From 46ee9faf72d0e512d83ce2070aaae9604c155df3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rr- <>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 19:25:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] server/snapshots: add snapshot lists

---                                        | 59 +++++++++++-
 config.yaml.dist                              | 92 +++++++++----------
 server/szurubooru/api/             |  1 +
 server/szurubooru/api/         | 17 ++++
 server/szurubooru/api/              | 14 +--
 server/szurubooru/api/             | 14 +--
 server/szurubooru/                      |  2 +
 server/szurubooru/func/           | 12 ++-
 server/szurubooru/search/          |  1 +
 .../szurubooru/search/   |  8 +-
 server/szurubooru/search/   | 13 +++
 .../search/          | 20 ++++
 .../tests/api/     | 51 ++++++++++
 13 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 server/szurubooru/api/
 create mode 100644 server/szurubooru/search/
 create mode 100644 server/szurubooru/tests/api/

diff --git a/ b/
index 5e30d55..8cabcd1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
     - Password reset
         - [Password reset - step 1: mail request](#password-reset---step-2-confirmation)
         - [Password reset - step 2: confirmation](#password-reset---step-2-confirmation)
+    - Snapshots
+        - [Listing snapshots](#listing-snapshots)
 3. [Resources](#resources)
@@ -602,8 +604,6 @@ data.
         "pageSize": <page-size>,
         "total":    <total-count>,
         "users": [
-            <user>,
-            <user>,
@@ -861,6 +861,61 @@ data.
     it is recommended to connect through HTTPS.
+## Listing snapshots
+- **Request**
+    `GET /snapshots/?page=<page>&pageSize=<page-size>&query=<query>`
+- **Output**
+    ```json5
+    {
+        "query":    <query>, // same as in input
+        "page":     <page>,  // same as in input
+        "pageSize": <page-size>,
+        "total":    <total-count>,
+        "snapshots": [
+            <snapshot>,
+            <snapshot>,
+            <snapshot>
+        ]
+    }
+    ```
+    ...where `<snapshot>` is a [snapshot resource](#snapshot) and `query`
+    contains standard [search query](#search).
+- **Errors**
+    - privileges are too low
+- **Description**
+    Lists recent resource snapshots.
+    **Anonymous tokens**
+    Not supported.
+    **Named tokens**
+    | `<value>`         | Description                                   |
+    | ----------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+    | `type`            | involving given resource type                 |
+    | `id`              | involving given resource id                   |
+    | `date`            | created at given date                         |
+    | `time`            | alias of `date`                               |
+    | `operation`       | `changed`, `created` or `deleted`             |
+    | `user`            | name of the user that created given snapshot  |
+    **Order tokens**
+    None. The snapshots are always sorted by creation time.
+    **Special tokens**
+    None.
 # Resources
diff --git a/config.yaml.dist b/config.yaml.dist
index 9558220..07126e2 100644
--- a/config.yaml.dist
+++ b/config.yaml.dist
@@ -63,47 +63,47 @@ password_regex: '^.{5,}$'
 user_name_regex: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,32}$'
-    'users:create':            anonymous
-    'users:list':              regular_user
-    'users:view':              regular_user
-    'users:edit:any:name':     mod
-    'users:edit:any:pass':     mod
-    'users:edit:any:email':    mod
-    'users:edit:any:avatar':   mod
-    'users:edit:any:rank':     mod
-    'users:edit:self:name':    regular_user
-    'users:edit:self:pass':    regular_user
-    'users:edit:self:email':   regular_user
-    'users:edit:self:avatar':  regular_user
-    'users:edit:self:rank':    mod # one can't promote themselves or anyone to upper rank than their own.
-    'users:delete:any':        admin
-    'users:delete:self':       regular_user
+    'users:create':                 anonymous
+    'users:list':                   regular_user
+    'users:view':                   regular_user
+    'users:edit:any:name':          mod
+    'users:edit:any:pass':          mod
+    'users:edit:any:email':         mod
+    'users:edit:any:avatar':        mod
+    'users:edit:any:rank':          mod
+    'users:edit:self:name':         regular_user
+    'users:edit:self:pass':         regular_user
+    'users:edit:self:email':        regular_user
+    'users:edit:self:avatar':       regular_user
+    'users:edit:self:rank':         mod # one can't promote themselves or anyone to upper rank than their own.
+    'users:delete:any':             admin
+    'users:delete:self':            regular_user
-    'posts:create:anonymous':  regular_user
-    'posts:create:identified': regular_user
-    'posts:list':              anonymous
-    'posts:view':              anonymous
-    'posts:edit:content':      power_user
-    'posts:edit:flags':        regular_user
-    'posts:edit:notes':        regular_user
-    'posts:edit:relations':    regular_user
-    'posts:edit:safety':       power_user
-    'posts:edit:source':       regular_user
-    'posts:edit:tags':         regular_user
-    'posts:edit:thumbnail':    power_user
-    'posts:feature':           mod
-    'posts:delete':            mod
+    'posts:create:anonymous':       regular_user
+    'posts:create:identified':      regular_user
+    'posts:list':                   anonymous
+    'posts:view':                   anonymous
+    'posts:edit:content':           power_user
+    'posts:edit:flags':             regular_user
+    'posts:edit:notes':             regular_user
+    'posts:edit:relations':         regular_user
+    'posts:edit:safety':            power_user
+    'posts:edit:source':            regular_user
+    'posts:edit:tags':              regular_user
+    'posts:edit:thumbnail':         power_user
+    'posts:feature':                mod
+    'posts:delete':                 mod
-    'tags:create':             regular_user
-    'tags:edit:names':         power_user
-    'tags:edit:category':      power_user
-    'tags:edit:implications':  power_user
-    'tags:edit:suggestions':   power_user
-    'tags:list':               regular_user # note: will be available as data_url/tags.json anyway
-    'tags:view':               anonymous
-    'tags:masstag':            power_user
-    'tags:merge':              mod
-    'tags:delete':             mod
+    'tags:create':                  regular_user
+    'tags:edit:names':              power_user
+    'tags:edit:category':           power_user
+    'tags:edit:implications':       power_user
+    'tags:edit:suggestions':        power_user
+    'tags:list':                    regular_user # note: will be available as data_url/tags.json anyway
+    'tags:view':                    anonymous
+    'tags:masstag':                 power_user
+    'tags:merge':                   mod
+    'tags:delete':                  mod
     'tag_categories:create':        mod
     'tag_categories:edit:name':     mod
@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ privileges:
     'tag_categories:view':          anonymous
     'tag_categories:delete':        mod
-    'comments:create':         regular_user
-    'comments:delete:any':     mod
-    'comments:delete:own':     regular_user
-    'comments:edit:any':       mod
-    'comments:edit:own':       regular_user
-    'comments:list':           regular_user
+    'comments:create':              regular_user
+    'comments:delete:any':          mod
+    'comments:delete:own':          regular_user
+    'comments:edit:any':            mod
+    'comments:edit:own':            regular_user
+    'comments:list':                regular_user
-    'history:view':            power_user
+    'snapshots:list':               power_user
diff --git a/server/szurubooru/api/ b/server/szurubooru/api/
index 5ee5339..c694418 100644
--- a/server/szurubooru/api/
+++ b/server/szurubooru/api/
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ from szurubooru.api.password_reset_api import PasswordResetApi
 from szurubooru.api.user_api import UserListApi, UserDetailApi
 from szurubooru.api.tag_api import TagListApi, TagDetailApi, TagMergeApi, TagSiblingsApi
 from szurubooru.api.tag_category_api import TagCategoryListApi, TagCategoryDetailApi
+from szurubooru.api.snapshot_api import SnapshotListApi
 from szurubooru.api.context import Context, Request
diff --git a/server/szurubooru/api/ b/server/szurubooru/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec51de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/szurubooru/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from szurubooru import search
+from szurubooru.api.base_api import BaseApi
+from szurubooru.func import auth, snapshots
+def _serialize_snapshot(snapshot):
+    earlier_snapshot = snapshots.get_previous_snapshot(snapshot)
+    return snapshots.serialize_snapshot(snapshot, earlier_snapshot)
+class SnapshotListApi(BaseApi):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        self._search_executor = search.SearchExecutor(search.SnapshotSearchConfig())
+    def get(self, ctx):
+        auth.verify_privilege(ctx.user, 'snapshots:list')
+        return self._search_executor.execute_and_serialize(
+            ctx, _serialize_snapshot, 'snapshots')
diff --git a/server/szurubooru/api/ b/server/szurubooru/api/
index 748cc0b..98227bd 100644
--- a/server/szurubooru/api/
+++ b/server/szurubooru/api/
@@ -28,18 +28,8 @@ class TagListApi(BaseApi):
     def get(self, ctx):
         auth.verify_privilege(ctx.user, 'tags:list')
-        query = ctx.get_param_as_string('query')
-        page = ctx.get_param_as_int('page', default=1, min=1)
-        page_size = ctx.get_param_as_int(
-            'pageSize', default=100, min=1, max=100)
-        count, tag_list = self._search_executor.execute(query, page, page_size)
-        return {
-            'query': query,
-            'page': page,
-            'pageSize': page_size,
-            'total': count,
-            'tags': [_serialize_tag(tag) for tag in tag_list],
-        }
+        return self._search_executor.execute_and_serialize(
+            ctx, _serialize_tag, 'tags')
     def post(self, ctx):
         auth.verify_privilege(ctx.user, 'tags:create')
diff --git a/server/szurubooru/api/ b/server/szurubooru/api/
index f035ad1..d1ee389 100644
--- a/server/szurubooru/api/
+++ b/server/szurubooru/api/
@@ -35,18 +35,8 @@ class UserListApi(BaseApi):
     def get(self, ctx):
         auth.verify_privilege(ctx.user, 'users:list')
-        query = ctx.get_param_as_string('query')
-        page = ctx.get_param_as_int('page', default=1, min=1)
-        page_size = ctx.get_param_as_int(
-            'pageSize', default=100, min=1, max=100)
-        count, user_list = self._search_executor.execute(query, page, page_size)
-        return {
-            'query': query,
-            'page': page,
-            'pageSize': page_size,
-            'total': count,
-            'users': [_serialize_user(ctx.user, user) for user in user_list],
-        }
+        return self._search_executor.execute_and_serialize(
+            ctx, lambda user: _serialize_user(ctx.user, user), 'users')
     def post(self, ctx):
         auth.verify_privilege(ctx.user, 'users:create')
diff --git a/server/szurubooru/ b/server/szurubooru/
index b10e53d..8a5f902 100644
--- a/server/szurubooru/
+++ b/server/szurubooru/
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ def create_app():
     tag_merge_api = api.TagMergeApi()
     tag_siblings_api = api.TagSiblingsApi()
     password_reset_api = api.PasswordResetApi()
+    snapshot_list_api = api.SnapshotListApi()
     app.add_error_handler(errors.AuthError, _on_auth_error)
     app.add_error_handler(errors.IntegrityError, _on_integrity_error)
@@ -73,5 +74,6 @@ def create_app():
     app.add_route('/tag-merge/', tag_merge_api)
     app.add_route('/tag-siblings/{tag_name}', tag_siblings_api)
     app.add_route('/password-reset/{user_name}', password_reset_api)
+    app.add_route('/snapshots/', snapshot_list_api)
     return app
diff --git a/server/szurubooru/func/ b/server/szurubooru/func/
index 100f823..3caf8cd 100644
--- a/server/szurubooru/func/
+++ b/server/szurubooru/func/
@@ -43,6 +43,16 @@ def get_resource_info(entity):
     return (resource_type, resource_id, resource_repr)
+def get_previous_snapshot(snapshot):
+    return db.session \
+        .query(db.Snapshot) \
+        .filter(db.Snapshot.resource_type == snapshot.resource_type) \
+        .filter(db.Snapshot.resource_id == snapshot.resource_id) \
+        .filter(db.Snapshot.creation_time < snapshot.creation_time) \
+        .order_by(db.Snapshot.creation_time.desc()) \
+        .limit(1) \
+        .first()
 def get_snapshots(entity):
     resource_type, resource_id, _ = get_resource_info(entity)
     return db.session \
@@ -57,7 +67,7 @@ def serialize_snapshot(snapshot, earlier_snapshot):
         'operation': snapshot.operation,
         'type': snapshot.resource_type,
         'id': snapshot.resource_repr,
-        'user':,
+        'user': if snapshot.user else None,
         'earlier-data': if earlier_snapshot else None,
         'time': snapshot.creation_time,
diff --git a/server/szurubooru/search/ b/server/szurubooru/search/
index 1f913cc..a6c6e7f 100644
--- a/server/szurubooru/search/
+++ b/server/szurubooru/search/
@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@
 from import SearchExecutor
 from import UserSearchConfig
+from import SnapshotSearchConfig
 from import TagSearchConfig
diff --git a/server/szurubooru/search/ b/server/szurubooru/search/
index 5a4c2ab..fcfdfe3 100644
--- a/server/szurubooru/search/
+++ b/server/szurubooru/search/
@@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ class BaseSearchConfig(object):
     def anonymous_filter(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        return None
     def special_filters(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        return {}
     def named_filters(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        return {}
     def order_columns(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        return {}
     def _apply_num_criterion_to_column(column, criterion):
diff --git a/server/szurubooru/search/ b/server/szurubooru/search/
index 73d32af..b72d61c 100644
--- a/server/szurubooru/search/
+++ b/server/szurubooru/search/
@@ -28,6 +28,19 @@ class SearchExecutor(object):
         return (count, entities)
+    def execute_and_serialize(self, ctx, serializer, key_name):
+        query = ctx.get_param_as_string('query')
+        page = ctx.get_param_as_int('page', default=1, min=1)
+        page_size = ctx.get_param_as_int('pageSize', default=100, min=1, max=100)
+        count, entities = self.execute(query, page, page_size)
+        return {
+            'query': query,
+            'page': page,
+            'pageSize': page_size,
+            'total': count,
+            key_name: [serializer(entity) for entity in entities],
+        }
     def _prepare(self, query_text):
         ''' Parse input and return SQLAlchemy query. '''
         query = self._search_config.create_query() \
diff --git a/server/szurubooru/search/ b/server/szurubooru/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4136766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/szurubooru/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from szurubooru import db
+from import BaseSearchConfig
+class SnapshotSearchConfig(BaseSearchConfig):
+    def create_query(self):
+        return db.session.query(db.Snapshot)
+    def finalize_query(self, query):
+        return query.order_by(db.Snapshot.creation_time.desc())
+    @property
+    def named_filters(self):
+        return {
+            'type': self._create_str_filter(db.Snapshot.resource_type),
+            'id': self._create_str_filter(db.Snapshot.resource_repr),
+            'date': self._create_date_filter(db.Snapshot.creation_time),
+            'time': self._create_str_filter(db.Snapshot.creation_time),
+            'operation': self._create_str_filter(db.Snapshot.operation),
+            'user': self._create_str_filter(,
+        }
diff --git a/server/szurubooru/tests/api/ b/server/szurubooru/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6b4367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/szurubooru/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import datetime
+import pytest
+from szurubooru import api, db, errors
+from szurubooru.func import util, tags
+def snapshot_factory():
+    snapshot = db.Snapshot()
+    snapshot.creation_time = datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 1)
+    snapshot.resource_type = 'dummy'
+    snapshot.resource_id = 1
+    snapshot.resource_repr = 'dummy'
+    snapshot.operation = 'added'
+ = '{}'
+    return snapshot
+def test_ctx(context_factory, config_injector, user_factory):
+    config_injector({
+        'privileges': {
+            'snapshots:list': 'regular_user',
+        },
+        'thumbnails': {'avatar_width': 200},
+        'ranks': ['anonymous', 'regular_user', 'mod', 'admin'],
+        'rank_names': {'regular_user': 'Peasant'},
+    })
+    ret = util.dotdict()
+    ret.context_factory = context_factory
+    ret.user_factory = user_factory
+    ret.api = api.SnapshotListApi()
+    return ret
+def test_retrieving_multiple(test_ctx):
+    snapshot1 = snapshot_factory()
+    snapshot2 = snapshot_factory()
+    db.session.add_all([snapshot1, snapshot2])
+    result = test_ctx.api.get(
+        test_ctx.context_factory(
+            input={'query': '', 'page': 1},
+            user=test_ctx.user_factory(rank='regular_user')))
+    assert result['query'] == ''
+    assert result['page'] == 1
+    assert result['pageSize'] == 100
+    assert result['total'] == 2
+    assert len(result['snapshots']) == 2
+def test_trying_to_retrieve_multiple_without_privileges(test_ctx):
+    with pytest.raises(errors.AuthError):
+        test_ctx.api.get(
+            test_ctx.context_factory(
+                input={'query': '', 'page': 1},
+                user=test_ctx.user_factory(rank='anonymous')))