Use checked arithmetic
This hurts readability, but should be worth it for correctness...
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 434 additions and 206 deletions
@ -44,3 +44,6 @@ tracing = { version = "0.1.40", default-features = false }
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.18", default-features = false }
unicode-normalization = { version = "0.1.23", default-features = false }
unicode-segmentation = { version = "1.11.0", default-features = false }
arithmetic_side_effects = "warn"
@ -53,3 +53,6 @@ default = ["autocomplete", "color", "macchina"]
autocomplete = ["bpaf/autocomplete"]
color = ["bpaf/dull-color"]
macchina = ["dep:anstream", "dep:toml_edit", "toml_edit/display"]
workspace = true
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ impl Distro {
&art[1..(art.len() - 1)]
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ use std::fmt::Write as _;
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::{self, IsTerminal as _, Read as _, Write as _};
use std::iter::zip;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::num::{NonZeroU16, NonZeroU8, NonZeroUsize};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
use anyhow::{Context as _, Result};
@ -37,7 +38,6 @@ use terminal_colorsaurus::{background_color, QueryOptions};
use terminal_size::{terminal_size, Height, Width};
use time::{Month, OffsetDateTime};
use tracing::debug;
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation as _;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ fn create_config(
let (asc, fore_back) =
get_distro_ascii(distro, backend).context("failed to get distro ascii")?;
let (asc_width, asc_lines) = ascii_size(&asc);
let (asc_width, asc_lines) = ascii_size(&asc).context("failed to get ascii size")?;
let theme =|bg| bg.theme()).unwrap_or(TerminalTheme::Light);
let color_mode = det_ansi.unwrap_or(AnsiMode::Ansi256);
let mut title = format!(
@ -242,19 +242,25 @@ fn create_config(
clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode).context("failed to clear screen")?;
let mut option_counter: u8 = 1;
let mut option_counter = NonZeroU8::new(1).unwrap();
fn update_title(title: &mut String, option_counter: &mut u8, k: &str, v: &str) {
fn update_title(title: &mut String, option_counter: &mut NonZeroU8, k: &str, v: &str) {
let k: Cow<str> = if k.ends_with(':') {
} else {
write!(title, "\n&e{option_counter}. {k:<30} &~{v}").unwrap();
*option_counter += 1;
*option_counter = option_counter
.expect("`option_counter` should not overflow `u8`");
fn print_title_prompt(option_counter: u8, prompt: &str, color_mode: AnsiMode) -> Result<()> {
fn print_title_prompt(
option_counter: NonZeroU8,
prompt: &str,
color_mode: AnsiMode,
) -> Result<()> {
printc(format!("&a{option_counter}. {prompt}"), color_mode)
.context("failed to print prompt")
@ -265,8 +271,15 @@ fn create_config(
let (Width(term_w), Height(term_h)) =
terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
let (term_w_min, term_h_min) = (2 * u16::from(asc_width) + 4, 30);
if term_w < term_w_min || term_h < term_h_min {
let (term_w_min, term_h_min) = (
if term_w < term_w_min.get() || term_h < term_h_min.get() {
"&cWarning: Your terminal is too small ({term_w} * {term_h}).\nPlease resize \
@ -444,7 +457,7 @@ fn create_config(
.map(|name| name.chars().count())
.expect("preset name iterator should not be empty");
let spacing = u8::try_from(spacing).expect("`spacing` should fit in `u8`");
let spacing: u8 = spacing.try_into().expect("`spacing` should fit in `u8`");
cmp::max(spacing, 20)
for preset in <Preset as VariantArray>::VARIANTS {
@ -469,21 +482,34 @@ fn create_config(
let (flags_per_row, rows_per_page) = {
let (Width(term_w), Height(term_h)) =
terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
let flags_per_row = term_w / (u16::from(spacing) + 2);
let flags_per_row =
u8::try_from(flags_per_row).expect("`flags_per_row` should fit in `u8`");
let rows_per_page = cmp::max(1, (term_h - 13) / 5);
let rows_per_page =
u8::try_from(rows_per_page).expect("`rows_per_page` should fit in `u8`");
let flags_per_row = term_w.div_euclid(u16::from(spacing).checked_add(2).unwrap());
let flags_per_row: u8 = flags_per_row
.expect("`flags_per_row` should fit in `u8`");
let rows_per_page = cmp::max(1, term_h.saturating_sub(13).div_euclid(5));
let rows_per_page: u8 = rows_per_page
.expect("`rows_per_page` should fit in `u8`");
(flags_per_row, rows_per_page)
let num_pages =
(Preset::COUNT as f32 / (flags_per_row as f32 * rows_per_page as f32)).ceil() as usize;
let num_pages = u8::try_from(num_pages).expect("`num_pages` should fit in `u8`");
u16::from(u8::try_from(Preset::COUNT).expect("`Preset::COUNT` should fit in `u8`"))
let num_pages: u8 = num_pages
.expect("`num_pages` should fit in `u8`");
// Create pages
let mut pages = Vec::with_capacity(usize::from(num_pages));
for flags in flags.chunks(usize::from(flags_per_row) * usize::from(rows_per_page)) {
for flags in flags.chunks(usize::from(
)) {
let mut page = Vec::with_capacity(usize::from(rows_per_page));
for flags in flags.chunks(usize::from(flags_per_row)) {
@ -491,14 +517,14 @@ fn create_config(
let print_flag_page = |page, page_num| -> Result<()> {
let print_flag_page = |page, page_num: u8| -> Result<()> {
clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode).context("failed to clear screen")?;
print_title_prompt(option_counter, "Let's choose a flag!", color_mode)
.context("failed to print title prompt")?;
"Available flag presets:\nPage: {page_num} of {num_pages}\n",
page_num = page_num + 1
page_num = page_num.checked_add(1).unwrap()
.context("failed to write header to stdout")?;
for &row in page {
@ -539,7 +565,7 @@ fn create_config(
print_flag_page(&pages[usize::from(page)], page).context("failed to print flag page")?;
let mut opts: Vec<&str> = <Preset as VariantNames>::VARIANTS.into();
if page < num_pages - 1 {
if page < num_pages.checked_sub(1).unwrap() {
if page > 0 {
@ -563,9 +589,9 @@ fn create_config(
.context("failed to ask for choice input")
.context("failed to select preset")?;
if selection == "next" {
page += 1;
page = page.checked_add(1).unwrap();
} else if selection == "prev" {
page -= 1;
page = page.checked_sub(1).unwrap();
} else {
preset = selection.parse().expect("selected preset should be valid");
debug!(?preset, "selected preset");
@ -591,17 +617,9 @@ fn create_config(
// 4. Dim/lighten colors
let test_ascii = &TEST_ASCII[1..TEST_ASCII.len() - 1];
let test_ascii_width = test_ascii
.map(|line| line.graphemes(true).count())
.expect("line iterator should not be empty");
let test_ascii_width =
u8::try_from(test_ascii_width).expect("`test_ascii_width` should fit in `u8`");
let test_ascii_height = test_ascii.lines().count();
let test_ascii_height =
u8::try_from(test_ascii_height).expect("`test_ascii_height` should fit in `u8`");
let test_ascii = &TEST_ASCII[1..TEST_ASCII.len().checked_sub(1).unwrap()];
let (test_ascii_width, test_ascii_height) =
ascii_size(test_ascii).expect("test ascii should have valid width and height");
let select_lightness = || -> Result<Lightness> {
clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode).context("failed to clear screen")?;
@ -627,8 +645,16 @@ fn create_config(
// Print cats
let (Width(term_w), _) = terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
let num_cols = cmp::max(1, term_w / (u16::from(test_ascii_width) + 2));
let num_cols = u8::try_from(num_cols).expect("`num_cols` should fit in `u8`");
let num_cols = cmp::max(
let num_cols: u8 = num_cols.try_into().expect("`num_cols` should fit in `u8`");
const MIN: f32 = 0.15;
const MAX: f32 = 0.85;
let ratios =
@ -661,7 +687,7 @@ fn create_config(
for i in 0..usize::from(test_ascii_height) {
for i in 0..NonZeroUsize::from(test_ascii_height).get() {
let mut line = Vec::new();
for lines in &row {
@ -738,11 +764,22 @@ fn create_config(
let (ascii_per_row, ascii_rows) = {
let (Width(term_w), Height(term_h)) =
terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
let ascii_per_row = cmp::max(1, term_w / (u16::from(asc_width) + 2));
let ascii_per_row =
u8::try_from(ascii_per_row).expect("`ascii_per_row` should fit in `u8`");
let ascii_rows = cmp::max(1, (term_h - 8) / (u16::from(asc_lines) + 1));
let ascii_rows = u8::try_from(ascii_rows).expect("`ascii_rows` should fit in `u8`");
let ascii_per_row = cmp::max(
let ascii_per_row: u8 = ascii_per_row
.expect("`ascii_per_row` should fit in `u8`");
let ascii_rows = cmp::max(
let ascii_rows: u8 = ascii_rows
.expect("`ascii_rows` should fit in `u8`");
(ascii_per_row, ascii_rows)
@ -770,7 +807,9 @@ fn create_config(
.get_or_init(|| AhoCorasick::new(NEOFETCH_COLOR_PATTERNS).unwrap());
.map(|m| {
asc[m.start() + 3..m.end() - 1]
let ai_start = m.start().checked_add(3).unwrap();
let ai_end = m.end().checked_sub(1).unwrap();
.expect("neofetch ascii color index should not be invalid")
@ -783,11 +822,13 @@ fn create_config(
let random_count = cmp::max(
usize::from(ascii_per_row) * usize::from(ascii_rows) - arrangements.len(),
let random_count = u8::try_from(random_count).expect("`random_count` should fit in `u8`");
let random_count = u16::from(ascii_per_row)
let random_count: u8 = random_count
.expect("`random_count` should fit in `u8`");
let choices: IndexSet<Vec<PresetIndexedColor>> =
if usize::from(random_count) > preset_index_permutations.len() {
@ -824,7 +865,7 @@ fn create_config(
asc_width = usize::from(asc_width)
asc_width = NonZeroUsize::from(asc_width).get()
@ -834,7 +875,7 @@ fn create_config(
let row: Vec<Vec<String>> = row.collect();
// Print by row
for i in 0..usize::from(asc_lines) + 1 {
for i in 0..NonZeroUsize::from(asc_lines).checked_add(1).unwrap().get() {
let mut line = Vec::new();
for lines in &row {
@ -969,6 +1010,15 @@ fn create_config(
let save = literal_input("Save config?", &["y", "n"], "y", true, color_mode)
.context("failed to ask for choice input")?;
if save == "y" {
match path.parent().context("invalid config file path")? {
parent_path if parent_path != Path::new("") => {
.with_context(|| format!("failed to create dir {parent_path:?}"))?;
_ => {
// Nothing to do if it's a relative path with one component
let file = File::options()
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::io::{self, Write as _};
use std::num::{NonZeroU8, NonZeroUsize};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::sync::OnceLock;
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ impl ColorAlignment {
// Add new colors
let asc = {
let ColorProfile { colors } = {
let (_, length) = ascii_size(&asc);
let (_, length) = ascii_size(&asc).context("failed to get ascii size")?;
.context("failed to spread color profile to length")?
@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ impl ColorAlignment {
.context("failed to fill in starting neofetch color codes")?;
let color_profile = {
let (length, _) = ascii_size(&asc);
let (length, _) = ascii_size(&asc).context("failed to get ascii size")?;
.context("failed to spread color profile to length")?
@ -169,17 +170,21 @@ impl ColorAlignment {
.map(|line| {
let mut matches = ac.find_iter(line).peekable();
let mut dst = String::new();
let mut offset = 0;
let mut offset: u8 = 0;
loop {
let current =;
let next = matches.peek();
let (neofetch_color_idx, span, done) = match (current, next) {
(Some(m), Some(m_next)) => {
let ai_start = m.start().checked_add(3).unwrap();
let ai_end = m.end().checked_sub(1).unwrap();
let neofetch_color_idx: NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor = line
[m.start() + 3..m.end() - 1]
.expect("neofetch color index should be valid");
offset += m.len();
offset = offset
let mut span = m.span();
span.start = m.end();
span.end = m_next.start();
@ -187,11 +192,15 @@ impl ColorAlignment {
(Some(m), None) => {
// Last color code
let ai_start = m.start().checked_add(3).unwrap();
let ai_end = m.end().checked_sub(1).unwrap();
let neofetch_color_idx: NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor = line
[m.start() + 3..m.end() - 1]
.expect("neofetch color index should be valid");
offset += m.len();
offset = offset
let mut span = m.span();
span.start = m.end();
span.end = line.len();
@ -218,10 +227,13 @@ impl ColorAlignment {
.expect("foreground color should not be invalid");
write!(dst, "{fore}{txt}{reset}").unwrap();
} else if neofetch_color_idx == back {
let adjusted_start =
let adjusted_end =
[span.start - offset..span.end - offset],
@ -265,7 +277,8 @@ impl ColorAlignment {
match self {
Self::Horizontal { .. } => {
let ColorProfile { colors } = {
let (_, length) = ascii_size(&asc);
let (_, length) =
ascii_size(&asc).context("failed to get ascii size")?;
.context("failed to spread color profile to length")?
@ -314,9 +327,10 @@ impl ColorAlignment {
const N: usize = NEOFETCH_COLOR_PATTERNS.len();
let mut replacements = vec![Cow::from(""); N];
for (&ai, &pi) in custom_colors {
let ai = u8::from(ai);
let pi = u8::from(pi);
replacements[usize::from(ai - 1)] = colors[usize::from(pi)]
let ai: u8 = ai.into();
let pi: u8 = pi.into();
replacements[usize::from(ai.checked_sub(1).unwrap())] = colors
.to_ansi_string(color_mode, ForegroundBackground::Foreground)
@ -603,7 +617,7 @@ where
// Try new codegen-based detection method
if let Some(distro) = Distro::detect(&distro) {
return Ok((
normalize_ascii(distro.ascii_art()).context("failed to normalize ascii")?,
@ -618,7 +632,10 @@ where
// printf
let asc = asc.replace(r"\\", r"\");
Ok((normalize_ascii(asc), None))
normalize_ascii(asc).context("failed to normalize ascii")?,
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(asc))]
@ -640,7 +657,7 @@ pub fn run(asc: String, backend: Backend, args: Option<&Vec<String>>) -> Result<
/// Gets distro ascii width and height, ignoring color code.
pub fn ascii_size<S>(asc: S) -> (u8, u8)
pub fn ascii_size<S>(asc: S) -> Result<(NonZeroU8, NonZeroU8)>
S: AsRef<str>,
@ -659,29 +676,43 @@ where
.map(|line| line.graphemes(true).count())
.expect("line iterator should not be empty");
let width = u8::try_from(width).expect("`width` should fit in `u8`");
let width: NonZeroUsize = width.try_into().context("`asc` should not be empty")?;
let width: NonZeroU8 = width.try_into().with_context(|| {
"`asc` should not have more than {limit} characters per line",
limit = u8::MAX
let height = asc.lines().count();
let height = u8::try_from(height).expect("`height` should fit in `u8`");
let height: NonZeroUsize = height.try_into().context("`asc` should not be empty")?;
let height: NonZeroU8 = height.try_into().with_context(|| {
"`asc` should not have more than {limit} lines",
limit = u8::MAX
(width, height)
Ok((width, height))
/// Makes sure every line are the same width.
fn normalize_ascii<S>(asc: S) -> String
fn normalize_ascii<S>(asc: S) -> Result<String>
S: AsRef<str>,
let asc = asc.as_ref();
let (w, _) = ascii_size(asc);
let (w, _) = ascii_size(asc).context("failed to get ascii size")?;
let asc = asc
.map(|line| {
let (line_w, _) = ascii_size(line);
let pad = " ".repeat(usize::from(w - line_w));
let (line_w, _) = ascii_size(line).unwrap();
let pad = " ".repeat(usize::from(w.get().checked_sub(line_w.get()).unwrap()));
/// Fills the missing starting placeholders.
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use std::iter;
use std::num::{NonZeroU8, NonZeroUsize};
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _, Result};
use indexmap::IndexSet;
@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ impl Preset {
.expect("preset color profiles should not be invalid")
.expect("preset color profiles should be valid")
@ -502,34 +503,42 @@ impl ColorProfile {
/// Creates a new color profile, with the colors spread to the specified
/// length.
pub fn with_length(&self, length: u8) -> Result<Self> {
pub fn with_length(&self, length: NonZeroU8) -> Result<Self> {
let orig_len = self.colors.len();
let orig_len = u8::try_from(orig_len).expect("`orig_len` should fit in `u8`");
let orig_len: NonZeroUsize = orig_len.try_into().expect("`colors` should not be empty");
let orig_len: NonZeroU8 = orig_len
.expect("`colors` should not have more than 255 elements");
// TODO: I believe weird things can happen because of this...
// if length < orig_len {
// unimplemented!("compressing length of color profile not implemented");
// }
let center_i = usize::from(orig_len / 2);
let center_i = usize::from(orig_len.get() / 2);
// How many copies of each color should be displayed at least?
let repeats = length / orig_len;
let mut weights = vec![repeats; usize::from(orig_len)];
let repeats = length.get().div_euclid(orig_len.get());
let mut weights = vec![repeats; NonZeroUsize::from(orig_len).get()];
// How many extra spaces left?
let mut extras = length % orig_len;
let mut extras = length.get().rem_euclid(orig_len.get());
// If there is an odd space left, extend the center by one space
if extras % 2 == 1 {
weights[center_i] += 1;
extras -= 1;
weights[center_i] = weights[center_i].checked_add(1).unwrap();
extras = extras.checked_sub(1).unwrap();
// Add weight to border until there's no space left (extras must be even at this
// point)
let weights_len = weights.len();
for border_i in 0..usize::from(extras / 2) {
weights[border_i] += 1;
weights[weights_len - border_i - 1] += 1;
weights[border_i] = weights[border_i].checked_add(1).unwrap();
let border_opp = weights_len
weights[border_opp] = weights[border_opp].checked_add(1).unwrap();
@ -558,7 +567,13 @@ impl ColorProfile {
let ColorProfile { colors } = {
let length = txt.len();
let length = u8::try_from(length).expect("`length` should fit in `u8`");
let length: NonZeroUsize = length.try_into().context("`txt` should not be empty")?;
let length: NonZeroU8 = length.try_into().with_context(|| {
"`txt` should not have more than {limit} characters",
limit = u8::MAX
.with_context(|| format!("failed to spread color profile to length {length}"))?
@ -566,7 +581,7 @@ impl ColorProfile {
let mut buf = String::new();
for (i, &gr) in txt.iter().enumerate() {
if space_only && gr != " " {
if i > 0 && txt[i - 1] == " " {
if i > 0 && txt[i.checked_sub(1).unwrap()] == " " {
@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
use std::io::{self, Write as _};
use std::num::{NonZeroU16, NonZeroU8, NonZeroUsize, Wrapping};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{cmp, thread};
use anyhow::{Context as _, Result};
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _, Result};
use palette::blend::Blend as _;
use palette::{LinSrgba, Srgb, WithAlpha as _};
use strum::VariantArray as _;
use terminal_size::{terminal_size, Height, Width};
use crate::color_util::{clear_screen, color, printc, ForegroundBackground, ToAnsiString as _};
use crate::neofetch_util::ascii_size;
use crate::presets::Preset;
use crate::types::AnsiMode;
@ -23,9 +25,243 @@ const TEXT_ASCII: &str = r"
const TEXT_ASCII_SMALL: &str = r"
| Happy Pride Month! |
const NOTICE: &str = "Press enter to continue";
pub fn start_animation(color_mode: AnsiMode) -> Result<()> {
let (w, h) = {
let (Width(w), Height(h)) = terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
let w: NonZeroU16 = w.try_into().context("terminal width should not be 0")?;
let h: NonZeroU16 = h.try_into().context("terminal height should not be 0")?;
(w, h)
let text = &TEXT_ASCII[1..TEXT_ASCII.len().checked_sub(1).unwrap()];
let (text_width, text_height) =
ascii_size(text).expect("text ascii should have valid width and height");
let (text, text_width, text_height) = {
const TEXT_BORDER_WIDTH: u16 = 2;
const NOTICE_BORDER_WIDTH: u16 = 1;
const VERTICAL_MARGIN: u16 = 1;
let notice_w: NonZeroUsize = NOTICE
.expect("`NOTICE` should not be empty");
let notice_w: NonZeroU8 = notice_w
.expect("`NOTICE` width should fit in `u8`");
let notice_h: NonZeroUsize = NOTICE
.expect("`NOTICE` should not be empty");
let notice_h: NonZeroU8 = notice_h
.expect("`NOTICE` height should fit in `u8`");
let term_w_min = cmp::max(
let term_h_min = NonZeroU16::from(text_height)
if w >= term_w_min && h >= term_h_min {
(text, text_width, text_height)
} else {
let text = &TEXT_ASCII_SMALL[1..TEXT_ASCII_SMALL.len().checked_sub(1).unwrap()];
let (text_width, text_height) =
ascii_size(text).expect("text ascii should have valid width and height");
let term_w_min = cmp::max(
let term_h_min = NonZeroU16::from(text_height)
if w < term_w_min || h < term_h_min {
return Err(anyhow!(
"terminal size should be at least ({term_w_min} * {term_h_min})"
(text, text_width, text_height)
let text_lines: Vec<&str> = text.lines().collect();
const BLOCKS: u8 = 9;
let block_width: NonZeroU16 = w
.with_context(|| format!("terminal width should be at least {BLOCKS}"))?;
let text_start_y = h
.checked_sub(u16::from(text_height.get() / 2))
let text_end_y = text_start_y
let text_start_x = w
.checked_sub(u16::from(text_width.get() / 2))
let text_end_x = text_start_x
let notice_start_x = w
.expect("`NOTICE` length should fit in `u8`")
let notice_end_x = w.get().checked_sub(1).unwrap();
let notice_y = h.get().checked_sub(1).unwrap();
// Add every preset to colors
let colors: Vec<Srgb<u8>> = Preset::VARIANTS
.flat_map(|p| p.color_profile().colors)
let fg: Srgb<u8> = "#FFE09B"
.expect("foreground color hex should be valid");
let black = LinSrgba::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
let draw_frame = |frame: usize| -> Result<()> {
let mut buf = String::new();
// Loop over the height
for y in 0..h.get() {
// Print the starting color
.to_ansi_string(color_mode, ForegroundBackground::Background),
buf.push_str(&fg.to_ansi_string(color_mode, ForegroundBackground::Foreground));
// Loop over the width
for x in 0..w.get() {
let idx = frame
.wrapping_add_signed((2.0 * (y as f64 + 0.5 * frame as f64).sin()) as isize);
let y_text = text_start_y <= y && y < text_end_y;
let border = 1u16
if y == text_start_y || y == text_end_y.checked_sub(1).unwrap() {
} else {
let text_bounds_x1 = text_start_x
.expect("`text_start_x - border` should not underflow `u16`");
let text_bounds_x2 = text_end_x
.expect("`text_end_x + border` should not overflow `u16`");
let notice_bounds_x1 = notice_start_x
.expect("`notice_start_x - 1` should not underflow `u16`");
let notice_bounds_x2 = notice_end_x
.expect("`notice_end_x + 1` should not overflow `u16`");
// If it's a switching point
if idx.rem_euclid(NonZeroUsize::from(block_width).get()) == 0
|| x == text_bounds_x1
|| x == text_bounds_x2
|| x == notice_bounds_x1
|| x == notice_bounds_x2
// Print the color at the current frame
let ci = idx
let c = colors[ci];
if (y_text && (text_bounds_x1 <= x) && (x < text_bounds_x2))
|| (y == notice_y && notice_bounds_x1 <= x && x < notice_bounds_x2)
let c: LinSrgba = c.with_alpha(1.0).into_linear();
let c = Srgb::<u8>::from_linear(c.overlay(black).without_alpha());
&c.to_ansi_string(color_mode, ForegroundBackground::Background),
} else {
.to_ansi_string(color_mode, ForegroundBackground::Background),
// If text should be printed, print text
if y_text && text_start_x <= x && x < text_end_x {
} else if y == notice_y && notice_start_x <= x && x < notice_end_x {
} else {
buf.push(' ');
// New line if it isn't the last line
if y != h.get().checked_sub(1).unwrap() {
&color("&r\n", color_mode)
.expect("line separator should not contain invalid color codes"),
write!(io::stdout(), "{buf}")
.and_then(|_| io::stdout().flush())
.context("failed to write to stdout")?;
let key_pressed = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
// TODO: use non-blocking I/O; no need for another thread
@ -49,126 +285,16 @@ pub fn start_animation(color_mode: AnsiMode) -> Result<()> {
let text = &TEXT_ASCII[1..TEXT_ASCII.len() - 1];
let text_lines: Vec<&str> = text.lines().collect();
let (text_width, text_height) = {
let text_height = text_lines.len();
let text_height = u8::try_from(text_height).expect("`text_height` should fit in `u8`");
let text_width = text_lines[0].len();
let text_width = u8::try_from(text_width).expect("`text_width` should fit in `u8`");
(text_width, text_height)
let mut frame: Wrapping<usize> = Wrapping(0);
const SPEED: u8 = 2;
let frame_delay = Duration::from_secs_f32(1.0 / 25.0);
let mut frame: usize = 0;
let (Width(w), Height(h)) = terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
const BLOCKS: u8 = 9;
let block_width = w / u16::from(BLOCKS);
let text_start_y = (h / 2) - u16::from(text_height / 2);
let text_end_y = text_start_y + u16::from(text_height);
let text_start_x = (w / 2) - u16::from(text_width / 2);
let text_end_x = text_start_x + u16::from(text_width);
let notice_start_x =
w - u16::from(u8::try_from(NOTICE.len()).expect("`NOTICE` length should fit in `u8`")) - 1;
let notice_end_x = w - 1;
let notice_y = h - 1;
// Add every preset to colors
let colors: Vec<Srgb<u8>> = Preset::VARIANTS
.flat_map(|p| p.color_profile().colors)
let fg: Srgb<u8> = "#FFE09B"
.expect("foreground color hex should be valid");
let black = LinSrgba::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
let draw_frame = |frame: usize| -> Result<()> {
let mut buf = String::new();
// Loop over the height
for y in 0..h {
// Print the starting color
buf += &colors[((frame + usize::from(y)) / usize::from(block_width)) % colors.len()]
.to_ansi_string(color_mode, ForegroundBackground::Background);
buf += &fg.to_ansi_string(color_mode, ForegroundBackground::Foreground);
// Loop over the width
for x in 0..w {
let idx = frame
+ usize::from(x)
+ usize::from(y)
+ (2.0 * (y as f64 + 0.5 * frame as f64).sin()) as usize;
let y_text = text_start_y <= y && y < text_end_y;
let border = 1 + if y == text_start_y || y == text_end_y - 1 {
} else {
// If it's a switching point
if idx % usize::from(block_width) == 0
|| x == text_start_x - border
|| x == text_end_x + border
|| x == notice_start_x - 1
|| x == notice_end_x + 1
// Print the color at the current frame
let c = colors[(idx / usize::from(block_width)) % colors.len()];
if (y_text && (text_start_x - border <= x) && (x < text_end_x + border))
|| (y == notice_y && notice_start_x - 1 <= x && x < notice_end_x + 1)
let c: LinSrgba = c.with_alpha(1.0).into_linear();
let c = Srgb::<u8>::from_linear(c.overlay(black).without_alpha());
buf += &c.to_ansi_string(color_mode, ForegroundBackground::Background);
} else {
buf += &c
.to_ansi_string(color_mode, ForegroundBackground::Background);
// If text should be printed, print text
if y_text && text_start_x <= x && x < text_end_x {
text_lines[usize::from(y - text_start_y)]
.nth(usize::from(x - text_start_x))
} else if y == notice_y && notice_start_x <= x && x < notice_end_x {
buf.push(NOTICE.chars().nth(usize::from(x - notice_start_x)).unwrap());
} else {
buf.push(' ');
// New line if it isn't the last line
if y != h - 1 {
buf += &color("&r\n", color_mode)
.expect("line separator should not contain invalid color codes");
write!(io::stdout(), "{buf}")
.and_then(|_| io::stdout().flush())
.context("failed to write to stdout")?;
loop {
// Clear the screen
clear_screen(None, color_mode, false).context("failed to clear screen")?;
frame += usize::from(SPEED);
Add table
Reference in a new issue