#!/bin/bash # ----------------------------------------- misskey_url="https://filly.love" misskey_token="" base_endpoint="https://twibooru.org/api/v3/search/posts" search_query="foalcon, explicit, upvotes.gt:10" sort_filter="random" filter_id=2 # ----------------------------------------- # Prepare query query_encoded=$(printf %s "$search_query" | jq -sRr @uri) full_url="$base_endpoint?q=$query_encoded&per_page=1&sf=$sort_filter&filter_id=$filter_id" # Request Twibooru response=$(curl -X GET "$full_url") # Fetch image URL and image tags joining them by comma into a single string image_url=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.posts[].representations.large') tags=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.posts[].tags | join(", ")') # Generate a random filename filename=$(basename -- "$image_url") file_extension="${filename##*.}" new_filename="$(openssl rand -base64 16).$file_extension" new_filename=$(printf %s "$new_filename" | jq -sRr @uri) filepath="/tmp/$new_filename" # Download the image and rename it curl "$image_url" -o "$filepath" # Upload the image to Misskey Drive and get the file ID from the returning JSON response=$(curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $misskey_token" -F "file=@/tmp/$new_filename" "$misskey_url/api/drive/files/create") file_id=$(echo $response | jq -r '.id') # If the tags take more than 512 chars trim the string as the api dont accept more than that tags_strlength=${#tags} if [ "$tags_strlength" -gt "512" ]; then tags="${tags:0:512}" fi # Update the image metadata and set it as sensitive/NSFW curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $misskey_token" -d "{\"fileId\": \"$file_id\", \"isSensitive\": true, \"comment\": \"$tags\"}" "$misskey_url/api/drive/files/update" # Prepare the JSON payload read -r -d '' misskey_payload <<- EOM { "mediaIds": ["$file_id"], "text": "Art has been copied over from Twibooru.org" } EOM # Create a public note in Misskey with saved tags and previously uploaded image as the media attachment curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $misskey_token" -d "$misskey_payload" "$misskey_url/api/notes/create" # Cleanup rm "/tmp/$new_filename"