# AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED by `shtab` _shtab_hyfetch_option_strings=('-h' '--help' '-c' '--config' '-C' '--config-file' '-p' '--preset' '-m' '--mode' '-b' '--backend' '--c-scale' '--c-set-l' '-V' '--version' '--debug' '--distro' '--test-distro' '--ascii-file') _shtab_hyfetch__p_choices=('rainbow' 'transgender' 'nonbinary' 'agender' 'queer' 'genderfluid' 'bisexual' 'pansexual' 'polysexual' 'omnisexual' 'omniromantic' 'gay-men' 'lesbian' 'abrosexual' 'asexual' 'aromantic' 'aroace1' 'aroace2' 'aroace3' 'autosexual' 'intergender' 'greygender' 'akiosexual' 'bigender' 'demigender' 'demiboy' 'demigirl' 'transmasculine' 'transfeminine' 'genderfaun' 'demifaun' 'genderfae' 'demifae' 'neutrois' 'biromantic1' 'biromantic2' 'autoromantic' 'boyflux2' 'finsexual' 'unlabeled1' 'unlabeled2' 'pangender' 'gendernonconforming1' 'gendernonconforming2' 'femboy' 'tomboy' 'gendervoid' 'voidgirl' 'voidboy' 'plural' 'bear' 'beiyang' 'burger') _shtab_hyfetch___preset_choices=('rainbow' 'transgender' 'nonbinary' 'agender' 'queer' 'genderfluid' 'bisexual' 'pansexual' 'polysexual' 'omnisexual' 'omniromantic' 'gay-men' 'lesbian' 'abrosexual' 'asexual' 'aromantic' 'aroace1' 'aroace2' 'aroace3' 'autosexual' 'intergender' 'greygender' 'akiosexual' 'bigender' 'demigender' 'demiboy' 'demigirl' 'transmasculine' 'transfeminine' 'genderfaun' 'demifaun' 'genderfae' 'demifae' 'neutrois' 'biromantic1' 'biromantic2' 'autoromantic' 'boyflux2' 'finsexual' 'unlabeled1' 'unlabeled2' 'pangender' 'gendernonconforming1' 'gendernonconforming2' 'femboy' 'tomboy' 'gendervoid' 'voidgirl' 'voidboy' 'plural' 'bear' 'beiyang' 'burger') _shtab_hyfetch__m_choices=('8bit' 'rgb') _shtab_hyfetch___mode_choices=('8bit' 'rgb') _shtab_hyfetch__b_choices=('neofetch' 'fastfetch' 'fastfetch-old') _shtab_hyfetch___backend_choices=('neofetch' 'fastfetch' 'fastfetch-old') _shtab_hyfetch__h_nargs=0 _shtab_hyfetch___help_nargs=0 _shtab_hyfetch__c_nargs=0 _shtab_hyfetch___config_nargs=0 _shtab_hyfetch__V_nargs=0 _shtab_hyfetch___version_nargs=0 _shtab_hyfetch___debug_nargs=0 _shtab_hyfetch___test_print_nargs=0 _shtab_hyfetch___ask_exit_nargs=0 # $1=COMP_WORDS[1] _shtab_compgen_files() { compgen -f -- $1 # files } # $1=COMP_WORDS[1] _shtab_compgen_dirs() { compgen -d -- $1 # recurse into subdirs } # $1=COMP_WORDS[1] _shtab_replace_nonword() { echo "${1//[^[:word:]]/_}" } # set default values (called for the initial parser & any subparsers) _set_parser_defaults() { local subparsers_var="${prefix}_subparsers[@]" sub_parsers=${!subparsers_var} local current_option_strings_var="${prefix}_option_strings[@]" current_option_strings=${!current_option_strings_var} completed_positional_actions=0 _set_new_action "pos_${completed_positional_actions}" true } # $1=action identifier # $2=positional action (bool) # set all identifiers for an action's parameters _set_new_action() { current_action="${prefix}_$(_shtab_replace_nonword $1)" local current_action_compgen_var=${current_action}_COMPGEN current_action_compgen="${!current_action_compgen_var}" local current_action_choices_var="${current_action}_choices[@]" current_action_choices="${!current_action_choices_var}" local current_action_nargs_var="${current_action}_nargs" if [ -n "${!current_action_nargs_var}" ]; then current_action_nargs="${!current_action_nargs_var}" else current_action_nargs=1 fi current_action_args_start_index=$(( $word_index + 1 )) current_action_is_positional=$2 } # Notes: # `COMPREPLY`: what will be rendered after completion is triggered # `completing_word`: currently typed word to generate completions for # `${!var}`: evaluates the content of `var` and expand its content as a variable # hello="world" # x="hello" # ${!x} -> ${hello} -> "world" _shtab_hyfetch() { local completing_word="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" COMPREPLY=() prefix=_shtab_hyfetch word_index=0 _set_parser_defaults word_index=1 # determine what arguments are appropriate for the current state # of the arg parser while [ $word_index -ne $COMP_CWORD ]; do local this_word="${COMP_WORDS[$word_index]}" if [[ -n $sub_parsers && " ${sub_parsers[@]} " =~ " ${this_word} " ]]; then # valid subcommand: add it to the prefix & reset the current action prefix="${prefix}_$(_shtab_replace_nonword $this_word)" _set_parser_defaults fi if [[ " ${current_option_strings[@]} " =~ " ${this_word} " ]]; then # a new action should be acquired (due to recognised option string or # no more input expected from current action); # the next positional action can fill in here _set_new_action $this_word false fi if [[ "$current_action_nargs" != "*" ]] && \ [[ "$current_action_nargs" != "+" ]] && \ [[ "$current_action_nargs" != *"..." ]] && \ (( $word_index + 1 - $current_action_args_start_index >= \ $current_action_nargs )); then $current_action_is_positional && let "completed_positional_actions += 1" _set_new_action "pos_${completed_positional_actions}" true fi let "word_index+=1" done # Generate the completions if [[ "${completing_word}" == -* ]]; then # optional argument started: use option strings COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${current_option_strings[*]}" -- "${completing_word}") ) else # use choices & compgen local IFS=$'\n' # items may contain spaces, so delimit using newline COMPREPLY=( $([ -n "${current_action_compgen}" ] \ && "${current_action_compgen}" "${completing_word}") ) unset IFS COMPREPLY+=( $(compgen -W "${current_action_choices[*]}" -- "${completing_word}") ) fi return 0 } complete -o filenames -F _shtab_hyfetch hyfetch