Initial commit
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 513 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "modpacks-rs"
version = "1.0.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
json = "0.12.4"
ureq = "2.4.0"
sha1 = "0.10.0"
hex = "0.4.3"
threadpool = "1.8.1"
zip = { version = "0.6.2", default-features = false, features = ["deflate"] }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
use std::{
io::{Read, Write, self},
fs::{create_dir_all, File},
sync::mpsc::{self, Sender},
use json::JsonValue;
use sha1::{Sha1, Digest};
use threadpool::ThreadPool;
use ureq::Response;
use zip::ZipArchive;
fn main() {
let mut args = env::args();
let firstArg = args.nth(1).expect("Invalid usage (consider \"help\")");
let mut threadCount: usize = 1;
let mut skipped = false;
if firstArg == "--threads" {
threadCount ="Invalid usage").parse::<usize>().expect("--threads must be a number");
} else {
skipped = true;
match if skipped { firstArg } else {"Invalid usage (consider \"help\")") }.as_str() {
"ftb" => {
match"Invalid usage").as_str() {
"recent" => {
match getPopular() {
Ok(packs) => {
println!("Recent modpacks:");
for (pack, info) in packs {
printPack(pack, info);
Err(error) => {
eprintln!("{}", error);
"featured" => {
match getFeatured() {
Ok(packs) => {
println!("Featured modpacks:");
for (pack, info) in packs {
printPack(pack, info);
Err(error) => {
eprintln!("{}", error);
"played" => {
match getPlayed() {
Ok(packs) => {
println!("Most played modpacks:");
for (pack, info) in packs {
printPack(pack, info);
Err(error) => {
eprintln!("{}", error);
"installed" => {
match getInstalled() {
Ok(packs) => {
println!("Most installed modpacks:");
for (pack, info) in packs {
printPack(pack, info);
Err(error) => {
eprintln!("{}", error);
"search" => {
let term ="Invalid usage");
match searchFTB(term) {
Ok(packs) => {
println!("Search results:");
for (pack, info) in packs {
printPack(pack, info);
Err(error) => {
eprintln!("{}", error);
"download" => {
let pack ="Invalid usage");
let version ="Invalid usage");
downloadPack(pack, version, PackType::FTB, threadCount).expect("Failed to download FTB modpack");
_ => {
eprintln!("Invalid usage")
"cf" => {
match"Invalid usage").as_str() {
"search" => {
let term ="Invalid usage");
match searchCF(term) {
Ok(packs) => {
println!("Search results:");
for (pack, info) in packs {
printPack(pack, info);
Err(error) => {
eprintln!("{}", error);
"download" => {
let pack ="Invalid usage");
let version ="Invalid usage");
downloadPack(pack, version, PackType::CF, threadCount).expect("Failed to download curseforge modpack");
_ => {
eprintln!("Invalid usage");
"help" => {
let usage = "Usage (optional: []): modpacks-rs [--threads n] (ftb|cf) verb\n\
recent: Lists the most recently updated modpacks
featured: Lists the featured modpacks
played: Lists the most played modpacks
installed: Lists the most installed modpacks
(search term): Searches for modpacks related to a term
(download id (version|latest)): Downloads a version of a modpack or the latest one
(search term): Searches for modpacks related to a term
(download id (version|latest)): Downloads a version of a modpack or the latest one";
println!("{}", usage);
_ => {
eprintln!("Invalid usage (consider \"help\")");
enum PackType {
impl PackType {
pub fn url(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Self::CF => "",
Self::FTB => ""
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Self::CF => "Curseforge",
Self::FTB => "FTB"
fn downloadPack(id: String, mut version: String, packType: PackType, threads: usize) -> Result<(), String> {
if version == "latest" {
let manifest = ureq::get(&(packType.url().to_owned() + &id))
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to get modpack manifest: {:?}", it))?;
let decoded = manifest.into_string()
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to parse modpack manifest as string: {:?}", it))?;
let parsed = json::parse(&decoded)
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to parse modpack version manifest as json: {:?}", it))?;
if let JsonValue::Array(versions) = &parsed["versions"] {
let versions = versions.iter();
let handled: Vec<&JsonValue>;
if packType == PackType::FTB {
handled = versions.rev().collect();
} else {
handled = versions.collect();
match handled.first() {
Some(new) => {
version = new["id"].to_string();
None => {
return Err("Failed to retrieve latest version".to_string());
} else {
return Err("\"versions\" is not an array".to_string());
let url = packType.url().to_owned() + &id + "/" + &version;
let manifestResp = ureq::get(&url)
.set("User-Agent", "curl/7.83.1") // API returns empty url otherwise
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to get modpack version manifest: {:?}", it))?;
let decoded = manifestResp.into_string()
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to parse modpack version manifest as string: {:?}", it))?;
let parsed = json::parse(&decoded)
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to parse modpack version manifest as json: {:?}", it))?;
let mut pool: Option<ThreadPool> = None;
let files = parsed["files"].members();
let (send, recv) = mpsc::channel::<String>();
if threads > 1 {
pool = Some(ThreadPool::new(threads));
match pool {
Some(pool) => {
// This feels jank
let arr = parsed["files"].clone();
let files = arr.members();
for file in files {
let file = file.clone();
let id = id.clone();
let send = send.clone();
pool.execute(move || downloadFileThreaded(file, &id, send));
drop(send); // Drops the original sender to prevent infinite waiting when the threads exit, the clone can still send messages
recv.recv().expect_err("Failed to download files");
None => {
for file in files {
if let Err(error) = downloadFile(file.clone(), &id) {
return Err(error);
// Handle overrides
if packType == PackType::CF {
println!("Extracting overrides");
let basePath = "./".to_owned() + &id + "/";
let file = File::open(basePath.clone() + "")
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to open overrides file: {:?}", it))?;
let mut archive = ZipArchive::new(file)
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to parse overrides as zip: {:?}", it))?;
for i in 0..archive.len() {
let mut file = archive.by_index(i).unwrap();
let path = match file.enclosed_name() {
Some(path) => {
let mut buf = PathBuf::from(&basePath);
let overridePath = "./".to_string() + &id + "/overrides/";
let mut newBuf = PathBuf::new();
if buf.starts_with(overridePath) {
let mut trimmed = false;
for component in buf.components() {
match component {
std::path::Component::CurDir => {
std::path::Component::Normal(path) => {
if path != "overrides" || trimmed {
if path == "overrides" {
trimmed = true;
other => {
return Err(format!("Invalid component: {:?}", other));
} else {
newBuf = buf;
None => continue
println!("Extracting override: {:?}", path);
if file.is_dir() {
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to create overrides directory: {:?}", it))?;
} else {
if !path.is_dir() {
let mut outFile = File::create(path)
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to create output override file: {:?}", it))?;
io::copy(&mut file, &mut outFile)
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to copy output override file: {:?}", it))?;
fn downloadFileThreaded(file: JsonValue, id: &String, channel: Sender<String>) {
if let Err(error) = downloadFile(file, id) {
channel.send(error.clone()).expect(&format!("Failed to send error message: {}", error));
fn downloadFile(file: JsonValue, id: &String) -> Result<(), String> {
let hash = file["sha1"].to_string();
let url = file["url"].to_string();
let name = file["name"].to_string();
let path = "./".to_owned() + id + "/" + &file["path"].to_string();
println!("Downloading {}{}", path, name);
let resp = ureq::get(&url)
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to get modpack file: {:?}", it))?;
let mut raw: Vec<u8> = vec![];
resp.into_reader().read_to_end(&mut raw).expect("Failed to read all bytes");
let mut hasher = Sha1::new();
let result = hex::encode(hasher.finalize());
if result != hash && !hash.is_empty() { // Expected hashes are empty sometimes
return Err(format!("Mismatched hashes, expected: {} found: {}", hash, result));
create_dir_all(&path).map_err(|it| format!("Failed to create path: {:?}", it))?;
let mut file = File::create(path + &name)
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to create file: {:?}", it))?;
file.write(&raw).map_err(|it| format!("Failed to write to file: {:?}", it))?;
println!("Finished downloading");
fn printPack(id: String, pack: HashMap<&'static str, String>) {
println!("{}: {}", id, pack["name"]);
println!("Authors: {}", pack["authors"]);
println!("Description:\n{}", pack["description"]);
println!("Versions:\n{}\n", pack["versions"]);
fn getPackInfo(id: String, packType: PackType) -> Result<HashMap<&'static str, String>, String> {
let path = packType.url();
let resp = ureq::get(&(path.to_owned() + &id))
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to GET {} modpack info: {:?}",, it))?;
let string = resp.into_string().map_err(|it| format!("Failed to parse info response as string: {:?}", it))?;
let data = json::parse(&string)
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to parse info response as json: {:?}", it))?;
let mut info: HashMap<&'static str, String> = HashMap::new();
info.insert("name", data["name"].to_string());
let mut authors0: Vec<String> = vec![];
if let JsonValue::Array(authors) = &data["authors"] {
for author in authors {
for (key, value) in author.entries() {
if key == "name" {
info.insert("authors", format!("{:?}", authors0));
info.insert("description", data["description"].to_string());
let versions0: &Vec<JsonValue>;
if let JsonValue::Array(versions) = &data["versions"] {
versions0 = versions;
} else {
return Err("\"versions\" is not an array".to_string());
let len = versions0.len();
let mut versionString = String::new();
let mut revVersions = versions0.iter().rev();
if packType == PackType::FTB {
for i in 0..len {
if i == 3 {
let version =;
versionString += &version["id"].as_i64().unwrap().to_string();
versionString += ": ";
versionString += version["name"].as_str().unwrap();
if i != len - 1 && i != 2 {
versionString += "\n";
} else {
for i in 0..len {
if i == 3 {
let version = &versions0[i];
versionString += &version["id"].as_i64().unwrap().to_string();
versionString += ": ";
versionString += version["name"].as_str().unwrap();
if i != len - 1 && i != 2 {
versionString += "\n";
info.insert("versions", versionString);
fn getPopular() -> Result<HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>>, String> {
let resp = ureq::get("")
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to GET recent modpacks: {:?}", it))?;
let mut info: HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>> = HashMap::new();
for pack in parsePacks(resp)? {
info.insert(pack.clone(), getPackInfo(pack, PackType::FTB)?);
fn getFeatured() -> Result<HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>>, String> {
let resp = ureq::get("")
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to GET featured modpacks: {:?}", it))?;
let mut info: HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>> = HashMap::new();
for pack in parsePacks(resp)? {
info.insert(pack.clone(), getPackInfo(pack, PackType::FTB)?);
fn getPlayed() -> Result<HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>>, String> {
let resp = ureq::get("")
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to GET most played modpacks: {:?}", it))?;
let mut info: HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>> = HashMap::new();
for pack in parsePacks(resp)? {
info.insert(pack.clone(), getPackInfo(pack, PackType::FTB)?);
fn getInstalled() -> Result<HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>>, String> {
let resp = ureq::get("")
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to GET most installed modpacks: {:?}", it))?;
let mut info: HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>> = HashMap::new();
for pack in parsePacks(resp)? {
info.insert(pack.clone(), getPackInfo(pack, PackType::FTB)?);
fn search(term: String) -> Result<Response, String> {
ureq::get(&format!("{}", &term))
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to GET modpack search: {:?}", it))
fn searchFTB(term: String) -> Result<HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>>, String> {
let resp = search(term)?;
let mut info: HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>> = HashMap::new();
for pack in parsePacks(resp)? {
info.insert(pack.clone(), getPackInfo(pack, PackType::FTB)?);
fn searchCF(term: String) -> Result<HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>>, String> {
let resp = search(term)?;
let string = resp.into_string().map_err(|it| format!("Failed to parse response as string: {:?}", it))?;
let data = json::parse(&string)
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to parse response as json: {:?}", it))?;
if let JsonValue::Array(arr) = &data["curseforge"] {
let packs: Vec<String> = arr.iter().map(|it| it.to_string()).collect();
let mut info: HashMap<String, HashMap<&'static str, String>> = HashMap::new();
for pack in packs {
info.insert(pack.clone(), getPackInfo(pack, PackType::CF)?);
} else {
Err("Invalid format".to_string())
fn parsePacks(resp: Response) -> Result<Vec<String>, String> {
let string = resp.into_string().map_err(|it| format!("Failed to parse response as string: {:?}", it))?;
let data = json::parse(&string)
.map_err(|it| format!("Failed to parse response as json: {:?}", it))?;
if let JsonValue::Array(arr) = &data["packs"] {
Ok(arr.iter().map(|it| it.to_string()).collect())
} else {
Err("Invalid format".to_string())
Add table
Reference in a new issue