#!/usr/bin/env bash # set -x # vim: fdm=marker:noai:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # # Neofetch: Simple system information script. # https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch # # Created by Dylan Araps # https://github.com/dylanaraps/ version="${BASH_VERSION/.*}" SYS_LOCALE="${LANG:-C}" XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}" # Speed up script by not using unicode export LC_ALL=C export LANG=C # Set no case match. shopt -s nocasematch # Gather Info {{{ # Operating System {{{ getos() { case "$(uname)" in "Linux") os="Linux" ;; "Darwin") os="$(sw_vers -productName)" ;; *"BSD" | "DragonFly" | "Bitrig") os="BSD" ;; "CYGWIN"*) os="Windows" ;; "SunOS") os="Solaris" ;; "Haiku") os="Haiku" ;; "GNU"*) os="GNU" ;; *) printf "%s\n" "Unknown OS detected: $(uname)"; exit 1 ;; esac } # }}} # Model {{{ getmodel() { case "$os" in "Linux") if [ -d "/system/app/" ] && [ -d "/system/priv-app" ]; then model="$(getprop ro.product.brand) $(getprop ro.product.model)" elif [ -f /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name ] ||\ [ -f /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_version ]; then model="$(< /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name)" model+=" $(< /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_version)" model="${model/To Be Filled*}" elif [ -f /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model ]; then model="$(< /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model)" elif [ -f /tmp/sysinfo/model ]; then model="$(< /tmp/sysinfo/model)" fi ;; "Mac OS X") model="$(sysctl -n hw.model)" ;; "iPhone OS") case "${ios_model:-$(uname -m)}" in "iPad1,1") model="iPad" ;; "iPad2,"[1-4]) model="iPad2" ;; "iPad3,"[1-3]) model="iPad3" ;; "iPad3,"[4-6]) model="iPad4" ;; "iPad4,"[1-3]) model="iPad Air" ;; "iPad5,"[3-4]) model="iPad Air 2" ;; "iPad6,"[7-8]) model="iPad Pro (12.9 Inch)" ;; "iPad6,"[3-4]) model="iPad Pro (9.7 Inch)" ;; "iPad2,"[5-7]) model="iPad mini" ;; "iPad4,"[4-6]) model="iPad mini 2" ;; "iPad4,"[7-9]) model="iPad mini 3" ;; "iPad5,"[1-2]) model="iPad mini 4" ;; "iPhone1,1") model="iPhone" ;; "iPhone1,2") model="iPhone 3G" ;; "iPhone2,1") model="iPhone 3GS" ;; "iPhone3,"[1-3]) model="iPhone 4" ;; "iPhone4,1") model="iPhone 4S" ;; "iPhone5,"[1-2]) model="iPhone 4" ;; "iPhone5,"[3-4]) model="iPhone 5c" ;; "iPhone6,"[1-2]) model="iPhone 5s" ;; "iPhone7,2") model="iPhone 6" ;; "iPhone7,1") model="iPhone 6 Plus" ;; "iPhone8,1") model="iPhone 6s" ;; "iPhone8,2") model="iPhone 6s Plus" ;; "iPhone8,4") model="iPhone SE" ;; "iPhone9,1" | "iPhone9,3") model="iPhone 7" ;; "iPhone9,2" | "iPhone9,4") model="iPhone 7 Plus" ;; "iPod1,1") model="iPod touch" ;; "ipod2,1") model="iPod touch 2G" ;; "ipod3,1") model="iPod touch 3G" ;; "ipod4,1") model="iPod touch 4G" ;; "ipod5,1") model="iPod touch 5G" ;; "ipod7,1") model="iPod touch 6G" ;; esac ;; "BSD") model="$(sysctl -n hw.vendor hw.product)" ;; "Windows") model="$(wmic computersystem get manufacturer,model /value)" model="${model/Manufacturer'='}" model="${model/Model'='}" model="${model//*To Be Filled*}" ;; "Solaris") model="$(prtconf -b | awk -F':' '/banner-name/ {printf $2}')" ;; esac } # }}} # Distro {{{ getdistro() { [ "$distro" ] && return case "$os" in "Linux" | "GNU") if grep -q -F 'Microsoft' /proc/version >/dev/null || \ grep -q -F 'Microsoft' /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease >/dev/null; then case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") distro="$(lsb_release -sir) [Windows 10]" ;; "tiny") distro="Windows 10" ;; *) distro="$(lsb_release -sd) on Windows 10" ;; esac ascii_distro="Windows 10" elif [ -f "/etc/redstar-release" ]; then case "$distro_shorthand" in "on" | "tiny") distro="Red Star OS" ;; *) distro="Red Star OS $(awk -F'[^0-9*]' '$0=$2' /etc/redstar-release)" esac elif type -p lsb_release >/dev/null; then case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") lsb_flags="-sir" ;; "tiny") lsb_flags="-si" ;; *) lsb_flags="-sd" ;; esac distro="$(lsb_release $lsb_flags)" elif type -p guix >/dev/null; then distro="GuixSD" elif type -p crux >/dev/null; then distro="$(crux)" case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") distro="${distro//version}" ;; "tiny") distro="${distro//version*}" ;; esac elif [ -d "/system/app/" ] && [ -d "/system/priv-app" ]; then distro="Android $(getprop ro.build.version.release)" else # Source the os-release file for file in /etc/*ease /usr/lib/*ease; do source "$file" done case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") distro="${NAME:-${DISTRIB_ID}} ${VERSION_ID:-${DISTRIB_RELEASE}}" ;; "tiny") distro="${NAME:-${DISTRIB_ID:-"${TAILS_PRODUCT_NAME}"}}" ;; "off") distro="${PRETTY_NAME:-${DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION}} ${UBUNTU_CODENAME}" ;; esac # Workarounds for distros that go against the os-release standard. [ -z "$(trim "$distro")" ] && distro="$(awk '/BLAG/ {print $1; exit}' /etc/*ease /usr/lib/*ease)" [ -z "$(trim "$distro")" ] && distro="$(awk -F'=' '{print $2; exit}' /etc/*ease /usr/lib/*ease)" fi distro="${distro//\"}" distro="${distro//\'}" ;; "Mac OS X") osx_version="$(sw_vers -productVersion)" osx_build="$(sw_vers -buildVersion)" case "$osx_version" in "10.4"*) codename="Mac OS X Tiger" ;; "10.5"*) codename="Mac OS X Leopard" ;; "10.6"*) codename="Mac OS X Snow Leopard" ;; "10.7"*) codename="Mac OS X Lion" ;; "10.8"*) codename="OS X Mountain Lion" ;; "10.9"*) codename="OS X Mavericks" ;; "10.10"*) codename="OS X Yosemite" ;; "10.11"*) codename="OS X El Capitan" ;; "10.12"*) codename="macOS Sierra" ;; *) codename="macOS" ;; esac distro="$codename $osx_version $osx_build" case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") distro="${distro/ ${osx_build}}" ;; "tiny") case "$osx_version" in "10."[4-7]*) distro="${distro/${codename}/Mac OS X}" ;; "10."[8-9]* | "10.1"[0-1]*) distro="${distro/${codename}/OS X}" ;; "10.12"*) distro="${distro/${codename}/macOS}" ;; esac distro="${distro/ ${osx_build}}" ;; esac ;; "iPhone OS") distro="iOS $(sw_vers -productVersion)" # "uname -m" doesn't print architecture on iOS so we force it off. os_arch="off" ;; "BSD") case "$distro_shorthand" in "tiny" | "on") distro="$(uname -s)" ;; *) distro="$(uname -sr)" ;; esac distro="${distro/DragonFly/DragonFlyBSD}" # Workarounds for FreeBSD based distros. [ -f "/etc/pcbsd-lang" ] && distro="PCBSD" [ -f "/etc/pacbsd-release" ] && distro="PacBSD" ;; "Windows") distro="$(wmic os get Caption /value)" # Strip crap from the output of wmic distro="${distro/Caption'='}" distro="${distro/Microsoft }" ;; "Solaris") case "$distro_shorthand" in "on" | "tiny") distro="$(awk 'NR==1{print $1 " " $2;}' /etc/release)" ;; *) distro="$(awk 'NR==1{print $1 " " $2 " " $3;}' /etc/release)" ;; esac distro="${distro/\(*}" ;; "Haiku") distro="$(uname -sv | awk '{print $1 " " $2}')" ;; esac # Get architecture [ "$os_arch" == "on" ] && \ distro+=" $(uname -m)" [ "${ascii_distro:-auto}" == "auto" ] && \ ascii_distro="$(trim "$distro")" } # }}} # Title {{{ gettitle() { title="${USER:-$(whoami || printf "%s" "${HOME/*\/}")}@${HOSTNAME:-$(hostname)}" } # }}} # Kernel {{{ getkernel() { case "$kernel_shorthand" in "on") kernel_flags="-r" ;; "off") kernel_flags="-sr" ;; esac # Hardcode kernel settings in BSDs if [ "$os" == "BSD" ] && [[ ! "$distro" =~ (PacBSD|PCBSD) ]]; then case "$distro_shorthand" in "on" | "tiny") kernel=$(uname -r) ;; *) unset kernel ;; esac else kernel="$(uname $kernel_flags)" fi } # }}} # Uptime {{{ getuptime() { # Since Haiku's uptime cannot be fetched in seconds, a case outside # the usual case is needed case "$os" in "Haiku") uptime="$(uptime -u)" uptime="${uptime/up }" ;; *) # Get uptime in seconds case "$os" in "Linux" | "Windows") seconds="$(< /proc/uptime)" seconds="${seconds/.*}" ;; "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS" | "BSD") boot="$(sysctl -n kern.boottime)" boot="${boot/'{ sec = '}" boot="${boot/,*}" # Get current date in seconds now="$(date +%s)" seconds="$((now - boot))" ;; "Solaris") seconds="$(kstat -p unix:0:system_misc:snaptime | awk '{print $2}')" seconds="${seconds/.*}" ;; esac days="$((seconds / 60 / 60 / 24)) days" hours="$((seconds / 60 / 60 % 24)) hours" minutes="$((seconds / 60 % 60)) minutes" case "$days" in "0 days") unset days ;; "1 days") days="${days/s}" ;; esac case "$hours" in "0 hours") unset hours ;; "1 hours") hours="${hours/s}" ;; esac case "$minutes" in "0 minutes") unset minutes ;; "1 minutes") minutes="${minutes/s}" ;; esac uptime="${days:+$days, }${hours:+$hours, }${minutes}" uptime="${uptime%', '}" uptime="${uptime:-${seconds} seconds}" ;; esac # Make the output of uptime smaller. case "$uptime_shorthand" in "on") uptime="${uptime/minutes/mins}" uptime="${uptime/minute/min}" uptime="${uptime/seconds/secs}" ;; "tiny") uptime="${uptime/ days/d}" uptime="${uptime/ day/d}" uptime="${uptime/ hours/h}" uptime="${uptime/ hour/h}" uptime="${uptime/ minutes/m}" uptime="${uptime/ minute/m}" uptime="${uptime/ seconds/s}" uptime="${uptime//,}" ;; esac } # }}} # Package Count {{{ getpackages() { case "$os" in "Linux" | "iPhone OS" | "Solaris" | "GNU") type -p pacman >/dev/null && \ packages="$(pacman -Qq --color never | wc -l)" type -p dpkg >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep -cv deinstall$)))" type -p /sbin/pkgtool >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -1 /var/log/packages | wc -l)))" type -p rpm >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(rpm -qa | wc -l)))" type -p xbps-query >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(xbps-query -l | wc -l)))" type -p pkginfo >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(pkginfo -i | wc -l)))" type -p pisi >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(pisi list-installed | wc -l)))" if type -p pkg >/dev/null; then packages="$((packages+=$(ls -1 /var/db/pkg | wc -l)))" [ "$packages" == "0" ] && packages="$((packages+=$(pkg list | wc -l)))" fi type -p emerge >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d /var/db/pkg/*/* | wc -l)))" type -p nix-env >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d -1 /nix/store/*/ | wc -l)))" type -p guix >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d -1 /gnu/store/*/ | wc -l)))" type -p apk >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(apk info | wc -l)))" type -p opkg >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(opkg list-installed | wc -l)))" type -p pacman-g2 >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(pacman-g2 -Q | wc -l)))" type -p cave >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d -1 /var/db/paludis/repositories/cross-installed/*/data/* /var/db/paludis/repositories/installed/data/* | wc -l)))" ;; "Mac OS X") [ -d "/usr/local/bin" ] && \ packages="$(($(ls -l /usr/local/bin/ | grep -v "\(../Cellar/\|brew\)" | wc -l) - 1))" type -p port >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages + $(port installed | wc -l) - 1))" type -p brew >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages + $(find /usr/local/Cellar -maxdepth 1 | wc -l) - 1))" type -p pkgin >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages + $(pkgin list | wc -l)))" ;; "BSD") case "$distro" in # PacBSD has both pacman and pkg, but only pacman is used "PacBSD"*) packages="$(pacman -Qq --color never | wc -l)" ;; *) if type -p pkg_info >/dev/null; then packages="$(pkg_info | wc -l)" elif type -p pkg >/dev/null; then packages="$(pkg info | wc -l)" fi ;; esac ;; "Windows") packages="$(cygcheck -cd | wc -l)" # Count chocolatey packages [ -d "/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib" ] && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -1 /cygdrive/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib | wc -l)))" ;; "Haiku") packages="$(ls -1 /boot/system/package-links | wc -l)" ;; esac [ "$packages" == "0" ] && unset packages } # }}} # Shell {{{ getshell() { case "$shell_path" in "on") shell="$SHELL" ;; "off") shell="${SHELL##*/}" ;; esac if [ "$shell_version" == "on" ]; then shell+=" " case "${SHELL##*/}" in "bash") shell+="$(bash --version)" shell="${shell/ *, version}" shell="${shell/$'\n'*}" ;; "zsh") shell+="$(zsh --version)" shell="${shell/ zsh}" ;; "mksh" | "ksh") shell+="$("$SHELL" -c 'printf "%s" "$KSH_VERSION"')" shell="${shell/ * KSH}" ;; "tcsh" | "csh") shell+="$("$SHELL" --version)" shell="${shell/tcsh}" shell="${shell/\(*}" ;; "fish") shell+="$(fish -c 'printf "%s" "$FISH_VERSION"')" ;; esac shell="${shell/\(*\)}" fi } # }}} # Desktop Environment {{{ getde() { case "$os" in "Mac OS X") de="Aqua" ;; "Windows") case "$distro" in "Windows 8"* | "Windows 10"*) de="Modern UI/Metro" ;; *) de="Aero" ;; esac ;; *) de="${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP/i3}" de="${de/'X-'}" de="${de/Budgie:GNOME/Budgie}" ;; esac if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && [ -z "$de" ]; then de="$(xprop -root | awk '/KDE_SESSION_VERSION|^_MUFFIN|xfce4|xfce5/')" case "$de" in "KDE_SESSION_VERSION"*) de="KDE${de/* = }" ;; *"TDE_FULL_SESSION"*) de="Trinity" ;; *"MUFFIN"*) de="$(cinnamon --version)"; de="${de:-Cinnamon}" ;; *"xfce4"*) de="XFCE4" ;; *"xfce5"*) de="XFCE5" ;; esac fi } # }}} # Window Manager {{{ getwm() { if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$os" != "Mac OS X" ]; then id="$(xprop -root -notype | awk '$1=="_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK:"{print $5}')" wm="$(xprop -id "$id" -notype -f _NET_WM_NAME 8t)" wm="${wm/*_NET_WM_NAME = }" wm="${wm/\"}" wm="${wm/\"*}" # Fallback for Wayland wms case "$wm" in "xwlc") wm="$(ps -e | grep -m 1 -o -F -e "sway" -e "orbment" -e "velox" -e "orbital")" ;; esac else case "$os" in "Mac OS X") wm="Quartz Compositor" ;; "Windows") wm="$(tasklist | grep -m 1 -o -F -e "bugn" -e "Windawesome" -e "blackbox" -e "emerge" -e "litestep")" [ "$wm" == "blackbox" ] && wm="bbLean (Blackbox)" wm="${wm:+$wm, }Explorer" ;; esac fi } # }}} # Window Manager Theme {{{ getwmtheme() { [ -z "$wm" ] && getwm [ -z "$de" ] && getde case "$wm" in "E16") wmtheme="$(awk -F "= " '/theme.name/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.e16/e_config--0.0.cfg")";; "Sawfish") wmtheme="$(awk -F ")" '/\(quote default-frame-style/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.sawfish/custom")" ;; "Cinnamon" | "Muffin" | "Mutter (Muffin)") detheme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.theme name)" wmtheme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" wmtheme="$detheme (${wmtheme})" ;; "Compiz" | "Mutter" | "GNOME Shell" | "Gala") if type -p gsettings >/dev/null; then wmtheme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.shell.extensions.user-theme name)" [ -z "${wmtheme//\'}" ] && \ wmtheme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" elif type -p gconftool-2 >/dev/null; then wmtheme="$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme)" fi ;; "Metacity"*) if [ "$de" == "Deepin" ]; then wmtheme="$(gsettings get com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" else wmtheme="$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme)" fi ;; "E17" | "Enlightenment") if type -p eet >/dev/null; then wmtheme="$(eet -d "$HOME/.e/e/config/standard/e.cfg" config | awk '/value \"file\" string.*.edj/ {print $4}')" wmtheme="${wmtheme##*/}" wmtheme="${wmtheme%.*}" fi ;; "Fluxbox") [ -f "$HOME/.fluxbox/init" ] && \ wmtheme="$(awk -F "/" '/styleFile/ {print $NF}' "$HOME/.fluxbox/init")" ;; "IceWM"*) [ -f "$HOME/.icewm/theme" ] && \ wmtheme="$(awk -F "[\",/]" '!/#/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.icewm/theme")" ;; "Openbox") if [ "$de" == "LXDE" ] && [ -f "${HOME}/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml" ]; then ob_file="lxde-rc" elif [ -f "${HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml" ]; then ob_file="rc" fi wmtheme="$(awk -F "[<,>]" '/<theme/ {getline; print $3}' "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/openbox/${ob_file}.xml")"; ;; "PekWM") [ -f "$HOME/.pekwm/config" ] && \ wmtheme="$(awk -F "/" '/Theme/ {gsub(/\"/,""); print $NF}' "$HOME/.pekwm/config")" ;; "Xfwm4") [ -f "${HOME}/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfwm4.xml" ] && \ wmtheme="$(xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme)" ;; "KWin"*) kdeconfigdir kde_config_dir="${kde_config_dir%/}" if [ -f "$kde_config_dir/share/config/kwinrc" ]; then wmtheme="$(awk '/PluginLib=kwin3_/{gsub(/PluginLib=kwin3_/,"",$0); print $0; exit}' "$kde_config_dir/share/config/kwinrc")" elif [ -f "$kde_config_dir/share/config/kdebugrc" ]; then wmtheme="$(awk '/(decoration)/ {gsub(/\[/,"",$1); print $1; exit}' "$kde_config_dir/share/config/kdebugrc")" fi ;; "Quartz Compositor") wmtheme="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print AppleAquaColorVariant" ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist)" if [ -z "$wmtheme" ] || [ "$wmtheme" == "1" ]; then wmtheme="Blue" else wmtheme="Graphite" fi ;; *"Explorer") path="/proc/registry/HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft" path+="/Windows/CurrentVersion/Themes/CurrentTheme" wmtheme="$(head -n1 "$path")" wmtheme="${wmtheme##*\\}" wmtheme="${wmtheme%.*}" ;; "Blackbox" | "bbLean"*) path="$(wmic process get ExecutablePath | grep -F "blackbox")" path="${path//'\'/'/'}" wmtheme="$(grep "^session\.styleFile:" ${path/\.exe/.rc})" wmtheme="${wmtheme/'session.styleFile: '}" wmtheme="${wmtheme##*\\}" wmtheme="${wmtheme%.*}" ;; esac wmtheme="${wmtheme//\'}" [ "$version" -ge 4 ] && wmtheme="${wmtheme^}" } # }}} # CPU {{{ getcpu() { # NetBSD emulates the linux /proc filesystem instead of using sysctl for hw # information so we have to use this block below which temporarily sets the # OS to 'Linux' for the duration of this function. case "$distro" in "NetBSD"*) local os="Linux" ;; esac case "$os" in "Linux" | "Windows") # Get cpu name case "$distro" in "Android"*) cpu="$(getprop ro.product.board)" ;; *) cpu="$(awk -F ': | @' '/model name|Processor/ {printf $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo)" ;; esac speed_dir="/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq" temp_dir="/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input" # Get cpu speed if [ -d "$speed_dir" ]; then case "$speed_type" in current) speed_type="scaling_cur_freq" ;; min) speed_type="scaling_min_freq" ;; max) speed_type="scaling_max_freq" ;; bios) speed_type="bios_limit" ;; scaling_current) speed_type="scaling_cur_freq" ;; scaling_min) speed_type="scaling_min_freq" ;; scaling_max) speed_type="scaling_max_freq" ;; esac # Fallback to cpuinfo_max_freq if $speed_type fails speed="$(< "${speed_dir}/${speed_type}")" || \ speed="$(< "${speed_dir}/cpuinfo_max_freq")" speed="$((speed / 100000))" else speed="$(awk -F ': |\\.' '/cpu MHz/ {printf $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo)" speed="$((speed / 100))" fi # Get cpu temp if [ "$cpu_temp" == "on" ] && [ -f "$temp_dir" ]; then temp="$(< "$temp_dir")" temp="$((temp * 100 / 10000))" temp="[${temp/${temp: -1}}.${temp: -1}°C]" fi # Show/hide hyperthreaded cores case "$cpu_cores" in "logical" | "on") cores="$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)" ;; "physical") cores="$(grep "^core id" /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l)" ;; esac ;; "Mac OS X") cpu="$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string)" # Show/hide hyperthreaded cores case "$cpu_cores" in "logical" | "on") cores="$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu_max)" ;; "physical") cores="$(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu_max)" ;; esac ;; "iPhone OS") case "${ios_model:-$(uname -m)}" in "iPhone1,"[1-2] | "iPod1,1") cpu="Samsung S5L8900 (1) @ 412MHz" ;; "iPhone2,1") cpu="Samsung S5PC100 (1) @ 600MHz" ;; "iPhone3,"[1-3] | "iPod4,1") cpu="Apple A4 (1) @ 800MHz" ;; "iPhone4,1" | "iPod5,1") cpu="Apple A5 (2) @ 800MHz" ;; "iPhone5,"[1-4]) cpu="Apple A6 (2) @ 1.3GHz" ;; "iPhone6,"[1-2]) cpu="Apple A7 (2) @ 1.3GHz" ;; "iPhone7,"[1-2]) cpu="Apple A8 (2) @ 1.4GHz" ;; "iPhone8,"[1-4]) cpu="Apple A9 (2) @ 1.85GHz" ;; "iPhone9,"[1-4]) cpu="Apple A10 Fusion (4) @ 2.34GHz" ;; "iPod2,1") cpu="Samsung S5L8720 (1) @ 533MHz" ;; "iPod3,1") cpu="Samsung S5L8922 (1) @ 600MHz" ;; "iPod7,1") cpu="Apple A8 (2) @ 1.1GHz" ;; "iPad1,1") cpu="Apple A4 (1) @ 1GHz" ;; "iPad2,"[1-7]) cpu="Apple A5 (2) @ 1GHz" ;; "iPad3,"[1-3]) cpu="Apple A5X (2) @ 1GHz" ;; "iPad3,"[4-6]) cpu="Apple A6X (2) @ 1.4GHz" ;; "iPad4,"[1-3]) cpu="Apple A7 (2) @ 1.4GHz" ;; "iPad4,"[4-9]) cpu="Apple A7 (2) @ 1.4GHz" ;; "iPad5,"[1-2]) cpu="Apple A8 (2) @ 1.5GHz" ;; "iPad5,"[3-4]) cpu="Apple A8X (3) @ 1.5GHz" ;; "iPad6,"[3-4]) cpu="Apple A9X (2) @ 2.16GHz" ;; "iPad6,"[7-8]) cpu="Apple A9X (2) @ 2.26GHz" ;; esac ;; "BSD") # Get cpu name cpu="$(sysctl -n hw.model)" cpu="${cpu/[0-9]\.*}" cpu="${cpu/ @*}" # Get cpu speed speed="$(sysctl -n hw.cpuspeed)" [ -z "$speed" ] && speed="$(sysctl -n hw.clockrate)" speed="$((speed / 100))" # Get cpu cores cores="$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)" ;; "Solaris") # Get cpuname cpu="$(psrinfo -pv | tail -1)" cpu="${cpu/[0-9]\.*}" cpu="${cpu/ @*}" # Get cpu speed speed="$(psrinfo -v | awk '/operates at/ {print $6}')" speed="$((speed / 100))" # Show/hide hyperthreaded cores case "$cpu_cores" in "logical" | "on") cores="$(kstat -m cpu_info | grep -c -F "chip_id")" ;; "physical") cores="$(psrinfo -p)" ;; esac ;; "Haiku") cpu="$(sysinfo -cpu | awk -F '\\"' '/CPU #0/ {print $2}')" cpu="${cpu/@*}" speed="$(sysinfo -cpu | awk '/running at/ {print $NF; exit}')" speed="${speed/MHz}" speed="$((speed / 100))" cores="$(sysinfo -cpu | grep -c -F 'CPU #')" ;; esac # Format the output case "$os" in "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS") ;; *) # Fix for speeds under 1ghz if [ -z "${speed:1}" ]; then speed="0.${speed}" else speed="${speed:0:1}.${speed:1}" fi cpu="$cpu @ ${speed}GHz $temp" ;; esac # Remove uneeded patterns from cpu output # This is faster than sed/gsub cpu="${cpu//(tm)}" cpu="${cpu//(TM)}" cpu="${cpu//(r)}" cpu="${cpu//(R)}" cpu="${cpu//CPU}" cpu="${cpu//Processor}" cpu="${cpu//Core}" cpu="${cpu//Dual-Core}" cpu="${cpu//Quad-Core}" cpu="${cpu//Six-Core}" cpu="${cpu//Eight-Core}" cpu="${cpu//with Radeon HD Graphics}" # Add cpu cores to output [ "$cpu_cores" != "off" ] && [ "$cores" ] && \ cpu="${cpu/@/(${cores}) @}" # Remove speed from output [ "$cpu_speed" == "off" ] && \ cpu="${cpu/@ *GHz}" # Make the output of cpu shorter case "$cpu_shorthand" in "name") cpu="${cpu/@*}" ;; "speed") cpu="${cpu#*@ }" ;; "on" | "tiny") cpu="${cpu/Intel }" cpu="${cpu/Core }" cpu="${cpu/Core? Duo }" cpu="${cpu/AMD }" case "$cpu_shorthand" in "tiny") cpu="${cpu/@*}" ;; esac ;; esac } # }}} # CPU Usage {{{ getcpu_usage() { case "$os" in "Windows") cpu_usage="$(wmic cpu get loadpercentage /value)" cpu_usage="${cpu_usage/LoadPercentage'='}" cpu_usage="${cpu_usage//[[:space:]]}" ;; "Linux" | "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS" | "BSD" | "Solaris" | "GNU") # Get cores if unset if [ -z "$cores" ]; then case "$os" in "Linux") cores="$(awk -F ': ' '/siblings/ {printf $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo)" ;; "Mac OS X" | "BSD") cores="$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)" ;; "Solaris") cores="$(kstat -m cpu_info | grep -F "chip_id" | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" ;; "iPhone OS") cores="${cpu/*\(}"; cores="${cores/\)*}" ;; esac fi cpu_usage="$(ps aux | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} {sum+=$3 }; END {print sum}')" cpu_usage="$((${cpu_usage/\.*} / ${cores:-1}))" ;; esac # Print the bar case "$cpu_display" in "bar") cpu_usage="$(bar $cpu_usage 100)" ;; "infobar") cpu_usage="${cpu_usage}% $(bar $cpu_usage 100)" ;; "barinfo") cpu_usage="$(bar $cpu_usage 100) ${cpu_usage}%" ;; *) cpu_usage="${cpu_usage}%" ;; esac } # }}} # GPU {{{ getgpu() { case "$os" in "Linux" | "GNU") # Use cache if it exists if [ -f "/tmp/neofetch/gpu" ]; then source "/tmp/neofetch/gpu" else bdf_number="$(PATH="/sbin:$PATH" lspci -k | grep -A2 -F 'VGA' | grep -B2 -F 'Kernel driver in use' | awk '/^\w/ {print $1}')" if [ -z "$bdf_number" ]; then # Fallback if no kernel driver is in use gpu="$(PATH="/sbin:$PATH" lspci -mm | awk -F '\\"|\\" \\"' '/3D|VGA/ {print $3 " " $4}')" else # Find the currently used GPU by its BDF gpu="$(PATH="/sbin:$PATH" lspci -mm | awk -v bdf_number="$bdf_number" -F '\\"|\\" \\"' '$0 ~ bdf_number {print $3 " " $4}')" fi case "$gpu" in intel*) gpu="Intel Integrated Graphics" ;; advanced*) gpu="${gpu/'[AMD/ATI]' }" gpu="${gpu/'[AMD]' }" gpu="${gpu/*\[}" gpu="${gpu/\]*}" gpu="${gpu/\/*}" gpu="AMD $gpu" ;; nvidia*) gpu="${gpu/*\[}" gpu="${gpu/\]*}" gpu="NVIDIA $gpu" ;; *virtualbox*) gpu="VirtualBox Graphics Adapter" ;; esac cache "gpu" "$gpu" "/tmp" fi ;; "Mac OS X") # Use cache if it exists if [ -f "/Library/Caches/neofetch/gpu" ]; then source "/Library/Caches/neofetch/gpu" else gpu="$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk -F': ' '/^\ *Chipset Model:/ {printf $2 ", "}')" gpu="${gpu//'/ $'}" gpu="${gpu%,*}" cache "gpu" "$gpu" "/Library/Caches/" fi ;; "iPhone OS") case "${ios_model:-"$(uname -m)"}" in "iPhone1,"[1-2]) gpu="PowerVR MBX Lite 3D" ;; "iPhone5,"[1-4]) gpu="PowerVR SGX543MP3" ;; "iPhone8,"[1-4]) gpu="PowerVR GT7600" ;; "iPad3,"[1-3]) gpu="PowerVR SGX534MP4" ;; "iPad3,"[4-6]) gpu="PowerVR SGX554MP4" ;; "iPad5,"[3-4]) gpu="PowerVR GXA6850" ;; "iPad6,"[3-8]) gpu="PowerVR 7XT" ;; "iPhone2,1" | "iPhone3,"[1-3] | "iPod3,1" | "iPod4,1" | "iPad1,1") gpu="PowerVR SGX535" ;; "iPhone4,1" | "iPad2,"[1-7] | "iPod5,1") gpu="PowerVR SGX543MP2" ;; "iPhone6,"[1-2] | "iPad4,"[1-9]) gpu="PowerVR G6430" ;; "iPhone7,"[1-2] | "iPod7,1" | "iPad5,"[1-2]) gpu="PowerVR GX6450" ;; "iPod1,1" | "iPod2,1") gpu="PowerVR MBX Lite" ;; esac ;; "BSD" | "Solaris") case "$distro" in "FreeBSD"* | "DragonFlyBSD"* | "PacBSD"*) gpu="$(pciconf -lv | grep -B 4 -F "VGA" | grep -F "device")" gpu="${gpu/*device*= }" gpu="${gpu//\'}" ;; *) gpu="$(glxinfo | grep -F 'OpenGL renderer string')" gpu="${gpu/'OpenGL renderer string: '}" ;; esac ;; "Windows") gpu="$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get caption /value)" gpu="${gpu/Caption'='}" ;; "Haiku") gpu="$(listdev | grep -A2 -F 'device Display controller' | awk -F':' '/device beef/ {print $2}')" ;; esac if [ "$gpu_brand" == "off" ]; then gpu="${gpu/AMD}" gpu="${gpu/NVIDIA}" gpu="${gpu/Intel}" fi } # }}} # Memory {{{ getmemory() { case "$os" in "Linux" | "Windows" | "GNU") # MemUsed = Memtotal + Shmem - MemFree - Buffers - Cached - SReclaimable # Source: https://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch/issues/386#issuecomment-249312716 while IFS=":" read -r a b; do case "$a" in "MemTotal") memused="$((memused+=${b/kB}))"; memtotal="${b/kB}" ;; "Shmem") memused="$((memused+=${b/kB}))" ;; "MemFree" | "Buffers" | "Cached" | "SReclaimable") memused="$((memused-=${b/kB}))" ;; esac done < /proc/meminfo memused="$((memused / 1024))" memtotal="$((memtotal / 1024))" ;; "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS") memtotal="$(($(sysctl -n hw.memsize) / 1024 / 1024))" memwired="$(vm_stat | awk '/wired/ { print $4 }')" memactive="$(vm_stat | awk '/active / { printf $3 }')" memcompressed="$(vm_stat | awk '/occupied/ { printf $5 }')" memused="$(((${memwired//.} + ${memactive//.} + ${memcompressed//.}) * 4 / 1024))" ;; "BSD") case "$distro" in "NetBSD"*) memfree="$(($(awk -F ':|kB' '/MemFree:/ {printf $2}' /proc/meminfo) / 1024))" memtotal="$(($(sysctl -n hw.physmem64) / 1024 / 1024))" ;; *) memfree="$(($(vmstat | awk 'END{printf $5}') / 1024))" memtotal="$(($(sysctl -n hw.physmem) / 1024 / 1024))" ;; esac case "$distro" in "OpenBSD"*) memused="$(($(vmstat | awk 'END {printf $4}') / 1024))" ;; *) memused="$((memtotal - memfree))" ;; esac ;; "Solaris") memtotal="$(prtconf | grep -F "Memory" | head -1 | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $3}')" memfree="$(($(sar -r 1 1 | tail -1 | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $2}') / 1024))" memused="$((memtotal - memfree))" ;; "Haiku") memtotal="$(($(sysinfo -mem | awk -F '\\/ |)' '{print $2; exit}') / 1024 / 1024))" memused="$(sysinfo -mem | awk -F '\\/|)' '{print $2; exit}')" memused="$((${memused/max} / 1024 / 1024))" ;; esac memory="${memused}MB / ${memtotal}MB" # Progress bars case "$memory_display" in "bar") memory="$(bar "${memused}" "${memtotal}")" ;; "infobar") memory="${memory} $(bar "${memused}" "${memtotal}")" ;; "barinfo") memory="$(bar "${memused}" "${memtotal}") ${memory}" ;; esac } # }}} # Song {{{ getsong() { # This is absurdly long. player="$(ps x | awk '!(/awk|Helper|Cache/) && /mpd|cmus|mocp|spotify|Google Play|iTunes.app|rhythmbox|banshee|amarok|deadbeef|audacious/ {printf $5 " " $6; exit}')" case "${player/*\/}" in "mpd"*) song="$(mpc current)" state="$(mpc | awk -F '\\[|\\]' '/\[/ {printf $2}')" ;; "cmus"*) IFS=$'\n' song=($(cmus-remote -Q | grep -F -e "tag artist" -e "tag title" -e "status" | sort)) state="${song[0]/status }" artist="${song[1]/tag artist }" title="${song[2]/tag title }" song="${artist/tag title } - ${title/tag artist }" ;; "mocp"*) song="$(mocp -Q "%artist - %song")" state="$(mocp -Q "%state")" ;; "spotify"*) case "$os" in "Linux") # Thanks dbus song="$(\ dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 \ org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:'org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player' string:'Metadata' |\ awk -F 'string "' '/string|array/ {printf "%s",$2; next}{print ""}' |\ awk -F '"' '/artist|title/ {printf $2 " - "}' )" song="${song% - }" song="${song/'('*}" song="${song//'['*}" ;; "Mac OS X") song="$(osascript -e 'tell application "Spotify" to artist of current track as string & " - " & name of current track as string')" state="$(osascript -e 'tell application "Spotify" to player state as string')" ;; esac ;; "google play"*) song="$(gpmdp-remote current)" state="$(gpmdp-remote status)" ;; "itunes"*) song="$(osascript -e 'tell application "iTunes" to artist of current track as string & " - " & name of current track as string')" state="$(osascript -e 'tell application "iTunes" to player state as string')" ;; "rhythmbox"*) song="$(rhythmbox-client --print-playing)" # Thanks dbus state="$(dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.rhythmbox /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 \ org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:'org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player' string: 'PlayBackStatus' |\ awk -F 'string "' '{printf $2}')" state="${state//\"}" ;; "banshee"*) artist="$(banshee --query-artist | awk -F':' '{print $2}')" title="$(banshee --query-title | awk -F':' '{print $2}')" song="$artist - $title" state="$(banshee --query-current-state | awk -F':' '{print $2}')" ;; "amarok"*) artist="$(qdbus org.kde.amarok /Player GetMetadata | awk -F':' '/^artist/ {print $2}')" title="$(qdbus org.kde.amarok /Player GetMetadata | awk -F':' '/title/ {print $2}')" song="$artist - $title" ;; "deadbeef"*) song="$(deadbeef --nowplaying '%a - %t')" ;; "audacious"*) song="$(audtool current-song)" ;; *) song="Not Playing" ;; esac case "$state" in "paused" | "PAUSE" | "Paused") song="Paused" ;; "stopped" | "STOP" | "Stopped") song="Stopped" ;; esac # Display Artist and Title on seperate lines. if [ "$song_shorthand" == "on" ]; then artist="${song/ -*}" song="${song/$artist - }" if [ "$song" != "$artist" ]; then prin "Artist" "$artist" prin "Song" "$song" else prin "$subtitle" "$song" fi unset song fi } # }}} # Resolution {{{ getresolution() { case "$os" in "Linux" | "BSD" | "Solaris" | "GNU") if type -p xrandr >/dev/null; then case "$refresh_rate" in "on") resolution="$(xrandr --nograb --current | awk 'match($0,/[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\*/) {printf $1 " @ " substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) "Hz, "}')" ;; "off") resolution="$(xrandr --nograb --current | awk '/\*/ {printf $1 ", "}')" ;; esac resolution="${resolution//\*}" resolution="${resolution//\.[0-9][0-9]}" elif type -p xdpyinfo >/dev/null; then resolution="$(xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions:/ {printf $2}')" fi ;; "Mac OS X") if type -p screenresolution >/dev/null; then resolution="$(screenresolution get | awk '/Display/ {printf $6 "Hz, "}')" resolution="${resolution//x??@/ @ }" else resolution="$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk '/Resolution:/ {printf $2"x"$4" @ "$6"Hz, "}')" fi scale_factor="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print DisplayAnyUserSets:0:0:Resolution" /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist)" [ "${scale_factor%.*}" == "2" ] && \ resolution="${resolution// @/@2x @}" if [ "$refresh_rate" == "off" ]; then resolution="${resolution// @ [0-9][0-9]Hz}" resolution="${resolution// @ [0-9][0-9][0-9]Hz}" fi [[ "$resolution" =~ "0Hz" ]] && \ resolution="${resolution// @ 0Hz}" ;; "Windows") width="$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentHorizontalResolution /value)" width="${width/CurrentHorizontalResolution'='/}" height="$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentVerticalResolution /value)" height="${height/CurrentVerticalResolution'='/}" [ "$width" ] && resolution="${width}x${height}" ;; "Haiku") resolution="$(screenmode | awk -F ' |, ' '{printf $2 "x" $3 " @ " $6 $7}')" [ "$refresh_rate" == "off" ] && resolution="${resolution/ @*}" ;; esac resolution="${resolution%,*}" } # }}} # Theme/Icons/Font {{{ getstyle() { # Fix weird output when the function # is run multiple times. unset gtk2theme gtk3theme theme path case "$1" in theme) name="gtk-theme-name" gsettings="gtk-theme" gconf="gtk_theme" xfconf="/Net/ThemeName" kde="widgetStyle" ;; icons) name="gtk-icon-theme-name" gsettings="icon-theme" gconf="icon_theme" xfconf="/Net/IconThemeName" kde="Theme" ;; font) name="gtk-font-name" gsettings="font-name" gconf="font_theme" xfconf="/Gtk/FontName" kde="font" ;; esac if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$os" != "Mac OS X" ]; then # Get DE if user has disabled the function. [ -z "$de" ] && getde case "$de" in "KDE"*) kdeconfigdir if [ -f "${kde_config_dir}/share/config/kdeglobals" ]; then kde_config_file="${kde_config_dir}/share/config/kdeglobals" theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$kde" "$kde_config_file")" theme="${theme/${kde}*=}" [ "$version" -ge 4 ] && theme="${theme^}" gtk_shorthand="on" return fi ;; *"Cinnamon") if type -p gsettings >/dev/null; then gtk3theme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.interface "$gsettings")" gtk2theme="${gtk3theme}" fi ;; "Gnome"* | "Unity"* | "Budgie"*) if type -p gsettings >/dev/null; then gtk3theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface "$gsettings")" gtk2theme="${gtk3theme}" elif type -p gconftool-2 >/dev/null; then gtk2theme="$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/"$gconf")" fi ;; "Mate"*) gtk3theme="$(gsettings get org.mate.interface "$gsettings")" gtk2theme="${gtk3theme}" ;; "Xfce"*) type -p xfconf-query >/dev/null && \ gtk2theme="$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p "$xfconf")" ;; esac # Check for gtk2 theme if [ -z "$gtk2theme" ]; then if [ -f "${GTK2_RC_FILES:-$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0}" ]; then gtk2theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" "${GTK2_RC_FILES:-$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0}")" elif [ -f "/usr/share/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" ]; then gtk2theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" /usr/share/gtk-2.0/gtkrc)" elif [ -f "/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" ]; then gtk2theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc)" fi gtk2theme="${gtk2theme/${name}*=}" fi # Check for gtk3 theme if [ -z "$gtk3theme" ]; then if [ -f "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" ]; then gtk3theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0/settings.ini")" elif type -p gsettings >/dev/null; then gtk3theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface $gsettings)" elif [ -f "/usr/share/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" ]; then gtk3theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" /usr/share/gtk-3.0/settings.ini)" elif [ -f "/etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" ]; then gtk3theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini)" fi gtk3theme="${gtk3theme/${name}*=}" fi # Remove quotes gtk2theme=${gtk2theme//\"} gtk2theme=${gtk2theme//\'} gtk3theme=${gtk3theme//\"} gtk3theme=${gtk3theme//\'} # Uppercase the first letter of each gtk theme if [ "$version" -ge 4 ]; then gtk2theme="${gtk2theme^}" gtk3theme="${gtk3theme^}" fi # Toggle visibility of gtk themes. [ "$gtk2" == "off" ] && unset gtk2theme [ "$gtk3" == "off" ] && unset gtk3theme # Trim whitespace gtk2theme="$(trim "$gtk2theme")" gtk3theme="$(trim "$gtk3theme")" # Format the string based on which themes exist if [ "$gtk2theme" ] && [ "$gtk2theme" == "$gtk3theme" ]; then gtk3theme+=" [GTK2/3]" unset gtk2theme elif [ "$gtk2theme" ] && [ "$gtk3theme" ]; then gtk2theme+=" [GTK2], " gtk3theme+=" [GTK3] " else [ "$gtk2theme" ] && gtk2theme+=" [GTK2] " [ "$gtk3theme" ] && gtk3theme+=" [GTK3] " fi # Final string theme="${gtk2theme}${gtk3theme}" # Make the output shorter by removing "[GTKX]" from the string if [ "$gtk_shorthand" == "on" ]; then theme="${theme/ '[GTK2]'}" theme="${theme/ '[GTK3]'}" theme="${theme/ '[GTK2/3]'}" fi fi } gettheme() { getstyle theme } geticons() { getstyle icons icons="$theme" } getfont() { getstyle font font="$theme" } # }}} # Terminal Emulator {{{ getterm() { # Check $PPID for terminal emulator. case "$os" in "Mac OS X") # Workaround for macOS systems that # don't support the block below. case "$TERM_PROGRAM" in "iTerm.app") term="iTerm2" ;; "Terminal.app") term="Apple Terminal" ;; "Hyper") term="HyperTerm" ;; *) term="${TERM_PROGRAM/\.app}" ;; esac return ;; "Windows") parent="$(ps -p ${1:-$PPID} | awk '{printf $2}')" parent="${parent/'PPID'}" name="$(ps -p $parent | awk '{printf $8}')" name="${name/'COMMAND'}" name="${name/*\/}" ;; "Linux") parent="$(grep -i -F "PPid:" "/proc/${1:-$PPID}/status")" name="$(< "/proc/$(trim "${parent/PPid:}")/comm")" ;; *) parent="$(ps -p ${1:-$PPID} -o ppid=)" name="$(ps -p $parent -o comm=)" ;; esac case "${name// }" in "${SHELL/*\/}" | *"sh" | "tmux"* | "screen") getterm "$parent" ;; "login"* | *"Login"* | "init") term="$(tty)" ;; "ruby" | "1" | "systemd" | "sshd"* | "python"* | "USER"*"PID"*) unset term ;; "gnome-terminal-") term="gnome-terminal" ;; *) term="${name##*/}" ;; esac } # }}} # Terminal Emulator Font {{{ gettermfont() { [ -z "$term" ] && getterm case "$term" in "urxvt" | "urxvtd" | "xterm") termfont="$(grep -i -F "${term/d}*font" <<< $(xrdb -query))" termfont="${termfont/*font: }" # Xresources has two different font syntax, this checks which # one is in use and formats it accordingly. case "$termfont" in "xft:"*) termfont="${termfont/xft:}" termfont="${termfont/:*}" ;; "-"*) termfont="$(awk -F '\\-' '{printf $3}' <<< "$termfont")" ;; esac ;; "xfce4-terminal") termfont="$(awk -F '=' '/^FontName/ {a=$2} END{print a}' "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc")" ;; "termite") termfont="$(awk -F '= ' '/^font/ {a=$2} END{print a}' "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/termite/config")" ;; "mintty") termfont="$(awk -F '=' '!/^($|#)/ && /Font/ {printf $2; exit}' "${HOME}/.minttyrc")" ;; "Apple_Terminal") termfont="$(osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to font name of window frontmost')" ;; "terminology") termfont="$(strings ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/terminology/config/standard/base.cfg | awk '/^font\.name$/{print a}{a=$0}')" termfont="${termfont/.pcf}" termfont="${termfont/:*}" ;; "Hyper"*) termfont="$(awk -F "," '/fontFamily/ {a=$1} END{print a}' "${HOME}/.hyper.js" | awk -F "'" '{a=$2} END{print a}')" ;; esac [ "$version" -ge 4 ] && termfont="${termfont^}" } # }}} # Disk Usage {{{ getdisk() { # df flags case "$os" in "Linux" | "iPhone OS" | "Windows" | "Solaris" | "GNU") df_flags="-h -l --total" df_dir="total" case "$distro" in "OpenWRT"*) df_flags="-h"; df_dir="rootfs" ;; "Android"*) return ;; esac ;; "Mac OS X" | "BSD" | "Haiku") case "$distro" in "FreeBSD"* | *"OS X"* | "Mac"* ) df_flags="-l -H /" df_dir="/" ;; *) return ;; esac ;; esac # Get the disk info disk="$(df $df_flags | awk -v dir="$df_dir" '$0 ~ dir {print $2 ":" $3 ":" $5}')" # Format the output disk_used="${disk#*:}" disk_used="${disk_used%%:*}" disk_total="${disk%%:*}" disk_total_per="${disk#*:*:}" # Put it all together disk="${disk_used} / ${disk_total} (${disk_total_per})" # Add info bar disk_used="${disk_used/G}" disk_total="${disk_total/G}" # Convert Terabytes to Gigabytes. if [ "$disk_display" != "off" ]; then disk_used="${disk_used/\.}" disk_total="${disk_total/\.}" [ "${disk_used: -1}" == "T" ] && \ disk_used="$((${disk_used/T} * 100))" [ "${disk_total: -1}" == "T" ] && \ disk_total="$((${disk_total/T} * 100))" fi case "$disk_display" in "bar") disk="$(bar "${disk_used/'.'*}" "${disk_total/'.'*}")" ;; "infobar") disk+=" $(bar "${disk_used/'.'*}" "${disk_total/'.'*}")" ;; "barinfo") disk="$(bar "${disk_used/'.'*}" "${disk_total/'.'*}") $disk" ;; "perc") disk="$disk_total_per $(bar "${disk_used/'.'*}" "${disk_total/'.'*}")" ;; esac } # }}} # Battery Usage {{{ getbattery() { case "$os" in "Linux") # We use 'prin' here and exit the function early so that we can # do multi battery support with a single battery per line. if [ -f /sys/class/power_supply/**/capacity ]; then for bat in "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT"*; do capacity="$(< ${bat}/capacity)" status="$(< ${bat}/status)" # Fix for bash on Windows 10 which includes /proc files # for battery usage despite there not being a battery # installed. [ -z "$capacity" ] && return battery="${capacity}% [${status}]" case "$battery_display" in "bar") battery="$(bar "$capacity" 100)" ;; "infobar") battery+=" $(bar "$capacity" 100)" ;; "barinfo") battery="$(bar "$capacity" 100) ${battery}" ;; esac prin "${subtitle}${bat: -1}" "$battery" done fi unset battery return ;; "BSD") case "$distro" in "FreeBSD"* | "DragonFly"*) battery="$(acpiconf -i 0 | awk -F ':\t' '/Remaining capacity/ {print $2}')" battery_state="$(acpiconf -i 0 | awk -F ':\t\t\t' '/State/ {print $2}')" ;; "NetBSD"*) battery="$(envstat | awk '\\(|\\)' '/charge:/ {print $2}')" battery="${battery/\.*/%}" ;; "OpenBSD"* | "Bitrig"*) battery0full="$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour0)" battery0full="${battery0full/ Wh*}" battery0now="$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour3)" battery0now="${battery0now/ Wh*}" [ "$battery0full" ] && \ battery="$((100 * ${battery0now/\.} / ${battery0full/\.}))%" ;; esac ;; "Mac OS X") battery="$(pmset -g batt | grep -o '[0-9]*%')" battery_state="$(pmset -g batt | awk 'NR==2 {print $3}')" ;; "Windows") battery="$(wmic Path Win32_Battery get EstimatedChargeRemaining /value)" battery="${battery/EstimatedChargeRemaining'='}" [ "$battery" ] && battery+="%" ;; "Haiku") battery0full="$(awk -F '[^0-9]*' 'NR==2 {print $4}' /dev/power/acpi_battery/0)" battery0now="$(awk -F '[^0-9]*' 'NR==5 {print $4}' /dev/power/acpi_battery/0)" battery="$((battery0full / battery0now * 100))%" ;; esac [ "$battery_state" ] && battery+=" Charging" case "$battery_display" in "bar") battery="$(bar "${battery/'%'*}" 100)" ;; "infobar") battery="${battery} $(bar "${battery/'%'*}" 100)" ;; "barinfo") battery="$(bar "${battery/'%'*}" 100) ${battery}" ;; esac } # }}} # IP Address {{{ getlocalip() { case "$os" in "Linux") localip="$(ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}')" ;; "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS") localip="$(ipconfig getifaddr en0)" [ -z "$localip" ] && localip="$(ipconfig getifaddr en1)" ;; "BSD" | "Solaris") localip="$(ifconfig | awk '/broadcast/ {print $2}')" ;; "Windows") localip="$(ipconfig | awk -F ': ' '/IPv4 Address/ {printf $2}')" ;; "Haiku") localip="$(ifconfig | awk -F ': ' '/Bcast/ {print $2}')" localip="${localip/', Bcast'}" ;; esac } getpublicip() { if type -p dig >/dev/null; then publicip="$(dig +time=1 +tries=1 +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com)" fi if [ -z "$publicip" ] && type -p curl >/dev/null; then publicip="$(curl --max-time 10 -w '\n' "$public_ip_host")" fi if [ -z "$publicip" ] && type -p wget >/dev/null; then publicip="$(wget -T 10 -qO- "$public_ip_host"; printf "%s")" fi } # }}} # Logged In Users {{{ getusers() { users="$(who | awk '!seen[$1]++ {printf $1 ", "}')" users="${users%\,*}" } # }}} # Birthday {{{ getbirthday() { case "$os" in "Linux" | "GNU" | "iPhone OS") birthday="$(ls -alct --full-time / | awk '/lost\+found|private/ {printf $6 " " $7}')" date_cmd="$(date -d"$birthday" "$birthday_format")" ;; "Mac OS X") birthday="$(ls -lUT /var/log/install.log | awk '{printf $6 " " $7 " " $9 " " $8}')" # Split the string into Date + time time="${birthday/*???? }" birthday="${birthday/$time}" case "${time/:*}" in 0? | 10 | 11) time+=" AM" ;; *) time+=" PM" ;; esac birthday+="$time" birthday_shorthand="on" ;; "BSD") case "$distro" in "OpenBSD"* | "Bitrig"*) birthday="$(ls -alctT / | awk '/lost\+found/ {printf $6 " " $7 " " $9 " " $8}')" birthday_shorthand="on" ;; "FreeBSD"*) birthday="$(ls -alctT /etc/hostid | awk '{printf $6 " " $7 " " $9 " " $8}')" date_cmd="$(date -j -f "%b %d %Y" "$birthday" "$birthday_format")" ;; "NetBSD"* | "DragonFly"*) birthday="$(ls -alctT /etc/defaults/rc.conf | awk '{printf $6 " " $7 " " $9 " " $8}')" birthday_shorthand="on" ;; esac ;; "Windows") birthday="$(ls -alct --full-time /cygdrive/c/Windows/explorer.exe | awk '{printf $8 " " $9}')" date_cmd="$(date -d"$birthday" "$birthday_format")" ;; "Solaris") birthday="$(ls -alct --full-time /var/sadm/system/logs/install_log | awk '{printf $6 " " $7}')" date_cmd="$(date -d"$birthday" "$birthday_format")" ;; "Haiku") birthday="$(ls -alctd --full-time /boot | awk '{printf $6 " " $7}')" date_cmd="$(date -d"$birthday" "$birthday_format")" ;; esac # Strip seconds from time output birthday="${birthday/:?? / }" # Pretty output [ "$birthday_shorthand" == "off" ] && \ birthday="${date_cmd//+( )/ }" # Toggle showing the time [ "$birthday_time" == "off" ] && \ birthday="${birthday/??:??*}" } # }}} # Terminal colors {{{ getcols() { if [ "$color_blocks" == "on" ]; then # Convert the width to space chars. block_width="$(printf "%${block_width}s")" block_width="${block_width// /█}" # Generate the string. while [ $start -le $end ]; do case "$start" in [0-6]) blocks+="${reset}\033[3${start}m\033[4${start}m${block_width}" ;; 7) blocks+="${reset}\033[3${start}m\033[4${start}m${block_width}" ;; *) blocks2+="\033[38;5;${start}m\033[48;5;${start}m${block_width}" ;; esac start="$((start+=1))" done # Convert height into spaces. spaces="$(printf "%${block_height}s")" # Convert the spaces into rows of blocks. [ "$blocks" ] && cols+="${spaces// /${blocks}${reset}nl}" [ "$blocks2" ] && cols+="${spaces// /${blocks2}${reset}nl}" # Add newlines to the string. cols="${cols%%'nl'}" cols="${cols//nl/\\n${padding}${zws}}" fi } # }}} # }}} # Images {{{ # Wallpaper {{{ getwallpaper() { case "$os" in "Linux" | "BSD") if type -p feh >/dev/null && [ -f "$HOME/.fehbg" ]; then img="$(awk -F\' '/feh/ {printf $2}' "$HOME/.fehbg")" elif type -p nitrogen >/dev/null; then img="$(awk -F'=' '/file/ {printf $2;exit;}' "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg")" elif type -p gsettings >/dev/null; then # Get DE if user has disabled the function. [ -z "$de" ] && getde case "$de" in "MATE"*) img="$(gsettings get org.mate.background picture-filename)" ;; *) img="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri)" ;; esac # Strip quotes etc from the path. img="${img/'file://'}" img="${img//\'}" img="${img//\%20/ }" fi ;; "Mac OS X") img="$(osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to picture of current desktop')" ;; "Windows") case "$distro" in "Windows XP") img="/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/${USER}" img+="/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft" img+="/Wallpaper1.bmp" ;; "Windows"*) img="$APPDATA/Microsoft/Windows/Themes" img+="/TranscodedWallpaper.jpg" ;; esac ;; esac # If img is an xml file don't use it. [ "${img/*\./}" == "xml" ] && img="" # Error msg [ -z "$img" ] && err "Image: Wallpaper detection failed, falling back to ascii mode." } # }}} # Ascii {{{ getascii() { if [ ! -f "$ascii" ] || [ "$ascii" == "distro" ]; then # Error message [ "$ascii" != "distro" ] && \ [ ! -f "$ascii" ] && err "Ascii: Ascii file not found, using distro ascii" # Lowercase the distro name if [ "$version" -le 3 ]; then ascii="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "$ascii_distro")" else ascii="${ascii_distro,,}" fi if [ "$ascii_logo_size" == "small" ]; then ascii="${ascii/ *}_small" prompt_loc="3" fi if [ -f "/usr/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" ]; then ascii="/usr/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" elif [ -f "/usr/local/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" ]; then ascii="/usr/local/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" elif [ -f "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" ]; then ascii="/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" else getscriptdir 2>/dev/null # If the ascii file doesn't exist fallback to text mode. if [ ! -f "$script_dir/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" ]; then padding="\033[0C" image="off" err "Ascii: Ascii file not found, falling back to text mode." return fi ascii="$script_dir/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" fi fi # Eval colors print="$(eval printf "$(<"$ascii")")" # Set locale to get correct padding export LC_ALL="$SYS_LOCALE" # Turn the file into a variable and strip escape codes. ascii_strip="$(<"$ascii")" ascii_strip="${ascii_strip//\$\{??\}}" ascii_strip="${ascii_strip//'\\'/ }" ascii_strip="${ascii_strip//'\'}" # Get lines/columns of the ascii file. lines=1 while IFS='\n' read -r line 2>/dev/null; do [ "${#line}" -gt "${ascii_length:-0}" ] && ascii_length="${#line}" lines="$((lines+=1))" done <<< "$ascii_strip" # Overwrite padding if ascii_length_force is set. [ "$ascii_length_force" ] && ascii_length="$ascii_length_force" padding="\033[$((ascii_length + gap))C" printf "%b%s" "$print" export LC_ALL=C } # }}} # Image {{{ getimage() { # Fallback to ascii mode if imagemagick isn't installed. type -p convert >/dev/null 2>&1 || image="ascii" case "$image" in "wall") getwallpaper 2>/dev/null ;; "ascii") getascii; return ;; *) if [ -d "$image" ]; then files=("${image%/}"/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}) img="$(printf "%s" "${files[RANDOM % (${#files[@]} - 1)]}")" else img="$image" fi ;; esac if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then printf "%b%s" "\033Ptmux;\033\033[14t\033\033[c\033\\" read_flags="-d c" elif [ "$image_backend" == "tycat" ]; then printf "%b%s" "\033}qs\000" else printf "%b%s" "\033[14t\033[c" read_flags="-d c" fi # The escape code above prints the output AFTER the prompt so this builtin read -s -t 1 ${read_flags} -r term_size # Split the string if [ "$image_backend" == "tycat" ]; then term_size=(${term_size//;/ }) term_width="$((term_size[2] * term_size[0]))" term_height="$((term_size[3] * term_size[1]))" else term_size="${term_size//'['}" term_size="${term_size/';'}" term_size="${term_size/$'\E4'}" term_size="${term_size/t*}" term_height="${term_size/';'*}" term_width="${term_size/*';'}" fi # Get terminal width and height if \033[14t is unsupported. if [ "${#term_size}" -le 5 ] && [ "$image_backend" != "tycat" ]; then if type -p xdotool >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ [ "$image_backend" != "iterm2" ]; then current_window="$(xdotool getactivewindow)" eval "$(xdotool getwindowgeometry --shell "$current_window")" term_height="$HEIGHT" term_width="$WIDTH" elif type -p xwininfo >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ type -p xdpyinfo >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ type -p xprop >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ [ "$image_backend" != "iterm2" ]; then if type -p xdpyinfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then current_window="$(xdpyinfo | grep -F "focus" | grep -E -o 0x[0-9a-f]+)" elif type -p xprop >/dev/null 2>&1; then current_window="$(xprop -root | awk '/_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW\(WINDOW\)/{print $NF}')" fi term_size="$(xwininfo -id "$current_window" | awk -F ': ' '/Width|Height/ {printf $2 " "}')" term_width="${term_size/ *}" term_height="${term_size/${term_width}}" fi fi # If $img isn't a file fallback to ascii mode. if [ ! -f "$img" ] || [ -z "$term_width" ] || [ "$term_width" -le 10 ]; then image="ascii" getascii # Error messages [ ! -f "$img" ] && err "Image: \$img, isn't a file, falling back to ascii mode." [ "${#term_size}" -le 5 ] && err "Image: Your terminal doesn't support \\\033[14t, falling back to ascii mode." return else clear zws=" " fi # Get terminal lines and columns term_blocks="$(stty size)" columns="${term_blocks/* }" lines="${term_blocks/ *}" # Calculate font size font_width="$((term_width / columns))" font_height="$((term_height / lines))" # Image size is half of the terminal case "$image_size" in "auto") image_size="$((columns * font_width / 2))" term_height="$((term_height - term_height / 4))" [ "$term_height" -lt "$image_size" ] && \ image_size="$term_height" ;; *"%") percent="${image_size/\%}" image_size="$((percent * term_width / 100))" [ "$((percent * term_height / 50))" -lt "$image_size" ] && \ image_size="$((percent * term_height / 100))" ;; "none") # Get image size so that we can do a better crop size="$(identify -format "%w %h" "$img")" width="${size%% *}" height="${size##* }" crop_mode="none" ;; *) image_size="${image_size/px}" ;; esac # Fallback if width / height are empty. width="${width:-$image_size}" height="${height:-$image_size}" # Padding is half the terminal width + gap padding="\033[$((width / font_width + gap + xoffset/font_width))C" # Make the directory if it doesn't exist mkdir -p "$thumbnail_dir" # Check to see if the image has a file extension, if it doesn't # then add one. case "${img##*/}" in *"."*) imgname="$crop_mode-$crop_offset-$width-$height-${img##*/}" ;; *) imgname="$crop_mode-$crop_offset-$width-$height-${img##*/}.jpg" ;; esac # Check to see if the thumbnail exists before we do any cropping. if [ ! -f "$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" ]; then # Get image size so that we can do a better crop if [ -z "$size" ]; then size="$(identify -format "%w %h" "$img")" og_width="${size%% *}" og_height="${size##* }" # This checks to see if height is geater than width # so we can do a better crop of portrait images. size="$og_height" [ "$og_height" -gt "$og_width" ] && size="$og_width" fi case "$crop_mode" in fit) c="$(convert "$img" \ -colorspace srgb \ -format "%[pixel:p{0,0}]" info:)" convert \ "$img" \ -trim +repage \ -gravity south \ -background "$c" \ -extent "$size"x"$size" \ -scale "$width"x"$height" \ "$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" ;; fill) convert \ "$img" \ -trim +repage \ -scale "$width"x"$height"^ \ -extent "$width"x"$height" \ "$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" ;; none) cp "$img" "$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" ;; *) convert \ "$img" \ -gravity "$crop_offset" \ -crop "$size"x"$size"+0+0 \ -quality 95 \ -scale "$width"x"$height" \ "$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" ;; esac fi # The final image img="$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" } # }}} # Find w3m-img {{{ # Find w3mimgdisplay automatically getw3m_img_path() { if [ -x "$w3m_img_path" ]; then return elif [ -x "/usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" elif [ -x "/usr/libexec/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/libexec/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" elif [ -x "/usr/lib64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/lib64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" elif [ -x "/usr/libexec64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/libexec64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" else image="ascii" err "Image: w3m-img wasn't found on your system, falling back to ascii mode." fi } # }}} # Display image {{{ displayimage() { if [ "$image" != "ascii" ]; then case "$image_backend" in "w3m") # Add a tiny delay to fix issues with images not # appearing in specific terminal emulators. sleep 0.05 printf "%b%s\n" "0;1;$xoffset;$yoffset;$width;$height;;;;;$img\n4;\n3;" |\ "$w3m_img_path" -bg "$background_color" >/dev/null & 2>&1 || padding="\033[0C" ;; "iterm2") printf "%b%s\a\n" "\033]1337;File=width=${width}px;height=${height}px;inline=1:$(base64 < "$img")" ;; "tycat") tycat "$img" ;; esac fi } # }}} # Get image backend {{{ getimagebackend() { if [ -n "$ITERM_PROFILE" ]; then image_backend="iterm2" elif [ "$(tycat 2>/dev/null)" ]; then image_backend="tycat" else image_backend="w3m" fi } # }}} # Screenshot {{{ takescrot() { $scrot_cmd "${scrot_dir}${scrot_name}" [ "$scrot_upload" == "on" ] && scrot_upload } # }}} # Screenshot Upload {{{ scrot_upload() { if ! type -p curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "%s\n" "[!] Install curl to upload images" return fi image_file="${scrot_dir}${scrot_name}" printf "%s\n" "Uploading image..." case "$image_host" in "teknik") image_url="$(curl -sf -F file="@${image_file}" "https://api.teknik.io/v1/Upload")" image_url="$(awk -F 'url:|,' '{printf $2}' <<< "${image_url//\"}")" ;; "imgur") image_url="$(curl -sH "Authorization: Client-ID $imgur_client_id" -F image="@${image_file}" "https://api.imgur.com/3/upload")" image_url="$(awk -F 'id:|,' '{printf $2}' <<< "${image_url//\"}")" [ "$image_url" ] && image_url="https://i.imgur.com/${image_url}.png" ;; esac printf "%s\n" "${image_url:-'[!] Image failed to upload'}" } # }}} # }}} # Text Formatting {{{ # Info {{{ info() { # $1 is the subtitle subtitle="$1" # Call the function and update variable "get${2:-$1}" 2>/dev/null eval output="\$${2:-$1}" # Trim whitespace output="$(trim "$output")" # If prin was used in the function, stop here. [ "$prin" ] && \ unset prin && return # If the output is empty, don't print anything. [ -z "$output" ] && \ err "Info: Couldn't detect $subtitle" && return case "$1" in title) string="${title_color}${bold}${output}" string="${string/@/${at_color}@${title_color}${bold}}" length="${#output}" ;; underline) string="${underline_color}${output}" ;; *) string="${subtitle_color}${bold}${subtitle}${reset}" string+="${colon_color}: ${info_color}${output}" length="$((${#subtitle} + ${#output} + 2))" ;; esac # If there's no subtitle don't print one [ -z "$2" ] && string="${string/*: }" # Print the string printf "%b%s\n" "${padding}${zws}${string}${reset} " # Calculate info height info_height="$((info_height+=1))" # Fix rendering issues with w3m and lines that # wrap to the next line by adding a max line # length. if [ "$image" != "off" ] && [ "$image" != "ascii" ] && [ "$1" != "cols" ]; then padding_num="${padding/\\033\[}" output="$(printf "%.$((columns - ${padding_num/C} - gap - ${#subtitle}))s" "$output")" fi } # }}} # Prin {{{ prin() { string="${1//$'\033[0m'}${2:+: $2}" # If $2 doesn't exist we format $1 as info [ -z "$2" ] && local subtitle_color="$info_color" # Format the output string="${string/:/${reset}${colon_color}:${info_color}}" string="${subtitle_color}${bold}${string}" # Trim whitespace string="$(trim "$string")" # Print the info printf "%b%s\n" "${padding}${zws}${string}${reset} " # Calculate info height info_height="$((info_height+=1))" # Fix rendering issues with w3m and lines that # wrap to the next line by adding a max line # length. if [ "$image" != "off" ] && [ "$image" != "ascii" ]; then padding_num="${padding/\\033\[}" string="$(printf "%.$((columns - ${padding_num/C} - gap))s" "$string")" fi # Tell info() that prin() was used. prin=1 } # }}} # Underline {{{ getunderline() { if [ "$underline_enabled" == "on" ]; then underline="$(printf %"$length"s)" underline="${underline// /$underline_char}" fi } # }}} # Colors {{{ colors() { # Reset colors/bold reset="\033[0m" # Change color of logo based on distro case "$ascii_distro" in "Arch"* | "Antergos"*) setcolors 6 4 ;; "BlankOn"* | "DracOS"*) setcolors 1 7 ;; "CentOS"*) setcolors 3 2 4 5 7 ;; "CRUX"* | "Chakra"* | "gNewSense"* | "SailfishOS"* | "Alpine"* | "Ubuntu-GNOME"* | "Qubes"*) setcolors 4 5 7 6 ;; "Chrom"*) setcolors 2 1 3 4 7 ascii_distro="chrome" ;; "Debian"* | "Ubuntu"* | "DragonFly"* | "PacBSD"* | "Oracle"*) setcolors 1 7 3 ;; "Red Star"* | "Redstar") setcolors 1 7 3 ascii_distro="redstar" ;; "FreeBSD"* | "PCBSD"*) setcolors 1 7 3 ascii_distro="freebsd" ;; "Red"*) setcolors 1 7 3 ascii_distro="redhat" ;; "Kogaion"* | "Elementary"* | "GalliumOS"* | "Rosa"* | "OpenWrt"* | "Netrunner"*) setcolors 4 7 ;; "Fedora"* | "Korora"* | "Sabayon"* | "Frugalware"* | "Exherbo"*) setcolors 4 7 1 ;; "Gentoo"* | "Funtoo"* | "SteamOS"* | "Devuan"*) setcolors 5 7 ;; "KDE"*) setcolors 2 7 ascii_distro="kde" ;; "Kali"*) setcolors 4 8 ;; *"OS X"* | *"iOS"* | "Mac" | *"macOS"*) setcolors 2 3 1 1 5 4 ascii_distro="mac" ;; "OpenMandriva"*) setcolors 4 3 ;; "Mageia"* | "Porteus"*) setcolors 6 7 ;; "Peppermint"*) setcolors 1 7 ;; *"Mint"*) setcolors 2 7 ascii_distro="mint" ;; "LMDE"* | "Chapeau"* | "Bitrig"*) setcolors 2 7 ;; "Android"*) setcolors 2 7 ascii_length_force="19" ;; "NetBSD"* | "Parabola"* | "Tails"* | "BLAG"*) setcolors 5 7 ;; "OpenBSD"* | "GuixSD"*) setcolors 3 7 6 1 8 ;; *"SUSE"* | "Manjaro"* | "Deepin"*) setcolors 2 7 ;; "PCLinuxOS"* | "Slackware"* | "KaOS"* | "Kubuntu"* | "Lubuntu"* | "Xubuntu"* | "OpenIndiana"*) setcolors 4 7 1 ;; "Puppy"* | "Quirky Werewolf"* | "Precise Puppy"*) setcolors 4 ascii_distro="puppy" ;; "Sparky"*) setcolors 1 7 ascii_distro="sparky" ;; "Scientific"*) setcolors 4 1 7 ;; "Solus"*) setcolors 4 7 ;; "Trisquel"* | "NixOS"* | "Zorin"*) setcolors 4 6 ;; "Travis") setcolors 1 2 3 4 5 6 ;; "void"*) setcolors 2 8 ;; "Windows 8"* | "Windows 10"*) setcolors 6 ascii_distro="windows10" ;; "Windows"*) setcolors 1 2 4 3 ;; "Haiku"*) setcolors 2 0 ;; "Raspbian"*) setcolors 2 1 ;; "Linux") setcolors fg 8 3 ;; *) case "$os" in "Linux") ascii_distro="linux" setcolors fg 8 3 ;; esac ;; esac # Overwrite distro colors if '$ascii_colors' doesn't # equal 'distro'. [ "${ascii_colors[0]}" != "distro" ] && \ setcolors ${ascii_colors[@]} } setcolors() { c1="$(color "$1")${ascii_bold}" c2="$(color "$2")${ascii_bold}" c3="$(color "$3")${ascii_bold}" c4="$(color "$4")${ascii_bold}" c5="$(color "$5")${ascii_bold}" c6="$(color "$6")${ascii_bold}" if [ "${colors[0]}" == "distro" ]; then title_color="$(color "$1")" at_color="$reset" underline_color="$reset" subtitle_color="$(color "$2")" colon_color="$reset" info_color="$reset" # If the second color is white use the first for the subtitle [ "$2" == 7 ] && subtitle_color="$(color "$1")" [ "$1" == 7 ] && title_color="$reset" else title_color="$(color "${colors[0]}")" at_color="$(color "${colors[1]}")" underline_color="$(color "${colors[2]}")" subtitle_color="$(color "${colors[3]}")" colon_color="$(color "${colors[4]}")" info_color="$(color "${colors[5]}")" fi if [ "$progress_color_elapsed" == "distro" ]; then progress_color_elapsed="$(color fg)" else progress_color_elapsed="$(color "$progress_color_elapsed")" fi case "$progress_color_total $1" in distro\ [736]) progress_color_total="$c2" ;; distro\ [0-9]) progress_color_total="$c1" ;; *) progress_color_total="$(color "$progress_color_total")" ;; esac } color() { case "$1" in [0-6]) printf "%b%s" "${reset}\033[3${1}m" ;; 7 | "fg") printf "%b%s" "$reset" ;; *) printf "%b%s" "\033[38;5;${1}m" ;; esac } # }}} # Bold {{{ bold() { case "$ascii_bold" in "on") ascii_bold="\033[1m" ;; "off") ascii_bold="" ;; esac case "$bold" in "on") bold="\033[1m" ;; "off") bold="" ;; esac } # }}} # Linebreak {{{ getlinebreak() { linebreak=" " # Calculate info height info_height="$((info_height+=1))" } # }}} # Trim whitespace {{{ # When a string is passed to 'echo' all trailing and leading # whitespace is removed and inside the string multiple spaces are # condensed into single spaces. # # The 'set -f/+f' is here so that 'echo' doesn't cause any expansion # of special characters. # # The whitespace trim doesn't work with multiline strings so we use # '${1//[[:space:]]/ }' to remove newlines beofre we trim the whitespace. trim() { set -f builtin echo -E ${1//[[:space:]]/ } set +f } # }}} # }}} # Other {{{ # Error {{{ err() { err+="$(color 1)[!]\033[0m $1 " } # }}} # Check for old flags {{{ checkoldflags() { [ -n "$osx_buildversion" ] && err "Config: \$osx_buildversion is deprecated, use \$distro_shorthand instead." [ -n "$osx_codename" ] && err "Config: \$osx_codename is deprecated, use \$distro_shorthand instead." [ -n "$progress_char" ] && err "Config: \$progress_char is deprecated, use \$progress_char_elapsed and \$progress_char_total instead." [ "$cpu_cores" == "on" ] && err "Config: \$cpu_cores='on' is deprecated, use \$cpu_cores='logical|physical|off' instead." } # }}} # Get script directory {{{ getscriptdir() { [ "$script_dir" ] && return # Use $0 to get the script's physical path. cd "${0%/*}" || exit script_dir="${0##*/}" # Iterate down a (possible) chain of symlinks. while [ -L "$script_dir" ]; do script_dir="$(readlink "$script_dir")" cd "${script_dir%/*}" || exit script_dir="${script_dir##*/}" done # Final directory script_dir="$(pwd -P)" } # }}} # Source default config {{{ getdefaultconfig() { if [ -f "/usr/share/neofetch/config" ]; then default_config="/usr/share/neofetch/config" elif [ -f "/usr/local/share/neofetch/config" ]; then default_config="/usr/local/share/neofetch/config" elif [ -f "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/neofetch/config" ]; then default_config="/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/neofetch/config" else getscriptdir default_config="${script_dir}/config/config" travis_config="${script_dir}/config/travis" fi if source "$default_config"; then err "Config: Sourced default config ($default_config)" else err "Config: Default config not found, continuing..." fi } # }}} # Source config {{{ getuserconfig() { # Check $config_file if [ -f "$config_file" ]; then source "$config_file" err "Config: Sourced user config ($config_file)" return elif [ "$config_file" == "travis" ]; then source "$travis_config" err "Config: Sourced user config ($travis_config)" return fi mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/" # Check $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch and create the # dir/files if they don't exist. if [ -f "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/config" ]; then config_file="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/config" elif [ -f "/usr/share/neofetch/config" ]; then cp "/usr/share/neofetch/config" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch" config_file="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/config" elif [ -f "/usr/local/share/neofetch/config" ]; then cp "/usr/local/share/neofetch/config" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch" config_file="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/config" else getscriptdir cp "$script_dir/config/config" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch" config_file="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/config" fi source "$config_file" err "Config: Sourced user config ($config_file)" } # }}} # Progress bars {{{ bar() { # Get the values elapsed="$(($1 * progress_length / $2))" # Create the bar with spaces prog="$(printf %"$elapsed"s)" total="$(printf %"$((progress_length - elapsed))"s)" # Set the colors and swap the spaces for $progress_char bar+="${progress_color_elapsed}${prog// /$progress_char_elapsed}" bar+="${progress_color_total}${total// /$progress_char_total}" # Borders if [ "$progress_border" == "on" ]; then bar+="$(color fg)]" bar="$(color fg)[$bar" fi printf "%b%s\n" "${bar}${info_color}" } # }}} # Cache {{{ cache() { mkdir -p "$3/neofetch" echo "${1/*-}=\"$2\"" > "$3/neofetch/${1/*-}" } # }}} # KDE config directory {{{ kdeconfigdir() { if [ -n "$KDE_CONFIG_DIR" ]; then kde_config_dir="$KDE_CONFIG_DIR" elif type -p kde5-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then kde_config_dir="$(kde5-config --localprefix)" elif type -p kde4-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then kde_config_dir="$(kde4-config --localprefix)" elif type -p kde-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then kde_config_dir="$(kde-config --localprefix)" fi } # }}} # Terminal info {{{ # # Parse terminal config files to get # info about padding. Due to how w3m-img # works padding around the terminal throws # off the cursor placement calculation in # specific terminals. # # Note: This issue only seems to affect # URxvt. gettermpadding() { [ -z "$term" ] && getterm case "$term" in "URxvt"*) border="$(xrdb -query | grep -i "\(URxvt\|\*\)\.InternalBorder")" border="${border/*:}" ;; esac } # }}} # Dynamic prompt location {{{ dynamicprompt() { # Calculate image height in terminal cells. if [ "$image" != "ascii" ]; then gettermpadding lines="$(((height + (${border:-0} * 2) + ${yoffset:-0}) / font_height))" else lines="$((lines-=2))" fi # If the info is higher than the ascii/image place the prompt # based on the info height instead of the ascii/image height. if [ "${lines:-0}" -lt "${info_height:-0}" ]; then lines="-2" else lines="$((lines - info_height))" fi # Set the prompt location if [ "$lines" -lt 0 ]; then printf "\033[${lines/-}A" else printf "\033[${lines}B" fi # Add some padding printf "\n\n\n" } # }}} # Scrot args {{{ scrot_args() { scrot="on" case "$2" in "-"* | "") ;; *) scrot_name="${2##*/}" scrot_dir="${2/$scrot_name}" ;; esac } # }}} # }}} # Usage {{{ usage() { cat << EOF usage: neofetch --option "value" --option "value" NOTE: There's also a config option for each flag below. Info: --disable infoname Allows you to disable an info line from appearing in the output. NOTE: You can supply multiple args. eg. 'neofetch --disable cpu gpu disk shell' --os_arch on/off Hide/Show OS architecture. --speed_type type Change the type of cpu speed to display. Possible values: current, min, max, bios, scaling_current, scaling_min, scaling_max NOTE: This only support Linux with cpufreq. --cpu_shorthand type Shorten the output of CPU Possible values: name, speed, tiny, on, off --cpu_cores type Whether or not to display the number of CPU cores Takes: logical, physical, off NOTE: 'physical' doesn't work on BSD. --cpu_speed on/off Hide/Show cpu speed. --cpu_temp on/off Hide/Show cpu temperature. NOTE This only works on linux. --distro_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of distro (tiny, on, off) NOTE: This option won't work in Windows (Cygwin) --kernel_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of kernel NOTE: This option won't work in BSDs (except PacBSD and PC-BSD) --uptime_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of uptime (tiny, on, off) --refresh_rate on/off Whether to display the refresh rate of each monitor Unsupported on Windows --gpu_brand on/off Enable/Disable GPU brand in output. (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel) --gtk_shorthand on/off Shorten output of gtk theme/icons --gtk2 on/off Enable/Disable gtk2 theme/icons output --gtk3 on/off Enable/Disable gtk3 theme/icons output --shell_path on/off Enable/Disable showing \$SHELL path --shell_version on/off Enable/Disable showing \$SHELL version --ip_host url Url to query for public IP --song_shorthand on/off Print the Artist/Title on seperate lines --birthday_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of birthday --birthday_time on/off Enable/Disable showing the time in birthday output --birthday_format format Format the birthday output. (Uses 'date' cmd format) Text Formatting: --colors x x x x x x Changes the text colors in this order: title, @, underline, subtitle, colon, info --underline on/off enable/disable the underline. --underline_char char Character to use when underlining title --bold on/off Enable/Disable bold text Color Blocks: --color_blocks on/off Enable/Disable the color blocks --block_width num Width of color blocks in spaces --block_height num Height of color blocks in lines --block_range start end Range of colors to print as blocks Progress Bars: --progress_char 'elapsed char' 'total char' Characters to use when drawing progress bars. --progress_border on/off Whether or not to surround the bar with '[]' --progress_length num Length in spaces to make the progress bars. --progress_colors num num Colors to make the progress bar. Set in this order: elapsed, total --cpu_display mode Progress bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off --memory_display mode Progress bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off --battery_display mode Progress bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off --disk_display mode Progress bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off Image: --image type Image source. Where and what image we display. Possible values: wall, ascii, /path/to/img, /path/to/dir/, off --size 00px | --size 00% How to size the image. Possible values: auto, 00px, 00%, none --crop_mode mode Which crop mode to use Takes the values: normal, fit, fill --crop_offset value Change the crop offset for normal mode. Possible values: northwest, north, northeast, west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast --xoffset px How close the image will be to the left edge of the window. This only works with w3m. --yoffset px How close the image will be to the top edge of the window. This only works with w3m. --bg_color color Background color to display behind transparent image. This only works with w3m. --gap num Gap between image and text. NOTE: --gap can take a negative value which will move the text closer to the left side. --clean Remove all cropped images Ascii: --ascii value Where to get the ascii from, Possible values: distro, /path/to/ascii --ascii_colors x x x x x x Colors to print the ascii art --ascii_distro distro Which Distro's ascii art to print --ascii_logo_size Size of ascii logo. Supported distros: Arch, Gentoo, Crux, OpenBSD. --ascii_bold on/off Whether or not to bold the ascii logo. --logo | -L Hide the info text and only show the ascii logo. Screenshot: --scrot | -s /path/to/img Take a screenshot, if path is left empty the screen- shot function will use \$scrot_dir and \$scrot_name. --upload | -su /pth/t/img Same as --scrot but uploads the scrot to a website. --image_host Website to upload scrots to. Takes: imgur, teknik --scrot_cmd cmd Screenshot program to launch Other: --config /path/to/config Specify a path to a custom config file --config none Launch the script without a config file --help Print this text and exit --version Show neofetch version -v Display error messages. -vv Display a verbose log for error reporting. EOF exit 1 } # }}} # Args {{{ getargs() { # Check the commandline flags early for '--config none/off' case "$@" in *"--config off"* | *'--config "off"'* | *"--config 'off'"* | \ *"--config none"* | *'--config "none"'* | *"--config 'none'"*) config="off" ;; *"--config -"*) ;; *"--config"*) config="off" ;; esac [ "${config:-on}" == "on" ] && getuserconfig 2>/dev/null while [ "$1" ]; do case "$1" in # Info --os_arch) os_arch="$2" ;; --cpu_cores) cpu_cores="$2" ;; --cpu_speed) cpu_speed="$2" ;; --cpu_temp) cpu_temp="$2" ;; --speed_type) speed_type="$2" ;; --distro_shorthand) distro_shorthand="$2" ;; --kernel_shorthand) kernel_shorthand="$2" ;; --uptime_shorthand) uptime_shorthand="$2" ;; --cpu_shorthand) cpu_shorthand="$2" ;; --gpu_brand) gpu_brand="$2" ;; --refresh_rate) refresh_rate="$2" ;; --gtk_shorthand) gtk_shorthand="$2" ;; --gtk2) gtk2="$2" ;; --gtk3) gtk3="$2" ;; --shell_path) shell_path="$2" ;; --shell_version) shell_version="$2" ;; --ip_host) public_ip_host="$2" ;; --song_shorthand) song_shorthand="$2" ;; --birthday_shorthand) birthday_shorthand="$2" ;; --birthday_time) birthday_time="$2" ;; --birthday_format) birthday_format="$2" ;; --disable) for func in "$@"; do case "$func" in "--disable") continue ;; "-"*) return ;; *) unset -f "get$func" ;; esac done ;; # Text Colors --colors) unset colors for arg in "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7"; do case "$arg" in "-"*) break ;; *) colors+=($arg) esac done colors+=(7 7 7 7 7 7) ;; # Text Formatting --underline) underline_enabled="$2" ;; --underline_char) underline_char="$2" ;; --bold) bold="$2" ;; # Color Blocks --color_blocks) color_blocks="$2" ;; --block_range) start="$2"; end="$3" ;; --block_width) block_width="$2" ;; --block_height) block_height="$2" ;; # Progress Bars --progress_char) progress_char_elapsed="$2" progress_char_total="$3" ;; --progress_border) progress_border="$2" ;; --progress_length) progress_length="$2" ;; --progress_colors) progress_color_elapsed="$2" progress_color_total="$3" ;; --cpu_display) cpu_display="$2" ;; --memory_display) memory_display="$2" ;; --battery_display) battery_display="$2" ;; --disk_display) disk_display="$2" ;; # Image --image) image="$2" case "$2" in "-"* | "") image="ascii" ;; esac ;; --image_size | --size) image_size="$2" ;; --crop_mode) crop_mode="$2" ;; --crop_offset) crop_offset="$2" ;; --xoffset) xoffset="$2" ;; --yoffset) yoffset="$2" ;; --background_color | --bg_color) background_color="$2" ;; --gap) gap="$2" ;; --clean) rm -rf "$thumbnail_dir" rm -rf "/Library/Caches/neofetch/" rm -rf "/tmp/neofetch/" exit ;; # Ascii --ascii) image="ascii" ascii="$2" case "$2" in "-"* | "") ascii="distro" ;; esac ;; --ascii_colors) unset ascii_colors for arg in "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7"; do case "$arg" in "-"*) break ;; *) ascii_colors+=($arg) esac done ascii_colors+=(7 7 7 7 7 7) ;; --ascii_distro) ascii_distro="$2" case "$2" in "-"* | "") ascii_distro="$distro" ;; esac ;; --ascii_logo_size) ascii_logo_size="$2" ;; --ascii_bold) ascii_bold="$2" ;; --logo | -L) image="ascii" printinfo() { info linebreak; } ;; # Screenshot --scrot | -s) scrot_args "$@" ;; --upload | -su) scrot_upload="on" scrot_args "$@" ;; --image_host) image_host="$2" ;; --scrot_cmd) scrot_cmd="$2" ;; # Other --config) case "$2" in "none" | "off") config="off" ;; *) config_file="$2"; config="on"; getuserconfig 2>/dev/null ;; esac ;; -v) verbose="on" ;; -vv) set -x; verbose="on" ;; --help) usage ;; --version) printf "%s\n" "Neofetch 1.9.1"; exit ;; esac shift done } # }}} # Call Functions and Finish Up {{{ main() { getos getdefaultconfig 2>/dev/null checkoldflags getargs "$@" getdistro # Get colors and bold bold colors # Restore cursor and clear screen on ctrl+c trap 'printf "\033[?25h"; clear; exit' 2 # If the script exits for any reason, unhide the cursor. trap 'printf "\033[?25h"' EXIT # Hide the cursor and disable line wrap printf "\033[?25l\033[?7l" # Display the image if [ "$image" != "off" ]; then getimagebackend # Find w3mimgdisplay [ "$image_backend" == "w3m" ] && \ [ "$image" != "ascii" ] && \ getw3m_img_path # Get the image src getimage # Display the image if enabled displayimage # Set cursor position next to ascii art printf "\033[$((${lines:-4} - ${prompt_loc:-4}))A" # Reset horizontal cursor position printf "\033[9999999D" fi # Print the info printinfo 2>/dev/null # Prompt calculation if [ "$image" != "off" ]; then dynamicprompt # w3m-img: Draw the image a second time to fix # rendering issues in specific terminal emulators. [ "$image_backend" == "w3m" ] && displayimage fi # Re-enable line wrap printf "%b%s" "\033[?7h" [ "$scrot" == "on" ] && takescrot # Show error messages [ "$verbose" == "on" ] && printf "%b%s" "$err" # Reset exit status of the tests above printf "%s" } main "$@" # }}}