Nepbot is the first project I ever made, so be prepared for shitcode! # Building Just run "./gradlew build", the resulting binary will be in build/libs/ and will contain all libraries # Using This bot uses 2 environment variables: BOT_TOKEN: Your bots complete token MONGODB_URL: The URL the bot will use to connect to a mongodb database Setting environment variables is operating system dependent, so search how to do it Your database should be called Nepbot and have 2 collections, one called "Guilds", and one called "Misc" Due to my shitcode, you have to initialize the "Misc" collection with a document, the structure should be this:  Create a file in the same directory as the bot, and create a file called "config.json", it should look something like this ```json { "operator": 12345, "reconnectDelay": 32, "activity": { "type": "watching", "content": "Nepbot be made" }, "uncalledMessages": false } ``` Where: "operator" is your discord id "reconnectDelay" is the maximum number of seconds you want JDA to wait before attempting a reconnect (min 32) "type" is the type of activity ("watching", "playing", "competing", or "listening") "content" is the content of the activity "uncalledMessages" is whether actions in "src/main/kotlin/me/nepnep/nepbot/message/Messages.kt" should be executed Make sure you have java installed, and then run the bot with "java -jar fileName.jar"