diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5dcf1af3..b6a8c9f2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -86,6 +86,21 @@ Have a look at the wiki, I've updated/added some new pages!
- Alpine Linux: You also need `ncurses`.
+##### Image mode
+These dependencies are required for image mode to work.
+- Displaying images: `w3m-img` \[1\] or `iTerm2` or `Terminology` \[2\]
+- Thumbnail creation: `imagemagick`
+- Window size: A terminal emulator that supports `\033[14t` \[3\] or `xdotool` or `xwininfo + xprop` or `xwininfo + xdpyinfo`
+\[1\] `w3m-img` is sometimes bundled together with `w3m`.
+\[2\] Image support is built into Terminology and iTerm2, and doesn't require w3m-img.
+\[3\] See this wiki page to find out if your terminal emulator supports `\033[14t` or if you need an additonal dependency.
##### iOS
These dependencies can all be installed through Cydia.
@@ -99,19 +114,18 @@ Note: The cydia package installs these dependencies for you.
- `Gawk`
- `grep`
### Optional dependencies:
-- Desktop Environment and Window Manager: `xprop` \[1\]
-- Displaying images: `w3m-img` \[2\] \[3\] or `iTerm2` or `Terminology` \[4\]
-- Thumbnail creation: `imagemagick`
- Displaying song information from Google Play Music Desktop Player: [`gpmdp-remote`](https://github.com/iAndrewT/gpmdp-remote)
+- Desktop Environment and Window Manager: `xprop` \[1\]
##### Linux / BSD / Solaris
- Wallpaper: `feh`, `nitrogen` or `gsettings`
- Current Song: `mpc`, `cmus`, `moc`, `spotify`, `gpmdc`
-- Resolution: `xorg-xrandr` or `xorg-xdpyinfo` \[5\]
-- Screenshot: `scrot` \[6\]
+- Resolution: `xorg-xrandr` or `xorg-xdpyinfo` \[2\]
+- Screenshot: `scrot` \[3\]
##### OSX
@@ -128,17 +142,10 @@ Note: The cydia package installs these dependencies for you.
\[1\] See **[#79](https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/issues/79)** about why this is now a required dependency.
-\[2\] `w3m-img` is sometimes bundled together with `w3m`.
-\[3\] Image support only works in certain terminal emulators. The script will fallback to ascii mode on
-terminal emulators that don't support the xterm escape sequences we're using for image sizing.
-\[4\] Image support is built into Terminology and iTerm2, and doesn't require w3m-img.
-\[5\] Xrandr is prefered over xdpyinfo as Xrandr supports multi monitor and refresh rate display in the
+\[2\] Xrandr is prefered over xdpyinfo as Xrandr supports multi monitor and refresh rate display in the
-\[6\] You can use the launch flag `--scrot_cmd` or change the config option `$scrot_cmd` to your screenshot
+\[3\] You can use the launch flag `--scrot_cmd` or change the config option `$scrot_cmd` to your screenshot
program's cmd and neofetch will use it instead of scrot.
diff --git a/neofetch b/neofetch
index 5b9cf92a..24d08f90 100755
--- a/neofetch
+++ b/neofetch
@@ -2098,39 +2098,66 @@ getimage() {
# Get terminal width and height
- if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then
- printf "%b%s" "\033Ptmux;\033\033[14t\033\033[c\033\\"
- read_flags="-d c"
+ if type -p xdotool >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
+ [ "$image_backend" != "iterm2" ]; then
- elif [ "$image_backend" == "tycat" ]; then
- printf "%b%s" "\033}qs\000"
+ current_window="$(xdotool getactivewindow)"
+ eval "$(xdotool getwindowgeometry --shell "$current_window")"
+ term_height="$HEIGHT"
+ term_width="$WIDTH"
+ elif type -p xwininfo >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
+ type -p xdpyinfo >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
+ type -p xprop >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
+ [ "$image_backend" != "iterm2" ]; then
+ if type -p xdpyinfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ current_window="$(xdpyinfo | grep focus | grep -E -o 0x[0-9a-f]+)"
+ elif type -p xprop >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ current_window="$(xprop -root | awk '/_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW\(WINDOW\)/{print $NF}')"
+ fi
+ term_size="$(xwininfo -id "$current_window" | awk -F ': ' '/Width|Height/ {printf $2 " "}')"
+ term_width="${term_size/ *}"
+ term_height="${term_size/${term_width}}"
- printf "%b%s" "\033[14t\033[c"
- read_flags="-d c"
- fi
+ if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then
+ printf "%b%s" "\033Ptmux;\033\033[14t\033\033[c\033\\"
+ read_flags="-d c"
- # The escape code above prints the output AFTER the prompt so this
- builtin read -s -t 1 ${read_flags} -r term_size
+ elif [ "$image_backend" == "tycat" ]; then
+ printf "%b%s" "\033}qs\000"
- # Split the string
- if [ "$image_backend" == "tycat" ]; then
- term_size=(${term_size//;/ })
- term_width="$((term_size[2] * term_size[0]))"
- term_height="$((term_size[3] * term_size[1]))"
+ else
+ printf "%b%s" "\033[14t\033[c"
+ read_flags="-d c"
+ fi
- else
- term_size="${term_size//'['}"
- term_size="${term_size/';'}"
- term_size="${term_size/$'\E4'}"
- term_size="${term_size/t*}"
- term_height="${term_size/';'*}"
- term_width="${term_size/*';'}"
+ # The escape code above prints the output AFTER the prompt so this
+ builtin read -s -t 1 ${read_flags} -r term_size
+ # Split the string
+ if [ "$image_backend" == "tycat" ]; then
+ term_size=(${term_size//;/ })
+ term_width="$((term_size[2] * term_size[0]))"
+ term_height="$((term_size[3] * term_size[1]))"
+ else
+ term_size="${term_size//'['}"
+ term_size="${term_size/';'}"
+ term_size="${term_size/$'\E4'}"
+ term_size="${term_size/t*}"
+ term_height="${term_size/';'*}"
+ term_width="${term_size/*';'}"
+ fi
+ [ "${#term_size}" -le 5 ] && no_esc="1"
# If $img isn't a file or the terminal doesn't support xterm escape sequences,
# fallback to ascii mode.
- if [ ! -f "$img" ] || ([ "${#term_size}" -le 5 ] && [ "$image_backend" != "tycat" ]); then
+ if [ ! -f "$img" ] || ([ "$no_esc" == 1 ] && [ "$image_backend" != "tycat" ]); then