handTiles.concat(state.tsumoTile ?? state.ronTile));
return horaSets.some(horaSet => {
// 同じ順子が2つあるか?
return horaSet.mentsus.some((mentsu) =>
horaSet.mentsus.filter((mentsu2) =>
mentsu2[0] === mentsu[0] && mentsu2[1] === mentsu[1] && mentsu2[2] === mentsu[2]).length >= 2);
}, {
name: 'toitoi',
fan: 2,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
if (state.huros.length > 0) {
if (state.huros.some(huro => huro.type === 'cii')) return false;
const horaSets = analyze1head3mentsuSets(state.handTiles.concat(state.tsumoTile ?? state.ronTile));
return horaSets.some(horaSet => {
// 全て刻子か?
if (!horaSet.mentsus.every((mentsu) => mentsu[0] === mentsu[1])) return false;
}, {
name: 'chitoitsu',
fan: 2,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return isChitoitsu(state.handTiles.concat(state.tsumoTile ?? state.ronTile));
}, {
name: 'kokushi',
fan: 13,
isYakuman: true,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku) => {
return isKokushi(state.handTiles.concat(state.tsumoTile ?? state.ronTile));
export function isSameNumberTile(a: TileType, b: TileType): boolean {
const aNumber = TILE_NUMBER_MAP[a];
const bNumber = TILE_NUMBER_MAP[b];
if (aNumber == null || bNumber == null) return false;
return aNumber === bNumber;
export function fanToPoint(fan: number, isParent: boolean): number {
let point;
@ -658,11 +429,19 @@ export function prevHouse(house: House): House {
type HoraSet = {
export type FourMentsuOneJyantou = {
head: TileType;
mentsus: [TileType, TileType, TileType][];
export function isShuntu(tiles: [TileType, TileType, TileType]): boolean {
return tiles[0] !== tiles[1];
export function isKotsu(tiles: [TileType, TileType, TileType]): boolean {
return tiles[0] === tiles[1];
export const SHUNTU_PATTERNS: [TileType, TileType, TileType][] = [
['m1', 'm2', 'm3'],
['m2', 'm3', 'm4'],
@ -720,13 +499,8 @@ function extractShuntsus(tiles: TileType[]): [TileType, TileType, TileType][] {
return shuntsus;
* アガリ形パターン一覧を取得
* @param handTiles ポン、チー、カンした牌を含まない手牌
* @returns
function analyze1head3mentsuSets(handTiles: TileType[]): HoraSet[] {
const horaSets: HoraSet[] = [];
export function analyzeFourMentsuOneJyantou(handTiles: TileType[], all = true): FourMentsuOneJyantou[] {
const horaSets: FourMentsuOneJyantou[] = [];
const headSet: TileType[] = [];
const countMap = new Map<TileType, number>();
@ -817,6 +591,8 @@ function analyze1head3mentsuSets(handTiles: TileType[]): HoraSet[] {
mentsus: [ => [t, t, t] as [TileType, TileType, TileType]), ...shuntsus],
if (!all) return horaSets;
@ -824,48 +600,6 @@ function analyze1head3mentsuSets(handTiles: TileType[]): HoraSet[] {
return horaSets;
export function canHora(handTiles: TileType[]): boolean {
if (isKokushi(handTiles)) return true;
if (isChitoitsu(handTiles)) return true;
const horaSets = analyze1head3mentsuSets(handTiles);
return horaSets.length > 0;
* アガリ牌リストを取得
* @param handTiles ポン、チー、カンした牌を含まない手牌
export function getHoraTiles(handTiles: TileType[]): TileType[] {
return TILE_TYPES.filter(tile => {
const tempHandTiles = [...handTiles, tile];
const horaSets = analyze1head3mentsuSets(tempHandTiles);
return horaSets.length > 0;
function isKokushi(handTiles: TileType[]): boolean {
return KOKUSHI_TILES.every(t => handTiles.includes(t));
function isChitoitsu(handTiles: TileType[]): boolean {
const countMap = new Map<TileType, number>();
for (const tile of handTiles) {
const count = (countMap.get(tile) ?? 0) + 1;
countMap.set(tile, count);
return Array.from(countMap.values()).every(c => c === 2);
export function getTilesForRiichi(handTiles: TileType[]): TileType[] {
return handTiles.filter(tile => {
const tempHandTiles = [...handTiles];
tempHandTiles.splice(tempHandTiles.indexOf(tile), 1);
const horaTiles = getHoraTiles(tempHandTiles);
return horaTiles.length > 0;
export function nextTileForDora(tile: TileType): TileType {
return NEXT_TILE_FOR_DORA_MAP[tile];
@ -893,3 +627,40 @@ export function getAvailableCiiPatterns(handTiles: TileType[], targetTile: TileT
return patterns;
function isKokushiPattern(handTiles: TileType[]): boolean {
return KOKUSHI_TILES.every(t => handTiles.includes(t));
function isChitoitsuPattern(handTiles: TileType[]): boolean {
if (handTiles.length !== 14) return false;
const countMap = new Map<TileType, number>();
for (const tile of handTiles) {
const count = (countMap.get(tile) ?? 0) + 1;
countMap.set(tile, count);
return Array.from(countMap.values()).every(c => c === 2);
export function isAgarikei(handTiles: TileType[]): boolean {
if (isKokushiPattern(handTiles)) return true;
if (isChitoitsuPattern(handTiles)) return true;
const agarikeis = analyzeFourMentsuOneJyantou(handTiles, false);
return agarikeis.length > 0;
export function isTenpai(handTiles: TileType[]): boolean {
return TILE_TYPES.some(tile => {
const tempHandTiles = [...handTiles, tile];
return isAgarikei(tempHandTiles);
export function getTilesForRiichi(handTiles: TileType[]): TileType[] {
return handTiles.filter(tile => {
const tempHandTiles = [...handTiles];
tempHandTiles.splice(tempHandTiles.indexOf(tile), 1);
return isTenpai(tempHandTiles);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import { CALL_HURO_TYPES, CHAR_TILES, FourMentsuOneJyantou, House, MANZU_TILES, PINZU_TILES, SOUZU_TILES, TileType, YAOCHU_TILES, TILE_TYPES, analyzeFourMentsuOneJyantou, isShuntu, isManzu, isPinzu, isSameNumberTile, isSouzu, isKotsu } from './common.js';
const RYUISO_TILES: TileType[] = ['s2', 's3', 's4', 's6', 's8', 'hatsu'];
const KOKUSHI_TILES: TileType[] = ['m1', 'm9', 'p1', 'p9', 's1', 's9', 'e', 's', 'w', 'n', 'haku', 'hatsu', 'chun'];
export const NORMAL_YAKU_NAMES = [
] as const;
export const YAKUMAN_NAMES = [
] as const;
export type YakuName = typeof NORMAL_YAKU_NAMES[number] | typeof YAKUMAN_NAMES[number];
export type EnvForCalcYaku = {
house: House;
* 和了る人の手牌(副露牌は含まず、ツモ、ロン牌は含む)
handTiles: TileType[];
tenpaiTiles: TileType[];
* 河
hoTiles: TileType[];
* 副露
huros: ({
type: 'pon';
tile: TileType;
} | {
type: 'cii';
tiles: [TileType, TileType, TileType];
} | {
type: 'ankan';
tile: TileType;
} | {
type: 'minkan';
tile: TileType;
tsumoTile: TileType;
ronTile: TileType;
* 場風
fieldWind: House;
* 自風
seatWind: House;
* リーチしたかどうか
riichi: boolean;
* 一巡目以内かどうか
ippatsu: boolean;
type YakuDefiniyion = {
name: YakuName;
fan: number;
isYakuman?: boolean;
kuisagari?: boolean;
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => boolean;
function countTiles(tiles: TileType[], target: TileType): number {
return tiles.filter(t => t === target).length;
export const YAKU_DEFINITIONS: YakuDefiniyion[] = [{
name: 'tsumo',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
// 面前じゃないとダメ
if (state.huros.some(huro => CALL_HURO_TYPES.includes(huro.type))) return false;
return state.isTsumo;
}, {
name: 'riichi',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
return state.riichi;
}, {
name: 'ippatsu',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
return state.ippatsu;
}, {
name: 'red',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
return (
(countTiles(state.handTiles, 'chun') >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'chun' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'chun' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'chun' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'white',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
return (
(countTiles(state.handTiles, 'haku') >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'haku' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'haku' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'haku' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'green',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
return (
(countTiles(state.handTiles, 'hatsu') >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'hatsu' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'hatsu' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'hatsu' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'field-wind-e',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
return state.fieldWind === 'e' && (
(countTiles(state.handTiles, 'e') >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'field-wind-s',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
return state.fieldWind === 's' && (
(countTiles(state.handTiles, 's') >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 's' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 's' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 's' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'seat-wind-e',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
return === 'e' && (
(countTiles(state.handTiles, 'e') >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'e' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'seat-wind-s',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
return === 's' && (
(countTiles(state.handTiles, 's') >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 's' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 's' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 's' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'seat-wind-w',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
return === 'w' && (
(countTiles(state.handTiles, 'w') >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'w' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'w' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'w' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'seat-wind-n',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
return === 'n' && (
(countTiles(state.handTiles, 'n') >= 3) ||
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? huro.tile === 'n' :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? huro.tile === 'n' :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? huro.tile === 'n' :
false).length >= 3)
}, {
name: 'tanyao',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
return (
(!state.handTiles.some(t => YAOCHU_TILES.includes(t))) &&
(state.huros.filter(huro =>
huro.type === 'pon' ? YAOCHU_TILES.includes(huro.tile) :
huro.type === 'ankan' ? YAOCHU_TILES.includes(huro.tile) :
huro.type === 'minkan' ? YAOCHU_TILES.includes(huro.tile) :
huro.type === 'cii' ? huro.tiles.some(t2 => YAOCHU_TILES.includes(t2)) :
false).length === 0)
}, {
name: 'pinfu',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
// 面前じゃないとダメ
if (state.huros.some(huro => CALL_HURO_TYPES.includes(huro.type))) return false;
// 三元牌はダメ
if (state.handTiles.some(t => ['haku', 'hatsu', 'chun'].includes(t))) return false;
// TODO: 両面待ちかどうか
// 風牌判定(役牌でなければOK)
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou.head === state.seatWind) return false;
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou.head === state.fieldWind) return false;
// 全て順子か?
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou.mentsus.some((mentsu) => mentsu[0] === mentsu[1])) return false;
return true;
}, {
name: 'honitsu',
fan: 3,
isYakuman: false,
kuisagari: true,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
const tiles = state.handTiles;
let manzuCount = tiles.filter(t => MANZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
let pinzuCount = tiles.filter(t => PINZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
let souzuCount = tiles.filter(t => SOUZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
let charCount = tiles.filter(t => CHAR_TILES.includes(t)).length;
for (const huro of state.huros) {
const huroTiles = huro.type === 'cii' ? huro.tiles : huro.type === 'pon' ? [huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile] : [huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile];
manzuCount += huroTiles.filter(t => MANZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
pinzuCount += huroTiles.filter(t => PINZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
souzuCount += huroTiles.filter(t => SOUZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
charCount += huroTiles.filter(t => CHAR_TILES.includes(t)).length;
if (manzuCount > 0 && pinzuCount > 0) return false;
if (manzuCount > 0 && souzuCount > 0) return false;
if (pinzuCount > 0 && souzuCount > 0) return false;
if (charCount === 0) return false;
return true;
}, {
name: 'chinitsu',
fan: 6,
isYakuman: false,
kuisagari: true,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
const tiles = state.handTiles;
let manzuCount = tiles.filter(t => MANZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
let pinzuCount = tiles.filter(t => PINZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
let souzuCount = tiles.filter(t => SOUZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
let charCount = tiles.filter(t => CHAR_TILES.includes(t)).length;
for (const huro of state.huros) {
const huroTiles = huro.type === 'cii' ? huro.tiles : huro.type === 'pon' ? [huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile] : [huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile];
manzuCount += huroTiles.filter(t => MANZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
pinzuCount += huroTiles.filter(t => PINZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
souzuCount += huroTiles.filter(t => SOUZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
charCount += huroTiles.filter(t => CHAR_TILES.includes(t)).length;
if (charCount > 0) return false;
if (manzuCount > 0 && pinzuCount > 0) return false;
if (manzuCount > 0 && souzuCount > 0) return false;
if (pinzuCount > 0 && souzuCount > 0) return false;
return true;
}, {
name: 'iipeko',
fan: 1,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
// 面前じゃないとダメ
if (state.huros.some(huro => CALL_HURO_TYPES.includes(huro.type))) return false;
// 同じ順子が2つあるか?
return fourMentsuOneJyantou.mentsus.some((mentsu) =>
fourMentsuOneJyantou.mentsus.filter((mentsu2) =>
mentsu2[0] === mentsu[0] && mentsu2[1] === mentsu[1] && mentsu2[2] === mentsu[2]).length >= 2);
}, {
name: 'toitoi',
fan: 2,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
if (state.huros.length > 0) {
if (state.huros.some(huro => huro.type === 'cii')) return false;
// 全て刻子か?
if (!fourMentsuOneJyantou.mentsus.every((mentsu) => mentsu[0] === mentsu[1])) return false;
return true;
}, {
name: 'sananko',
fan: 2,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
}, {
name: 'sanshoku-dojun',
fan: 2,
isYakuman: false,
kuisagari: true,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
const shuntsus = fourMentsuOneJyantou.mentsus.filter(tiles => isShuntu(tiles));
for (const shuntsu of shuntsus) {
if (isManzu(shuntsu[0])) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => isPinzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], shuntsu[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[1], shuntsu[1]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[2], shuntsu[2]))) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => isSouzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], shuntsu[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[1], shuntsu[1]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[2], shuntsu[2]))) {
return true;
} else if (isPinzu(shuntsu[0])) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => isManzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], shuntsu[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[1], shuntsu[1]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[2], shuntsu[2]))) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => isSouzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], shuntsu[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[1], shuntsu[1]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[2], shuntsu[2]))) {
return true;
} else if (isSouzu(shuntsu[0])) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => isManzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], shuntsu[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[1], shuntsu[1]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[2], shuntsu[2]))) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => isPinzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], shuntsu[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[1], shuntsu[1]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[2], shuntsu[2]))) {
return true;
return false;
}, {
name: 'sanshoku-doko',
fan: 2,
isYakuman: false,
kuisagari: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
const kotsus = fourMentsuOneJyantou.mentsus.filter(tiles => isKotsu(tiles));
for (const kotsu of kotsus) {
if (isManzu(kotsu[0])) {
if (kotsus.some(tiles => isPinzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], kotsu[0]))) {
if (kotsus.some(tiles => isSouzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], kotsu[0]))) {
return true;
} else if (isPinzu(kotsu[0])) {
if (kotsus.some(tiles => isManzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], kotsu[0]))) {
if (kotsus.some(tiles => isSouzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], kotsu[0]))) {
return true;
} else if (isSouzu(kotsu[0])) {
if (kotsus.some(tiles => isManzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], kotsu[0]))) {
if (kotsus.some(tiles => isPinzu(tiles[0]) && isSameNumberTile(tiles[0], kotsu[0]))) {
return true;
return false;
}, {
name: 'ittsu',
fan: 2,
isYakuman: false,
kuisagari: true,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
const shuntsus = fourMentsuOneJyantou.mentsus.filter(tiles => isShuntu(tiles));
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => tiles[0] === 'm1' && tiles[1] === 'm2' && tiles[2] === 'm3')) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => tiles[0] === 'm4' && tiles[1] === 'm5' && tiles[2] === 'm6')) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => tiles[0] === 'm7' && tiles[1] === 'm8' && tiles[2] === 'm9')) {
return true;
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => tiles[0] === 'p1' && tiles[1] === 'p2' && tiles[2] === 'p3')) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => tiles[0] === 'p4' && tiles[1] === 'p5' && tiles[2] === 'p6')) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => tiles[0] === 'p7' && tiles[1] === 'p8' && tiles[2] === 'p9')) {
return true;
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => tiles[0] === 's1' && tiles[1] === 's2' && tiles[2] === 's3')) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => tiles[0] === 's4' && tiles[1] === 's5' && tiles[2] === 's6')) {
if (shuntsus.some(tiles => tiles[0] === 's7' && tiles[1] === 's8' && tiles[2] === 's9')) {
return true;
return false;
}, {
name: 'chitoitsu',
fan: 2,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (state.huros.length > 0) return false;
const countMap = new Map<TileType, number>();
for (const tile of state.handTiles) {
const count = (countMap.get(tile) ?? 0) + 1;
countMap.set(tile, count);
return Array.from(countMap.values()).every(c => c === 2);
}, {
name: 'shosangen',
fan: 2,
isYakuman: false,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
const kotsuTiles = fourMentsuOneJyantou.mentsus.filter(tiles => isKotsu(tiles)).map(tiles => tiles[0]);
for (const huro of state.huros) {
if (huro.type === 'cii') {
// nop
} else if (huro.type === 'pon') {
} else {
switch (fourMentsuOneJyantou.head) {
case 'haku': return kotsuTiles.includes('hatsu') && kotsuTiles.includes('chun');
case 'hatsu': return kotsuTiles.includes('haku') && kotsuTiles.includes('chun');
case 'chun': return kotsuTiles.includes('haku') && kotsuTiles.includes('hatsu');
return false;
}, {
name: 'daisangen',
fan: 13,
isYakuman: true,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
const kotsuTiles = fourMentsuOneJyantou.mentsus.filter(tiles => isKotsu(tiles)).map(tiles => tiles[0]);
for (const huro of state.huros) {
if (huro.type === 'cii') {
// nop
} else if (huro.type === 'pon') {
} else {
return kotsuTiles.includes('haku') && kotsuTiles.includes('hatsu') && kotsuTiles.includes('chun');
}, {
name: 'shosushi',
fan: 13,
isYakuman: true,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
let all = [...state.handTiles];
for (const huro of state.huros) {
if (huro.type === 'cii') {
all = [...all, ...huro.tiles];
} else if (huro.type === 'pon') {
all = [...all, huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile];
} else {
all = [...all, huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile];
switch (fourMentsuOneJyantou.head) {
case 'e': return (countTiles(all, 's') === 3) && (countTiles(all, 'w') === 3) && (countTiles(all, 'n') === 3);
case 's': return (countTiles(all, 'e') === 3) && (countTiles(all, 'w') === 3) && (countTiles(all, 'n') === 3);
case 'w': return (countTiles(all, 'e') === 3) && (countTiles(all, 's') === 3) && (countTiles(all, 'n') === 3);
case 'n': return (countTiles(all, 'e') === 3) && (countTiles(all, 's') === 3) && (countTiles(all, 'w') === 3);
return false;
}, {
name: 'daisushi',
fan: 13,
isYakuman: true,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
const kotsuTiles = fourMentsuOneJyantou.mentsus.filter(tiles => isKotsu(tiles)).map(tiles => tiles[0]);
for (const huro of state.huros) {
if (huro.type === 'cii') {
// nop
} else if (huro.type === 'pon') {
} else {
return kotsuTiles.includes('e') && kotsuTiles.includes('s') && kotsuTiles.includes('w') && kotsuTiles.includes('n');
}, {
name: 'tsuiso',
fan: 13,
isYakuman: true,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
const tiles = state.handTiles;
let manzuCount = tiles.filter(t => MANZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
let pinzuCount = tiles.filter(t => PINZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
let souzuCount = tiles.filter(t => SOUZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
for (const huro of state.huros) {
const huroTiles = huro.type === 'cii' ? huro.tiles : huro.type === 'pon' ? [huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile] : [huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile];
manzuCount += huroTiles.filter(t => MANZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
pinzuCount += huroTiles.filter(t => PINZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
souzuCount += huroTiles.filter(t => SOUZU_TILES.includes(t)).length;
if (manzuCount > 0 || pinzuCount > 0 || souzuCount > 0) return false;
return true;
}, {
name: 'ryuiso',
fan: 13,
isYakuman: true,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
if (fourMentsuOneJyantou == null) return false;
if (state.handTiles.some(t => !RYUISO_TILES.includes(t))) return false;
for (const huro of state.huros) {
const huroTiles = huro.type === 'cii' ? huro.tiles : huro.type === 'pon' ? [huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile] : [huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile, huro.tile];
if (huroTiles.some(t => !RYUISO_TILES.includes(t))) return false;
return true;
}, {
name: 'kokushi',
fan: 13,
isYakuman: true,
calc: (state: EnvForCalcYaku, fourMentsuOneJyantou: FourMentsuOneJyantou | null) => {
return KOKUSHI_TILES.every(t => state.handTiles.includes(t));
export function calcYakus(state: EnvForCalcYaku): YakuName[] {
const oneHeadFourMentsuPatterns: (FourMentsuOneJyantou | null)[] = analyzeFourMentsuOneJyantou(state.handTiles);
if (oneHeadFourMentsuPatterns.length === 0) oneHeadFourMentsuPatterns.push(null);
const yakuPatterns = => {
return => {
const result = yakuDef.calc(state, fourMentsuOneJyantou);
return result ? yakuDef : null;
}).filter(yaku => yaku != null) as YakuDefiniyion[];
}).filter(yakus => yakus.length > 0);
const isMenzen = state.huros.some(huro => CALL_HURO_TYPES.includes(huro.type));
let maxYakus = yakuPatterns[0];
let maxFan = 0;
for (const yakus of yakuPatterns) {
let fan = 0;
for (const yaku of yakus) {
if (yaku.kuisagari && !isMenzen) {
fan += - 1;
} else {
fan +=;
if (fan > maxFan) {
maxFan = fan;
maxYakus = yakus;
return =>;
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class StateManager {
// TODO: ポンされるなどして自分の河にない場合の考慮
if (this.hoTileTypes[house].includes($type(tid))) return false;
if (!Common.canHora(this.handTileTypes[house].concat($type(tid)))) return false; // 完成形じゃない
if (!Common.isAgarikei(this.handTileTypes[house].concat($type(tid)))) return false; // 完成形じゃない
//const yakus = YAKU_DEFINITIONS.filter(yaku => yaku.calc(this.state, { tsumoTile: null, ronTile: tile }));
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ export class MasterGameEngine {
if (tx.$state.riichis[house]) throw new Error('Already riichi');
const tempHandTiles = [...tx.handTileTypes[house]];
tempHandTiles.splice(tempHandTiles.indexOf($type(tid)), 1);
if (Common.getHoraTiles(tempHandTiles).length === 0) throw new Error('Not tenpai');
if (!Common.isTenpai(tempHandTiles)) throw new Error('Not tenpai');
if (tx.$state.points[house] < 1000) throw new Error('Not enough points');
@ -217,8 +217,12 @@ export class PlayerGameEngine {
this.state.turn = null;
if (house === this.myHouse) {
this.state.canRon = null;
this.state.canPon = null;
this.state.canKan = null;
this.state.canCii = null;
} else {
const canRon = Common.canHora(this.myHandTiles.concat(tid).map(id => $type(id)));
const canRon = Common.isAgarikei(this.myHandTiles.concat(tid).map(id => $type(id)));
const canPon = !this.isMeRiichi && this.myHandTileTypes.filter(t => t === $type(tid)).length === 2;
const canKan = !this.isMeRiichi && this.myHandTileTypes.filter(t => t === $type(tid)).length === 3;
const canCii = !this.isMeRiichi && house === Common.prevHouse(this.myHouse) &&
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import * as assert from 'node:assert';
import { calcYakus } from '../src/common.yaku.js';
describe('Yaku', () => {
describe('Riichi', () => {
it('valid', () => {
house: 'e',
handTiles: ['m1', 'm2', 'm3', 'p6', 'p6', 'p6', 's6', 's7', 's8', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'm3', 'm3'],
huros: [],
riichi: true,
}), ['riichi']);
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
"exclude": [
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