diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 24742bf4..6e0186ca 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -75,18 +75,30 @@ Have a look at the wiki, I've updated/added some new pages!<br \>
 <!-- }}} -->
-<!-- Dependences {{{ -->
+<!-- Dependencies {{{ -->
 ## Dependencies
-### Required dependencies:
+- [Required dependencies]()
+- [Image mode dependencies]()
+- [Optional dependencies]()
+    - [Song]()
+    - [Wallpaper]()
+    - [Resolution]()
+    - [Screenshot]()
+    - [GPU]()
+    - [Desktop Environment and Window Manager]()
+- [iOS dependencies]()
+## Required dependencies:
 - `Bash 3.0+`
     - Alpine Linux: You also need `ncurses`.
-##### Image mode
+## Image mode dependencies:
 These dependencies are required for image mode to work.
@@ -101,7 +113,63 @@ These dependencies are required for image mode to work.
 \[3\] See this wiki page to find out if your terminal emulator supports `\033[14t` or if you need an additonal dependency.
-##### iOS
+## Optional dependencies:
+### Song
+- Google Play Music Desktop Player: [`gpmdp-remote`](https://github.com/iAndrewT/gpmdp-remote)
+- MPD: `mpc`
+- CMUS: `cmus`
+- MOC: `moc`
+- Spotify: `spotify`
+### Desktop Environment and Window Manager
+- Desktop Environment and Window Manager: `xprop` \[1\]
+\[1\] See **[#79](https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/issues/79)** about why this is now a required dependency.
+### Wallpaper
+**Linux, BSD and Solaris**
+- Wallpaper: `feh`, `nitrogen` or `gsettings`
+**Windows and macOS**
+- No additional dependencies needed.
+### Resolution
+**Linux, BSD and Solaris**
+- Resolution: `xorg-xrandr` or `xorg-xdpyinfo` \[1\]
+- Resolution (quicker): `screenresolution` \[2\]
+\[1\] Xrandr is prefered over xdpyinfo as Xrandr supports multi monitor and refresh rate display in the<br \>
+\[2\] `screenresolution` is installed for you when using homebrew.
+### Screenshot
+- Screenshot: `scrot` \[1\]
+\[1\] You can use the launch flag `--scrot_cmd` or change the config option `$scrot_cmd` to your screenshot<br \>
+program's cmd and neofetch will use it instead of scrot.
+### GPU
+**BSD and Solaris**
+- GPU: `glxinfo`
+    - Not required on FreeBSD.
+### iOS
 These dependencies can all be installed through Cydia.<br \>
 Note: The cydia package installs these dependencies for you.
@@ -115,40 +183,6 @@ Note: The cydia package installs these dependencies for you.
 - `grep`
-### Optional dependencies:
-- Displaying song information from Google Play Music Desktop Player: [`gpmdp-remote`](https://github.com/iAndrewT/gpmdp-remote)
-- Desktop Environment and Window Manager: `xprop` \[1\]
-##### Linux / BSD / Solaris
-- Wallpaper: `feh`, `nitrogen` or `gsettings`
-- Current Song: `mpc`, `cmus`, `moc`, `spotify`, `gpmdc`
-- Resolution: `xorg-xrandr` or `xorg-xdpyinfo` \[2\]
-- Screenshot: `scrot` \[3\]
-##### OSX
-- Resolution (quicker): `screenresolution`
-##### BSD / Solaris
-- GPU: `glxinfo`
-    - Not required on FreeBSD.
-##### Windows (CYGWIN)
-- `procps-ng` or `procps`
-\[1\] See **[#79](https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/issues/79)** about why this is now a required dependency.
-\[2\] Xrandr is prefered over xdpyinfo as Xrandr supports multi monitor and refresh rate display in the<br \>
-\[3\] You can use the launch flag `--scrot_cmd` or change the config option `$scrot_cmd` to your screenshot<br \>
-program's cmd and neofetch will use it instead of scrot.
 <!-- }}} -->