from __future__ import annotations import os import platform import sys from .color_util import RGB, AnsiMode class OSCException(Exception): pass def unix_detect_ansi_mode() -> AnsiMode | None: """ Translated from Termenv's ColorProfile(): :return: Ansi mode """ if not sys.stdout.isatty(): return 'ansi' term = os.environ.get('TERM') color_term = os.environ.get('COLORTERM') if color_term == 'truecolor' or color_term == '24bit': if term.startswith('screen') and os.environ.get('TERM_PROGRAM') != 'tmux': return '8bit' return 'rgb' elif color_term == 'true' or color_term == 'yes': return '8bit' if term == 'xterm-kitty': return 'rgb' elif term == 'linux': return 'ansi' if '256color' in term: return 'rgb' if 'color' in term: return '8bit' if 'ansi' in term: return 'ansi' return None def windows_detect_ansi_mode() -> AnsiMode | None: """ Translated from Termenv's ColorProfile(): :return: Ansi mode """ if not sys.stdout.isatty(): return 'ansi' if os.environ.get("ConEmuANSI") == "ON": return 'rgb' release, _, build = map(int, platform.version().split('.')) if build < 10586 or release < 10: # No ANSI support before Windows 10 build 10586. if os.environ.get('ANSICON'): conv = os.environ.get('ANSICON_VER') if int(conv) < 181: return 'ansi' return '8bit' return 'ansi' if build < 14931: # No true color support before build 14931. return '8bit' return 'rgb' def detect_ansi_mode() -> AnsiMode | None: system = platform.system().lower() if system.startswith("linux") or system.startswith("darwin"): return unix_detect_ansi_mode() if system.startswith("windows"): return windows_detect_ansi_mode() return None def unix_read_osc(seq: int) -> str: import termios import tty import signal from select import select # screen/tmux can't support OSC, because they can be connected to multiple # terminals concurrently. term = os.environ.get('TERM') if term.startswith("screen") or term.startswith("tmux"): raise OSCException("Screen/tmux not supported") t = sys.stdout if not t.isatty(): raise OSCException("Not a tty") fd = sys.stdin.fileno() # Set raw mode settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) # first, send OSC query, which is ignored by terminal which do not support it t.write(f"\x1b]{seq};?\x1b\\") t.flush() # stdin response timeout should be higher for ssh sessions timeout = 0.05 if (os.environ.get('SSH_TTY') or os.environ.get('SSH_SESSION')) is None else 0.5 # Wait for input to appear if not select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout)[0]: # Reset terminal back to normal mode (previously set to raw mode) termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings) raise OSCException("No response received") # Read until termination, or if it doesn't terminate, read until 1 second passes def handler(signum, frame): raise IOError() signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, timeout, 1) code = "" try: for _ in range(28): code += # Terminate with sequence terminator [\ or bell ^G if code.endswith('\x1b\\') or code.endswith('\a'): break except IOError: pass finally: # Disable alarm signal.alarm(0) # Reset terminal back to normal mode (previously set to raw mode) termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings) # Validate output if not code: raise OSCException("No response received") start = f"\x1b]{seq};" if not code.startswith(start): raise OSCException("Received response is not an OSC response") # Strip starting code and termination code code = code.lstrip(start).rstrip("\x1b\\").rstrip('\a') return code def get_background_color() -> RGB | None: system = platform.system().lower() if system.startswith("linux") or system.startswith("darwin"): try: osc = unix_read_osc(11).lstrip("rgb:") return RGB.from_hex(''.join([v[:2] for v in osc.split('/')])) except Exception: return None if system.startswith("windows"): return None