From 95c1b74e6dd1f4f787114fc8af0e15a8c5b5a261 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dylan <>
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2016 13:35:07 +1100
Subject: [PATCH] --size now takes a percentage

--- |  2 +-
 fetch     | 22 ++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 9005216e..168d240a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ alias fetch2="fetch \
     --image type                Image source. Where and what image we display.
                                 Possible values: wall, shuffle, ascii,
                                 /path/to/img, off
-    --size px                   Size in pixels to make the image.
+    --size 20 | --size 20%      Size to make the image, takes pixels or a percentage.
     --image_backend w3m/iterm2  Which program to use to draw images.
     --shuffle_dir path/to/dir   Which directory to shuffle for an image.
     --image_position left/right Where to display the image: (Left/Right)
diff --git a/fetch b/fetch
index 5002df95..2e6f5aab 100755
--- a/fetch
+++ b/fetch
@@ -1864,12 +1864,22 @@ getimage () {
     font_height=$((term_height / lines))
     # Image size is half of the terminal
-    if [ "$image_size" == "auto" ]; then
-        image_size=$((columns * font_width / 2))
+    case "$image_size" in
+        "auto")
+            image_size=$((columns * font_width / 2))
-        [ "$((term_height - term_height / 4))" -lt "$image_size" ] && \
-            image_size=$((term_height - term_height / 4))
-    fi
+            [ "$((term_height - term_height / 4))" -lt "$image_size" ] && \
+                image_size=$((term_height - term_height / 4))
+        ;;
+        *"%")
+            percent=${image_size/\%}
+            image_size=$((percent * term_width / 100))
+            [ "$((percent * term_height / 50))" -lt "$image_size" ] && \
+                image_size=$((percent * term_height / 100))
+        ;;
+    esac
     # Where to draw the image
     case "$image_position" in
@@ -2265,7 +2275,7 @@ usage () { cat << EOF
     --image type                Image source. Where and what image we display.
                                 Possible values: wall, shuffle, ascii,
                                 /path/to/img, off
-    --size px                   Size in pixels to make the image.
+    --size 20 | --size 20%      Size to make the image, takes pixels or a percentage.
     --image_backend w3m/iterm2  Which program to use to draw images.
     --shuffle_dir path/to/dir   Which directory to shuffle for an image.
     --image_position left/right Where to display the image: (Left/Right)