#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import argparse import json import random import traceback from itertools import permutations from math import ceil from typing import Iterable from . import termenv from .color_scale import Scale from .color_util import printc, color, clear_screen, AnsiMode from .constants import * from .models import Config from .neofetch_util import * from .presets import PRESETS def check_config() -> Config: """ Check if the configuration exists. Return the config object if it exists. If not, call the config creator TODO: Config path param :return: Config object """ if CONFIG_PATH.is_file(): try: return Config.from_dict(json.loads(CONFIG_PATH.read_text('utf-8'))) except KeyError: return create_config() return create_config() def literal_input(prompt: str, options: Iterable[str], default: str, show_ops: bool = True) -> str: """ Ask the user to provide an input among a list of options :param prompt: Input prompt :param options: Options :param default: Default option :param show_ops: Show options :return: Selection """ options = list(options) lows = [o.lower() for o in options] if show_ops: op_text = '|'.join([f'&l&n{o}&r' if o == default else o for o in options]) printc(f'{prompt} ({op_text})') else: printc(f'{prompt} (default: {default})') def find_selection(sel: str): if not sel: return None # Find exact match if sel in lows: return options[lows.index(sel)] # Find starting abbreviation for i, op in enumerate(lows): if op.startswith(sel): return options[i] return None selection = input('> ').lower() or default while not find_selection(selection): print(f'Invalid selection! {selection} is not one of {"|".join(options)}') selection = input('> ').lower() or default print() return find_selection(selection) def create_config() -> Config: """ Create config interactively :return: Config object (automatically stored) """ # Detect terminal environment det_bg = termenv.get_background_color() det_ansi = termenv.detect_ansi_mode() asc = get_distro_ascii() asc_width, asc_lines = ascii_size(asc) logo = color("&b&lhyfetch&r" if det_bg is None or det_bg.is_light() else "&b&lhy&f&lfetch&r") title = f'Welcome to {logo} Let\'s set up some colors first.' clear_screen(title) option_counter = 1 def update_title(k: str, v: str): nonlocal title, option_counter if not k.endswith(":"): k += ':' title += f"\n&e{option_counter}. {k.ljust(30)} &r{v}" option_counter += 1 def print_title_prompt(prompt: str): printc(f'&a{option_counter}. {prompt}') ############################## # 0. Check term size try: term_len, term_lines = os.get_terminal_size().columns, os.get_terminal_size().lines if term_len < 2 * asc_width + 4 or term_lines < 30: printc(f'&cWarning: Your terminal is too small ({term_len} * {term_lines}). \n' f'Please resize it for better experience.') input('Press any key to ignore...') except: # print('Warning: We cannot detect your terminal size.') pass ############################## # 1. Select color system def select_color_system(): if det_ansi == 'rgb': return 'rgb', 'Detected color mode' clear_screen(title) term_len, term_lines = term_size() scale2 = Scale(['#12c2e9', '#c471ed', '#f7797d']) _8bit = [scale2(i / term_len).to_ansi_8bit(False) for i in range(term_len)] _rgb = [scale2(i / term_len).to_ansi_rgb(False) for i in range(term_len)] printc('&f' + ''.join(c + t for c, t in zip(_8bit, '8bit Color Testing'.center(term_len)))) printc('&f' + ''.join(c + t for c, t in zip(_rgb, 'RGB Color Testing'.center(term_len)))) print() print_title_prompt('Which &bcolor system &ado you want to use?') printc(f'(If you can\'t see colors under "RGB Color Testing", please choose 8bit)') print() return literal_input('Your choice?', ['8bit', 'rgb'], 'rgb'), 'Selected color mode' # Override global color mode color_system, ttl = select_color_system() GLOBAL_CFG.color_mode = color_system update_title(ttl, color_system) ############################## # 2. Select light/dark mode def select_light_dark(): if det_bg is not None: return det_bg.is_light(), 'Detected background color' clear_screen(title) inp = literal_input(f'2. Is your terminal in &blight mode&r or &4dark mode&r?', ['light', 'dark'], 'dark') return inp == 'light', 'Selected background color' is_light, ttl = select_light_dark() light_dark = 'light' if is_light else 'dark' GLOBAL_CFG.is_light = is_light update_title(ttl, light_dark) ############################## # 3. Choose preset # Create flags = [[lines]] flags = [] spacing = max(max(len(k) for k in PRESETS.keys()), 20) for name, preset in PRESETS.items(): flag = preset.color_text(' ' * spacing, foreground=False) flags.append([name.center(spacing), flag, flag, flag]) # Calculate flags per row flags_per_row = term_size()[0] // (spacing + 2) row_per_page = max(1, (term_size()[1] - 13) // 5) num_pages = ceil(len(flags) / (flags_per_row * row_per_page)) # Create pages pages = [] for i in range(num_pages): page = [] for j in range(row_per_page): page.append(flags[:flags_per_row]) flags = flags[flags_per_row:] if not flags: break pages.append(page) def print_flag_page(page: list[list[list[str]]], page_num: int): clear_screen(title) print_title_prompt("Let's choose a flag!") printc('Available flag presets:') print(f'Page: {page_num + 1} of {num_pages}') print() for i in page: print_flag_row(i) print() def print_flag_row(current: list[list[str]]): [printc(' '.join(line)) for line in zip(*current)] print() page = 0 while True: print_flag_page(pages[page], page) tmp = PRESETS['rainbow'].set_light_dl_def(light_dark).color_text('preset') opts = list(PRESETS.keys()) if page < num_pages - 1: opts.append('next') if page > 0: opts.append('prev') print("Enter 'next' to go to the next page and 'prev' to go to the previous page.") preset = literal_input(f'Which {tmp} do you want to use? ', opts, 'rainbow', show_ops=False) if preset == 'next': page += 1 elif preset == 'prev': page -= 1 else: _prs = PRESETS[preset] update_title('Selected flag', _prs.set_light_dl_def(light_dark).color_text(preset)) break ############################# # 4. Dim/lighten colors def select_lightness(): clear_screen(title) print_title_prompt("Let's adjust the color brightness!") printc(f'The colors might be a little bit too {"bright" if is_light else "dark"} for {light_dark} mode.') print() # Print cats num_cols = term_size()[0] // (TEST_ASCII_WIDTH + 2) mn, mx = 0.15, 0.85 ratios = [col / (num_cols - 1) for col in range(num_cols)] ratios = [(r * (mx - mn) / 2 + mn) if is_light else ((r * (mx - mn) + (mx + mn)) / 2) for r in ratios] lines = [ColorAlignment('horizontal').recolor_ascii(TEST_ASCII.replace( '{txt}', f'{r * 100:.0f}%'.center(5)), _prs.set_light_dl(r, light_dark)).split('\n') for r in ratios] [printc(' '.join(line)) for line in zip(*lines)] def_lightness = GLOBAL_CFG.default_lightness(light_dark) while True: print() printc(f'Which brightness level looks the best? (Default: {def_lightness * 100:.0f}% for {light_dark} mode)') lightness = input('> ').strip().lower() or None # Parse lightness if not lightness or lightness in ['unset', 'none']: return def_lightness try: lightness = int(lightness[:-1]) / 100 if lightness.endswith('%') else float(lightness) assert 0 <= lightness <= 1 return lightness except Exception: printc('&cUnable to parse lightness value, please input it as a decimal or percentage (e.g. 0.5 or 50%)') lightness = select_lightness() _prs = _prs.set_light_dl(lightness, light_dark) update_title('Selected Brightness', f"{lightness:.2f}") ############################# # 5. Color arrangement color_alignment = None fore_back = get_fore_back() # Calculate amount of row/column that can be displayed on screen ascii_per_row = term_size()[0] // (asc_width + 2) ascii_rows = max(1, (term_size()[1] - 8) // asc_lines) # Displays horizontal and vertical arrangements in the first iteration, but hide them in # later iterations hv_arrangements = [ ('Horizontal', ColorAlignment('horizontal', fore_back=fore_back)), ('Vertical', ColorAlignment('vertical')) ] arrangements = hv_arrangements.copy() # Loop for random rolling while True: clear_screen(title) # Random color schemes pis = list(range(len(_prs.unique_colors().colors))) slots = list(set(re.findall('(?<=\\${c)[0-9](?=})', asc))) while len(pis) < len(slots): pis += pis perm = {p[:len(slots)] for p in permutations(pis)} random_count = ascii_per_row * ascii_rows - len(arrangements) if random_count > len(perm): choices = perm else: choices = random.sample(perm, random_count) choices = [{slots[i]: n for i, n in enumerate(c)} for c in choices] arrangements += [(f'random{i}', ColorAlignment('custom', r)) for i, r in enumerate(choices)] asciis = [[*ca.recolor_ascii(asc, _prs).split('\n'), k.center(asc_width)] for k, ca in arrangements] while asciis: current = asciis[:ascii_per_row] asciis = asciis[ascii_per_row:] # Print by row [printc(' '.join(line)) for line in zip(*current)] print() print_title_prompt("Let's choose a color arrangement!") printc(f'You can choose standard horizontal or vertical alignment, or use one of the random color schemes.') print('You can type "roll" to randomize again.') print() choice = literal_input(f'Your choice?', ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'roll'] + [f'random{i}' for i in range(random_count)], 'horizontal') if choice == 'roll': arrangements = [] continue # Save choice arrangement_index = {k.lower(): ca for k, ca in hv_arrangements + arrangements} if choice in arrangement_index: color_alignment = arrangement_index[choice] else: print('Invalid choice.') continue break update_title('Color alignment', color_alignment) # Create config clear_screen(title) c = Config(preset, color_system, light_dark, lightness, color_alignment) # Save config print() save = literal_input(f'Save config?', ['y', 'n'], 'y') if save == 'y': c.save() return c def run(): # Optional: Import readline try: import readline except ModuleNotFoundError: pass # Create CLI hyfetch = color('&b&lhyfetch&r') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=color(f'{hyfetch} - neofetch with flags <3')) parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', action='store_true', help=color(f'Configure {hyfetch}')) parser.add_argument('-p', '--preset', help=f'Use preset', choices=PRESETS.keys()) parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', help=f'Color mode', choices=['8bit', 'rgb']) parser.add_argument('--c-scale', dest='scale', help=f'Lighten colors by a multiplier', type=float) parser.add_argument('--c-set-l', dest='light', help=f'Set lightness value of the colors', type=float) parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', dest='version', action='store_true', help=f'Check version') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help=f'Debug mode') parser.add_argument('--test-distro', help=f'Test for a specific distro') parser.add_argument('--test-print', action='store_true', help=f'Test print distro ascii art only') parser.add_argument('--ask-exit', action='store_true', help=f'Ask before exitting') args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print(f'Version is {VERSION}') return # Ensure git bash for windows ensure_git_bash() check_windows_cmd() # Test distro ascii art if args.test_distro: print(f'Setting distro to {args.test_distro}') GLOBAL_CFG.override_distro = args.test_distro if args.debug: GLOBAL_CFG.debug = True if args.test_print: print(get_distro_ascii()) return # Load config or create config config = create_config() if args.config else check_config() # Param overwrite config if args.preset: config.preset = args.preset if args.mode: config.mode = args.mode # Override global color mode GLOBAL_CFG.color_mode = config.mode GLOBAL_CFG.is_light = config.light_dark == 'light' # Get preset preset = PRESETS.get(config.preset) # Lighten (args > config) if args.scale: preset = preset.lighten(args.scale) elif args.light: preset = preset.set_light_raw(args.light) else: preset = preset.set_light_dl(config.lightness or GLOBAL_CFG.default_lightness()) # Run try: run_neofetch(preset, config.color_align) except Exception as e: print(f'Error: {e}') traceback.print_exc() if args.ask_exit: input('Press any key to exit...')