/* * Tests of API */ import * as http from 'http'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as assert from 'chai'; assert.use(require('chai-http')); const expect = assert.expect; //#region process Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; // During the test the env variable is set to test process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test'; // Display detail of unhandled promise rejection process.on('unhandledRejection', console.dir); //#endregion const app = require('../built/server/api').default; const db = require('../built/db/mongodb').default; const server = http.createServer(app.callback()); //#region Utilities const async = (fn: Function) => (done: Function) => { fn().then(() => { done(); }, (err: Error) => { done(err); }); }; const request = async (endpoint: string, params: any, me?: any): Promise<ChaiHttp.Response> => { const auth = me ? { i: me.token } : {}; const res = await assert.request(server) .post(endpoint) .send(Object.assign(auth, params)); return res; }; const signup = async (params?: any): Promise<any> => { const q = Object.assign({ username: 'test', password: 'test' }, params); const res = await request('/signup', q); return res.body; }; const post = async (user: any, params?: any): Promise<any> => { const q = Object.assign({ text: 'test' }, params); const res = await request('/notes/create', q, user); return res.body.createdNote; }; const react = async (user: any, note: any, reaction: string): Promise<any> => { await request('/notes/reactions/create', { noteId: note.id, reaction: reaction }, user); }; const uploadFile = async (user: any): Promise<any> => { const res = await assert.request(server) .post('/drive/files/create') .field('i', user.token) .attach('file', fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/resources/Lenna.png'), 'Lenna.png'); return res.body; }; //#endregion describe('API', () => { // Reset database each test beforeEach(() => Promise.all([ db.get('users').drop(), db.get('posts').drop(), db.get('driveFiles.files').drop(), db.get('driveFiles.chunks').drop(), db.get('driveFolders').drop(), db.get('apps').drop(), db.get('accessTokens').drop(), db.get('authSessions').drop() ])); describe('signup', () => { it('不正なユーザー名でアカウントが作成できない', async(async () => { const res = await request('/signup', { username: 'test.', password: 'test' }); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('空のパスワードでアカウントが作成できない', async(async () => { const res = await request('/signup', { username: 'test', password: '' }); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('正しくアカウントが作成できる', async(async () => { const me = { username: 'test', password: 'test' }; const res = await request('/signup', me); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('username').eql(me.username); })); it('同じユーザー名のアカウントは作成できない', async(async () => { await signup({ username: 'test' }); const res = await request('/signup', { username: 'test', password: 'test' }); expect(res).have.status(400); })); }); describe('signin', () => { it('間違ったパスワードでサインインできない', async(async () => { await signup({ username: 'test', password: 'foo' }); const res = await request('/signin', { username: 'test', password: 'bar' }); expect(res).have.status(403); })); it('クエリをインジェクションできない', async(async () => { await signup({ username: 'test' }); const res = await request('/signin', { username: 'test', password: { $gt: '' } }); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('正しい情報でサインインできる', async(async () => { await signup({ username: 'test', password: 'foo' }); const res = await request('/signin', { username: 'test', password: 'foo' }); expect(res).have.status(204); })); }); describe('i/update', () => { it('アカウント設定を更新できる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const myName = '大室櫻子'; const myLocation = '七森中'; const myBirthday = '2000-09-07'; const res = await request('/i/update', { name: myName, location: myLocation, birthday: myBirthday }, me); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('name').eql(myName); expect(res.body).have.nested.property('profile').a('object'); expect(res.body).have.nested.property('profile.location').eql(myLocation); expect(res.body).have.nested.property('profile.birthday').eql(myBirthday); })); it('名前を空白にできない', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/i/update', { name: ' ' }, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('誕生日の設定を削除できる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); await request('/i/update', { birthday: '2000-09-07' }, me); const res = await request('/i/update', { birthday: null }, me); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.nested.property('profile').a('object'); expect(res.body).have.nested.property('profile.birthday').eql(null); })); it('不正な誕生日の形式で怒られる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/i/update', { birthday: '2000/09/07' }, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); }); describe('users/show', () => { it('ユーザーが取得できる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/users/show', { userId: me.id }, me); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('id').eql(me.id); })); it('ユーザーが存在しなかったら怒る', async(async () => { const res = await request('/users/show', { userId: '000000000000000000000000' }); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('間違ったIDで怒られる', async(async () => { const res = await request('/users/show', { userId: 'kyoppie' }); expect(res).have.status(400); })); }); describe('notes/create', () => { it('投稿できる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const post = { text: 'test' }; const res = await request('/notes/create', post, me); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('createdNote'); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('text').eql(post.text); })); it('ファイルを添付できる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const file = await uploadFile(me); const res = await request('/notes/create', { fileIds: [file.id] }, me); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('createdNote'); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('fileIds').eql([file.id]); })); it('他人のファイルは無視', async(async () => { const me = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const file = await uploadFile(bob); const res = await request('/notes/create', { fileIds: [file.id] }, me); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('createdNote'); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('fileIds').eql([]); })); it('存在しないファイルは無視', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/notes/create', { fileIds: ['000000000000000000000000'] }, me); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('createdNote'); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('fileIds').eql([]); })); it('不正なファイルIDで怒られる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/notes/create', { fileIds: ['kyoppie'] }, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('返信できる', async(async () => { const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const bobPost = await post(bob); const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const alicePost = { text: 'test', replyId: bobPost.id }; const res = await request('/notes/create', alicePost, alice); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('createdNote'); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('text').eql(alicePost.text); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('replyId').eql(alicePost.replyId); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('reply'); expect(res.body.createdNote.reply).have.property('text').eql(alicePost.text); })); it('renoteできる', async(async () => { const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const bobPost = await post(bob, { text: 'test' }); const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const alicePost = { renoteId: bobPost.id }; const res = await request('/notes/create', alicePost, alice); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('createdNote'); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('renoteId').eql(alicePost.renoteId); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('renote'); expect(res.body.createdNote.renote).have.property('text').eql(bobPost.text); })); it('引用renoteできる', async(async () => { const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const bobPost = await post(bob, { text: 'test' }); const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const alicePost = { text: 'test', renoteId: bobPost.id }; const res = await request('/notes/create', alicePost, alice); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('createdNote'); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('text').eql(alicePost.text); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('renoteId').eql(alicePost.renoteId); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('renote'); expect(res.body.createdNote.renote).have.property('text').eql(bobPost.text); })); it('文字数ぎりぎりで怒られない', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const post = { text: '!'.repeat(1000) }; const res = await request('/notes/create', post, me); expect(res).have.status(200); })); it('文字数オーバーで怒られる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const post = { text: '!'.repeat(1001) }; const res = await request('/notes/create', post, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('存在しないリプライ先で怒られる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const post = { text: 'test', replyId: '000000000000000000000000' }; const res = await request('/notes/create', post, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('存在しないrenote対象で怒られる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const post = { renoteId: '000000000000000000000000' }; const res = await request('/notes/create', post, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('不正なリプライ先IDで怒られる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const post = { text: 'test', replyId: 'foo' }; const res = await request('/notes/create', post, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('不正なrenote対象IDで怒られる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const post = { renoteId: 'foo' }; const res = await request('/notes/create', post, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('投票を添付できる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/notes/create', { text: 'test', poll: { choices: ['foo', 'bar'] } }, me); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('createdNote'); expect(res.body.createdNote).have.property('poll'); })); it('投票の選択肢が無くて怒られる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/notes/create', { poll: {} }, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('投票の選択肢が無くて怒られる (空の配列)', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/notes/create', { poll: { choices: [] } }, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('投票の選択肢が1つで怒られる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/notes/create', { poll: { choices: ['Strawberry Pasta'] } }, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); }); describe('notes/show', () => { it('投稿が取得できる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const myPost = await post(me, { text: 'test' }); const res = await request('/notes/show', { noteId: myPost.id }, me); expect(res).have.status(200); expect(res.body).be.a('object'); expect(res.body).have.property('id').eql(myPost.id); expect(res.body).have.property('text').eql(myPost.text); })); it('投稿が存在しなかったら怒る', async(async () => { const res = await request('/notes/show', { noteId: '000000000000000000000000' }); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('間違ったIDで怒られる', async(async () => { const res = await request('/notes/show', { noteId: 'kyoppie' }); expect(res).have.status(400); })); }); describe('notes/reactions/create', () => { it('リアクションできる', async(async () => { const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const bobPost = await post(bob); const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const res = await request('/notes/reactions/create', { noteId: bobPost.id, reaction: 'like' }, alice); expect(res).have.status(204); })); it('自分の投稿にはリアクションできない', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const myPost = await post(me); const res = await request('/notes/reactions/create', { noteId: myPost.id, reaction: 'like' }, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('二重にリアクションできない', async(async () => { const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const bobPost = await post(bob); const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); await react(alice, bobPost, 'like'); const res = await request('/notes/reactions/create', { noteId: bobPost.id, reaction: 'like' }, alice); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('存在しない投稿にはリアクションできない', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/notes/reactions/create', { noteId: '000000000000000000000000', reaction: 'like' }, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('空のパラメータで怒られる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/notes/reactions/create', {}, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); it('間違ったIDで怒られる', async(async () => { const me = await signup(); const res = await request('/notes/reactions/create', { noteId: 'kyoppie', reaction: 'like' }, me); expect(res).have.status(400); })); }); });