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synced 2025-03-13 23:05:32 +00:00
New Crowdin updates (#11388)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Uzbek)
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 15 additions and 6 deletions
@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ copyNoteId: "Copier l'identifiant de la note"
copyFileId: "Copier l'identifiant du fichier"
copyFolderId: "Copier l'identifiant du dossier"
copyProfileUrl: "Copier l'URL du profil"
searchUser: "Chercher un·e utilisateur·rice"
searchUser: "Chercher un utilisateur"
reply: "Répondre"
loadMore: "Afficher plus …"
showMore: "Afficher plus …"
showMore: "Voir plus"
showLess: "Fermer"
youGotNewFollower: "Vous suit"
receiveFollowRequest: "Demande d’abonnement reçue"
@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ import: "Importer"
export: "Exporter"
files: "Fichiers"
download: "Télécharger"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir supprimer le fichier \"{name}\" ? Les notes liées à ce fichier seront aussi supprimées."
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le fichier \"{name}\" ? Les notes liées à ce fichier seront aussi supprimées."
unfollowConfirm: "Désirez-vous vous désabonner de {name} ?"
exportRequested: "Vous avez demandé une exportation. L’opération pourrait prendre un peu de temps. Une terminée, le fichier résultant sera ajouté au Drive."
importRequested: "Vous avez initié un import. Cela pourrait prendre un peu de temps."
lists: "Listes"
noLists: "Vous n’avez aucune liste"
note: "Notes"
note: "Note"
notes: "Notes"
following: "Abonnements"
followers: "Abonné·e·s"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
_lang_: "O'zbek tili "
headlineMisskey: "Qaydlar bilan bog'langan tarmoq"
_lang_: "O'zbek tili"
headlineMisskey: "Qaydlar tarmog'i"
introMisskey: "Xush kelibsiz! Misskey ochiq kodli, markazlashmagan mikroblogging xizmati.\nO'zingizni fikrlaringizni atrofingizdagilar bilan ulashish uchun \"Qaydlar\" yarating. 📡\nUstiga-ustak, \"Reaktsiyalar\" yordamida siz boshqalarning xatlari haqidagi o'zingizni xissiyotlaringizni tez ravishda bildiring. 👍\nQani, yangi dunyoni kashf qilaylik! 🚀"
poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} ochiq manbali <b>Misskey</b>(\"Misskey instance\" deb ataladi) platformasi tomonidan qurilgan servislardan biri. "
monthAndDay: "{day}/{month}"
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ youShouldUpgradeClient: "Iltimos, ushbu sahifani ko'rish uchun sahifani yangilan
enterListName: "Ro'yxatga nom kiriting"
privacy: "Maxfiylik"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "Yopiq akkaunt"
defaultNoteVisibility: "Standart ko'rinish"
follow: "Obuna bo‘lish"
followRequest: "Obuna bo'lish uchun ruxsat olish"
followRequests: "Obuna bo'lmoqchilar"
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ renote: "Qayta qaydetish"
unrenote: "Qayta qayd etishni bekor qilish"
renoted: "Qayta qaydetildi"
cantRenote: "Qyta qayd etish mumkin emas"
cantReRenote: "Repostni qayta joylashtirish mumkin emas."
quote: "Iqtibos keltirish"
inChannelRenote: "Faqat kanalga qayta qayd etish"
inChannelQuote: "Kanaldagi eslatmalar"
@ -119,8 +121,11 @@ add: "Qo'shish"
reaction: "Reaktsiyalar"
reactions: "Reaktsiyalar"
reactionSetting: "Reaksiyalar ro'yxatingiz "
reactionSettingDescription2: "Qayta tartiblash uchun ushlab turib siljiting, oʻchirish uchun bosing, qoʻshish uchun “+” tugmasini bosing."
rememberNoteVisibility: "Qaydning ko'rinish sozlamarini eslab qolish"
attachCancel: "Qo'shimchani olib tashlash"
markAsSensitive: "\"Hamma ko'rishi mumkin emas\" deb belgilash"
unmarkAsSensitive: "\"Hamma ko'rishi mumkin\" deb belgilash"
enterFileName: "Fayl nomini kiriting"
mute: "Ovozni o‘chirish"
unmute: "Ovozni yoqish"
@ -152,11 +157,14 @@ settingGuide: "Tavsiya qilingan sozlamalar"
cacheRemoteFiles: "Tashqi fayllarni keshlash"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "Ushbu sozlama o'chirilgan bo'lsa tashqi fayllar bevosita tashqi serverdan yuklanadi. Buni o'chirish ombor ishlatilishini kamaytiradi, lekin traffikni ko'paytiradi, chunki eskizlar generatsiya qilinmaydi."
cacheRemoteSensitiveFiles: "Tashqi fayllarni keshlash"
cacheRemoteSensitiveFilesDescription: "Bu sozlama oʻchiq boʻlsa, \"barcha ko'rishi mumkin bo'lmagan\" fayllar keshlashsiz toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri masofaviy serverdan yuklanadi."
flagAsBot: "Ushbu akkauntni bot sifatida belgilash"
flagAsBotDescription: "Agar bu akkaunt bot tomonidan boshqaralayotgan bo'ls, bu sozlamani yoqing. Sozlama yoqilganda, boshqa foydalanuvchilar uchun belgi sifatida ishlaydi, va Misskey ichki tizimlari bu akkauntni bot ekanini biladi."
flagAsCat: "Bu akkauntni mushuk sifatida belgilash"
flagAsCatDescription: "Ushbu akkauntni mushuk sifatida belgilash uchun ushbu sozlamani yoqing."
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Javbolarni xronogoliya bo'yicha ko'rsatish"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Bu parametr yoqilganda, lentada foydalanuvchi xabarlariga javob berilgan xabarlar ham ko'rinadi"
autoAcceptFollowed: "Obunachilarni avtomatik ravishda qabul qilish"
addAccount: "Akkaunt qo'shish"
reloadAccountsList: "Hisoblar ro'yxatini yangilash"
loginFailed: "Tizimga kirishda xatolik yuz berdi"
@ -176,6 +184,7 @@ annotation: "Izohlar"
federation: "Federatsiya"
instances: "Serverlar"
registeredAt: "Ro'yhatdan o'tgan"
latestRequestReceivedAt: "Oxirgi qabul qilingan so'rov"
latestStatus: "So'nggi holat"
storageUsage: "Ishlatilgan xotira"
charts: "Diagrammalar"
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