import Vuex from 'vuex';
import createPersistedState from 'vuex-persistedstate';
import * as nestedProperty from 'nested-property';
import { apiUrl } from './config';

const defaultSettings = {
	tutorial: 0,
	keepCw: false,
	showFullAcct: false,
	rememberNoteVisibility: false,
	defaultNoteVisibility: 'public',
	defaultNoteLocalOnly: false,
	uploadFolder: null,
	pastedFileName: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss [{{number}}]',
	memo: null,
	reactions: ['👍', '❤️', '😆', '🤔', '😮', '🎉', '💢', '😥', '😇', '🍮'],

const defaultDeviceUserSettings = {
	visibility: 'public',
	localOnly: false,
	widgets: [],
	tl: {
		src: 'home'

const defaultDeviceSettings = {
	lang: null,
	loadRawImages: false,
	alwaysShowNsfw: false,
	useOsNativeEmojis: false,
	autoReload: false,
	accounts: [],
	recentEmojis: [],
	themes: [],
	darkTheme: '8c539dc1-0fab-4d47-9194-39c508e9bfe1',
	lightTheme: '4eea646f-7afa-4645-83e9-83af0333cd37',
	darkMode: false,
	syncDeviceDarkMode: true,
	animation: true,
	animatedMfm: true,
	imageNewTab: false,
	showFixedPostForm: false,
	disablePagesScript: true,
	sfxVolume: 0.3,
	sfxNote: 'syuilo/down',
	sfxNoteMy: 'syuilo/up',
	sfxNotification: 'syuilo/pope2',
	sfxChat: 'syuilo/pope1',
	sfxChatBg: 'syuilo/waon',
	sfxAntenna: 'syuilo/triple',
	userData: {},

function copy<T>(data: T): T {
	return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));

export default () => new Vuex.Store({
	plugins: [createPersistedState({
		paths: ['i', 'device', 'deviceUser', 'settings', 'instance']

	state: {
		i: null,
		pendingApiRequestsCount: 0,
		spinner: null

	getters: {
		isSignedIn: state => state.i != null,

	mutations: {
		updateI(state, x) {
			state.i = x;

		updateIKeyValue(state, x) {
			state.i[x.key] = x.value;

	actions: {
		async login(ctx, i) {
			ctx.commit('updateI', i);
			ctx.commit('settings/init', i.clientData);
			ctx.commit('deviceUser/init', ctx.state.device.userData[] || {});
			await ctx.dispatch('addAcount', { id:, i: localStorage.getItem('i') });

		addAcount(ctx, info) {
			if (!ctx.state.device.accounts.some(x => === {
				ctx.commit('device/set', {
					key: 'accounts',
					value: ctx.state.device.accounts.concat([{ id:, token: info.i }])

		logout(ctx) {
			ctx.commit('device/setUserData', { userId:, data: ctx.state.deviceUser });
			ctx.commit('updateI', null);
			ctx.commit('settings/init', {});
			ctx.commit('deviceUser/init', {});
			document.cookie = `igi=; path=/`;

		async switchAccount(ctx, i) {
			ctx.commit('device/setUserData', { userId:, data: ctx.state.deviceUser });
			localStorage.setItem('i', i.token);
			await ctx.dispatch('login', i);

		mergeMe(ctx, me) {
			for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(me)) {
				ctx.commit('updateIKeyValue', { key, value });

			if (me.clientData) {
				ctx.commit('settings/init', me.clientData);

		api(ctx, { endpoint, data, token }) {
			if (++ctx.state.pendingApiRequestsCount === 1) {
				// TODO: spinnerの表示はstoreでやらない
				ctx.state.spinner = document.createElement('div');
				ctx.state.spinner.setAttribute('id', 'wait');

			const onFinally = () => {
				if (--ctx.state.pendingApiRequestsCount === 0) ctx.state.spinner.parentNode.removeChild(ctx.state.spinner);

			const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
				// Append a credential
				if (ctx.getters.isSignedIn) (data as any).i = ctx.state.i.token;
				if (token !== undefined) (data as any).i = token;

				// Send request
				fetch(endpoint.indexOf('://') > -1 ? endpoint : `${apiUrl}/${endpoint}`, {
					method: 'POST',
					body: JSON.stringify(data),
					credentials: 'omit',
					cache: 'no-cache'
				}).then(async (res) => {
					const body = res.status === 204 ? null : await res.json();

					if (res.status === 200) {
					} else if (res.status === 204) {
					} else {

			promise.then(onFinally, onFinally);

			return promise;

	modules: {
		instance: {
			namespaced: true,

			state: {
				meta: null

			mutations: {
				set(state, meta) {
					state.meta = meta;

			actions: {
				async fetch(ctx) {
					const meta = await ctx.dispatch('api', {
						endpoint: 'meta',
						data: {
							detail: false
					}, { root: true });

					ctx.commit('set', meta);

		device: {
			namespaced: true,

			state: defaultDeviceSettings,

			mutations: {
				set(state, x: { key: string; value: any }) {
					state[x.key] = x.value;

				setUserData(state, x: { userId: string; data: any }) {
					state.userData[x.userId] = copy(;

		deviceUser: {
			namespaced: true,

			state: defaultDeviceUserSettings,

			mutations: {
				init(state, x) {
					for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(defaultDeviceUserSettings)) {
						if (x[key]) {
							state[key] = x[key];
						} else {
							state[key] = value;

				set(state, x: { key: string; value: any }) {
					state[x.key] = x.value;

				setTl(state, x) { = {
						src: x.src,
						arg: x.arg

				setVisibility(state, visibility) {
					state.visibility = visibility;

				setLocalOnly(state, localOnly) {
					state.localOnly = localOnly;

				setWidgets(state, widgets) {
					state.widgets = widgets;

				addWidget(state, widget) {

				removeWidget(state, widget) {
					state.widgets = state.widgets.filter(w => !=;

				updateWidget(state, x) {
					const w = state.widgets.find(w => ===;
					if (w) { =;

		settings: {
			namespaced: true,

			state: defaultSettings,

			mutations: {
				set(state, x: { key: string; value: any }) {
					nestedProperty.set(state, x.key, x.value);

				init(state, x) {
					for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(defaultSettings)) {
						if (x[key]) {
							state[key] = x[key];
						} else {
							state[key] = value;

			actions: {
				set(ctx, x) {
					ctx.commit('set', x);

					if (ctx.rootGetters.isSignedIn) {
						ctx.dispatch('api', {
							endpoint: 'i/update-client-setting',
							data: {
								name: x.key,
								value: x.value
						}, { root: true });