<div class="mk-app" v-hotkey.global="keymap">
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				<fa :icon="faSearch"/>
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			<button v-if="$store.getters.isSignedIn" class="post _buttonPrimary" @click="post()"><fa :icon="faPencilAlt"/></button>
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				<button class="item _button account" @click="openAccountMenu" v-if="$store.getters.isSignedIn">
					<mk-avatar :user="$store.state.i" class="avatar"/><mk-acct class="text" :user="$store.state.i"/>
				<button class="item _button index active" @click="top()" v-if="$route.name === 'index'">
					<fa :icon="faHome" fixed-width/><span class="text">{{ $store.getters.isSignedIn ? $t('timeline') : $t('home') }}</span>
				<router-link class="item index" active-class="active" to="/" exact v-else>
					<fa :icon="faHome" fixed-width/><span class="text">{{ $store.getters.isSignedIn ? $t('timeline') : $t('home') }}</span>
				<template v-for="item in menu">
					<div v-if="item === '-'" class="divider"></div>
					<component v-else-if="menuDef[item] && (menuDef[item].show !== false)" :is="menuDef[item].to ? 'router-link' : 'button'" class="item _button" :class="item" active-class="active" @click="() => { if (menuDef[item].action) menuDef[item].action() }" :to="menuDef[item].to">
						<fa :icon="menuDef[item].icon" fixed-width/><span class="text">{{ $t(menuDef[item].title) }}</span>
						<i v-if="menuDef[item].indicated"><fa :icon="faCircle"/></i>
				<div class="divider"></div>
				<button class="item _button" :class="{ active: $route.path === '/instance' || $route.path.startsWith('/instance/') }" v-if="$store.getters.isSignedIn && ($store.state.i.isAdmin || $store.state.i.isModerator)" @click="oepnInstanceMenu">
					<fa :icon="faServer" fixed-width/><span class="text">{{ $t('instance') }}</span>
				<button class="item _button" @click="more">
					<fa :icon="faEllipsisH" fixed-width/><span class="text">{{ $t('more') }}</span>
					<i v-if="otherNavItemIndicated"><fa :icon="faCircle"/></i>
				<router-link class="item" active-class="active" to="/preferences">
					<fa :icon="faCog" fixed-width/><span class="text">{{ $t('settings') }}</span>

	<div class="contents" ref="contents" :class="{ wallpaper }">
		<main ref="main">
			<div class="content">
				<transition :name="$store.state.device.animation ? 'page' : ''" mode="out-in" @enter="onTransition">
					<keep-alive :include="['index']">
			<div class="powerd-by" :class="{ visible: !$store.getters.isSignedIn }">
				<b><router-link to="/">{{ host }}</router-link></b>
				<small>Powered by <a href="https://github.com/syuilo/misskey" target="_blank">Misskey</a></small>

		<template v-if="isDesktop">
			<div class="widgets" :class="{ edit: widgetsEditMode, fixed: $store.state.device.fixedWidgetsPosition }" v-for="place in ['left', 'right']" :key="place">
				<template v-if="widgetsEditMode">
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						<div v-for="widget in widgets[place]" class="customize-container _panel" :key="widget.id">
								<span class="handle"><fa :icon="faBars"/></span>{{ $t('_widgets.' + widget.name) }}<button class="remove _button" @click="removeWidget(widget)"><fa :icon="faTimes"/></button>
							<div @click="widgetFunc(widget.id)">
								<component :is="`mkw-${widget.name}`" :widget="widget" :ref="widget.id" :is-customize-mode="true"/>
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		<button v-if="$route.name === 'index'" class="button home _button" @click="top()"><fa :icon="faHome"/></button>
		<button v-else class="button home _button" @click="$router.push('/')"><fa :icon="faHome"/></button>
		<button v-if="$store.getters.isSignedIn" class="button notifications _button" @click="$router.push('/my/notifications')"><fa :icon="faBell"/><i v-if="$store.state.i.hasUnreadNotification"><fa :icon="faCircle"/></i></button>
		<button v-if="$store.getters.isSignedIn" class="button post _buttonPrimary" @click="post()"><fa :icon="faPencilAlt"/></button>

	<button v-if="$store.getters.isSignedIn" class="post _buttonPrimary" @click="post()"><fa :icon="faPencilAlt"/></button>

	<stream-indicator v-if="$store.getters.isSignedIn"/>

<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import { faGripVertical, faChevronLeft, faHashtag, faBroadcastTower, faFireAlt, faEllipsisH, faPencilAlt, faBars, faTimes, faSearch, faUserCog, faCog, faUser, faHome, faStar, faCircle, faAt, faListUl, faPlus, faUserClock, faUsers, faTachometerAlt, faExchangeAlt, faGlobe, faChartBar, faCloud, faServer, faInfoCircle, faQuestionCircle, faProjectDiagram } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { faBell, faEnvelope, faLaugh, faComments } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
import { ResizeObserver } from '@juggle/resize-observer';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import { host, instanceName } from './config';
import { search } from './scripts/search';


export default Vue.extend({
	components: {
		XClock: () => import('./components/header-clock.vue').then(m => m.default),
		MkButton: () => import('./components/ui/button.vue').then(m => m.default),
		XDraggable: () => import('vuedraggable'),

	data() {
		return {
			host: host,
			pageKey: 0,
			showNav: false,
			searching: false,
			accounts: [],
			lists: [],
			connection: null,
			searchQuery: '',
			searchWait: false,
			widgetsEditMode: false,
			menuDef: this.$store.getters.nav({
				search: this.search
			isDesktop: window.innerWidth >= DESKTOP_THRESHOLD,
			canBack: false,
			wallpaper: localStorage.getItem('wallpaper') != null,
			faGripVertical, faChevronLeft, faComments, faHashtag, faBroadcastTower, faFireAlt, faEllipsisH, faPencilAlt, faBars, faTimes, faBell, faSearch, faUserCog, faCog, faUser, faHome, faStar, faCircle, faAt, faEnvelope, faListUl, faPlus, faUserClock, faLaugh, faUsers, faTachometerAlt, faExchangeAlt, faGlobe, faChartBar, faCloud, faServer, faProjectDiagram

	computed: {
		keymap(): any {
			return {
				'p': this.post,
				'n': this.post,
				's': this.search,
				'h|/': this.help

		widgets(): any[] {
			if (this.$store.getters.isSignedIn) {
				const widgets = this.$store.state.deviceUser.widgets;
				return {
					left: widgets.filter(x => x.place === 'left'),
					right: widgets.filter(x => x.place == null || x.place === 'right'),
					mobile: widgets.filter(x => x.place === 'mobile'),
			} else {
				return {
					left: [],
					right: [{
						name: 'welcome',
						id: 'a', place: 'right', data: {}
					}, {
						name: 'calendar',
						id: 'b', place: 'right', data: {}
					}, {
						name: 'trends',
						id: 'c', place: 'right', data: {}
					mobile: [],

		menu(): string[] {
			return this.$store.state.deviceUser.menu;

		otherNavItemIndicated(): boolean {
			if (!this.$store.getters.isSignedIn) return false;
			for (const def in this.menuDef) {
				if (this.menu.includes(def)) continue;
				if (this.menuDef[def].indicated) return true;
			return false;

		navIndicated(): boolean {
			if (!this.$store.getters.isSignedIn) return false;
			for (const def in this.menuDef) {
				if (def === 'timeline') continue;
				if (def === 'notifications') continue;
				if (this.menuDef[def].indicated) return true;
			return false;

		$route(to, from) {
			this.showNav = false;
			this.canBack = (window.history.length > 0 && !['index'].includes(to.name));

	created() {
		if (this.$store.getters.isSignedIn) {
			this.connection = this.$root.stream.useSharedConnection('main');
			this.connection.on('notification', this.onNotification);

			if (this.$store.state.deviceUser.widgets.length === 0) {
				this.$store.commit('deviceUser/setWidgets', [{
					name: 'calendar',
					id: 'a', place: 'right', data: {}
				}, {
					name: 'notifications',
					id: 'b', place: 'right', data: {}
				}, {
					name: 'trends',
					id: 'c', place: 'right', data: {}

	mounted() {
		const adjustTitlePosition = () => {
			const left = this.$refs.main.getBoundingClientRect().left - this.$refs.nav.offsetWidth;
			if (left >= 0) {
				this.$refs.title.style.left = left + 'px';


		const ro = new ResizeObserver((entries, observer) => {


		window.addEventListener('resize', adjustTitlePosition, { passive: true });

		if (!this.isDesktop) {
			window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
				if (window.innerWidth >= DESKTOP_THRESHOLD) this.isDesktop = true;
			}, { passive: true });

	methods: {
		top() {
			window.scroll({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' });

		help() {

		back() {
			if (this.canBack) window.history.back();

		onTransition() {
			if (window._scroll) window._scroll();

		post() {

		search() {
			if (this.searching) return;

				title: this.$t('search'),
				input: true
			}).then(async ({ canceled, result: query }) => {
				if (canceled || query == null || query === '') return;

				this.searching = true;
				search(this, query).finally(() => {
					this.searching = false;

		searchKeypress(e) {
			if (e.keyCode === 13) {
				this.searchWait = true;
				search(this, this.searchQuery).finally(() => {
					this.searchWait = false;
					this.searchQuery = '';

		async openAccountMenu(ev) {
			const accounts = (await this.$root.api('users/show', { userIds: this.$store.state.device.accounts.map(x => x.id) })).filter(x => x.id !== this.$store.state.i.id);

			const accountItems = accounts.map(account => ({
				type: 'user',
				user: account,
				action: () => { this.switchAccount(account); }

				items: [...[{
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('profile'),
					to: `/@${ this.$store.state.i.username }`,
					avatar: this.$store.state.i,
				}, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('accountSettings'),
					to: '/my/settings',
					icon: faCog,
				}, null, ...accountItems, {
					icon: faPlus,
					text: this.$t('addAcount'),
					action: () => {
							items: [{
								text: this.$t('existingAcount'),
								action: () => { this.addAcount(); },
							}, {
								text: this.$t('createAccount'),
								action: () => { this.createAccount(); },
							align: 'left',
							fixed: true,
							width: 240,
							source: ev.currentTarget || ev.target,
				align: 'left',
				fixed: true,
				width: 240,
				source: ev.currentTarget || ev.target,

		oepnInstanceMenu(ev) {
				items: [{
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('dashboard'),
					to: '/instance',
					icon: faTachometerAlt,
				}, null, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('settings'),
					to: '/instance/settings',
					icon: faCog,
				}, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('customEmojis'),
					to: '/instance/emojis',
					icon: faLaugh,
				}, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('users'),
					to: '/instance/users',
					icon: faUsers,
				}, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('files'),
					to: '/instance/files',
					icon: faCloud,
				}, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('jobQueue'),
					to: '/instance/queue',
					icon: faExchangeAlt,
				}, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('federation'),
					to: '/instance/federation',
					icon: faGlobe,
				}, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('relays'),
					to: '/instance/relays',
					icon: faProjectDiagram,
				}, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('announcements'),
					to: '/instance/announcements',
					icon: faBroadcastTower,
				align: 'left',
				fixed: true,
				width: 200,
				source: ev.currentTarget || ev.target,

		more(ev) {
			const items = Object.keys(this.menuDef).filter(k => !this.menu.includes(k)).map(k => this.menuDef[k]).filter(def => def.show == null ? true : def.show).map(def => ({
				type: def.to ? 'link' : 'button',
				text: this.$t(def.title),
				icon: def.icon,
				to: def.to,
				action: def.action,
				indicate: def.indicated,
				items: [...items, null, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('help'),
					to: '/docs',
					icon: faQuestionCircle,
				}, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('aboutX', { x: instanceName || host }),
					to: '/about',
					icon: faInfoCircle,
				}, {
					type: 'link',
					text: this.$t('aboutMisskey'),
					to: '/about-misskey',
					icon: faInfoCircle,
				align: 'left',
				fixed: true,
				width: 200,
				source: ev.currentTarget || ev.target,

		async addAcount() {
			this.$root.new(await import('./components/signin-dialog.vue').then(m => m.default)).$once('login', res => {
				this.$store.dispatch('addAcount', res);
					type: 'success',
					iconOnly: true, autoClose: true

		async createAccount() {
			this.$root.new(await import('./components/signup-dialog.vue').then(m => m.default)).$once('signup', res => {
				this.$store.dispatch('addAcount', res);

		async switchAccount(account: any) {
			const token = this.$store.state.device.accounts.find((x: any) => x.id === account.id).token;

		switchAccountWithToken(token: string) {
				type: 'waiting',
				iconOnly: true

			this.$root.api('i', {}, token).then((i: any) => {
				this.$store.dispatch('switchAccount', {
					token: token
				}).then(() => {
					this.$nextTick(() => {

		async onNotification(notification) {
			if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {
				this.$root.stream.send('readNotification', {
					id: notification.id

				this.$root.new(await import('./components/toast.vue').then(m => m.default), {


		widgetFunc(id) {
			const w = this.$refs[id][0];
			if (w.func) w.func();

		onWidgetSort() {

		async addWidget(place) {
			const widgets = [

			const { canceled, result: widget } = await this.$root.dialog({
				type: null,
				title: this.$t('chooseWidget'),
				select: {
					items: widgets.map(widget => ({
						value: widget,
						text: this.$t('_widgets.' + widget),
				showCancelButton: true
			if (canceled) return;

			this.$store.commit('deviceUser/addWidget', {
				name: widget,
				id: uuid(),
				place: place,
				data: {}

		removeWidget(widget) {
			this.$store.commit('deviceUser/removeWidget', widget);

		saveHome() {
			this.$store.commit('deviceUser/setWidgets', [...this.widgets.left, ...this.widgets.right, ...this.widgets.mobile]);

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