2022-08-13 15:29:47 -04:00

362 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
# Do not delete import readline. Even though it's not used in the code, importing it would allow
# arrow keys to be used in input() functions.
import readline
import argparse
import json
import random
import re
from itertools import permutations
from typing import Iterable
from math import ceil
from .color_util import printc, color, clear_screen
from .constants import *
from .models import Config
from .neofetch_util import run_neofetch, get_distro_ascii, ColorAlignment, ascii_size, get_fore_back
from .presets import PRESETS
def check_config() -> Config:
Check if the configuration exists. Return the config object if it exists. If not, call the
config creator
TODO: Config path param
:return: Config object
if CONFIG_PATH.is_file():
return Config.from_dict(json.loads(CONFIG_PATH.read_text('utf-8')))
except KeyError:
return create_config()
return create_config()
def literal_input(prompt: str, options: Iterable[str], default: str, show_ops: bool = True) -> str:
Ask the user to provide an input among a list of options
:param prompt: Input prompt
:param options: Options
:param default: Default option
:param show_ops: Show options
:return: Selection
options = list(options)
lows = [o.lower() for o in options]
if show_ops:
op_text = '|'.join([f'&l&n{o}&r' if o == default else o for o in options])
printc(f'{prompt} ({op_text})')
printc(f'{prompt} (default: {default})')
def find_selection(sel: str):
if not sel:
return None
# Find exact match
if sel in lows:
return options[lows.index(sel)]
# Find starting abbreviation
for i, op in enumerate(lows):
if op.startswith(sel):
return options[i]
return None
selection = input('> ').lower() or default
while not find_selection(selection):
print(f'Invalid selection! {selection} is not one of {"|".join(options)}')
selection = input('> ').lower() or default
return find_selection(selection)
def create_config() -> Config:
Create config interactively
:return: Config object (automatically stored)
title = 'Welcome to &b&lhy&f&lfetch&r! Let\'s set up some colors first.'
# 1. Select color system
# Demonstrate RGB with a gradient. This requires numpy
from .color_scale import Scale
scale2 = Scale(['#12c2e9', '#c471ed', '#f7797d'])
_8bit = [scale2(i / TERM_LEN).to_ansi_8bit(False) for i in range(TERM_LEN)]
_rgb = [scale2(i / TERM_LEN).to_ansi_rgb(False) for i in range(TERM_LEN)]
printc('&f' + ''.join(c + t for c, t in zip(_8bit, '8bit Color Testing'.center(TERM_LEN))))
printc('&f' + ''.join(c + t for c, t in zip(_rgb, 'RGB Color Testing'.center(TERM_LEN))))
printc(f'&a1. Which &bcolor system &ado you want to use?')
printc(f'(If you can\'t see colors under "RGB Color Testing", please choose 8bit)')
color_system = literal_input('Your choice?', ['8bit', 'rgb'], 'rgb')
except ModuleNotFoundError:
# Numpy not found, skip gradient test, use fallback
color_system = literal_input('Which &acolor &bsystem &rdo you want to use?',
['8bit', 'rgb'], 'rgb')
# Override global color mode
GLOBAL_CFG.color_mode = color_system
title += f'\n&e1. Selected color mode: &r{color_system}'
# 2. Select light/dark mode
light_dark = literal_input(f'2. Is your terminal in &gf(#85e7e9)light mode&r or &gf(#c471ed)dark mode&r?',
['light', 'dark'], 'dark')
is_light = light_dark == 'light'
GLOBAL_CFG.is_light = is_light
title += f'\n&e2. Light/Dark: &r{light_dark}'
# 3. Choose preset
# Create flags = [[lines]]
flags = []
spacing = max(max(len(k) for k in PRESETS.keys()), 20)
for name, preset in PRESETS.items():
flag = preset.color_text(' ' * spacing, foreground=False)
flags.append([name.center(spacing), flag, flag, flag])
# Calculate flags per row
flags_per_row = TERM_LEN // (spacing + 2)
row_per_page = (TERM_LINES - 13) // 5
num_pages = ceil(len(flags) / (flags_per_row * row_per_page))
# Create pages
pages = []
for i in range(num_pages):
page = []
for j in range(row_per_page):
flags = flags[flags_per_row:]
if not flags:
def print_flag_page(page: list[list[list[str]]], page_num: int):
printc('&a3. Let\'s choose a flag!')
printc('Available flag presets:')
print(f'Page: {page_num + 1} of {num_pages}')
for i in page:
def print_flag_row(current: list[list[str]]):
[printc(' '.join(line)) for line in zip(*current)]
page = 0
while True:
print_flag_page(pages[page], page)
tmp = PRESETS['rainbow'].set_light_dl_def(light_dark).color_text('preset')
opts = list(PRESETS.keys())
if page < num_pages - 1:
if page > 0:
print("Enter 'next' to go to the next page and 'prev' to go to the previous page.")
preset = literal_input(f'Which {tmp} do you want to use? ', opts, 'rainbow', show_ops=False)
if preset == 'next':
page += 1
elif preset == 'prev':
page -= 1
_prs = PRESETS[preset]
title += f'\n&e3. Selected flag: &r{_prs.color_text(preset)}'
# 4. Dim/lighten colors
printc(f'&a4. Let\'s adjust the color brightness!')
printc(f'The colors might be a little bit too {"bright" if is_light else "dark"} for {light_dark} mode.')
# Print cats
num_cols = TERM_LEN // (TEST_ASCII_WIDTH + 2)
ratios = [col / (num_cols - 1) for col in range(num_cols)]
ratios = [(r * 0.4 + 0.1) if is_light else (r * 0.4 + 0.5) for r in ratios]
lines = [ColorAlignment('horizontal').recolor_ascii(TEST_ASCII.replace(
'{txt}', f'{r * 100:.0f}%'.center(5)), _prs.set_light_dl(r, light_dark)).split('\n') for r in ratios]
[printc(' '.join(line)) for line in zip(*lines)]
while True:
printc(f'Which brightness level look the best? (Default: left blank = {GLOBAL_CFG.default_lightness(light_dark):.2f} for {light_dark} mode)')
lightness = input('> ').strip().lower() or None
# Parse lightness
if not lightness or lightness in ['unset', 'none']:
lightness = None
lightness = int(lightness[:-1]) / 100 if lightness.endswith('%') else float(lightness)
assert 0 <= lightness <= 1
except Exception:
printc('&cUnable to parse lightness value, please input it as a decimal or percentage (e.g. 0.5 or 50%)')
if lightness:
_prs = _prs.set_light_dl(lightness, light_dark)
title += f'\n&e4. Brightness: &r{f"{lightness:.2f}" if lightness else "unset"}'
# 5. Color arrangement
color_alignment = None
while True:
asc = get_distro_ascii()
asc_width = ascii_size(asc)[0]
fore_back = get_fore_back()
arrangements = [
('Horizontal', ColorAlignment('horizontal', fore_back=fore_back)),
('Vertical', ColorAlignment('vertical'))
ascii_per_row = TERM_LEN // (asc_width + 2)
# Random color schemes
pis = list(range(len(_prs.unique_colors().colors)))
slots = len(set(re.findall('(?<=\\${c)[0-9](?=})', asc)))
while len(pis) < slots:
pis += pis
perm = {p[:slots] for p in permutations(pis)}
random_count = ascii_per_row * 2 - 2
if random_count > len(perm):
choices = perm
choices = random.sample(perm, random_count)
choices = [{i + 1: n for i, n in enumerate(c)} for c in choices]
arrangements += [(f'random{i}', ColorAlignment('custom', r)) for i, r in enumerate(choices)]
asciis = [[*ca.recolor_ascii(asc, _prs).split('\n'), k.center(asc_width)] for k, ca in arrangements]
while asciis:
current = asciis[:ascii_per_row]
asciis = asciis[ascii_per_row:]
# Print by row
[printc(' '.join(line)) for line in zip(*current)]
printc(f'&a5. Let\'s choose a color arrangement!')
printc(f'You can choose standard horizontal or vertical alignment, or use one of the random color schemes.')
print('You can type "roll" to randomize again.')
choice = literal_input(f'Your choice?', ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'roll'] + [f'random{i}' for i in range(random_count)], 'horizontal')
if choice == 'roll':
# Save choice
arrangement_index = {k.lower(): ca for k, ca in arrangements}
if choice in arrangement_index:
color_alignment = arrangement_index[choice]
print('Invalid choice.')
title += f'\n&e5. Color Alignment: &r{color_alignment}'
# Create config
c = Config(preset, color_system, light_dark, lightness, color_alignment)
# Save config
save = literal_input(f'Save config?', ['y', 'n'], 'y')
if save == 'y':
return c
def run():
# Create CLI
hyfetch = color('&b&lhyfetch&r')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=color(f'{hyfetch} - neofetch with flags <3'))
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', action='store_true', help=color(f'Configure {hyfetch}'))
parser.add_argument('-p', '--preset', help=f'Use preset', choices=PRESETS.keys())
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', help=f'Color mode', choices=['8bit', 'rgb'])
parser.add_argument('--c-scale', dest='scale', help=f'Lighten colors by a multiplier', type=float)
parser.add_argument('--c-set-l', dest='light', help=f'Set lightness value of the colors', type=float)
parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', dest='version', action='store_true', help=f'Check version')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help=f'Debug mode')
parser.add_argument('--test-distro', help=f'Test for a specific distro')
parser.add_argument('--test-print', action='store_true', help=f'Test print distro ascii art only')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.version:
print(f'Version is {VERSION}')
# Test distro ascii art
if args.test_distro:
print(f'Setting distro to {args.test_distro}')
GLOBAL_CFG.override_distro = args.test_distro
if args.debug:
GLOBAL_CFG.debug = True
if args.test_print:
# Load config
config = check_config()
# Reset config
if args.config:
config = create_config()
# Param overwrite config
if args.preset:
config.preset = args.preset
if args.mode:
config.mode = args.mode
# Override global color mode
GLOBAL_CFG.color_mode = config.mode
GLOBAL_CFG.is_light = config.light_dark == 'light'
# Get preset
preset = PRESETS.get(config.preset)
# Lighten
if args.scale:
preset = preset.lighten(args.scale)
if args.light:
preset = preset.set_light_raw(args.light)
if config.lightness:
preset = preset.set_light_dl(config.lightness)
# Run
run_neofetch(preset, config.color_align)