diff --git a/ascii/distro/antergos b/ascii/distro/antergos
index 67d1197f..023af9bd 100644
--- a/ascii/distro/antergos
+++ b/ascii/distro/antergos
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-${c1}              `.-/::/-``
+${c2}              `.-/::/-``
-      `/yhyyyyysss${c2}++${c1}ssosyyyyhhy/`
-     .ohhhyyyys${c2}o++/+o${c1}so${c2}+${c1}syy${c2}+${c1}shhhho.
-    .shhhhys${c2}oo++//+${c1}sss${c2}+++${c1}yyy${c2}+s${c1}hhhhs.
-   -yhhhhs${c2}+++++++o${c1}ssso${c2}+++${c1}yyy${c2}s+o${c1}hhddy:
-  -yddhhy${c2}o+++++o${c1}syyss${c2}++++${c1}yyy${c2}yooy${c1}hdddy-
- .yddddhs${c2}o++o${c1}syyyyys${c2}+++++${c1}yyhh${c2}sos${c1}hddddy`
+      `/yhyyyyysss${c1}++${c2}ssosyyyyhhy/`
+     .ohhhyyyys${c1}o++/+o${c2}so${c1}+${c2}syy${c1}+${c2}shhhho.
+    .shhhhys${c1}oo++//+${c2}sss${c1}+++${c2}yyy${c1}+s${c2}hhhhs.
+   -yhhhhs${c1}+++++++o${c2}ssso${c1}+++${c2}yyy${c1}s+o${c2}hhddy:
+  -yddhhy${c1}o+++++o${c2}syyss${c1}++++${c2}yyy${c1}yooy${c2}hdddy-
+ .yddddhs${c1}o++o${c2}syyyyys${c1}+++++${c2}yyhh${c1}sos${c2}hddddy`
diff --git a/ascii/distro/arch b/ascii/distro/arch
index 2227dd19..d6fb1977 100644
--- a/ascii/distro/arch
+++ b/ascii/distro/arch
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ ${c1}                   -`
-          `/+++o${c2}oooooooo${c1}oooo/`
-         ./${c2}ooosssso++osssssso${c1}+`
-${c2}        .oossssso-````/ossssss+`
+          `/+++ooooooooooooo/`
+         ./ooosssso++osssssso+`
+        .oossssso-````/ossssss+`
        -osssssso.      :ssssssso.
       :osssssss/        osssso+++.
      /ossssssss/        +ssssooo/-
diff --git a/ascii/distro/scientific b/ascii/distro/scientific
index d5a2e700..82e9553f 100644
--- a/ascii/distro/scientific
+++ b/ascii/distro/scientific
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ M-       ,=;;;#:,      ,:#;;:=,       ,@
 :#           :#.=/++++/=.$=           #=
  ,#;         #/:+/;,,/++:+/         ;+.
    ,+/.    ,;@+,        ,#H;,    ,/+,
-      ;+;;/= @.  ${c2}.H${c3}#${c2}#X   ${c1}-X :///+;
-      ;+=;;;.@,  ${c3}.X${c2}M${c3}@$.  ${c1}=X.//;=#/.
+      ;+;;/= @.  ${c3}.H${c2}#${c3}#X   ${c1}-X :///+;
+      ;+=;;;.@,  ${c2}.X${c3}M${c2}@$.  ${c1}=X.//;=#/.
    ,;:      :@#=        =$H:     .+#-
  ,#=         #;-///==///-//         =#,
 ;+           :#-;;;:;;;;-X-           +:
diff --git a/config/config b/config/config
index a26789e4..b39da048 100644
--- a/config/config
+++ b/config/config
@@ -250,24 +250,24 @@ block_height=1
 # Progress bar character
 # --progress_char elapsed_char total_char
 # Progress border
 # --progress_border on, off
 # Progress bar length in spaces
 # Number of chars long to make the progress bars.
 # --progress_length num
 # Progress bar colors
 # When set to distro, uses your distro's logo colors
 # Takes: num, "distro"
 # --progress_colors col col
 # Customize how the info is displayed.
 # bar: Only the progress bar is displayed.
diff --git a/neofetch b/neofetch
index 3bd58f1e..68903e55 100755
--- a/neofetch
+++ b/neofetch
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ export LANG=C
 # Set no case match.
 shopt -s nocasematch
+# Reset colors/bold
 get_os() {
@@ -1063,7 +1066,7 @@ get_memory() {
     memory="${memused}MB / ${memtotal}MB"
-    # Progress bars
+    # Bars
     case "$memory_display" in
         "bar") memory="$(bar "${memused}" "${memtotal}")" ;;
         "infobar") memory="${memory} $(bar "${memused}" "${memtotal}")" ;;
@@ -1849,18 +1852,6 @@ get_image_backend() {
-get_image_program() {
-    if [[ -n "$ITERM_PROFILE" ]]; then
-        image_program="iterm2"
-    elif [[ "$(tycat 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
-        image_program="tycat"
-    else
-        image_program="w3m"
-    fi
 get_ascii() {
     if [[ ! -f "$ascii" || "$ascii" == "distro" ]]; then
         # Error message
@@ -1932,6 +1923,18 @@ get_ascii() {
     export LC_ALL=C
+get_image_program() {
+    if [[ -n "$ITERM_PROFILE" ]]; then
+        image_program="iterm2"
+    elif [[ "$(tycat 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
+        image_program="tycat"
+    else
+        image_program="w3m"
+    fi
 get_w3m_img_path() {
     if [[ -x "$w3m_img_path" ]]; then
@@ -2300,13 +2303,13 @@ info() {
         err "Info: Couldn't detect $subtitle." && return
     case "$1" in
-        title)
+        "title")
-        underline) string="${underline_color}${output}" ;;
+        "underline") string="${underline_color}${output}" ;;
@@ -2367,196 +2370,188 @@ get_underline() {
-colors() {
-    # Reset colors/bold
-    reset="\033[0m"
+get_line_break() {
+    line_break="​ "
-    # Change color of logo based on distro
+    # Calculate info height
+    info_height="$((info_height+=1))"
+get_bold() {
+    case "$ascii_bold" in
+        "on") ascii_bold="\033[1m" ;;
+        "off") ascii_bold="" ;;
+    esac
+    case "$bold" in
+        "on") bold="\033[1m" ;;
+        "off") bold="" ;;
+    esac
+trim() {
+    # When a string is passed to 'echo' all trailing and leading
+    # whitespace is removed and inside the string multiple spaces are
+    # condensed into single spaces.
+    #
+    # The 'set -f/+f' is here so that 'echo' doesn't cause any expansion
+    # of special characters.
+    #
+    # The whitespace trim doesn't work with multiline strings so we use
+    # '${1//[[:space:]]/ }' to remove newlines beofre we trim the whitespace.
+    set -f
+    builtin echo -E ${1//[[:space:]]/ }
+    set +f
+get_distro_colors() {
+    # This function sets the text colors according
+    # to your OS/Distro's logo colors.
+    #
+    # $ascii_distro is the same as $distro
     case "$ascii_distro" in
-        "Arch"* | "Antergos"*)
-            setcolors 6 4
-        ;;
-        "BlankOn"* | "DracOS"*)
-            setcolors 1 7
+        "Arch"* | "Kogaion"* | "Elementary"* | "GalliumOS"* | "Rosa"* | "OpenWrt"* | "Netrunner"* | "PCLinuxOS"* | "Slackware"* | "KaOS"* | "Kubuntu"* | "Lubuntu"* | "Xubuntu"* | "OpenIndiana"* | "Fedora"* | "Korora"* | "Sabayon"* | "Frugalware"* | "Exherbo"* | "Scientific"* | "Solus"*)
+            set_colors 4 7 1
-            setcolors 3 2 4 5 7
+            set_colors 3 2 4 5 7
         "CRUX"* | "Chakra"* | "gNewSense"* | "SailfishOS"* | "Alpine"* | "Ubuntu-GNOME"* | "Qubes"*)
-            setcolors 4 5 7 6
+            set_colors 4 5 7 6
-            setcolors 2 1 3 4 7
+            set_colors 2 1 3 4 7
-        "Debian"* | "Ubuntu"* | "DragonFly"* | "PacBSD"* | "Oracle"*)
-            setcolors 1 7 3
+        "Raspbian"*)
+            set_colors 2 1
-        "Red Star"* | "Redstar")
-            setcolors 1 7 3
-            ascii_distro="redstar"
+        "Debian"* | "Ubuntu"* | "DragonFly"* | "PacBSD"* | "Oracle" | "BlankOn"* | "DracOS"* | "Peppermint"*)
+            set_colors 1 7 3
         "FreeBSD"* | "PCBSD"*)
-            setcolors 1 7 3
+            set_colors 1 7 3
+        "Red Star"* | "Redstar")
+            set_colors 1 7 3
+            ascii_distro="redstar"
+        ;;
-            setcolors 1 7 3
+            set_colors 1 7 3
-        "Pardus"*)
-            setcolors 3 7
-        ;;
-        "Kogaion"* | "Elementary"* | "GalliumOS"* | "Rosa"* | "OpenWrt"* | "Netrunner"*)
-            setcolors 4 7
-        ;;
-        "Fedora"* | "Korora"* | "Sabayon"* | "Frugalware"* | "Exherbo"*)
-            setcolors 4 7 1
-        ;;
-        "Gentoo"* | "Funtoo"* | "SteamOS"* | "Devuan"*)
-            setcolors 5 7
-        ;;
-        "KDE"*)
-            setcolors 2 7
-            ascii_distro="kde"
-        ;;
-            setcolors 4 8
+            set_colors 4 8
-            setcolors 8 7
+            set_colors 8 7
         *"OS X"* | *"iOS"* | "Mac" | *"macOS"*)
-            setcolors 2 3 1 1 5 4
+            set_colors 2 3 1 1 5 4
-            setcolors 4 3
+            set_colors 4 3
-        "Mageia"* | "Porteus"*)
-            setcolors 6 7
+        "NetBSD"* | "Parabola"* | "Tails"* | "BLAG"* | "Gentoo"* | "Funtoo"* | "SteamOS"* | "Devuan"*)
+            set_colors 5 7
-        "Peppermint"*)
-            setcolors 1 7
+        "OpenBSD"* | "GuixSD"* | "Pardus"*)
+            set_colors 3 7 6 1 8
-        *"Mint"*)
-            setcolors 2 7
-            ascii_distro="mint"
+        *"SUSE"* | "Manjaro"* | "Deepin"* |"LMDE"* | "Chapeau"* | "Bitrig"*)
+            set_colors 2 7
-        "LMDE"* | "Chapeau"* | "Bitrig"*)
-            setcolors 2 7
+        "KDE"*)
+            set_colors 2 7
+            ascii_distro="kde"
-            setcolors 2 7
+            set_colors 2 7
-        "NetBSD"* | "Parabola"* | "Tails"* | "BLAG"*)
-            setcolors 5 7
-        ;;
-        "OpenBSD"* | "GuixSD"*)
-            setcolors 3 7 6 1 8
-        ;;
-        *"SUSE"* | "Manjaro"* | "Deepin"*)
-            setcolors 2 7
-        ;;
-        "PCLinuxOS"* | "Slackware"* | "KaOS"* | "Kubuntu"* | "Lubuntu"* | "Xubuntu"* | "OpenIndiana"*)
-            setcolors 4 7 1
+        *"Mint"*)
+            set_colors 2 7
+            ascii_distro="mint"
         "Puppy"* | "Quirky Werewolf"* | "Precise Puppy"*)
-            setcolors 4 7
+            set_colors 4 7
-            setcolors 1 7
+            set_colors 1 7
-        "Scientific"*)
-            setcolors 4 1 7
-        ;;
-        "Solus"*)
-            setcolors 4 7
-        ;;
-        "Trisquel"* | "NixOS"* | "Zorin"*)
-            setcolors 4 6
+        "Trisquel"* | "NixOS"* | "Zorin"* | "Antergos"*)
+            set_colors 4 6
-            setcolors 1 2 3 4 5 6
+            set_colors 1 2 3 4 5 6
-        "void"*)
-            setcolors 2 8
+        "Void"* | "Haiku"*)
+            set_colors 2 8
+        ;;
+        "Mageia"* | "Porteus"*)
+            set_colors 6 7
         "Windows 8"* | "Windows 10"*)
-            setcolors 6 7
+            set_colors 6 7
-            setcolors 1 2 4 3
-        ;;
-        "Haiku"*)
-            setcolors 2 0
-        ;;
-        "Raspbian"*)
-            setcolors 2 1
+            set_colors 1 2 4 3
-            setcolors fg 8 3
+            set_colors fg 8 3
-            case "$os" in
-                "Linux")
-                    ascii_distro="linux"
-                    setcolors fg 8 3
-                ;;
-            esac
+            if [[ "$os" == "Linux" ]]; then
+                ascii_distro="linux"
+                set_colors fg 8 3
+            fi
     # Overwrite distro colors if '$ascii_colors' doesn't
     # equal 'distro'.
     [[ "${ascii_colors[0]}" != "distro" ]] && \
-        setcolors ${ascii_colors[@]}
+        set_colors ${ascii_colors[@]}
-setcolors() {
+set_colors() {
+    # Ascii colors
     c1="$(color "$1")${ascii_bold}"
     c2="$(color "$2")${ascii_bold}"
     c3="$(color "$3")${ascii_bold}"
@@ -2564,6 +2559,7 @@ setcolors() {
     c5="$(color "$5")${ascii_bold}"
     c6="$(color "$6")${ascii_bold}"
+    # Text colors
     if [[ "${colors[0]}" == "distro" ]]; then
         title_color="$(color "$1")"
@@ -2584,16 +2580,17 @@ setcolors() {
         info_color="$(color "${colors[5]}")"
-    if [[ "$progress_color_elapsed" == "distro" ]]; then
-        progress_color_elapsed="$(color fg)"
+    # Bar colors
+    if [[ "$bar_color_elapsed" == "distro" ]]; then
+        bar_color_elapsed="$(color fg)"
-        progress_color_elapsed="$(color "$progress_color_elapsed")"
+        bar_color_elapsed="$(color "$bar_color_elapsed")"
-    case "$progress_color_total $1" in
-        distro\ [736]) progress_color_total="$c2" ;;
-        distro\ [0-9]) progress_color_total="$c1" ;;
-        *) progress_color_total="$(color "$progress_color_total")" ;;
+    case "$bar_color_total $1" in
+        "distro "[736]) bar_color_total="$c2" ;;
+        "distro "[0-9]) bar_color_total="$c1" ;;
+        *) bar_color_total="$(color "$bar_color_total")" ;;
@@ -2605,41 +2602,6 @@ color() {
-bold() {
-    case "$ascii_bold" in
-        "on") ascii_bold="\033[1m" ;;
-        "off") ascii_bold="" ;;
-    esac
-    case "$bold" in
-        "on") bold="\033[1m" ;;
-        "off") bold="" ;;
-    esac
-get_line_break() {
-    line_break="​ "
-    # Calculate info height
-    info_height="$((info_height+=1))"
-trim() {
-    # When a string is passed to 'echo' all trailing and leading
-    # whitespace is removed and inside the string multiple spaces are
-    # condensed into single spaces.
-    #
-    # The 'set -f/+f' is here so that 'echo' doesn't cause any expansion
-    # of special characters.
-    #
-    # The whitespace trim doesn't work with multiline strings so we use
-    # '${1//[[:space:]]/ }' to remove newlines beofre we trim the whitespace.
-    set -f
-    builtin echo -E ${1//[[:space:]]/ }
-    set +f
 err() {
@@ -2728,21 +2690,19 @@ get_user_config() {
 bar() {
     # Get the values
-    elapsed="$(($1 * progress_length / $2))"
+    elapsed="$(($1 * bar_length / $2))"
     # Create the bar with spaces
     prog="$(printf %"$elapsed"s)"
-    total="$(printf %"$((progress_length - elapsed))"s)"
+    total="$(printf %"$((bar_length - elapsed))"s)"
-    # Set the colors and swap the spaces for $progress_char
-    bar+="${progress_color_elapsed}${prog// /$progress_char_elapsed}"
-    bar+="${progress_color_total}${total// /$progress_char_total}"
+    # Set the colors and swap the spaces for $bar_char_
+    bar+="${bar_color_elapsed}${prog// /$bar_char_elapsed}"
+    bar+="${bar_color_total}${total// /$bar_char_total}"
     # Borders
-    if [[ "$progress_border" == "on" ]]; then
-        bar+="$(color fg)]"
-        bar="$(color fg)[$bar"
-    fi
+    [[ "$bar_border" == "on" ]] && \
+        bar="$(color fg)[${bar}$(color fg)]"
     printf "%b\n" "${bar}${info_color}"
@@ -2753,6 +2713,8 @@ cache() {
 kde_config_dir() {
+    # If the user is using KDE get the KDE
+    # configuration directory.
     if [[ "$kde_config_dir" ]]; then
@@ -2792,9 +2754,10 @@ get_term_padding() {
 dynamic_prompt() {
-    # Calculate image height in terminal cells.
-    if [[ "$image_backend" != "ascii" ]]; then
+    if [[ "$image_backend" == "image" ]]; then
         get_term_padding 2>/dev/null
+        # Calculate image height in terminal cells.
         lines="$(((height + (${border:-0} * 2) + ${yoffset:-0}) / font_height))"
@@ -2836,9 +2799,15 @@ old_functions() {
 old_flags() {
     [[ -n "$osx_buildversion" ]] && err "Config: \$osx_buildversion is deprecated, use \$distro_shorthand instead."
     [[ -n "$osx_codename" ]] && err "Config: \$osx_codename is deprecated, use \$distro_shorthand instead."
-    [[ -n "$progress_char" ]] && err "Config: \$progress_char is deprecated, use \$progress_char_elapsed and \$progress_char_total instead."
     [[ "$cpu_cores" == "on" ]] && err "Config: \$cpu_cores='on' is deprecated, use \$cpu_cores='logical|physical|off' instead."
     [[ -n "$image" ]] && { err "Config: \$image is deprecated, use \$image_source instead."; image_source="$image"; }
+    # All progress_ variables were changed to bar_
+    [[ -n "$progress_char" ]] && err "Config: \$progress_char is deprecated, use \$bar_char_elapsed and \$bar_char_total instead."
+    [[ -n "$progress_border" ]] && err "Config: \$progress_border is deprecated, use \$bar_border instead."
+    [[ -n "$progress_length" ]] && err "Config: \$progress_length is deprecated, use \$bar_length instead."
+    [[ -n "$progress_color_elapsed" ]] && err "Config: \$progress_color_elapsed is deprecated, use \$bar_color_elapsed instead."
+    [[ -n "$progress_color_total" ]] && err "Config: \$progress_color_total is deprecated, use \$bar_color_total instead."
 cache_uname() {
@@ -2910,20 +2879,20 @@ usage() { printf "%s" "
     --block_height num          Height of color blocks in lines
     --block_range start end     Range of colors to print as blocks
-    Progress Bars:
-    --progress_char 'elapsed char' 'total char'
-                                Characters to use when drawing progress bars.
-    --progress_border on/off    Whether or not to surround the bar with '[]'
-    --progress_length num       Length in spaces to make the progress bars.
-    --progress_colors num num   Colors to make the progress bar.
+    Bars:
+    --bar_char 'elapsed char' 'total char'
+                                Characters to use when drawing bars.
+    --bar_border on/off         Whether or not to surround the bar with '[]'
+    --bar_length num            Length in spaces to make the bars.
+    --bar_colors num num        Colors to make the bar.
                                 Set in this order: elapsed, total
-    --cpu_display mode          Progress bar mode.
+    --cpu_display mode          Bar mode.
                                 Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
-    --memory_display mode       Progress bar mode.
+    --memory_display mode       Bar mode.
                                 Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
-    --battery_display mode      Progress bar mode.
+    --battery_display mode      Bar mode.
                                 Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
-    --disk_display mode         Progress bar mode.
+    --disk_display mode         Bar mode.
                                 Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
@@ -3048,16 +3017,16 @@ get_args() {
             --block_width) block_width="$2" ;;
             --block_height) block_height="$2" ;;
-            # Progress Bars
-            --progress_char)
-                progress_char_elapsed="$2"
-                progress_char_total="$3"
+            # Bars
+            --bar_char)
+                bar_char_elapsed="$2"
+                bar_char_total="$3"
-            --progress_border) progress_border="$2" ;;
-            --progress_length) progress_length="$2" ;;
-            --progress_colors)
-                progress_color_elapsed="$2"
-                progress_color_total="$3"
+            --bar_border) bar_border="$2" ;;
+            --bar_length) bar_length="$2" ;;
+            --bar_colors)
+                bar_color_elapsed="$2"
+                bar_color_total="$3"
             --cpu_display) cpu_display="$2" ;;
             --memory_display) memory_display="$2" ;;
@@ -3149,11 +3118,11 @@ main() {
     get_default_config 2>/dev/null
-    old_flags
     get_args "$@"
+    old_flags
-    bold
-    colors
+    get_bold
+    get_distro_colors
     # Restore cursor and clear screen on ctrl+c
     trap 'printf "\033[?25h"; clear; exit' 2
diff --git a/neofetch.1 b/neofetch.1
index 403a3d46..df51908e 100644
--- a/neofetch.1
+++ b/neofetch.1
@@ -132,39 +132,39 @@ Height of color blocks in lines
 .B \--block_range 'start' 'end'
 Range of colors to print as blocks
-.B \--progress_char 'elapsed char' 'total char'
-Characters to use when drawing progress bars.
+.B \--bar_char 'elapsed char' 'total char'
+Characters to use when drawing bars.
-.B \--progress_border on/off
+.B \--bar_border on/off
 Whether or not to surround the bar with '[]'
-.B \--progress_length 'num'
-Length in spaces to make the progress bars.
+.B \--bar_length 'num'
+Length in spaces to make the bars.
-.B \--progress_colors 'num' 'num'
-Colors to make the progress bar.
+.B \--bar_colors 'num' 'num'
+Colors to make the bar.
 Set in this order: elapsed, total
 .B \--cpu_display       'mode'
-Progress bar mode.
+Bar mode.
 Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
 .B \--memory_display    'mode'
-Progress bar mode.
+Bar mode.
 Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
 .B \--battery_display   'mode'
-Progress bar mode.
+Bar mode.
 Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
 .B \--disk_display      'mode'
-Progress bar mode.
+Bar mode.
 Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off