From 683d1fc2ec92da928f5b3c474e1f7cd9cf79600d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Teoh Han Hui <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024 21:59:33 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Move create_config to Config::create_config

 crates/hyfetch/             |   2 +-
 crates/hyfetch/src/bin/   | 956 +---------------------------
 crates/hyfetch/src/   |   8 +-
 crates/hyfetch/src/    |  19 +-
 crates/hyfetch/src/        | 873 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 crates/hyfetch/src/ | 109 +++-
 crates/hyfetch/src/       |  14 +-
 crates/hyfetch/src/         |  13 +-
 8 files changed, 1004 insertions(+), 990 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crates/hyfetch/ b/crates/hyfetch/
index 93472b3b..5176f434 100644
--- a/crates/hyfetch/
+++ b/crates/hyfetch/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use std::{env, fs};
 use indexmap::IndexMap;
 use regex::Regex;
-use unicode_normalization::UnicodeNormalization;
+use unicode_normalization::UnicodeNormalization as _;
 struct AsciiDistro {
diff --git a/crates/hyfetch/src/bin/ b/crates/hyfetch/src/bin/
index d124fe5a..d5c3c016 100644
--- a/crates/hyfetch/src/bin/
+++ b/crates/hyfetch/src/bin/
@@ -1,57 +1,17 @@
-use std::borrow::Cow;
-use std::cmp;
-use std::fmt::Write;
 use std::fs::{self, File};
-use std::io::{self, IsTerminal, Read};
-use std::iter::zip;
-use std::path::Path;
+use std::io::{self, IsTerminal as _};
-use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
-use anyhow::{Context, Result};
-use deranged::RangedU8;
-use enterpolation::bspline::BSpline;
-use enterpolation::{Curve, Generator};
+use anyhow::{Context as _, Result};
 use hyfetch::cli_options::options;
-use hyfetch::color_util::{
-    clear_screen, color, printc, ContrastGrayscale, ForegroundBackground, Lightness,
-    NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor, PresetIndexedColor, Theme, ToAnsiString,
 use hyfetch::models::Config;
 use hyfetch::neofetch_util::ensure_git_bash;
-use hyfetch::neofetch_util::{
-    self, ascii_size, fastfetch_path, get_distro_ascii, ColorAlignment, NEOFETCH_COLORS_AC,
-use hyfetch::presets::{AssignLightness, Preset};
-use hyfetch::types::{AnsiMode, Backend, TerminalTheme};
+use hyfetch::neofetch_util::{self, get_distro_ascii, ColorAlignment};
+use hyfetch::presets::AssignLightness;
+use hyfetch::types::Backend;
 use hyfetch::utils::{get_cache_path, input};
-use indexmap::{IndexMap, IndexSet};
-use itertools::Itertools;
-use palette::{LinSrgb, Srgb};
-use serde::Serialize;
-use serde_json::ser::PrettyFormatter;
-use strum::{EnumCount, VariantArray, VariantNames};
-use terminal_colorsaurus::{background_color, QueryOptions};
-use terminal_size::{terminal_size, Height, Width};
 use time::{Month, OffsetDateTime};
 use tracing::debug;
-use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
-const TEST_ASCII: &str = r####################"
-### |\___/| ###
-### )     ( ###
-## =\     /= ##
-#### )===( ####
-### /     \ ###
-### |     | ###
-## / {txt} \ ##
-## \       / ##
-_/\_\_   _/_/\_
-|##|  ( (  |##|
-|##|   ) ) |##|
-|##|  (_(  |##|
 fn main() -> Result<()> {
@@ -83,7 +43,7 @@ fn main() -> Result<()> {
     let config = if options.config {
-        create_config(
+        Config::create_config(
@@ -92,11 +52,11 @@ fn main() -> Result<()> {
         .context("failed to create config")?
     } else if let Some(config) =
-        read_config(&options.config_file).context("failed to read config")?
+        Config::read_from_file(&options.config_file).context("failed to read config")?
     } else {
-        create_config(
+        Config::create_config(
@@ -184,907 +144,9 @@ fn main() -> Result<()> {
-/// Reads config from file.
-/// Returns `None` if the config file does not exist.
-#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug")]
-fn read_config(path: &Path) -> Result<Option<Config>> {
-    let mut file = match File::open(path) {
-        Ok(file) => file,
-        Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
-            return Ok(None);
-        },
-        Err(err) => {
-            return Err(err).with_context(|| format!("failed to open file {path:?} for reading"));
-        },
-    };
-    let mut buf = String::new();
-    file.read_to_string(&mut buf)
-        .with_context(|| format!("failed to read from file {path:?}"))?;
-    let deserializer = &mut serde_json::Deserializer::from_str(&buf);
-    let config: Config = serde_path_to_error::deserialize(deserializer)
-        .with_context(|| format!("failed to parse config from file {path:?}"))?;
-    debug!(?config, "read config");
-    Ok(Some(config))
-/// Creates config interactively.
-/// The config is automatically stored to file.
-#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug")]
-fn create_config(
-    path: &Path,
-    distro: Option<&String>,
-    backend: Backend,
-    use_overlay: bool,
-    debug_mode: bool,
-) -> Result<Config> {
-    // Detect terminal environment (doesn't work for all terminal emulators,
-    // especially on Windows)
-    let det_bg = if io::stdout().is_terminal() {
-        match background_color(QueryOptions::default()) {
-            Ok(bg) => Some(Srgb::<u16>::new(bg.r, bg.g, bg.b).into_format::<u8>()),
-            Err(terminal_colorsaurus::Error::UnsupportedTerminal) => None,
-            Err(err) => {
-                return Err(err).context("failed to get terminal background color");
-            },
-        }
-    } else {
-        None
-    };
-    debug!(?det_bg, "detected background color");
-    let det_ansi = supports_color::on(supports_color::Stream::Stdout).map(|color_level| {
-        if color_level.has_16m {
-            AnsiMode::Rgb
-        } else if color_level.has_256 {
-            AnsiMode::Ansi256
-        } else if color_level.has_basic {
-            unimplemented!(
-                "{mode} color mode not supported",
-                mode = AnsiMode::Ansi16.as_ref()
-            );
-        } else {
-            unreachable!();
-        }
-    });
-    debug!(?det_ansi, "detected color mode");
-    let (asc, fore_back) =
-        get_distro_ascii(distro, backend).context("failed to get distro ascii")?;
-    let (asc_width, asc_lines) = ascii_size(&asc);
-    let theme =|bg| bg.theme()).unwrap_or(TerminalTheme::Light);
-    let color_mode = det_ansi.unwrap_or(AnsiMode::Ansi256);
-    let logo = color(
-        match theme {
-            TerminalTheme::Light => "&l&bhyfetch&~&L",
-            TerminalTheme::Dark => "&l&bhy&ffetch&~&L",
-        },
-        color_mode,
-    )
-    .expect("logo should not contain invalid color codes");
-    let mut title = format!("Welcome to {logo} Let's set up some colors first.");
-    clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
-        .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
-    let mut option_counter: u8 = 1;
-    fn update_title(title: &mut String, option_counter: &mut u8, k: &str, v: &str) {
-        let k: Cow<str> = if k.ends_with(':') {
-            k.into()
-        } else {
-            format!("{k}:").into()
-        };
-        write!(title, "\n&e{option_counter}. {k:<30} &~{v}").unwrap();
-        *option_counter += 1;
-    }
-    fn print_title_prompt(option_counter: u8, prompt: &str, color_mode: AnsiMode) {
-        printc(format!("&a{option_counter}. {prompt}"), color_mode)
-            .expect("prompt should not contain invalid color codes");
-    }
-    //////////////////////////////
-    // 0. Check term size
-    {
-        let (Width(term_w), Height(term_h)) =
-            terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
-        let term_w_min = 2 * u16::from(asc_width) + 4;
-        let term_h_min = 30;
-        if term_w < term_w_min || term_h < term_h_min {
-            printc(
-                format!(
-                    "&cWarning: Your terminal is too small ({term_w} * {term_h}).\nPlease resize \
-                     it to at least ({term_w_min} * {term_h_min}) for better experience."
-                ),
-                color_mode,
-            )
-            .expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
-            input(Some("Press enter to continue...")).context("failed to read input")?;
-        }
-    }
-    //////////////////////////////
-    // 1. Select color mode
-    let default_color_profile = Preset::Rainbow.color_profile();
-    let select_color_mode = || -> Result<(AnsiMode, &str)> {
-        if det_ansi == Some(AnsiMode::Rgb) {
-            return Ok((AnsiMode::Rgb, "Detected color mode"));
-        }
-        clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
-            .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
-        let (Width(term_w), _) = terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
-        let spline = BSpline::builder()
-            .clamped()
-            .elements(
-                default_color_profile
-                    .unique_colors()
-                    .colors
-                    .iter()
-                    .map(|rgb_u8_color| rgb_u8_color.into_linear())
-                    .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-            )
-            .equidistant::<f32>()
-            .degree(1)
-            .normalized()
-            .constant::<2>()
-            .build()
-            .expect("building spline should not fail");
-        let [dmin, dmax] = spline.domain();
-        let gradient: Vec<LinSrgb> = (0..term_w)
-            .map(|i| spline.gen(remap(i as f32, 0.0, term_w as f32, dmin, dmax)))
-            .collect();
-        /// Maps `t` in range `[a, b)` to range `[c, d)`.
-        fn remap(t: f32, a: f32, b: f32, c: f32, d: f32) -> f32 {
-            (t - a) * ((d - c) / (b - a)) + c
-        }
-        {
-            let label = format!(
-                "{label:^term_w$}",
-                label = "8bit Color Testing",
-                term_w = usize::from(term_w)
-            );
-            let line = zip(gradient.iter(), label.chars()).fold(
-                String::new(),
-                |mut s, (&rgb_f32_color, t)| {
-                    let rgb_u8_color = Srgb::<u8>::from_linear(rgb_f32_color);
-                    let back = rgb_u8_color
-                        .to_ansi_string(AnsiMode::Ansi256, ForegroundBackground::Background);
-                    let fore = rgb_u8_color
-                        .contrast_grayscale()
-                        .to_ansi_string(AnsiMode::Ansi256, ForegroundBackground::Foreground);
-                    write!(s, "{back}{fore}{t}").unwrap();
-                    s
-                },
-            );
-            printc(line, AnsiMode::Ansi256)
-                .expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
-        }
-        {
-            let label = format!(
-                "{label:^term_w$}",
-                label = "RGB Color Testing",
-                term_w = usize::from(term_w)
-            );
-            let line = zip(gradient.iter(), label.chars()).fold(
-                String::new(),
-                |mut s, (&rgb_f32_color, t)| {
-                    let rgb_u8_color = Srgb::<u8>::from_linear(rgb_f32_color);
-                    let back = rgb_u8_color
-                        .to_ansi_string(AnsiMode::Rgb, ForegroundBackground::Background);
-                    let fore = rgb_u8_color
-                        .contrast_grayscale()
-                        .to_ansi_string(AnsiMode::Ansi256, ForegroundBackground::Foreground);
-                    write!(s, "{back}{fore}{t}").unwrap();
-                    s
-                },
-            );
-            printc(line, AnsiMode::Rgb).expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
-        }
-        println!();
-        print_title_prompt(
-            option_counter,
-            "Which &bcolor system &ado you want to use?",
-            color_mode,
-        );
-        println!(r#"(If you can't see colors under "RGB Color Testing", please choose 8bit)"#);
-        println!();
-        let choice = literal_input(
-            "Your choice?",
-            AnsiMode::VARIANTS,
-            AnsiMode::Rgb.as_ref(),
-            true,
-            color_mode,
-        )?;
-        Ok((
-            choice.parse().expect("selected color mode should be valid"),
-            "Selected color mode",
-        ))
-    };
-    let color_mode = {
-        let (color_mode, ttl) = select_color_mode().context("failed to select color mode")?;
-        debug!(?color_mode, "selected color mode");
-        update_title(&mut title, &mut option_counter, ttl, color_mode.as_ref());
-        color_mode
-    };
-    //////////////////////////////
-    // 2. Select theme (light/dark mode)
-    let select_theme = || -> Result<(TerminalTheme, &str)> {
-        if let Some(det_bg) = det_bg {
-            return Ok((det_bg.theme(), "Detected background color"));
-        }
-        clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
-            .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
-        print_title_prompt(
-            option_counter,
-            "Is your terminal in &blight mode&~ or &4dark mode&~?",
-            color_mode,
-        );
-        let choice = literal_input(
-            "",
-            TerminalTheme::VARIANTS,
-            TerminalTheme::Dark.as_ref(),
-            true,
-            color_mode,
-        )?;
-        Ok((
-            choice.parse().expect("selected theme should be valid"),
-            "Selected background color",
-        ))
-    };
-    let theme = {
-        let (theme, ttl) = select_theme().context("failed to select theme")?;
-        debug!(?theme, "selected theme");
-        update_title(&mut title, &mut option_counter, ttl, theme.as_ref());
-        theme
-    };
-    //////////////////////////////
-    // 3. Choose preset
-    // Create flag lines
-    let mut flags = Vec::with_capacity(Preset::COUNT);
-    let spacing = {
-        let spacing = <Preset as VariantNames>::VARIANTS
-            .iter()
-            .map(|name| name.chars().count())
-            .max()
-            .expect("preset name iterator should not be empty");
-        let spacing: u8 = spacing.try_into().expect("`spacing` should fit in `u8`");
-        cmp::max(spacing, 20)
-    };
-    for preset in <Preset as VariantArray>::VARIANTS {
-        let color_profile = preset.color_profile();
-        let flag = color_profile
-            .color_text(
-                " ".repeat(usize::from(spacing)),
-                color_mode,
-                ForegroundBackground::Background,
-                false,
-            )
-            .with_context(|| format!("failed to color flag using preset: {preset:?}"))?;
-        let name = format!(
-            "{name:^spacing$}",
-            name = preset.as_ref(),
-            spacing = usize::from(spacing)
-        );
-        flags.push([name, flag.clone(), flag.clone(), flag]);
-    }
-    // Calculate flags per row
-    let (flags_per_row, rows_per_page) = {
-        let (Width(term_w), Height(term_h)) =
-            terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
-        let flags_per_row = term_w / (u16::from(spacing) + 2);
-        let flags_per_row: u8 = flags_per_row
-            .try_into()
-            .expect("`flags_per_row` should fit in `u8`");
-        let rows_per_page = cmp::max(1, (term_h - 13) / 5);
-        let rows_per_page: u8 = rows_per_page
-            .try_into()
-            .expect("`rows_per_page` should fit in `u8`");
-        (flags_per_row, rows_per_page)
-    };
-    let num_pages =
-        (Preset::COUNT as f32 / (flags_per_row as f32 * rows_per_page as f32)).ceil() as usize;
-    let num_pages: u8 = num_pages
-        .try_into()
-        .expect("`num_pages` should fit in `u8`");
-    // Create pages
-    let mut pages = Vec::with_capacity(usize::from(num_pages));
-    for flags in flags.chunks(usize::from(flags_per_row) * usize::from(rows_per_page)) {
-        let mut page = Vec::with_capacity(usize::from(rows_per_page));
-        for flags in flags.chunks(usize::from(flags_per_row)) {
-            page.push(flags);
-        }
-        pages.push(page);
-    }
-    let print_flag_page = |page, page_num| {
-        clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
-            .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
-        print_title_prompt(option_counter, "Let's choose a flag!", color_mode);
-        println!("Available flag presets:");
-        println!("Page: {page_num} of {num_pages}", page_num = page_num + 1);
-        println!();
-        for &row in page {
-            print_flag_row(row, color_mode);
-        }
-        println!();
-    };
-    fn print_flag_row(row: &[[String; 4]], color_mode: AnsiMode) {
-        for i in 0..4 {
-            let mut line = Vec::new();
-            for flag in row {
-                line.push(&*flag[i]);
-            }
-            printc(line.join("  "), color_mode)
-                .expect("flag line should not contain invalid color codes");
-        }
-        println!();
-    }
-    let default_lightness = Config::default_lightness(theme);
-    let preset_default_colored = default_color_profile
-        .with_lightness_adaptive(default_lightness, theme, use_overlay)
-        .color_text(
-            "preset",
-            color_mode,
-            ForegroundBackground::Foreground,
-            false,
-        )
-        .expect("coloring text with default preset should not fail");
-    let preset: Preset;
-    let color_profile;
-    let mut page: u8 = 0;
-    loop {
-        print_flag_page(&pages[usize::from(page)], page);
-        let mut opts: Vec<&str> = <Preset as VariantNames>::VARIANTS.into();
-        if page < num_pages - 1 {
-            opts.push("next");
-        }
-        if page > 0 {
-            opts.push("prev");
-        }
-        println!("Enter 'next' to go to the next page and 'prev' to go to the previous page.");
-        let selection = literal_input(
-            format!(
-                "Which {preset} do you want to use? ",
-                preset = preset_default_colored
-            ),
-            &opts[..],
-            Preset::Rainbow.as_ref(),
-            false,
-            color_mode,
-        )
-        .context("failed to select preset")?;
-        if selection == "next" {
-            page += 1;
-        } else if selection == "prev" {
-            page -= 1;
-        } else {
-            preset = selection.parse().expect("selected preset should be valid");
-            debug!(?preset, "selected preset");
-            color_profile = preset.color_profile();
-            update_title(
-                &mut title,
-                &mut option_counter,
-                "Selected flag",
-                &color_profile
-                    .with_lightness_adaptive(default_lightness, theme, use_overlay)
-                    .color_text(
-                        preset.as_ref(),
-                        color_mode,
-                        ForegroundBackground::Foreground,
-                        false,
-                    )
-                    .expect("coloring text with selected preset should not fail"),
-            );
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    //////////////////////////////
-    // 4. Dim/lighten colors
-    let test_ascii = &TEST_ASCII[1..TEST_ASCII.len() - 1];
-    let test_ascii_width = test_ascii
-        .split('\n')
-        .map(|line| line.graphemes(true).count())
-        .max()
-        .expect("line iterator should not be empty");
-    let test_ascii_width: u8 = test_ascii_width
-        .try_into()
-        .expect("`test_ascii_width` should fit in `u8`");
-    let test_ascii_height = test_ascii.split('\n').count();
-    let test_ascii_height: u8 = test_ascii_height
-        .try_into()
-        .expect("`test_ascii_height` should fit in `u8`");
-    let select_lightness = || -> Result<Lightness> {
-        clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
-            .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
-        print_title_prompt(
-            option_counter,
-            "Let's adjust the color brightness!",
-            color_mode,
-        );
-        println!(
-            "The colors might be a little bit too {bright_dark} for {light_dark} mode.",
-            bright_dark = match theme {
-                TerminalTheme::Light => "bright",
-                TerminalTheme::Dark => "dark",
-            },
-            light_dark = theme.as_ref()
-        );
-        println!();
-        let color_align = ColorAlignment::Horizontal { fore_back: None };
-        // Print cats
-        {
-            let (Width(term_w), _) = terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
-            let num_cols = cmp::max(1, term_w / (u16::from(test_ascii_width) + 2));
-            let num_cols: u8 = num_cols.try_into().expect("`num_cols` should fit in `u8`");
-            const MIN: f32 = 0.15;
-            const MAX: f32 = 0.85;
-            let ratios =
-                (0..num_cols)
-                    .map(|col| col as f32 / num_cols as f32)
-                    .map(|r| match theme {
-                        TerminalTheme::Light => r * (MAX - MIN) / 2.0 + MIN,
-                        TerminalTheme::Dark => (r * (MAX - MIN) + (MAX + MIN)) / 2.0,
-                    });
-            let row: Vec<Vec<String>> = ratios
-                .map(|r| {
-                    let asc = color_align
-                        .recolor_ascii(
-                            test_ascii.replace(
-                                "{txt}",
-                                &format!(
-                                    "{lightness:^5}",
-                                    lightness = format!("{lightness:.0}%", lightness = r * 100.0)
-                                ),
-                            ),
-                            &color_profile.with_lightness_adaptive(
-                                Lightness::new(r)
-                                    .expect("generated lightness should not be invalid"),
-                                theme,
-                                use_overlay,
-                            ),
-                            color_mode,
-                            theme,
-                        )
-                        .expect("recoloring test ascii should not fail");
-                    asc.split('\n').map(ToOwned::to_owned).collect()
-                })
-                .collect();
-            for i in 0..usize::from(test_ascii_height) {
-                let mut line = Vec::new();
-                for lines in &row {
-                    line.push(&*lines[i]);
-                }
-                printc(line.join("  "), color_mode)
-                    .expect("test ascii line should not contain invalid color codes");
-            }
-        }
-        loop {
-            println!();
-            println!(
-                "Which brightness level looks the best? (Default: {default:.0}% for {light_dark} \
-                 mode)",
-                default = f32::from(default_lightness) * 100.0,
-                light_dark = theme.as_ref()
-            );
-            let lightness = input(Some("> "))
-                .context("failed to read input")?
-                .trim()
-                .to_lowercase();
-            match parse_lightness(lightness, default_lightness) {
-                Ok(lightness) => {
-                    return Ok(lightness);
-                },
-                Err(err) => {
-                    debug!(%err, "could not parse lightness");
-                    printc(
-                        "&cUnable to parse lightness value, please enter a lightness value such \
-                         as 45%, .45, or 45",
-                        color_mode,
-                    )
-                    .expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
-                },
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    fn parse_lightness(lightness: String, default: Lightness) -> Result<Lightness> {
-        if lightness.is_empty() || ["unset", "none"].contains(&&*lightness) {
-            return Ok(default);
-        }
-        let lightness = if let Some(lightness) = lightness.strip_suffix('%') {
-            let lightness: RangedU8<0, 100> = lightness.parse()?;
-            lightness.get() as f32 / 100.0
-        } else {
-            match lightness.parse::<RangedU8<0, 100>>() {
-                Ok(lightness) => lightness.get() as f32 / 100.0,
-                Err(_) => lightness.parse::<f32>()?,
-            }
-        };
-        Ok(Lightness::new(lightness)?)
-    }
-    let lightness = select_lightness().context("failed to select lightness")?;
-    debug!(?lightness, "selected lightness");
-    let color_profile = color_profile.with_lightness_adaptive(lightness, theme, use_overlay);
-    update_title(
-        &mut title,
-        &mut option_counter,
-        "Selected brightness",
-        &format!("{lightness:.2}", lightness = f32::from(lightness)),
-    );
-    //////////////////////////////
-    // 5. Color arrangement
-    let color_align: ColorAlignment;
-    // Calculate amount of row/column that can be displayed on screen
-    let (ascii_per_row, ascii_rows) = {
-        let (Width(term_w), Height(term_h)) =
-            terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
-        let ascii_per_row = cmp::max(1, term_w / (u16::from(asc_width) + 2));
-        let ascii_per_row: u8 = ascii_per_row
-            .try_into()
-            .expect("`ascii_per_row` should fit in `u8`");
-        let ascii_rows = cmp::max(1, (term_h - 8) / (u16::from(asc_lines) + 1));
-        let ascii_rows: u8 = ascii_rows
-            .try_into()
-            .expect("`ascii_rows` should fit in `u8`");
-        (ascii_per_row, ascii_rows)
-    };
-    // Displays horizontal and vertical arrangements in the first iteration, but
-    // hide them in later iterations
-    let hv_arrangements = [
-        ("Horizontal", ColorAlignment::Horizontal { fore_back }),
-        ("Vertical", ColorAlignment::Vertical { fore_back }),
-    ];
-    let mut arrangements: IndexMap<Cow<str>, ColorAlignment> =
-|(k, ca)| (k.into(), ca)).into();
-    // Loop for random rolling
-    let mut rng = fastrand::Rng::new();
-    loop {
-        clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
-            .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
-        // Random color schemes
-        let mut preset_indices: Vec<PresetIndexedColor> =
-            (0..color_profile.unique_colors().colors.len())
-                .map(|pi| {
-                    let pi: u8 = pi.try_into().expect("`pi` should fit in `u8`");
-                    pi.into()
-                })
-                .collect();
-        let slots: IndexSet<NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor> = {
-            let ac = NEOFETCH_COLORS_AC
-                .get_or_init(|| AhoCorasick::new(NEOFETCH_COLOR_PATTERNS).unwrap());
-            ac.find_iter(&asc)
-                .map(|m| {
-                    asc[m.start() + 3..m.end() - 1]
-                        .parse()
-                        .expect("neofetch ascii color index should not be invalid")
-                })
-                .collect()
-        };
-        while preset_indices.len() < slots.len() {
-            preset_indices.extend_from_within(0..);
-        }
-        let preset_index_permutations: IndexSet<Vec<PresetIndexedColor>> = preset_indices
-            .into_iter()
-            .permutations(slots.len())
-            .collect();
-        let random_count = cmp::max(
-            0,
-            usize::from(ascii_per_row) * usize::from(ascii_rows) - arrangements.len(),
-        );
-        let random_count: u8 = random_count
-            .try_into()
-            .expect("`random_count` should fit in `u8`");
-        let choices: IndexSet<Vec<PresetIndexedColor>> =
-            if usize::from(random_count) > preset_index_permutations.len() {
-                preset_index_permutations
-            } else {
-                rng.choose_multiple(
-                    preset_index_permutations.into_iter(),
-                    usize::from(random_count),
-                )
-                .into_iter()
-                .collect()
-            };
-        let choices: Vec<IndexMap<NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor, PresetIndexedColor>> = choices
-            .into_iter()
-            .map(|c| {
-                c.into_iter()
-                    .enumerate()
-                    .map(|(ai, pi)| (slots[ai], pi))
-                    .collect()
-            })
-            .collect();
-        arrangements.extend(choices.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(i, r)| {
-            (format!("random{i}").into(), ColorAlignment::Custom {
-                colors: r,
-            })
-        }));
-        let asciis = arrangements.iter().map(|(k, ca)| {
-            let mut v: Vec<String> = ca
-                .recolor_ascii(&asc, &color_profile, color_mode, theme)
-                .expect("recoloring ascii should not fail")
-                .split('\n')
-                .map(ToOwned::to_owned)
-                .collect();
-            v.push(format!(
-                "{k:^asc_width$}",
-                asc_width = usize::from(asc_width)
-            ));
-            v
-        });
-        for row in &asciis.chunks(usize::from(ascii_per_row)) {
-            let row: Vec<Vec<String>> = row.into_iter().collect();
-            // Print by row
-            for i in 0..usize::from(asc_lines) + 1 {
-                let mut line = Vec::new();
-                for lines in &row {
-                    line.push(&*lines[i]);
-                }
-                printc(line.join("  "), color_mode)
-                    .expect("ascii line should not contain invalid color codes");
-            }
-            println!();
-        }
-        print_title_prompt(
-            option_counter,
-            "Let's choose a color arrangement!",
-            color_mode,
-        );
-        println!(
-            "You can choose standard horizontal or vertical alignment, or use one of the random \
-             color schemes."
-        );
-        println!(r#"You can type "roll" to randomize again."#);
-        println!();
-        let mut opts: Vec<Cow<str>> = ["horizontal", "vertical", "roll"].map(Into::into).into();
-        opts.extend((0..random_count).map(|i| format!("random{i}").into()));
-        let choice = literal_input("Your choice?", &opts[..], "horizontal", true, color_mode)
-            .context("failed to select color alignment")?;
-        if choice == "roll" {
-            arrangements.clear();
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Save choice
-        color_align = arrangements
-            .into_iter()
-            .find_map(|(k, ca)| {
-                if k.to_lowercase() == choice {
-                    Some(ca)
-                } else {
-                    None
-                }
-            })
-            .expect("selected color alignment should be valid");
-        debug!(?color_align, "selected color alignment");
-        break;
-    }
-    update_title(
-        &mut title,
-        &mut option_counter,
-        "Selected color alignment",
-        color_align.as_ref(),
-    );
-    //////////////////////////////
-    // 6. Select *fetch backend
-    let select_backend = || -> Result<Backend> {
-        clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
-            .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
-        print_title_prompt(option_counter, "Select a *fetch backend", color_mode);
-        // Check if fastfetch is installed
-        let fastfetch_path = fastfetch_path().context("failed to get fastfetch path")?;
-        // Check if qwqfetch is installed
-        // TODO: qwqfetch
-        printc(
-            "- &bneofetch&r: Written in bash, &nbest compatibility&r on Unix systems",
-            color_mode,
-        )
-        .expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
-        printc(
-            format!(
-                "- &bfastfetch&r: Written in C, &nbest performance&r {installed_not_installed}",
-                installed_not_installed = fastfetch_path
-                    .map(|path| format!("&a(Installed at {path})", path = path.display()))
-                    .unwrap_or_else(|| "&c(Not installed)".to_owned())
-            ),
-            color_mode,
-        )
-        .expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
-        // TODO: qwqfetch
-        println!();
-        let choice = literal_input(
-            "Your choice?",
-            Backend::VARIANTS,
-            backend.as_ref(),
-            true,
-            color_mode,
-        )?;
-        Ok(choice.parse().expect("selected backend should be valid"))
-    };
-    let backend = select_backend().context("failed to select backend")?;
-    update_title(
-        &mut title,
-        &mut option_counter,
-        "Selected backend",
-        backend.as_ref(),
-    );
-    // Create config
-    clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
-        .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
-    let config = Config {
-        preset,
-        mode: color_mode,
-        light_dark: theme,
-        lightness: Some(lightness),
-        color_align,
-        backend,
-        args: None,
-        distro: distro.cloned(),
-        pride_month_disable: false,
-    };
-    debug!(?config, "created config");
-    // Save config
-    let save = literal_input("Save config?", &["y", "n"], "y", true, color_mode)?;
-    if save == "y" {
-        let file = File::options()
-            .write(true)
-            .create(true)
-            .truncate(true)
-            .open(path)
-            .with_context(|| format!("failed to open file {path:?} for writing"))?;
-        let mut serializer =
-            serde_json::Serializer::with_formatter(file, PrettyFormatter::with_indent(b"    "));
-        config
-            .serialize(&mut serializer)
-            .with_context(|| format!("failed to write config to file {path:?}"))?;
-        debug!(?path, "saved config");
-    }
-    Ok(config)
-/// Asks the user to provide an input among a list of options.
-fn literal_input<'a, S1, S2>(
-    prompt: S1,
-    options: &'a [S2],
-    default: &str,
-    show_options: bool,
-    color_mode: AnsiMode,
-) -> Result<&'a str>
-    S1: AsRef<str>,
-    S2: AsRef<str>,
-    let prompt = prompt.as_ref();
-    if show_options {
-        let options_text = options
-            .iter()
-            .map(|o| {
-                let o = o.as_ref();
-                if o == default {
-                    format!("&l&n{o}&L&N")
-                } else {
-                    o.to_owned()
-                }
-            })
-            .collect::<Vec<_>>()
-            .join("|");
-        printc(format!("{prompt} ({options_text})"), color_mode)
-            .context("failed to print input prompt")?;
-    } else {
-        printc(format!("{prompt} (default: {default})"), color_mode)
-            .context("failed to print input prompt")?;
-    }
-    loop {
-        let selection = input(Some("> ")).context("failed to read input")?;
-        let selection = if selection.is_empty() {
-            default.to_owned()
-        } else {
-            selection.to_lowercase()
-        };
-        if let Some(selected) = find_selection(&selection, options) {
-            println!();
-            return Ok(selected);
-        } else {
-            let options_text = options.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).join("|");
-            println!("Invalid selection! {selection} is not one of {options_text}");
-        }
-    }
-    fn find_selection<'a, S>(sel: &str, options: &'a [S]) -> Option<&'a str>
-    where
-        S: AsRef<str>,
-    {
-        if sel.is_empty() {
-            return None;
-        }
-        // Find exact match
-        if let Some(selected) = options.iter().find(|&o| o.as_ref().to_lowercase() == sel) {
-            return Some(selected.as_ref());
-        }
-        // Find starting abbreviation
-        if let Some(selected) = options
-            .iter()
-            .find(|&o| o.as_ref().to_lowercase().starts_with(sel))
-        {
-            return Some(selected.as_ref());
-        }
-        None
-    }
 fn init_tracing_subsriber(debug_mode: bool) -> Result<()> {
     use std::env;
-    use std::str::FromStr;
+    use std::str::FromStr as _;
     use tracing::Level;
     use tracing_subscriber::filter::{LevelFilter, Targets};
diff --git a/crates/hyfetch/src/ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
index 7eeef9c7..117321aa 100644
--- a/crates/hyfetch/src/
+++ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 use std::path::PathBuf;
-use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::str::FromStr as _;
-use anyhow::Context;
+use anyhow::Context as _;
 #[cfg(feature = "autocomplete")]
 use bpaf::ShellComp;
-use bpaf::{construct, long, OptionParser, Parser};
+use bpaf::{construct, long, OptionParser, Parser as _};
 use directories::BaseDirs;
-use strum::VariantNames;
+use strum::VariantNames as _;
 use crate::color_util::{color, Lightness};
 use crate::presets::Preset;
diff --git a/crates/hyfetch/src/ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
index bf10d661..45ec27a3 100644
--- a/crates/hyfetch/src/
+++ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
-use std::io::{self, Write};
+use std::io::{self, Write as _};
 use std::num::{ParseFloatError, ParseIntError};
 use std::str::FromStr;
 use std::sync::OnceLock;
 use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
-use ansi_colours::{ansi256_from_grey, rgb_from_ansi256, AsRGB};
-use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
+use ansi_colours::{ansi256_from_grey, rgb_from_ansi256, AsRGB as _};
+use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _, Result};
 use deranged::RangedU8;
-use palette::color_difference::ImprovedCiede2000;
-use palette::{FromColor, IntoColor, IntoColorMut, Lab, LinSrgb, Okhsl, Srgb, SrgbLuma};
+use palette::color_difference::ImprovedCiede2000 as _;
+use palette::{
+    FromColor as _, IntoColor as _, IntoColorMut as _, Lab, LinSrgb, Okhsl, Srgb, SrgbLuma,
 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 use thiserror::Error;
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ static RGB_COLORS_AC: OnceLock<AhoCorasick> = OnceLock::new();
 /// Represents the lightness component in [`Okhsl`].
 /// The range of valid values is
-/// `(`[`Lightness::MIN`]`..=`[`Lightness::MAX`]`)`.
+/// [`Lightness::MIN`]`..=`[`Lightness::MAX`]
 /// [`Okhsl`]: palette::Okhsl
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
@@ -92,8 +94,7 @@ pub enum ParseLightnessError {
 /// neofetch ascii art.
 /// The range of valid values as supported in neofetch is
-/// `(`[`NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor::MIN`]`..
-/// =`[`NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor::MAX`]`)`.
+/// [`NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor::MIN`]`..=`[`NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor::MAX`]
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
 pub struct NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor(
     RangedU8<{ NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor::MIN }, { NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor::MAX }>,
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ pub trait ContrastGrayscale {
     /// The returned color is one of the ANSI 256 (8-bit) grayscale colors.
-    /// See
+    /// See <>
     fn contrast_grayscale(&self) -> SrgbLuma<u8>;
diff --git a/crates/hyfetch/src/ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
index 30571f1f..07e0efed 100644
--- a/crates/hyfetch/src/
+++ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
@@ -1,16 +1,60 @@
-use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use std::cmp;
+use std::fmt::{self, Write as _};
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::{self, IsTerminal as _, Read as _};
+use std::iter::zip;
+use std::path::Path;
-use crate::color_util::Lightness;
-use crate::neofetch_util::ColorAlignment;
+use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
+use anyhow::{Context as _, Result};
+use deranged::RangedU8;
+use enterpolation::bspline::BSpline;
+use enterpolation::{Curve as _, Generator as _};
+use indexmap::{IndexMap, IndexSet};
+use itertools::Itertools as _;
+use palette::{LinSrgb, Srgb};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use serde_json::ser::PrettyFormatter;
+use strum::{EnumCount as _, VariantArray, VariantNames};
+use terminal_colorsaurus::{background_color, QueryOptions};
+use terminal_size::{terminal_size, Height, Width};
+use tracing::debug;
+use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation as _;
+use crate::color_util::{
+    clear_screen, color, printc, ContrastGrayscale as _, ForegroundBackground, Lightness,
+    NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor, PresetIndexedColor, Theme as _, ToAnsiString as _,
+use crate::neofetch_util::{
+    ascii_size, fastfetch_path, get_distro_ascii, literal_input, ColorAlignment,
 use crate::presets::Preset;
 use crate::types::{AnsiMode, Backend, TerminalTheme};
+use crate::utils::input;
+const TEST_ASCII: &str = r####################"
+### |\___/| ###
+### )     ( ###
+## =\     /= ##
+#### )===( ####
+### /     \ ###
+### |     | ###
+## / {txt} \ ##
+## \       / ##
+_/\_\_   _/_/\_
+|##|  ( (  |##|
+|##|   ) ) |##|
+|##|  (_(  |##|
 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
 pub struct Config {
     pub preset: Preset,
     pub mode: AnsiMode,
     pub light_dark: TerminalTheme,
-    pub lightness: Option<Lightness>,
+    lightness: Option<Lightness>,
     pub color_align: ColorAlignment,
     pub backend: Backend,
@@ -21,6 +65,827 @@ pub struct Config {
 impl Config {
+    /// Reads config from file.
+    ///
+    /// Returns `None` if the config file does not exist.
+    #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug")]
+    pub fn read_from_file<P>(path: P) -> Result<Option<Config>>
+    where
+        P: AsRef<Path> + fmt::Debug,
+    {
+        let path = path.as_ref();
+        let mut file = match File::open(path) {
+            Ok(file) => file,
+            Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
+                return Ok(None);
+            },
+            Err(err) => {
+                return Err(err)
+                    .with_context(|| format!("failed to open file {path:?} for reading"));
+            },
+        };
+        let mut buf = String::new();
+        file.read_to_string(&mut buf)
+            .with_context(|| format!("failed to read from file {path:?}"))?;
+        let deserializer = &mut serde_json::Deserializer::from_str(&buf);
+        let config: Config = serde_path_to_error::deserialize(deserializer)
+            .with_context(|| format!("failed to parse config from file {path:?}"))?;
+        debug!(?config, "read config");
+        Ok(Some(config))
+    }
+    /// Creates config interactively.
+    ///
+    /// The config is automatically stored to file.
+    #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug")]
+    pub fn create_config<P>(
+        path: P,
+        distro: Option<&String>,
+        backend: Backend,
+        use_overlay: bool,
+        debug_mode: bool,
+    ) -> Result<Config>
+    where
+        P: AsRef<Path> + fmt::Debug,
+    {
+        // Detect terminal environment (doesn't work for all terminal emulators,
+        // especially on Windows)
+        let det_bg = if io::stdout().is_terminal() {
+            match background_color(QueryOptions::default()) {
+                Ok(bg) => Some(Srgb::<u16>::new(bg.r, bg.g, bg.b).into_format::<u8>()),
+                Err(terminal_colorsaurus::Error::UnsupportedTerminal) => None,
+                Err(err) => {
+                    return Err(err).context("failed to get terminal background color");
+                },
+            }
+        } else {
+            None
+        };
+        debug!(?det_bg, "detected background color");
+        let det_ansi = supports_color::on(supports_color::Stream::Stdout).map(|color_level| {
+            if color_level.has_16m {
+                AnsiMode::Rgb
+            } else if color_level.has_256 {
+                AnsiMode::Ansi256
+            } else if color_level.has_basic {
+                unimplemented!(
+                    "{mode} color mode not supported",
+                    mode = AnsiMode::Ansi16.as_ref()
+                );
+            } else {
+                unreachable!();
+            }
+        });
+        debug!(?det_ansi, "detected color mode");
+        let (asc, fore_back) =
+            get_distro_ascii(distro, backend).context("failed to get distro ascii")?;
+        let (asc_width, asc_lines) = ascii_size(&asc);
+        let theme =|bg| bg.theme()).unwrap_or(TerminalTheme::Light);
+        let color_mode = det_ansi.unwrap_or(AnsiMode::Ansi256);
+        let mut title = format!(
+            "Welcome to {logo} Let's set up some colors first.",
+            logo = color(
+                match theme {
+                    TerminalTheme::Light => "&l&bhyfetch&~&L",
+                    TerminalTheme::Dark => "&l&bhy&ffetch&~&L",
+                },
+                color_mode,
+            )
+            .expect("logo should not contain invalid color codes")
+        );
+        clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
+            .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
+        let mut option_counter: u8 = 1;
+        fn update_title(title: &mut String, option_counter: &mut u8, k: &str, v: &str) {
+            let k: Cow<str> = if k.ends_with(':') {
+                k.into()
+            } else {
+                format!("{k}:").into()
+            };
+            write!(title, "\n&e{option_counter}. {k:<30} &~{v}").unwrap();
+            *option_counter += 1;
+        }
+        fn print_title_prompt(option_counter: u8, prompt: &str, color_mode: AnsiMode) {
+            printc(format!("&a{option_counter}. {prompt}"), color_mode)
+                .expect("prompt should not contain invalid color codes");
+        }
+        //////////////////////////////
+        // 0. Check term size
+        {
+            let (Width(term_w), Height(term_h)) =
+                terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
+            let (term_w_min, term_h_min) = (2 * u16::from(asc_width) + 4, 30);
+            if term_w < term_w_min || term_h < term_h_min {
+                printc(
+                    format!(
+                        "&cWarning: Your terminal is too small ({term_w} * {term_h}).\nPlease \
+                         resize it to at least ({term_w_min} * {term_h_min}) for better \
+                         experience."
+                    ),
+                    color_mode,
+                )
+                .expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
+                input(Some("Press enter to continue...")).context("failed to read input")?;
+            }
+        }
+        //////////////////////////////
+        // 1. Select color mode
+        let default_color_profile = Preset::Rainbow.color_profile();
+        let select_color_mode = || -> Result<(AnsiMode, &str)> {
+            if det_ansi == Some(AnsiMode::Rgb) {
+                return Ok((AnsiMode::Rgb, "Detected color mode"));
+            }
+            clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
+                .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
+            let (Width(term_w), _) = terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
+            let spline = BSpline::builder()
+                .clamped()
+                .elements(
+                    default_color_profile
+                        .unique_colors()
+                        .colors
+                        .iter()
+                        .map(|rgb_u8_color| rgb_u8_color.into_linear())
+                        .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+                )
+                .equidistant::<f32>()
+                .degree(1)
+                .normalized()
+                .constant::<2>()
+                .build()
+                .expect("building spline should not fail");
+            let [dmin, dmax] = spline.domain();
+            let gradient: Vec<LinSrgb> = (0..term_w)
+                .map(|i| spline.gen(remap(i as f32, 0.0, term_w as f32, dmin, dmax)))
+                .collect();
+            /// Maps `t` in range `[a, b)` to range `[c, d)`.
+            fn remap(t: f32, a: f32, b: f32, c: f32, d: f32) -> f32 {
+                (t - a) * ((d - c) / (b - a)) + c
+            }
+            {
+                let label = format!(
+                    "{label:^term_w$}",
+                    label = "8bit Color Testing",
+                    term_w = usize::from(term_w)
+                );
+                let line = zip(gradient.iter(), label.chars()).fold(
+                    String::new(),
+                    |mut s, (&rgb_f32_color, t)| {
+                        let rgb_u8_color = Srgb::<u8>::from_linear(rgb_f32_color);
+                        let back = rgb_u8_color
+                            .to_ansi_string(AnsiMode::Ansi256, ForegroundBackground::Background);
+                        let fore = rgb_u8_color
+                            .contrast_grayscale()
+                            .to_ansi_string(AnsiMode::Ansi256, ForegroundBackground::Foreground);
+                        write!(s, "{back}{fore}{t}").unwrap();
+                        s
+                    },
+                );
+                printc(line, AnsiMode::Ansi256)
+                    .expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
+            }
+            {
+                let label = format!(
+                    "{label:^term_w$}",
+                    label = "RGB Color Testing",
+                    term_w = usize::from(term_w)
+                );
+                let line = zip(gradient.iter(), label.chars()).fold(
+                    String::new(),
+                    |mut s, (&rgb_f32_color, t)| {
+                        let rgb_u8_color = Srgb::<u8>::from_linear(rgb_f32_color);
+                        let back = rgb_u8_color
+                            .to_ansi_string(AnsiMode::Rgb, ForegroundBackground::Background);
+                        let fore = rgb_u8_color
+                            .contrast_grayscale()
+                            .to_ansi_string(AnsiMode::Ansi256, ForegroundBackground::Foreground);
+                        write!(s, "{back}{fore}{t}").unwrap();
+                        s
+                    },
+                );
+                printc(line, AnsiMode::Rgb)
+                    .expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
+            }
+            println!();
+            print_title_prompt(
+                option_counter,
+                "Which &bcolor system &ado you want to use?",
+                color_mode,
+            );
+            println!(r#"(If you can't see colors under "RGB Color Testing", please choose 8bit)"#);
+            println!();
+            let choice = literal_input(
+                "Your choice?",
+                AnsiMode::VARIANTS,
+                AnsiMode::Rgb.as_ref(),
+                true,
+                color_mode,
+            )?;
+            Ok((
+                choice.parse().expect("selected color mode should be valid"),
+                "Selected color mode",
+            ))
+        };
+        let color_mode = {
+            let (color_mode, ttl) = select_color_mode().context("failed to select color mode")?;
+            debug!(?color_mode, "selected color mode");
+            update_title(&mut title, &mut option_counter, ttl, color_mode.as_ref());
+            color_mode
+        };
+        //////////////////////////////
+        // 2. Select theme (light/dark mode)
+        let select_theme = || -> Result<(TerminalTheme, &str)> {
+            if let Some(det_bg) = det_bg {
+                return Ok((det_bg.theme(), "Detected background color"));
+            }
+            clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
+                .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
+            print_title_prompt(
+                option_counter,
+                "Is your terminal in &blight mode&~ or &4dark mode&~?",
+                color_mode,
+            );
+            let choice = literal_input(
+                "",
+                TerminalTheme::VARIANTS,
+                TerminalTheme::Dark.as_ref(),
+                true,
+                color_mode,
+            )?;
+            Ok((
+                choice.parse().expect("selected theme should be valid"),
+                "Selected background color",
+            ))
+        };
+        let theme = {
+            let (theme, ttl) = select_theme().context("failed to select theme")?;
+            debug!(?theme, "selected theme");
+            update_title(&mut title, &mut option_counter, ttl, theme.as_ref());
+            theme
+        };
+        //////////////////////////////
+        // 3. Choose preset
+        // Create flag lines
+        let mut flags = Vec::with_capacity(Preset::COUNT);
+        let spacing = {
+            let spacing = <Preset as VariantNames>::VARIANTS
+                .iter()
+                .map(|name| name.chars().count())
+                .max()
+                .expect("preset name iterator should not be empty");
+            let spacing = u8::try_from(spacing).expect("`spacing` should fit in `u8`");
+            cmp::max(spacing, 20)
+        };
+        for preset in <Preset as VariantArray>::VARIANTS {
+            let color_profile = preset.color_profile();
+            let flag = color_profile
+                .color_text(
+                    " ".repeat(usize::from(spacing)),
+                    color_mode,
+                    ForegroundBackground::Background,
+                    false,
+                )
+                .with_context(|| format!("failed to color flag using preset: {preset:?}"))?;
+            let name = format!(
+                "{name:^spacing$}",
+                name = preset.as_ref(),
+                spacing = usize::from(spacing)
+            );
+            flags.push([name, flag.clone(), flag.clone(), flag]);
+        }
+        // Calculate flags per row
+        let (flags_per_row, rows_per_page) = {
+            let (Width(term_w), Height(term_h)) =
+                terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
+            let flags_per_row = term_w / (u16::from(spacing) + 2);
+            let flags_per_row =
+                u8::try_from(flags_per_row).expect("`flags_per_row` should fit in `u8`");
+            let rows_per_page = cmp::max(1, (term_h - 13) / 5);
+            let rows_per_page =
+                u8::try_from(rows_per_page).expect("`rows_per_page` should fit in `u8`");
+            (flags_per_row, rows_per_page)
+        };
+        let num_pages =
+            (Preset::COUNT as f32 / (flags_per_row as f32 * rows_per_page as f32)).ceil() as usize;
+        let num_pages = u8::try_from(num_pages).expect("`num_pages` should fit in `u8`");
+        // Create pages
+        let mut pages = Vec::with_capacity(usize::from(num_pages));
+        for flags in flags.chunks(usize::from(flags_per_row) * usize::from(rows_per_page)) {
+            let mut page = Vec::with_capacity(usize::from(rows_per_page));
+            for flags in flags.chunks(usize::from(flags_per_row)) {
+                page.push(flags);
+            }
+            pages.push(page);
+        }
+        let print_flag_page = |page, page_num| {
+            clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
+                .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
+            print_title_prompt(option_counter, "Let's choose a flag!", color_mode);
+            println!("Available flag presets:");
+            println!("Page: {page_num} of {num_pages}", page_num = page_num + 1);
+            println!();
+            for &row in page {
+                print_flag_row(row, color_mode);
+            }
+            println!();
+        };
+        fn print_flag_row(row: &[[String; 4]], color_mode: AnsiMode) {
+            for i in 0..4 {
+                let mut line = Vec::new();
+                for flag in row {
+                    line.push(&*flag[i]);
+                }
+                printc(line.join("  "), color_mode)
+                    .expect("flag line should not contain invalid color codes");
+            }
+            println!();
+        }
+        let default_lightness = Config::default_lightness(theme);
+        let preset_default_colored = default_color_profile
+            .with_lightness_adaptive(default_lightness, theme, use_overlay)
+            .color_text(
+                "preset",
+                color_mode,
+                ForegroundBackground::Foreground,
+                false,
+            )
+            .expect("coloring text with default preset should not fail");
+        let preset: Preset;
+        let color_profile;
+        let mut page: u8 = 0;
+        loop {
+            print_flag_page(&pages[usize::from(page)], page);
+            let mut opts: Vec<&str> = <Preset as VariantNames>::VARIANTS.into();
+            if page < num_pages - 1 {
+                opts.push("next");
+            }
+            if page > 0 {
+                opts.push("prev");
+            }
+            println!("Enter 'next' to go to the next page and 'prev' to go to the previous page.");
+            let selection = literal_input(
+                format!(
+                    "Which {preset} do you want to use? ",
+                    preset = preset_default_colored
+                ),
+                &opts[..],
+                Preset::Rainbow.as_ref(),
+                false,
+                color_mode,
+            )
+            .context("failed to select preset")?;
+            if selection == "next" {
+                page += 1;
+            } else if selection == "prev" {
+                page -= 1;
+            } else {
+                preset = selection.parse().expect("selected preset should be valid");
+                debug!(?preset, "selected preset");
+                color_profile = preset.color_profile();
+                update_title(
+                    &mut title,
+                    &mut option_counter,
+                    "Selected flag",
+                    &color_profile
+                        .with_lightness_adaptive(default_lightness, theme, use_overlay)
+                        .color_text(
+                            preset.as_ref(),
+                            color_mode,
+                            ForegroundBackground::Foreground,
+                            false,
+                        )
+                        .expect("coloring text with selected preset should not fail"),
+                );
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        //////////////////////////////
+        // 4. Dim/lighten colors
+        let test_ascii = &TEST_ASCII[1..TEST_ASCII.len() - 1];
+        let test_ascii_width = test_ascii
+            .split('\n')
+            .map(|line| line.graphemes(true).count())
+            .max()
+            .expect("line iterator should not be empty");
+        let test_ascii_width =
+            u8::try_from(test_ascii_width).expect("`test_ascii_width` should fit in `u8`");
+        let test_ascii_height = test_ascii.split('\n').count();
+        let test_ascii_height =
+            u8::try_from(test_ascii_height).expect("`test_ascii_height` should fit in `u8`");
+        let select_lightness = || -> Result<Lightness> {
+            clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
+                .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
+            print_title_prompt(
+                option_counter,
+                "Let's adjust the color brightness!",
+                color_mode,
+            );
+            println!(
+                "The colors might be a little bit too {bright_dark} for {light_dark} mode.",
+                bright_dark = match theme {
+                    TerminalTheme::Light => "bright",
+                    TerminalTheme::Dark => "dark",
+                },
+                light_dark = theme.as_ref()
+            );
+            println!();
+            let color_align = ColorAlignment::Horizontal { fore_back: None };
+            // Print cats
+            {
+                let (Width(term_w), _) = terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
+                let num_cols = cmp::max(1, term_w / (u16::from(test_ascii_width) + 2));
+                let num_cols = u8::try_from(num_cols).expect("`num_cols` should fit in `u8`");
+                const MIN: f32 = 0.15;
+                const MAX: f32 = 0.85;
+                let ratios = (0..num_cols)
+                    .map(|col| col as f32 / num_cols as f32)
+                    .map(|r| match theme {
+                        TerminalTheme::Light => r * (MAX - MIN) / 2.0 + MIN,
+                        TerminalTheme::Dark => (r * (MAX - MIN) + (MAX + MIN)) / 2.0,
+                    });
+                let row: Vec<Vec<String>> = ratios
+                    .map(|r| {
+                        let asc = color_align
+                            .recolor_ascii(
+                                test_ascii.replace(
+                                    "{txt}",
+                                    &format!(
+                                        "{lightness:^5}",
+                                        lightness =
+                                            format!("{lightness:.0}%", lightness = r * 100.0)
+                                    ),
+                                ),
+                                &color_profile.with_lightness_adaptive(
+                                    Lightness::new(r)
+                                        .expect("generated lightness should not be invalid"),
+                                    theme,
+                                    use_overlay,
+                                ),
+                                color_mode,
+                                theme,
+                            )
+                            .expect("recoloring test ascii should not fail");
+                        asc.split('\n').map(ToOwned::to_owned).collect()
+                    })
+                    .collect();
+                for i in 0..usize::from(test_ascii_height) {
+                    let mut line = Vec::new();
+                    for lines in &row {
+                        line.push(&*lines[i]);
+                    }
+                    printc(line.join("  "), color_mode)
+                        .expect("test ascii line should not contain invalid color codes");
+                }
+            }
+            loop {
+                println!();
+                println!(
+                    "Which brightness level looks the best? (Default: {default:.0}% for \
+                     {light_dark} mode)",
+                    default = f32::from(default_lightness) * 100.0,
+                    light_dark = theme.as_ref()
+                );
+                let lightness = input(Some("> "))
+                    .context("failed to read input")?
+                    .trim()
+                    .to_lowercase();
+                match parse_lightness(lightness, default_lightness) {
+                    Ok(lightness) => {
+                        return Ok(lightness);
+                    },
+                    Err(err) => {
+                        debug!(%err, "could not parse lightness");
+                        printc(
+                            "&cUnable to parse lightness value, please enter a lightness value \
+                             such as 45%, .45, or 45",
+                            color_mode,
+                        )
+                        .expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
+                    },
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        fn parse_lightness(lightness: String, default: Lightness) -> Result<Lightness> {
+            if lightness.is_empty() || ["unset", "none"].contains(&&*lightness) {
+                return Ok(default);
+            }
+            let lightness = if let Some(lightness) = lightness.strip_suffix('%') {
+                let lightness: RangedU8<0, 100> = lightness.parse()?;
+                lightness.get() as f32 / 100.0
+            } else {
+                match lightness.parse::<RangedU8<0, 100>>() {
+                    Ok(lightness) => lightness.get() as f32 / 100.0,
+                    Err(_) => lightness.parse::<f32>()?,
+                }
+            };
+            Ok(Lightness::new(lightness)?)
+        }
+        let lightness = select_lightness().context("failed to select lightness")?;
+        debug!(?lightness, "selected lightness");
+        let color_profile = color_profile.with_lightness_adaptive(lightness, theme, use_overlay);
+        update_title(
+            &mut title,
+            &mut option_counter,
+            "Selected brightness",
+            &format!("{lightness:.2}", lightness = f32::from(lightness)),
+        );
+        //////////////////////////////
+        // 5. Color arrangement
+        let color_align: ColorAlignment;
+        // Calculate amount of row/column that can be displayed on screen
+        let (ascii_per_row, ascii_rows) = {
+            let (Width(term_w), Height(term_h)) =
+                terminal_size().context("failed to get terminal size")?;
+            let ascii_per_row = cmp::max(1, term_w / (u16::from(asc_width) + 2));
+            let ascii_per_row =
+                u8::try_from(ascii_per_row).expect("`ascii_per_row` should fit in `u8`");
+            let ascii_rows = cmp::max(1, (term_h - 8) / (u16::from(asc_lines) + 1));
+            let ascii_rows = u8::try_from(ascii_rows).expect("`ascii_rows` should fit in `u8`");
+            (ascii_per_row, ascii_rows)
+        };
+        // Displays horizontal and vertical arrangements in the first iteration, but
+        // hide them in later iterations
+        let hv_arrangements = [
+            ("Horizontal", ColorAlignment::Horizontal { fore_back }),
+            ("Vertical", ColorAlignment::Vertical { fore_back }),
+        ];
+        let mut arrangements: IndexMap<Cow<str>, ColorAlignment> =
+  |(k, ca)| (k.into(), ca)).into();
+        // Loop for random rolling
+        let mut rng = fastrand::Rng::new();
+        loop {
+            clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
+                .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
+            // Random color schemes
+            let mut preset_indices: Vec<PresetIndexedColor> =
+                (0..color_profile.unique_colors().colors.len())
+                    .map(|pi| u8::try_from(pi).expect("`pi` should fit in `u8`").into())
+                    .collect();
+            let slots: IndexSet<NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor> = {
+                let ac = NEOFETCH_COLORS_AC
+                    .get_or_init(|| AhoCorasick::new(NEOFETCH_COLOR_PATTERNS).unwrap());
+                ac.find_iter(&asc)
+                    .map(|m| {
+                        asc[m.start() + 3..m.end() - 1]
+                            .parse()
+                            .expect("neofetch ascii color index should not be invalid")
+                    })
+                    .collect()
+            };
+            while preset_indices.len() < slots.len() {
+                preset_indices.extend_from_within(0..);
+            }
+            let preset_index_permutations: IndexSet<Vec<PresetIndexedColor>> = preset_indices
+                .into_iter()
+                .permutations(slots.len())
+                .collect();
+            let random_count = cmp::max(
+                0,
+                usize::from(ascii_per_row) * usize::from(ascii_rows) - arrangements.len(),
+            );
+            let random_count =
+                u8::try_from(random_count).expect("`random_count` should fit in `u8`");
+            let choices: IndexSet<Vec<PresetIndexedColor>> =
+                if usize::from(random_count) > preset_index_permutations.len() {
+                    preset_index_permutations
+                } else {
+                    rng.choose_multiple(
+                        preset_index_permutations.into_iter(),
+                        usize::from(random_count),
+                    )
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .collect()
+                };
+            let choices: Vec<IndexMap<NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor, PresetIndexedColor>> = choices
+                .into_iter()
+                .map(|c| {
+                    c.into_iter()
+                        .enumerate()
+                        .map(|(ai, pi)| (slots[ai], pi))
+                        .collect()
+                })
+                .collect();
+            arrangements.extend(choices.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(i, colors)| {
+                (format!("random{i}").into(), ColorAlignment::Custom {
+                    colors,
+                })
+            }));
+            let asciis = arrangements.iter().map(|(k, ca)| {
+                let mut v: Vec<String> = ca
+                    .recolor_ascii(&asc, &color_profile, color_mode, theme)
+                    .expect("recoloring ascii should not fail")
+                    .split('\n')
+                    .map(ToOwned::to_owned)
+                    .collect();
+                v.push(format!(
+                    "{k:^asc_width$}",
+                    asc_width = usize::from(asc_width)
+                ));
+                v
+            });
+            for row in &asciis.chunks(usize::from(ascii_per_row)) {
+                let row: Vec<Vec<String>> = row.into_iter().collect();
+                // Print by row
+                for i in 0..usize::from(asc_lines) + 1 {
+                    let mut line = Vec::new();
+                    for lines in &row {
+                        line.push(&*lines[i]);
+                    }
+                    printc(line.join("  "), color_mode)
+                        .expect("ascii line should not contain invalid color codes");
+                }
+                println!();
+            }
+            print_title_prompt(
+                option_counter,
+                "Let's choose a color arrangement!",
+                color_mode,
+            );
+            println!(
+                "You can choose standard horizontal or vertical alignment, or use one of the \
+                 random color schemes."
+            );
+            println!(r#"You can type "roll" to randomize again."#);
+            println!();
+            let mut opts: Vec<Cow<str>> = ["horizontal", "vertical", "roll"].map(Into::into).into();
+            opts.extend((0..random_count).map(|i| format!("random{i}").into()));
+            let choice = literal_input("Your choice?", &opts[..], "horizontal", true, color_mode)
+                .context("failed to select color alignment")?;
+            if choice == "roll" {
+                arrangements.clear();
+                continue;
+            }
+            // Save choice
+            color_align = arrangements
+                .into_iter()
+                .find_map(|(k, ca)| {
+                    if k.to_lowercase() == choice {
+                        Some(ca)
+                    } else {
+                        None
+                    }
+                })
+                .expect("selected color alignment should be valid");
+            debug!(?color_align, "selected color alignment");
+            break;
+        }
+        update_title(
+            &mut title,
+            &mut option_counter,
+            "Selected color alignment",
+            color_align.as_ref(),
+        );
+        //////////////////////////////
+        // 6. Select *fetch backend
+        let select_backend = || -> Result<Backend> {
+            clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
+                .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
+            print_title_prompt(option_counter, "Select a *fetch backend", color_mode);
+            // Check if fastfetch is installed
+            let fastfetch_path = fastfetch_path().context("failed to get fastfetch path")?;
+            // Check if qwqfetch is installed
+            // TODO: qwqfetch
+            printc(
+                "- &bneofetch&r: Written in bash, &nbest compatibility&r on Unix systems",
+                color_mode,
+            )
+            .expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
+            printc(
+                format!(
+                    "- &bfastfetch&r: Written in C, &nbest performance&r {installed_not_installed}",
+                    installed_not_installed = fastfetch_path
+                        .map(|path| format!("&a(Installed at {path})", path = path.display()))
+                        .unwrap_or_else(|| "&c(Not installed)".to_owned())
+                ),
+                color_mode,
+            )
+            .expect("message should not contain invalid color codes");
+            // TODO: qwqfetch
+            println!();
+            let choice = literal_input(
+                "Your choice?",
+                Backend::VARIANTS,
+                backend.as_ref(),
+                true,
+                color_mode,
+            )?;
+            Ok(choice.parse().expect("selected backend should be valid"))
+        };
+        let backend = select_backend().context("failed to select backend")?;
+        update_title(
+            &mut title,
+            &mut option_counter,
+            "Selected backend",
+            backend.as_ref(),
+        );
+        // Create config
+        clear_screen(Some(&title), color_mode, debug_mode)
+            .expect("title should not contain invalid color codes");
+        let config = Config {
+            preset,
+            mode: color_mode,
+            light_dark: theme,
+            lightness: Some(lightness),
+            color_align,
+            backend,
+            args: None,
+            distro: distro.cloned(),
+            pride_month_disable: false,
+        };
+        debug!(?config, "created config");
+        // Save config
+        let save = literal_input("Save config?", &["y", "n"], "y", true, color_mode)?;
+        if save == "y" {
+            let path = path.as_ref();
+            let file = File::options()
+                .write(true)
+                .create(true)
+                .truncate(true)
+                .open(path)
+                .with_context(|| format!("failed to open file {path:?} for writing"))?;
+            let mut serializer =
+                serde_json::Serializer::with_formatter(file, PrettyFormatter::with_indent(b"    "));
+            config
+                .serialize(&mut serializer)
+                .with_context(|| format!("failed to write config to file {path:?}"))?;
+            debug!(?path, "saved config");
+        }
+        Ok(config)
+    }
     pub fn default_lightness(theme: TerminalTheme) -> Lightness {
         match theme {
             TerminalTheme::Dark => {
diff --git a/crates/hyfetch/src/ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
index c1f7343e..9a4c7d91 100644
--- a/crates/hyfetch/src/
+++ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ use std::sync::OnceLock;
 use std::{env, fmt};
 use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
-use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
+use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _, Result};
 use indexmap::IndexMap;
-use itertools::Itertools;
+use itertools::Itertools as _;
 use normpath::PathExt as _;
@@ -21,15 +21,16 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 use strum::AsRefStr;
 use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
 use tracing::debug;
-use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
+use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation as _;
 use crate::color_util::{
-    color, ForegroundBackground, NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor, PresetIndexedColor, ToAnsiString,
+    color, printc, ForegroundBackground, NeofetchAsciiIndexedColor, PresetIndexedColor,
+    ToAnsiString as _,
 use crate::distros::Distro;
 use crate::presets::ColorProfile;
 use crate::types::{AnsiMode, Backend, TerminalTheme};
-use crate::utils::{find_file, find_in_path, process_command_status};
+use crate::utils::{find_file, find_in_path, input, process_command_status};
 pub const NEOFETCH_COLOR_PATTERNS: [&str; 6] =
     ["${c1}", "${c2}", "${c3}", "${c4}", "${c5}", "${c6}"];
@@ -292,8 +293,8 @@ impl ColorAlignment {
                     const N: usize = NEOFETCH_COLOR_PATTERNS.len();
                     let mut replacements = vec![Cow::from(""); N];
                     for (&ai, &pi) in custom_colors {
-                        let ai: u8 = ai.into();
-                        let pi: u8 = pi.into();
+                        let ai = u8::from(ai);
+                        let pi = u8::from(pi);
                         replacements[usize::from(ai - 1)] = colors[usize::from(pi)]
                             .to_ansi_string(color_mode, ForegroundBackground::Foreground)
@@ -339,12 +340,98 @@ impl ColorAlignment {
             | Distro::Ultramarine_Linux
             | Distro::Univention
             | Distro::Vanilla
-            | Distro::Xubuntu => Some((2u8.try_into().unwrap(), 1u8.try_into().unwrap())),
+            | Distro::Xubuntu => Some((2, 1)),
-            Distro::Antergos => Some((1u8.try_into().unwrap(), 2u8.try_into().unwrap())),
+            Distro::Antergos => Some((1, 2)),
             _ => None,
+        .map(|(fore, back): (u8, u8)| {
+            (
+                fore.try_into()
+                    .expect("`fore` should be a valid neofetch color index"),
+                back.try_into()
+                    .expect("`back` should be a valid neofetch color index"),
+            )
+        })
+    }
+/// Asks the user to provide an input among a list of options.
+pub fn literal_input<'a, S1, S2>(
+    prompt: S1,
+    options: &'a [S2],
+    default: &str,
+    show_options: bool,
+    color_mode: AnsiMode,
+) -> Result<&'a str>
+    S1: AsRef<str>,
+    S2: AsRef<str>,
+    let prompt = prompt.as_ref();
+    if show_options {
+        let options_text = options
+            .iter()
+            .map(|o| {
+                let o = o.as_ref();
+                if o == default {
+                    format!("&l&n{o}&L&N")
+                } else {
+                    o.to_owned()
+                }
+            })
+            .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+            .join("|");
+        printc(format!("{prompt} ({options_text})"), color_mode)
+            .context("failed to print input prompt")?;
+    } else {
+        printc(format!("{prompt} (default: {default})"), color_mode)
+            .context("failed to print input prompt")?;
+    }
+    loop {
+        let selection = input(Some("> ")).context("failed to read input")?;
+        let selection = if selection.is_empty() {
+            default.to_owned()
+        } else {
+            selection.to_lowercase()
+        };
+        if let Some(selected) = find_selection(&selection, options) {
+            println!();
+            return Ok(selected);
+        } else {
+            let options_text = options.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).join("|");
+            println!("Invalid selection! {selection} is not one of {options_text}");
+        }
+    }
+    fn find_selection<'a, S>(sel: &str, options: &'a [S]) -> Option<&'a str>
+    where
+        S: AsRef<str>,
+    {
+        if sel.is_empty() {
+            return None;
+        }
+        // Find exact match
+        if let Some(selected) = options.iter().find(|&o| o.as_ref().to_lowercase() == sel) {
+            return Some(selected.as_ref());
+        }
+        // Find starting abbreviation
+        if let Some(selected) = options
+            .iter()
+            .find(|&o| o.as_ref().to_lowercase().starts_with(sel))
+        {
+            return Some(selected.as_ref());
+        }
+        None
@@ -644,9 +731,9 @@ where
         .map(|line| line.graphemes(true).count())
         .expect("line iterator should not be empty");
-    let width: u8 = width.try_into().expect("`width` should fit in `u8`");
+    let width = u8::try_from(width).expect("`width` should fit in `u8`");
     let height = asc.split('\n').count();
-    let height: u8 = height.try_into().expect("`height` should fit in `u8`");
+    let height = u8::try_from(height).expect("`height` should fit in `u8`");
     (width, height)
diff --git a/crates/hyfetch/src/ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
index 423d8150..3bef4651 100644
--- a/crates/hyfetch/src/
+++ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 use std::iter;
-use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
+use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _, Result};
 use indexmap::IndexSet;
-use palette::num::ClampAssign;
-use palette::{IntoColorMut, LinSrgb, Okhsl, Srgb};
+use palette::num::ClampAssign as _;
+use palette::{IntoColorMut as _, LinSrgb, Okhsl, Srgb};
 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 use strum::{AsRefStr, EnumCount, EnumString, VariantArray, VariantNames};
 use tracing::debug;
-use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
+use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation as _;
-use crate::color_util::{ForegroundBackground, Lightness, ToAnsiString};
+use crate::color_util::{ForegroundBackground, Lightness, ToAnsiString as _};
 use crate::types::{AnsiMode, TerminalTheme};
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ impl ColorProfile {
     /// length.
     pub fn with_length(&self, length: u8) -> Result<Self> {
         let orig_len = self.colors.len();
-        let orig_len: u8 = orig_len.try_into().expect("`orig_len` should fit in `u8`");
+        let orig_len = u8::try_from(orig_len).expect("`orig_len` should fit in `u8`");
         // TODO: I believe weird things can happen because of this...
         // if length < orig_len {
         //     unimplemented!("compressing length of color profile not implemented");
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ impl ColorProfile {
         let ColorProfile { colors } = {
             let length = txt.len();
-            let length: u8 = length.try_into().expect("`length` should fit in `u8`");
+            let length = u8::try_from(length).expect("`length` should fit in `u8`");
                 .with_context(|| format!("failed to spread color profile to length {length}"))?
diff --git a/crates/hyfetch/src/ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
index 0262e0e1..11e59726 100644
--- a/crates/hyfetch/src/
+++ b/crates/hyfetch/src/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-use std::io::Write;
+use std::io::Write as _;
 use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt as _;
 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
 use std::process::ExitStatus;
 use std::{env, fs, io};
-use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
+use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _, Result};
 use directories::ProjectDirs;
 use normpath::PathExt as _;
@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ pub fn process_command_status(status: &ExitStatus) -> Result<()> {
 pub(crate) mod index_map_serde {
     use std::fmt;
-    use std::fmt::Display;
     use std::hash::Hash;
     use std::marker::PhantomData;
     use std::str::FromStr;
@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ pub(crate) mod index_map_serde {
         D: Deserializer<'de>,
         K: Eq + Hash + FromStr,
-        K::Err: Display,
+        K::Err: fmt::Display,
         V: Deserialize<'de>,
         struct KeySeed<K> {
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ pub(crate) mod index_map_serde {
         impl<'de, K> DeserializeSeed<'de> for KeySeed<K>
             K: FromStr,
-            K::Err: Display,
+            K::Err: fmt::Display,
             type Value = K;
@@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ pub(crate) mod index_map_serde {
         impl<'de, K> Visitor<'de> for KeySeed<K>
             K: FromStr,
-            K::Err: Display,
+            K::Err: fmt::Display,
             type Value = K;
@@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ pub(crate) mod index_map_serde {
         impl<'de, K, V> Visitor<'de> for MapVisitor<K, V>
             K: Eq + Hash + FromStr,
-            K::Err: Display,
+            K::Err: fmt::Display,
             V: Deserialize<'de>,
             type Value = IndexMap<K, V>;