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synced 2025-02-03 20:37:37 +00:00
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396 lines
12 KiB
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import * as Redis from 'ioredis';
import type { MiChannel } from '@/models/Channel.js';
import type { MiUser } from '@/models/User.js';
import type { MiUserProfile } from '@/models/UserProfile.js';
import type { MiNote } from '@/models/Note.js';
import type { MiAntenna } from '@/models/Antenna.js';
import type { MiDriveFile } from '@/models/DriveFile.js';
import type { MiDriveFolder } from '@/models/DriveFolder.js';
import type { MiUserList } from '@/models/UserList.js';
import type { MiAbuseUserReport } from '@/models/AbuseUserReport.js';
import type { MiSignin } from '@/models/Signin.js';
import type { MiPage } from '@/models/Page.js';
import type { MiWebhook } from '@/models/Webhook.js';
import type { MiMeta } from '@/models/Meta.js';
import { MiAvatarDecoration, MiReversiGame, MiRole, MiRoleAssignment } from '@/models/_.js';
import type { Packed } from '@/misc/json-schema.js';
import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js';
import type { Config } from '@/config.js';
import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js';
import { Serialized } from '@/types.js';
import type Emitter from 'strict-event-emitter-types';
import type { EventEmitter } from 'events';
//#region Stream type-body definitions
export interface BroadcastTypes {
emojiAdded: {
emoji: Packed<'EmojiDetailed'>;
emojiUpdated: {
emojis: Packed<'EmojiDetailed'>[];
emojiDeleted: {
emojis: {
id?: string;
name: string;
[other: string]: any;
announcementCreated: {
announcement: Packed<'Announcement'>;
export interface MainEventTypes {
notification: Packed<'Notification'>;
mention: Packed<'Note'>;
reply: Packed<'Note'>;
renote: Packed<'Note'>;
follow: Packed<'UserDetailedNotMe'>;
followed: Packed<'User'>;
unfollow: Packed<'User'>;
meUpdated: Packed<'User'>;
pageEvent: {
pageId: MiPage['id'];
event: string;
var: any;
userId: MiUser['id'];
user: Packed<'User'>;
urlUploadFinished: {
marker?: string | null;
file: Packed<'DriveFile'>;
readAllNotifications: undefined;
unreadNotification: Packed<'Notification'>;
unreadMention: MiNote['id'];
readAllUnreadMentions: undefined;
unreadSpecifiedNote: MiNote['id'];
readAllUnreadSpecifiedNotes: undefined;
readAllAntennas: undefined;
unreadAntenna: MiAntenna;
readAllAnnouncements: undefined;
myTokenRegenerated: undefined;
signin: {
id: MiSignin['id'];
createdAt: string;
ip: string;
headers: Record<string, any>;
success: boolean;
registryUpdated: {
scope?: string[];
key: string;
value: any | null;
driveFileCreated: Packed<'DriveFile'>;
readAntenna: MiAntenna;
receiveFollowRequest: Packed<'User'>;
announcementCreated: {
announcement: Packed<'Announcement'>;
export interface DriveEventTypes {
fileCreated: Packed<'DriveFile'>;
fileDeleted: MiDriveFile['id'];
fileUpdated: Packed<'DriveFile'>;
folderCreated: Packed<'DriveFolder'>;
folderDeleted: MiDriveFolder['id'];
folderUpdated: Packed<'DriveFolder'>;
export interface NoteEventTypes {
pollVoted: {
choice: number;
userId: MiUser['id'];
deleted: {
deletedAt: Date;
updated: {
cw: string | null;
text: string;
reacted: {
reaction: string;
emoji?: {
name: string;
url: string;
} | null;
userId: MiUser['id'];
unreacted: {
reaction: string;
userId: MiUser['id'];
type NoteStreamEventTypes = {
[key in keyof NoteEventTypes]: {
id: MiNote['id'];
body: NoteEventTypes[key];
export interface UserListEventTypes {
userAdded: Packed<'User'>;
userRemoved: Packed<'User'>;
export interface AntennaEventTypes {
note: MiNote;
export interface RoleTimelineEventTypes {
note: Packed<'Note'>;
export interface AdminEventTypes {
newAbuseUserReport: {
id: MiAbuseUserReport['id'];
targetUserId: MiUser['id'],
reporterId: MiUser['id'],
comment: string;
export interface ReversiEventTypes {
matched: {
game: Packed<'ReversiGameDetailed'>;
invited: {
user: Packed<'User'>;
export interface ReversiGameEventTypes {
changeReadyStates: {
user1: boolean;
user2: boolean;
updateSettings: {
userId: MiUser['id'];
key: string;
value: any;
putStone: {
at: number;
color: boolean;
pos: number;
next: boolean;
syncState: {
crc32: string;
started: {
game: Packed<'ReversiGameDetailed'>;
ended: {
winnerId: MiUser['id'] | null;
game: Packed<'ReversiGameDetailed'>;
// 辞書(interface or type)から{ type, body }ユニオンを定義
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49311989/can-i-infer-the-type-of-a-value-using-extends-keyof-type
// VS Codeの展開を防止するためにEvents型を定義
type Events<T extends object> = { [K in keyof T]: { type: K; body: T[K]; } };
type EventUnionFromDictionary<
T extends object,
U = Events<T>
> = U[keyof U];
type SerializedAll<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: Serialized<T[K]>;
export interface InternalEventTypes {
userChangeSuspendedState: { id: MiUser['id']; isSuspended: MiUser['isSuspended']; };
userTokenRegenerated: { id: MiUser['id']; oldToken: string; newToken: string; };
remoteUserUpdated: { id: MiUser['id']; };
follow: { followerId: MiUser['id']; followeeId: MiUser['id']; };
unfollow: { followerId: MiUser['id']; followeeId: MiUser['id']; };
blockingCreated: { blockerId: MiUser['id']; blockeeId: MiUser['id']; };
blockingDeleted: { blockerId: MiUser['id']; blockeeId: MiUser['id']; };
policiesUpdated: MiRole['policies'];
roleCreated: MiRole;
roleDeleted: MiRole;
roleUpdated: MiRole;
userRoleAssigned: MiRoleAssignment;
userRoleUnassigned: MiRoleAssignment;
webhookCreated: MiWebhook;
webhookDeleted: MiWebhook;
webhookUpdated: MiWebhook;
antennaCreated: MiAntenna;
antennaDeleted: MiAntenna;
antennaUpdated: MiAntenna;
avatarDecorationCreated: MiAvatarDecoration;
avatarDecorationDeleted: MiAvatarDecoration;
avatarDecorationUpdated: MiAvatarDecoration;
metaUpdated: MiMeta;
followChannel: { userId: MiUser['id']; channelId: MiChannel['id']; };
unfollowChannel: { userId: MiUser['id']; channelId: MiChannel['id']; };
updateUserProfile: MiUserProfile;
mute: { muterId: MiUser['id']; muteeId: MiUser['id']; };
unmute: { muterId: MiUser['id']; muteeId: MiUser['id']; };
userListMemberAdded: { userListId: MiUserList['id']; memberId: MiUser['id']; };
userListMemberRemoved: { userListId: MiUserList['id']; memberId: MiUser['id']; };
// name/messages(spec) pairs dictionary
export type GlobalEvents = {
internal: {
name: 'internal';
payload: EventUnionFromDictionary<SerializedAll<InternalEventTypes>>;
broadcast: {
name: 'broadcast';
payload: EventUnionFromDictionary<SerializedAll<BroadcastTypes>>;
main: {
name: `mainStream:${MiUser['id']}`;
payload: EventUnionFromDictionary<SerializedAll<MainEventTypes>>;
drive: {
name: `driveStream:${MiUser['id']}`;
payload: EventUnionFromDictionary<SerializedAll<DriveEventTypes>>;
note: {
name: `noteStream:${MiNote['id']}`;
payload: EventUnionFromDictionary<SerializedAll<NoteStreamEventTypes>>;
userList: {
name: `userListStream:${MiUserList['id']}`;
payload: EventUnionFromDictionary<SerializedAll<UserListEventTypes>>;
roleTimeline: {
name: `roleTimelineStream:${MiRole['id']}`;
payload: EventUnionFromDictionary<SerializedAll<RoleTimelineEventTypes>>;
antenna: {
name: `antennaStream:${MiAntenna['id']}`;
payload: EventUnionFromDictionary<SerializedAll<AntennaEventTypes>>;
admin: {
name: `adminStream:${MiUser['id']}`;
payload: EventUnionFromDictionary<SerializedAll<AdminEventTypes>>;
notes: {
name: 'notesStream';
payload: Serialized<Packed<'Note'>>;
reversi: {
name: `reversiStream:${MiUser['id']}`;
payload: EventUnionFromDictionary<SerializedAll<ReversiEventTypes>>;
reversiGame: {
name: `reversiGameStream:${MiReversiGame['id']}`;
payload: EventUnionFromDictionary<SerializedAll<ReversiGameEventTypes>>;
// API event definitions
// ストリームごとのEmitterの辞書を用意
type EventEmitterDictionary = { [x in keyof GlobalEvents]: Emitter.default<EventEmitter, { [y in GlobalEvents[x]['name']]: (e: GlobalEvents[x]['payload']) => void }> };
// 共用体型を交差型にする型 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54938141/typescript-convert-union-to-intersection
type UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends ((k: infer I) => void) ? I : never;
// Emitter辞書から共用体型を作り、UnionToIntersectionで交差型にする
export type StreamEventEmitter = UnionToIntersection<EventEmitterDictionary[keyof GlobalEvents]>;
// { [y in name]: (e: spec) => void }をまとめてその交差型をEmitterにかけるとts(2590)にひっかかる
// provide stream channels union
export type StreamChannels = GlobalEvents[keyof GlobalEvents]['name'];
export class GlobalEventService {
private config: Config,
private redisForPub: Redis.Redis,
) {
private publish(channel: StreamChannels, type: string | null, value?: any): void {
const message = type == null ? value : value == null ?
{ type: type, body: null } :
{ type: type, body: value };
this.redisForPub.publish(this.config.host, JSON.stringify({
channel: channel,
message: message,
public publishInternalEvent<K extends keyof InternalEventTypes>(type: K, value?: InternalEventTypes[K]): void {
this.publish('internal', type, typeof value === 'undefined' ? null : value);
public publishBroadcastStream<K extends keyof BroadcastTypes>(type: K, value?: BroadcastTypes[K]): void {
this.publish('broadcast', type, typeof value === 'undefined' ? null : value);
public publishMainStream<K extends keyof MainEventTypes>(userId: MiUser['id'], type: K, value?: MainEventTypes[K]): void {
this.publish(`mainStream:${userId}`, type, typeof value === 'undefined' ? null : value);
public publishDriveStream<K extends keyof DriveEventTypes>(userId: MiUser['id'], type: K, value?: DriveEventTypes[K]): void {
this.publish(`driveStream:${userId}`, type, typeof value === 'undefined' ? null : value);
public publishNoteStream<K extends keyof NoteEventTypes>(noteId: MiNote['id'], type: K, value?: NoteEventTypes[K]): void {
this.publish(`noteStream:${noteId}`, type, {
id: noteId,
body: value,
public publishUserListStream<K extends keyof UserListEventTypes>(listId: MiUserList['id'], type: K, value?: UserListEventTypes[K]): void {
this.publish(`userListStream:${listId}`, type, typeof value === 'undefined' ? null : value);
public publishAntennaStream<K extends keyof AntennaEventTypes>(antennaId: MiAntenna['id'], type: K, value?: AntennaEventTypes[K]): void {
this.publish(`antennaStream:${antennaId}`, type, typeof value === 'undefined' ? null : value);
public publishRoleTimelineStream<K extends keyof RoleTimelineEventTypes>(roleId: MiRole['id'], type: K, value?: RoleTimelineEventTypes[K]): void {
this.publish(`roleTimelineStream:${roleId}`, type, typeof value === 'undefined' ? null : value);
public publishNotesStream(note: Packed<'Note'>): void {
this.publish('notesStream', null, note);
public publishAdminStream<K extends keyof AdminEventTypes>(userId: MiUser['id'], type: K, value?: AdminEventTypes[K]): void {
this.publish(`adminStream:${userId}`, type, typeof value === 'undefined' ? null : value);
public publishReversiStream<K extends keyof ReversiEventTypes>(userId: MiUser['id'], type: K, value?: ReversiEventTypes[K]): void {
this.publish(`reversiStream:${userId}`, type, typeof value === 'undefined' ? null : value);
public publishReversiGameStream<K extends keyof ReversiGameEventTypes>(gameId: MiReversiGame['id'], type: K, value?: ReversiGameEventTypes[K]): void {
this.publish(`reversiGameStream:${gameId}`, type, typeof value === 'undefined' ? null : value);