use std::path::Path; use std::{env, fs}; use indexmap::IndexMap; use regex::Regex; use unicode_normalization::UnicodeNormalization; #[derive(Debug)] struct AsciiDistro { pattern: String, art: String, } impl AsciiDistro { fn friendly_name(&self) -> String { self.pattern .split('|') .next() .expect("invalid distro pattern") .trim_matches(|c: char| c.is_ascii_punctuation() || c == ' ') .replace(['"', '*'], "") } } fn main() { let neofetch_path = Path::new(env!("CARGO_WORKSPACE_DIR")).join("neofetch"); println!( "cargo:rerun-if-changed={neofetch_path}", neofetch_path = neofetch_path.display() ); let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let out_path = Path::new(&out_dir); export_distros(neofetch_path, out_path); } fn export_distros

(neofetch_path: P, out_path: &Path) where P: AsRef, { let distros = parse_ascii_distros(neofetch_path); let mut variants = IndexMap::with_capacity(distros.len()); for distro in &distros { let variant = distro .friendly_name() .replace(|c: char| c.is_ascii_punctuation() || c == ' ', "_") .nfc() .collect::(); if variants.contains_key(&variant) { let variant_var = format!("{variant}_varietas"); if variants.contains_key(&variant_var) { todo!("too many name clashes in ascii distro patterns: {variant}"); } variants.insert(variant_var, distro); continue; } variants.insert(variant, distro); } let mut buf = r###" #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)] pub enum Distro { "### .to_owned(); for (variant, AsciiDistro { pattern, .. }) in &variants { buf.push_str(&format!( r###" // {pattern}) {variant}, "###, )); } buf.push_str( r###" } impl Distro { pub fn detect(name: S) -> Option where S: AsRef, { let name = name.as_ref().to_lowercase(); "###, ); for (variant, AsciiDistro { pattern, .. }) in &variants { let patterns = pattern.split('|').map(|s| s.trim()); let mut conds = vec![]; for m in patterns { let stripped = m.trim_matches(['*', '\'', '"']).to_lowercase(); if stripped.contains(['*', '"']) { if let Some((prefix, suffix)) = stripped.split_once(r#""*""#) { conds.push(format!( r#"name.starts_with("{prefix}") && name.ends_with("{suffix}")"# )); continue; } todo!("cannot properly parse: {m}"); } // Exact matches if m.trim_matches('*') == m { conds.push(format!(r#"name == "{stripped}""#)); continue; } // Both sides are * if m.starts_with('*') && m.ends_with('*') { conds.push(format!( r#"name.starts_with("{stripped}") || name.ends_with("{stripped}")"# )); continue; } // Ends with * if m.ends_with('*') { conds.push(format!(r#"name.starts_with("{stripped}")"#)); continue; } // Starts with * if m.starts_with('*') { conds.push(format!(r#"name.ends_with("{stripped}")"#)); continue; } } let condition = conds.join(" || "); buf.push_str(&format!( r###" if {condition} {{ return Some(Self::{variant}); }} "### )); } buf.push_str( r###" None } pub fn ascii_art(&self) -> &str { let art = match self { "###, ); let quotes = "#".repeat(80); for (variant, AsciiDistro { art, .. }) in &variants { buf.push_str(&format!( r###" Self::{variant} => r{quotes}" {art} "{quotes}, "###, )); } buf.push_str( r###" }; &art[1..(art.len() - 1)] } } "###, ); fs::write(out_path.join(""), buf).expect("couldn't write"); } /// Parses ascii distros from neofetch script. fn parse_ascii_distros

(neofetch_path: P) -> Vec where P: AsRef, { let neofetch_path = neofetch_path.as_ref(); let nf = { let nf = fs::read_to_string(neofetch_path).expect("couldn't read neofetch script"); // Get the content of "get_distro_ascii" function let (_, nf) = nf .split_once("get_distro_ascii() {\n") .expect("couldn't find get_distro_ascii function"); let (nf, _) = nf .split_once("\n}\n") .expect("couldn't find end of get_distro_ascii function"); let mut nf = nf.replace('\t', &" ".repeat(4)); // Remove trailing spaces while nf.contains(" \n") { nf = nf.replace(" \n", "\n"); } nf }; let case_re = Regex::new(r"case .*? in\n").expect("couldn't compile case regex"); let eof_re = Regex::new(r"EOF[ \n]*?;;").expect("couldn't compile eof regex"); // Split by blocks let mut blocks = vec![]; for b in case_re.split(&nf) { blocks.extend(eof_re.split(b).map(|sub| sub.trim())); } // Parse blocks fn parse_block(block: &str) -> Option { let (block, art) = block.split_once("'EOF'\n")?; // Join \ // // > A that is not quoted shall preserve the literal value of the // > following character, with the exception of a . If a // > follows the , the shell shall interpret this as line // > continuation. The and shall be removed before // > splitting the input into tokens. Since the escaped is removed // > entirely from the input and is not replaced by any white space, it cannot // > serve as a token separator. // See let block = block.replace("\\\n", ""); // Get case pattern let pattern = block .split('\n') .next() .and_then(|pattern| pattern.trim().strip_suffix(')'))?; // Unescape backslashes here because backslashes are escaped in neofetch // for printf let art = art.replace(r"\\", r"\"); Some(AsciiDistro { pattern: pattern.to_owned(), art, }) } blocks .iter() .filter_map(|block| parse_block(block)) .collect() }