2023-01-15 03:52:33 +08:00

344 lines
10 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import os
import platform
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import zipfile
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import check_output
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import pkg_resources
from .color_util import color, printc
from .constants import GLOBAL_CFG, MINGIT_URL
from .distros import distro_detector
from .presets import ColorProfile
from .serializer import from_dict
from .types import BackendLiteral, ColorAlignMode
RE_NEOFETCH_COLOR = re.compile('\\${c[0-9]}')
def term_size() -> tuple[int, int]:
Get terminal size
return os.get_terminal_size().columns, os.get_terminal_size().lines
except Exception:
return 100, 20
def ascii_size(asc: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
Get distro ascii width, height ignoring color code
:param asc: Distro ascii
:return: Width, Height
return max(len(line) for line in re.sub(RE_NEOFETCH_COLOR, '', asc).split('\n')), len(asc.split('\n'))
def normalize_ascii(asc: str) -> str:
Make sure every line are the same width
w = ascii_size(asc)[0]
return '\n'.join(line + ' ' * (w - ascii_size(line)[0]) for line in asc.split('\n'))
def fill_starting(asc: str) -> str:
Fill the missing starting placeholders.
E.g. "${c1}...\n..." -> "${c1}...\n${c1}..."
new = []
last = ''
for line in asc.split('\n'):
new.append(last + line)
# Line has color placeholders
matches = RE_NEOFETCH_COLOR.findall(line)
if len(matches) > 0:
# Get the last placeholder for the next line
last = matches[-1]
return '\n'.join(new)
class ColorAlignment:
mode: ColorAlignMode
# custom_colors[ascii color index] = unique color index in preset
custom_colors: dict[int, int] = ()
# Foreground/background ascii color index
fore_back: tuple[int, int] = ()
def from_dict(cls, d: dict):
return from_dict(cls, d)
def recolor_ascii(self, asc: str, preset: ColorProfile) -> str:
Use the color alignment to recolor an ascii art
:return Colored ascii, Uncolored lines
asc = fill_starting(asc)
if self.fore_back and self.mode in ['horizontal', 'vertical']:
fore, back = self.fore_back
# Replace foreground colors
asc = asc.replace(f'${{c{fore}}}', color('&0' if GLOBAL_CFG.is_light else '&f'))
lines = asc.split('\n')
# Add new colors
if self.mode == 'horizontal':
colors = preset.with_length(len(lines))
asc = '\n'.join([l.replace(f'${{c{back}}}', colors[i].to_ansi()) + color('&r') for i, l in enumerate(lines)])
raise NotImplementedError()
# Remove existing colors
asc = re.sub(RE_NEOFETCH_COLOR, '', asc)
elif self.mode in ['horizontal', 'vertical']:
# Remove existing colors
asc = re.sub(RE_NEOFETCH_COLOR, '', asc)
lines = asc.split('\n')
# Add new colors
if self.mode == 'horizontal':
colors = preset.with_length(len(lines))
asc = '\n'.join([colors[i].to_ansi() + l + color('&r') for i, l in enumerate(lines)])
asc = '\n'.join(preset.color_text(line) + color('&r') for line in lines)
preset = preset.unique_colors()
# Apply colors
color_map = {ai: preset.colors[pi].to_ansi() for ai, pi in self.custom_colors.items()}
for ascii_i, c in color_map.items():
asc = asc.replace(f'${{c{ascii_i}}}', c)
return asc
def get_command_path() -> str:
Get the absolute path of the neofetch command
:return: Command path
cmd_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'scripts/neowofetch')
# Windows doesn't support symbolic links, but also I can't detect symbolic links... hard-code it here for now.
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
return str(Path(cmd_path).parent.parent.parent / 'neofetch')
return cmd_path
def ensure_git_bash() -> Path:
Ensure git bash installation for windows
:returns git bash path
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
# Find installation in default path
def_path = Path(r'C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe')
if def_path.is_file():
return def_path
# Find installation in PATH (C:\Program Files\Git\cmd should be in path)
pth = (os.environ.get('PATH') or '').lower().split(';')
pth = [p for p in pth if p.endswith(r'\git\cmd')]
if pth:
return Path(pth[0]).parent / r'bin\bash.exe'
# Previously downloaded portable installation
path = Path(__file__).parent / 'min_git'
pkg_path = path / 'package.zip'
if path.is_dir():
return path / r'bin\bash.exe'
# No installation found, download a portable installation
print('Git installation not found. Git is required to use HyFetch/neofetch on Windows')
print('Downloading a minimal portable package for Git...')
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
urlretrieve(MINGIT_URL, pkg_path)
print('Download finished! Extracting...')
with zipfile.ZipFile(pkg_path, 'r') as zip_ref:
return path / r'bin\bash.exe'
def check_windows_cmd():
Check if this script is running under cmd.exe. If so, launch an external window with git bash
since cmd doesn't support RGB colors.
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
import psutil
# TODO: This line does not correctly identify cmd prompts...
if psutil.Process(os.getppid()).name().lower().strip() == 'cmd.exe':
print("cmd.exe doesn't support RGB colors, restarting in MinTTY...")
cmd = f'"{ensure_git_bash().parent.parent / "usr/bin/mintty.exe"}" -s 110,40 -e python -m hyfetch --ask-exit'
def run_neofetch_cmd(args: str, pipe: bool = False) -> str | None:
Run neofetch command
if platform.system() != 'Windows':
full_cmd = shlex.split(f'/usr/bin/env bash {get_command_path()} {args}')
cmd = get_command_path().replace("\\", "/").replace("C:/", "/c/")
args = args.replace('\\', '/').replace('C:/', '/c/')
full_cmd = [ensure_git_bash(), '-c', f'{cmd} {args}']
# print(full_cmd)
if pipe:
return check_output(full_cmd).decode().strip()
def get_distro_ascii(distro: str | None = None) -> str:
Get the distro ascii of the current distro. Or if distro is specified, get the specific distro's
ascii art instead.
:return: Distro ascii
if not distro and GLOBAL_CFG.override_distro:
distro = GLOBAL_CFG.override_distro
if GLOBAL_CFG.debug:
# Try new pure-python detection method
det = distro_detector.detect(distro or get_distro_name())
if det is not None:
return normalize_ascii(det.ascii)
if GLOBAL_CFG.debug:
printc(f"&cError: Cannot find distro {distro}")
# Old detection method that calls neofetch
cmd = 'print_ascii'
if distro:
cmd += f' --ascii_distro {distro}'
asc = run_neofetch_cmd(cmd, True)
# Unescape backslashes here because backslashes are escaped in neofetch for printf
asc = asc.replace('\\\\', '\\')
return normalize_ascii(asc)
def get_distro_name():
return run_neofetch_cmd('ascii_distro_name', True)
def run(preset: ColorProfile, alignment: ColorAlignment, backend: BackendLiteral):
if backend == "neofetch":
return run_neofetch(preset, alignment)
if backend == "fastfetch":
return run_fastfetch(preset, alignment)
def run_neofetch(preset: ColorProfile, alignment: ColorAlignment):
Run neofetch with colors
:param preset: Color palette
:param alignment: Color alignment settings
asc = get_distro_ascii()
asc = alignment.recolor_ascii(asc, preset)
# Escape backslashes here because backslashes are escaped in neofetch for printf
asc = asc.replace('\\', '\\\\')
# Write temp file
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
tmp_dir = Path(tmp_dir)
path = tmp_dir / 'ascii.txt'
# Call neofetch with the temp file
run_neofetch_cmd(f'--ascii --source {path.absolute()} --ascii-colors')
def run_fastfetch(preset: ColorProfile, alignment: ColorAlignment):
Run neofetch with colors
:param preset: Color palette
:param alignment: Color alignment settings
asc = get_distro_ascii()
asc = alignment.recolor_ascii(asc, preset)
# Write temp file
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
tmp_dir = Path(tmp_dir)
path = tmp_dir / 'ascii.txt'
# Call fastfetch with the temp file
subprocess.run(['fastfetch', '--file-raw', path.absolute()])
def get_fore_back(distro: str | None = None) -> tuple[int, int] | None:
Get recommended foreground-background configuration for distro, or None if the distro ascii is
not suitable for fore-back configuration.
if not distro and GLOBAL_CFG.override_distro:
distro = GLOBAL_CFG.override_distro
if not distro:
distro = get_distro_name().lower()
distro = distro.lower().replace(' ', '-')
for k, v in fore_back.items():
if distro == k.lower():
return v
return None
# Foreground-background recommendation
fore_back = {
'fedora': (2, 1),
'ubuntu': (2, 1),
'kubuntu': (2, 1),
'lubuntu': (2, 1),
'xubuntu': (2, 1),
'ubuntu-cinnamon': (2, 1),
'ubuntu-kylin': (2, 1),
'ubuntu-mate': (2, 1),
'ubuntu-studio': (2, 1),
'ubuntu-sway': (2, 1),