snuffster 510aafa6c9
Some checks failed
Build Docker containers / Build and push client/ Docker container (push) Has been cancelled
Build Docker containers / Build and push server/ Docker container (push) Has been cancelled
Run unit tests / Run pytest for server/ (push) Has been cancelled
update source code link
2024-10-22 21:22:18 -07:00

7 lines
544 B

<li><%- ctx.postCount %> posts</li><span class='sep'>
</span><li><%= ctx.makeFileSize(ctx.diskUsage) %></li><span class='sep'>
</span><li>Build <a class='version' href=''><%- ctx.version %></a><%- ctx.isDevelopmentMode ? " (DEV MODE)" : "" %> from <%= ctx.makeRelativeTime(ctx.buildDate) %></li><span class='sep'>
</span><% if (ctx.canListSnapshots) { %><li><a href='<%- ctx.formatClientLink('history') %>'>History</a></li><span class='sep'>
</span><% } %>