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synced 2025-03-08 12:25:32 +00:00
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191 lines
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import * as P from 'parsimmon';
import { createLeaf, createTree, urlRegex } from './prelude';
import { takeWhile, cumulativeSum } from '../prelude/array';
import parseAcct from '../misc/acct/parse';
import { toUnicode } from 'punycode';
import { emojiRegex } from '../misc/emoji-regex';
export function removeOrphanedBrackets(s: string): string {
const openBrackets = ['(', '「', '['];
const closeBrackets = [')', '」', ']'];
const xs = cumulativeSum(s.split('').map(c => {
if (openBrackets.includes(c)) return 1;
if (closeBrackets.includes(c)) return -1;
return 0;
const firstOrphanedCloseBracket = xs.findIndex(x => x < 0);
if (firstOrphanedCloseBracket !== -1) return s.substr(0, firstOrphanedCloseBracket);
const lastMatched = xs.lastIndexOf(0);
return s.substr(0, lastMatched + 1);
export const mfmLanguage = P.createLanguage({
root: r => P.alt(r.block, r.inline).atLeast(1),
plain: r => P.alt(r.emoji, r.text).atLeast(1),
block: r => P.alt(
startOfLine: () => P((input, i) => {
if (i === 0 || input[i] === '\n' || input[i - 1] === '\n') {
return P.makeSuccess(i, null);
} else {
return P.makeFailure(i, 'not newline');
quote: r => r.startOfLine.then(P((input, i) => {
const text = input.substr(i);
if (!text.match(/^>[\s\S]+?/)) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a quote');
const quote = takeWhile(line => line.startsWith('>'), text.split('\n'));
const qInner = quote.join('\n').replace(/^>/gm, '').replace(/^ /gm, '');
if (qInner === '') return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a quote');
const contents = r.root.tryParse(qInner);
return P.makeSuccess(i + quote.join('\n').length + 1, createTree('quote', contents, {}));
search: r => r.startOfLine.then(P((input, i) => {
const text = input.substr(i);
const match = text.match(/^(.+?)( | )(検索|\[検索\]|Search|\[Search\])(\n|$)/i);
if (!match) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a search');
return P.makeSuccess(i + match[0].length, createLeaf('search', { query: match[1], content: match[0].trim() }));
blockCode: r => r.startOfLine.then(P((input, i) => {
const text = input.substr(i);
const match = text.match(/^```(.+?)?\n([\s\S]+?)\n```(\n|$)/i);
if (!match) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a blockCode');
return P.makeSuccess(i + match[0].length, createLeaf('blockCode', { code: match[2], lang: match[1] ? match[1].trim() : null }));
inline: r => P.alt(
// TODO: そのうち消す
big: r => P.regexp(/^\*\*\*([\s\S]+?)\*\*\*/, 1).map(x => createTree('fn', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {
name: 'tada',
args: {}
bold: r => {
const asterisk = P.regexp(/\*\*([\s\S]+?)\*\*/, 1);
const underscore = P.regexp(/__([a-zA-Z0-9\s]+?)__/, 1);
return P.alt(asterisk, underscore).map(x => createTree('bold', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {}));
small: r => P.regexp(/<small>([\s\S]+?)<\/small>/, 1).map(x => createTree('small', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {})),
italic: r => {
const xml = P.regexp(/<i>([\s\S]+?)<\/i>/, 1);
const underscore = P((input, i) => {
const text = input.substr(i);
const match = text.match(/^(\*|_)([a-zA-Z0-9]+?[\s\S]*?)\1/);
if (!match) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a italic');
if (input[i - 1] != null && input[i - 1] != ' ' && input[i - 1] != '\n') return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a italic');
return P.makeSuccess(i + match[0].length, match[2]);
return P.alt(xml, underscore).map(x => createTree('italic', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {}));
strike: r => P.regexp(/~~([^\n~]+?)~~/, 1).map(x => createTree('strike', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {})),
center: r => r.startOfLine.then(P.regexp(/<center>([\s\S]+?)<\/center>/, 1).map(x => createTree('center', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {}))),
inlineCode: () => P.regexp(/`([^´\n]+?)`/, 1).map(x => createLeaf('inlineCode', { code: x })),
mathBlock: r => r.startOfLine.then(P.regexp(/\\\[([\s\S]+?)\\\]/, 1).map(x => createLeaf('mathBlock', { formula: x.trim() }))),
mathInline: () => P.regexp(/\\\((.+?)\\\)/, 1).map(x => createLeaf('mathInline', { formula: x })),
mention: () => {
return P((input, i) => {
const text = input.substr(i);
const match = text.match(/^@\w([\w-]*\w)?(?:@[\w.\-]+\w)?/);
if (!match) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a mention');
if (input[i - 1] != null && input[i - 1].match(/[a-z0-9]/i)) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a mention');
return P.makeSuccess(i + match[0].length, match[0]);
}).map(x => {
const { username, host } = parseAcct(x.substr(1));
const canonical = host != null ? `@${username}@${toUnicode(host)}` : x;
return createLeaf('mention', { canonical, username, host, acct: x });
hashtag: () => P((input, i) => {
const text = input.substr(i);
const match = text.match(/^#([^\s.,!?'"#:\/\[\]【】]+)/i);
if (!match) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a hashtag');
let hashtag = match[1];
hashtag = removeOrphanedBrackets(hashtag);
if (hashtag.match(/^(\u20e3|\ufe0f)/)) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a hashtag');
if (hashtag.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a hashtag');
if (input[i - 1] != null && input[i - 1].match(/[a-z0-9]/i)) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a hashtag');
if (Array.from(hashtag || '').length > 128) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a hashtag');
return P.makeSuccess(i + ('#' + hashtag).length, createLeaf('hashtag', { hashtag: hashtag }));
url: () => {
return P((input, i) => {
const text = input.substr(i);
const match = text.match(urlRegex);
let url: string;
if (!match) {
const match = text.match(/^<(https?:\/\/.*?)>/);
if (!match) {
return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a url');
url = match[1];
i += 2;
} else {
url = match[0];
url = removeOrphanedBrackets(url);
url = url.replace(/[.,]*$/, '');
return P.makeSuccess(i + url.length, url);
}).map(x => createLeaf('url', { url: x }));
link: r => {
return P.seqObj(
['silent', P.string('?').fallback(null).map(x => x != null)] as any,
P.string('['), ['text', P.regexp(/[^\n\[\]]+/)] as any, P.string(']'),
P.string('('), ['url', r.url] as any, P.string(')'),
).map((x: any) => {
return createTree('link', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x.text), {
silent: x.silent,
url: x.url.node.props.url
emoji: () => {
const name = P.regexp(/:([a-z0-9_+-]+):/i, 1).map(x => createLeaf('emoji', { name: x }));
const code = P.regexp(emojiRegex).map(x => createLeaf('emoji', { emoji: x }));
return P.alt(name, code);
fn: r => {
return P.seqObj(
P.string('['), ['fn', P.regexp(/[^\s\n\[\]]+/)] as any, P.string(' '), P.optWhitespace, ['text', P.regexp(/[^\n\[\]]+/)] as any, P.string(']'),
).map((x: any) => {
let name = x.fn;
const args = {};
const separator = x.fn.indexOf('.');
if (separator > -1) {
name = x.fn.substr(0, separator);
for (const arg of x.fn.substr(separator + 1).split(',')) {
const kv = arg.split('=');
if (kv.length === 1) {
args[kv[0]] = true;
} else {
args[kv[0]] = kv[1];
return createTree('fn', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x.text), {
text: () => P.any.map(x => createLeaf('text', { text: x }))