from __future__ import annotations

import os
import platform
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import zipfile
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import check_output
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Iterable

import pkg_resources

from .color_util import color, printc
from .constants import GLOBAL_CFG, MINGIT_URL, IS_WINDOWS
from .distros import distro_detector
from .presets import ColorProfile
from .serializer import from_dict
from .types import BackendLiteral, ColorAlignMode

RE_NEOFETCH_COLOR = re.compile('\\${c[0-9]}')

def literal_input(prompt: str, options: Iterable[str], default: str, show_ops: bool = True) -> str:
    Ask the user to provide an input among a list of options

    :param prompt: Input prompt
    :param options: Options
    :param default: Default option
    :param show_ops: Show options
    :return: Selection
    options = list(options)
    lows = [o.lower() for o in options]

    if show_ops:
        op_text = '|'.join([f'&l&n{o}&L&N' if o == default else o for o in options])
        printc(f'{prompt} ({op_text})')
        printc(f'{prompt} (default: {default})')

    def find_selection(sel: str):
        if not sel:
            return None

        # Find exact match
        if sel in lows:
            return options[lows.index(sel)]

        # Find starting abbreviation
        for i, op in enumerate(lows):
            if op.startswith(sel):
                return options[i]

        return None

    selection = input('> ').lower() or default
    while not find_selection(selection):
        print(f'Invalid selection! {selection} is not one of {"|".join(options)}')
        selection = input('> ').lower() or default


    return find_selection(selection)

def term_size() -> tuple[int, int]:
    Get terminal size
        return os.get_terminal_size().columns, os.get_terminal_size().lines
    except Exception:
        return 100, 20

def ascii_size(asc: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
    Get distro ascii width, height ignoring color code

    :param asc: Distro ascii
    :return: Width, Height
    return max(len(line) for line in re.sub(RE_NEOFETCH_COLOR, '', asc).split('\n')), len(asc.split('\n'))

def normalize_ascii(asc: str) -> str:
    Make sure every line are the same width
    w = ascii_size(asc)[0]
    return '\n'.join(line + ' ' * (w - ascii_size(line)[0]) for line in asc.split('\n'))

def fill_starting(asc: str) -> str:
    Fill the missing starting placeholders.

    E.g. "${c1}...\n..." -> "${c1}...\n${c1}..."
    new = []
    last = ''
    for line in asc.split('\n'):
        new.append(last + line)

        # Line has color placeholders
        matches = RE_NEOFETCH_COLOR.findall(line)
        if len(matches) > 0:
            # Get the last placeholder for the next line
            last = matches[-1]

    return '\n'.join(new)

class ColorAlignment:
    mode: ColorAlignMode

    # custom_colors[ascii color index] = unique color index in preset
    custom_colors: dict[int, int] = ()

    # Foreground/background ascii color index
    fore_back: tuple[int, int] = ()

    def from_dict(cls, d: dict):
        return from_dict(cls, d)

    def recolor_ascii(self, asc: str, preset: ColorProfile) -> str:
        Use the color alignment to recolor an ascii art

        :return Colored ascii, Uncolored lines
        asc = fill_starting(asc)

        if self.fore_back and self.mode in ['horizontal', 'vertical']:
            fore, back = self.fore_back

            # Replace foreground colors
            asc = asc.replace(f'${{c{fore}}}', color('&0' if GLOBAL_CFG.is_light else '&f'))
            lines = asc.split('\n')

            # Add new colors
            if self.mode == 'horizontal':
                colors = preset.with_length(len(lines))
                asc = '\n'.join([l.replace(f'${{c{back}}}', colors[i].to_ansi()) + color('&~&*') for i, l in enumerate(lines)])
                raise NotImplementedError()

            # Remove existing colors
            asc = re.sub(RE_NEOFETCH_COLOR, '', asc)

        elif self.mode in ['horizontal', 'vertical']:
            # Remove existing colors
            asc = re.sub(RE_NEOFETCH_COLOR, '', asc)
            lines = asc.split('\n')

            # Add new colors
            if self.mode == 'horizontal':
                colors = preset.with_length(len(lines))
                asc = '\n'.join([colors[i].to_ansi() + l + color('&~&*') for i, l in enumerate(lines)])
                asc = '\n'.join(preset.color_text(line) + color('&~&*') for line in lines)

            preset = preset.unique_colors()

            # Apply colors
            color_map = {ai: preset.colors[pi].to_ansi() for ai, pi in self.custom_colors.items()}
            for ascii_i, c in color_map.items():
                asc = asc.replace(f'${{c{ascii_i}}}', c)

        return asc

def if_file(f: str | Path) -> Path | None:
    Return the file if the file exists, or return none. Useful for chaining 'or's
    f = Path(f)
    if f.is_file():
        return f
    return None

def get_command_path() -> str:
    Get the absolute path of the neofetch command

    :return: Command path
    cmd_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'scripts/neowofetch')

    # Windows doesn't support symbolic links, but also I can't detect symbolic links... hard-code it here for now.
    if IS_WINDOWS:
        pkg = Path(__file__).parent
        pth = (shutil.which("neowofetch") or
               if_file(cmd_path) or
               if_file(pkg / 'scripts/neowofetch') or
               if_file(pkg.parent / 'neofetch') or
               if_file(Path(cmd_path).parent.parent.parent / 'neofetch'))

        if not pth:
            printc("&cError: Neofetch script cannot be found")

        return str(pth)

    return cmd_path

def ensure_git_bash() -> Path:
    Ensure git bash installation for windows

    :returns git bash path
    if IS_WINDOWS:
        # Find installation in default path
        def_path = Path(r'C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe')
        if def_path.is_file():
            return def_path

        # Detect third-party git.exe in path
        git_exe = shutil.which("bash") or shutil.which("git.exe") or shutil.which("git")
        if git_exe is not None:
            pth = Path(git_exe).parent
            if (pth / r'bash.exe').is_file():
                return pth / r'bash.exe'
            elif (pth / r'bin\bash.exe').is_file():
                return pth / r'bin\bash.exe'

        # Find installation in PATH (C:\Program Files\Git\cmd should be in path)
        pth = (os.environ.get('PATH') or '').lower().split(';')
        pth = [p for p in pth if p.endswith(r'\git\cmd')]
        if pth:
            return Path(pth[0]).parent / r'bin\bash.exe'

        # Previously downloaded portable installation
        path = Path(__file__).parent / 'min_git'
        pkg_path = path / ''
        if path.is_dir():
            return path / r'bin\bash.exe'

        # No installation found, download a portable installation
        print('Git installation not found. Git is required to use HyFetch/neofetch on Windows')
        if literal_input('Would you like to install a minimal package for Git? (if no is selected colors almost certianly won\'t work)', ['yes', 'no'], 'yes', False) == 'yes':
            print('Downloading a minimal portable package for Git...')
            from urllib.request import urlretrieve
            urlretrieve(MINGIT_URL, pkg_path)
            print('Download finished! Extracting...')
            with zipfile.ZipFile(pkg_path, 'r') as zip_ref:
            return path / r'bin\bash.exe'

def check_windows_cmd():
    Check if this script is running under cmd.exe. If so, launch an external window with git bash
    since cmd doesn't support RGB colors.
    if IS_WINDOWS:
        import psutil
        # TODO: This line does not correctly identify cmd prompts...
        if psutil.Process(os.getppid()).name().lower().strip() == 'cmd.exe':
            print("cmd.exe doesn't support RGB colors, restarting in MinTTY...")
            cmd = f'"{ensure_git_bash().parent.parent / "usr/bin/mintty.exe"}" -s 110,40 -e python -m hyfetch --ask-exit'

def run_neofetch_cmd(args: str, pipe: bool = False) -> str | None:
    Run neofetch command
    if platform.system() != 'Windows':
        full_cmd = ['/usr/bin/env', 'bash', get_command_path(), *shlex.split(args)]

        cmd = get_command_path().replace("\\", "/").replace("C:/", "/c/")
        args = args.replace('\\', '/').replace('C:/', '/c/')

        full_cmd = [ensure_git_bash(), '-c', f"'{cmd}' {args}"]
    # print(full_cmd)

    if pipe:
        return check_output(full_cmd).decode().strip()

def get_distro_ascii(distro: str | None = None) -> str:
    Get the distro ascii of the current distro. Or if distro is specified, get the specific distro's
    ascii art instead.

    :return: Distro ascii
    if not distro and GLOBAL_CFG.override_distro:
        distro = GLOBAL_CFG.override_distro
    if GLOBAL_CFG.debug:

    # Try new pure-python detection method
    det = distro_detector.detect(distro or get_distro_name())
    if det is not None:
        return normalize_ascii(det.ascii)

    if GLOBAL_CFG.debug:
        printc(f"&cError: Cannot find distro {distro}")

    # Old detection method that calls neofetch
    cmd = 'print_ascii'
    if distro:
        cmd += f' --ascii_distro {distro}'

    asc = run_neofetch_cmd(cmd, True)

    # Unescape backslashes here because backslashes are escaped in neofetch for printf
    asc = asc.replace('\\\\', '\\')

    return normalize_ascii(asc)

def get_distro_name():
    return run_neofetch_cmd('ascii_distro_name', True)

def run(asc: str, backend: BackendLiteral, args: str = ''):
    if backend == "neofetch":
        return run_neofetch(asc, args)
    if backend == "fastfetch":
        return run_fastfetch(asc, args)
    if backend == "fastfetch-old":
        return run_fastfetch(asc, args, legacy=True)
    if backend == "qwqfetch":
        return run_qwqfetch(asc, args)

def run_neofetch(asc: str, args: str = ''):
    Run neofetch with colors

    :param preset: Color palette
    :param alignment: Color alignment settings
    asc = asc.replace('\\', '\\\\')

    # call qwqfetch to print string
        from qwqfetch import src
        # distro_detector only return a bash variable
        # so we use qwqfetch builtin distro detector
    except ImportError as e:  # module not found etc
        print("qwqfetch is not installed. Install it by executing:")  # use print to output hint directly
        print("pip install git+")  # TODO: public repo
        raise e

def run_neofetch(asc: str, args: str = ''):
    Run neofetch with colors

    :param asc: Ascii art
    :param args: Additional arguments to pass to neofetch
    # Escape backslashes here because backslashes are escaped in neofetch for printf
    asc = asc.replace('\\', '\\\\')

    # Write temp file
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
        tmp_dir = Path(tmp_dir)
        path = tmp_dir / 'ascii.txt'

        # Call neofetch with the temp file
        if args:
            args = ' ' + args
        run_neofetch_cmd(f'--ascii --source {path.absolute()} --ascii-colors' + args)

def run_fastfetch(asc: str, args: str = '', legacy: bool = False):
    Run neofetch with colors

    :param asc: Ascii art
    :param args: Additional arguments to pass to fastfetch
    :param legacy: Set true when using fastfetch < 1.8.0
    # Write temp file
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
        tmp_dir = Path(tmp_dir)
        path = tmp_dir / 'ascii.txt'

        # Call fastfetch with the temp file
        proc =['fastfetch', '--raw' if legacy else '--file-raw', path.absolute(), *shlex.split(args)])
        if proc.returncode == 144:
            printc("&6Error code 144 detected: Please upgrade fastfetch to >=1.8.0 or use the 'fastfetch-old' backend")

def get_fore_back(distro: str | None = None) -> tuple[int, int] | None:
    Get recommended foreground-background configuration for distro, or None if the distro ascii is
    not suitable for fore-back configuration.

    if not distro and GLOBAL_CFG.override_distro:
        distro = GLOBAL_CFG.override_distro
    if not distro:
        distro = get_distro_name().lower()
    distro = distro.lower().replace(' ', '-')
    for k, v in fore_back.items():
        if distro == k.lower():
            return v
    return None

# Foreground-background recommendation
fore_back = {
    'fedora': (2, 1),
    'kubuntu': (2, 1),
    'lubuntu': (2, 1),
    'xubuntu': (2, 1),
    'ubuntu-cinnamon': (2, 1),
    'ubuntu-kylin': (2, 1),
    'ubuntu-mate': (2, 1),
    'ubuntu-studio': (2, 1),
    'ubuntu-sway': (2, 1),